
发布时间:2014-08-07 01:05:33


Some of the terms used in describing modern experimentation (see Table L.L) are unique, clearly defined, and consistently used; others are blurred and inconsistently used. The common attribute in all experiments is control of treatment(though control can take many different forms). So Mosteller (1990, p. 225)writes, "fnan experiment the investigator controls the application of the treatment"l and Yaremko, Harari, Harrison, and Lynn (1,986, p.72) write, "one or more independent variables are manipulated to observe their effects on one or more dependent variables." However, over time many different experimental subtypes have developed in response to the needs and histories of different sciences ('Winston, 1990; 'Winston 6c Blais, 1.996\.

Randomized Experiment

The most clearly described variant is the randomized experiment, widely credited to Sir Ronald Fisher (1,925,1926).It was first used in agriculture but later spread to other topic areas because it promised control over extraneous sources of variation without requiring the physical isolation of the laboratory. Its distinguishing feature is clear and important-that the various treatments being contrasted (including no treatment at all) are assigned to experimental units' by chance, for example, by coin toss or use of a table of random numbers. If implemented correctlS ,"rdo- assignment creates two or more groups of units that are probabilistically similar to .".h other on the average.6 Hence, any outcome differences that are observed between those groups at the end,of a study are likely to be due to treatment' not to differences between the groups that already existed at the start of the study. Further, when certain assumptions are met, the randomized experiment yields an estimate of the size of a treatment effect that has desirable statistical properties'

along with estimates of the probability that the true effect falls within a defined

confidence interval. These features of experiments are so highly prized that in a

research area such as medicine the randomized experiment is often referred to as

the gold standard for treatment outcome research.'

Closely related to the randomized experiment is a more ambiguous and inconsistently used term, true experiment. Some authors use it synonymously with randomized experiment (Rosenthal & Rosnow, 1991'). Others use it more generally to refer to any study in which an independent variable is deliberately manipulated (Yaremko et al., 1,9861and a dependent variable is assessed. 'We shall not use the term at all given its ambiguity and given that the modifier true seems to imply restricted claims to a single correct experimental method.


Much of this book focuses on a class of designs that Campbell and Stanley (1,963) popularized as quasi-experiments.s Quasi-experiments share with all otherexperiments a similar purpose-to test descriptive causal hypotheses about manipulable causes-as well as many structural details, such as the frequent presence of control groups and pretest measures, to support a counterfactual inference about what would have happened in the absence of treatment. But, by definition, quasiexperiments lack random assignment. Assignment to conditions is by means of selfselection, by which units choose treatment for themselves, or by means of administrator selection, by which teachers, bureaucrats, legislators, therapists, physicians,or others decide which persons should get which treatment. Howeveq researchers who use quasi-experiments may still have considerable control over selecting and scheduling measures, over how nonrandom assignment is executed, over the kinds of comparison groups with which treatment,groups are compared, and over some aspects of how treatment is scheduled. As Campbell and Stanley note:

There are many natural social settings in which the research person can introduce something like experimental design into his scheduling of data collection procedures (e.g., the uhen and to whom of measurement), even though he lacks the full control over the scheduling of experimental stimuli (the when and to wltom of exposure and the ability to randomize exposures) which makes a true experiment possible. Collectively, such situations can be regarded as quasi-experimental designs. (Campbell & StanleS 1,963, p. 34)

In quasi-experiments, the cause is manipulable and occurs before the effect is measured. However, quasi-experimental design features usually create less compelling support for counterfactual inferences. For example, quasi-experimental control groups may differ from the treatment condition in many systematic (nonrandom) ways other than the presence of the treatment Many of these ways could be alternative explanations for the observed effect, and so researchers have to worry about ruling them out in order to get a more valid estimate of the treatment effect. By contrast, with random assignment the researcher does not have to think as much about all these alternative explanations. If correctly done, random assignment makes most of the alternatives less likely as causes of the observed treatment effect at the start of the study.

In quasi-experiments, the researcher has to enumerate alternative explanations one by one, decide which are plausible, and then use logic, design, and measurement to assess whether each one is operating in a way that might explain any observed effect. The difficulties are that these alternative explanations are never completely enumerable in advance, that some of them are particular to the context being studied, and that the methods needed to eliminate them from contention will vary from alternative to alternative and from study to study. For example, suppose two nonrandomly formed groups of children are studied, a volunteer treatment group that gets a new reading program and a control group of nonvolunteers who do not get it. If the treatment group does better, is it because of treatment or because the cognitive development of the volunteers was increasing more rapidly even before treatment began? (In a randomized experiment, maturation rates would have been probabilistically equal in both groups.) To assess this alternative, the researcher might add multiple pretests to reveal maturational trend before the treatment, and then compare that trend with the trend after treatment.

Another alternative explanation might be that the nonrandom control group included more disadvantaged children who had less access to books in their homes or who had parents who read to them less often. (In a randomized experiment' both groups would have had similar proportions of such children.) To assess this alternativi, the experimenter may measure the number of books at home, parental time spent readingto children, and perhaps trips to libraries. Then the researcher would see if these variables differed across treatment and control groups in the hypothesized direction that could explain the observed treatment effect. Obviously, as the number of plausible alternative explapations increases, the design of the quasi-. experiment becomes more intellectually demanding and complex---especially because we are never certain we have identified all the alternative explanations. The efforts of the quasi-experimenter start to look like affempts to bandage a wound that would have been less severe if random assignment had been used initially.

The ruling out of alternative hypotheses is closely related to a falsificationist logic popularized by Popper (1959). Popper noted how hard it is to be sure that ag*.r"t conclusion (e.g., ,ll r*"ttr are white) is correct based on a limited set of observations (e.g., all the swans I've seen were white). After all, future observations may change (e.g., some day I may see a black swan). So confirmation is logically difficult. By contrast, observing a disconfirming instance (e.g., a black swan) is sufficient, in Popper's view, to falsify the general conclusion that all swans are white. Accordingly, nopper urged scientists to try deliberately to falsify the conclusions they wiih to draw rather than only to seek information corroborating them. Conciusions that withstand falsification are retained in scientific books or journals and treated as plausible until better evidence comes along. Quasiexperimentation is falsificationist in that it requires experimenters to identify a causal claim and then to generate and examine plausible alternative explanations that might falsify the claim.

However, such falsification can never be as definitive as Popper hoped. Kuhn (7962) pointed out that falsification depends on two assumptions that can never be fully tested. The first is that the causal claim is perfectly specified. But that is never ih. ."r.. So many features of both the claim and the test of the claim are debatable-for example, which outcome is of interest, how it is measured, the conditions of treatment, who needs treatment, and all the many other decisions that researchers must make in testing causal relationships. As a result, disconfirmation often leads theorists to respecify part of their causal theories. For example, they might now specify novel conditions that must hold for their theory to beirue and that were derived from the apparently disconfirming observations. Second, falsification requires measures that are perfectly valid reflections of the theory being tested. However, most philosophers maintain that all observation is theorv-laden. It is laden both with intellectual nuances specific to the partially unique scientific understandings of the theory held by the individual or group devising the test and also with the experimenters' extrascientific wishes, hopes,aspirations, and broadly shared cultural assumptions and understandings. If measures are not independent of theories, how can they provide independent theory tests, including tests of causal theories? If the possibility of theory-neutral observations is denied, with them disappears the possibility of definitive knowledge both of what seems to confirm a causal claim and of what seems to disconfirm it.

Nonetheless, a fallibilist version of falsification is possible. It argues that studies of causal hypotheses can still usefully improve understanding of general trends despite ignorance of all the contingencies that might pertain to those trends. It argues that causal studies are useful even if w0 have to respecify the initial hypothesis repeatedly to accommodate new contingencies and new understandings. After all, those respecifications are usually minor in scope; they rarely involve wholesale overthrowing of general trends in favor of completely opposite trends.Fallibilist falsification also assumes that theory-neutral observation is impossible but that observations can approach a more factlike status when they have been repeatedly made across different theoretical conceptions of a construct, across multiple kinds of measurements, and at multiple times. It also assumes that observations are imbued with multiple theories, not iust one, and that different operational procedures do not share the same multiple theories. As a result, observations that repeatedly occur despite different theories being built into them have a special factlike status even if they can never be fully justified as completely theory-neutral facts. In summary, then, fallible falsification is more than just seeing whether observations disconfirm a prediction. It involves discovering and judging the worth of ancillary assumptions about the restricted specificity of the causal hypothesis under test and also about the heterogeneity of theories, viewpoints, settings, and times built into the measures of the cause and effect and of any contingencies modifying their relationship.

It is neither feasible nor desirable to rule out all possible alternative interpretarions of a causal relationship. Instead, only plausible alternatives constitute the major focus. This serves partly to keep matters tractable because the number of possible alternatives is endless. It also recognizes that many alternatives have no serious empirical or experiential support and so do not warrant special attention.However, the lack of support can sometimes be deceiving. For example, the cause of stomach ulcers was long thought to be a combination of lifestyle (e.g., stress) and excess acid production. Few scientists seriously thought that ulcers were caused by a pathogen (e.g., virus, germ, bacteria) because it was assumed that an acid-filled stomach would destroy all living organisms. However, in L982 Australian researchers Barry Marshall and Robin 'Warren discovered spiral-shaped bacteria, later name d Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), in ulcer patients' stomachs.rilfith this discovery, the previously possible but implausible became plausible. By"1994, a U.S. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference concluded that H. pylori was the major cause of most peptic ulcers. So labeling ri-val hypotheses as plausible depends not just on what is logically possible but on social consensus, shared experience and, empirical data.

Because such factors are often context specific, different substantive areas develop their own lore about which alternatives are important enough to need to be controlled, even developing their own methods for doing so. In early psychologg for example, a control group with pretest observations was invented to control for the plausible alternative explanation that, by giving practice in answering test content, pretests would produce gains in performance even in the absence of a treatment effect (Coover 6c Angell, 1907). Thus the focus on plausibility is a two-edged sword: it reduces the range of alternatives to be considered in quasi-experimental work, yet it also leaves the resulting causal inference vulnerable to the discovery that an implausible-seeming alternative may later emerge as a likely causal agent.

Natural Experiment

The term natural experiment describes a naturally-occurring contrast between a treatment and a comparison condition (Fagan, 1990; Meyer, 1995;Zeisel,1,973l. Often the treatments are not even potentially manipulable, as when researchers retrospectively examined whether earthquakes in California caused drops in property values (Brunette, 1.995; Murdoch, Singh, 6c Thayer, 1993). Yet plausible causal inferences about the effects of earthquakes are easy to construct and defend. After all, the earthquakes occurred before the observations on property values, and it is easy to see whether earthquakes are related to properfy values. A useful source of counterfactual inference can be constructed by examining property values in the same locale before the earthquake or by studying similar locales that did not experience an earthquake during the bame time. If property values dropped right after the earthquake in the earthquake condition but not in the comparison condition, it is difficult to find an alternative explanation for that drop.

Natural experiments have recently gained a high profile in economics. Before the 1990s economists had great faith in their ability to produce valid causal inferences through statistical adjustments for initial nonequivalence between treatment and control groups. But two studies on the effects of job training programs showed that those adjustments produced estimates that were not close to those generated from a randomized experiment and were unstable across tests of the model's sensitivity (Fraker 6c Maynard, 1,987; Lalonde, 1986). Hence, in their search for alternative methods, many economists came to do natural experiments, such as the economic study of the effects that occurred in the Miami job market when many prisoners were released from Cuban jails and allowed to come to the United States (Card, 1990). They assume that the release of prisoners (or the timing of an earthquake) is independent of the ongoing processes that usually affect unemployment rates (or housing values). Later we explore the validity of this assumption-of its desirability there can be little question.

Nonexperimental Designs

The terms correlational design, passive observational design, and nonexperimental design refer to situations in which a presumed cause and effect are identified and measured but in which other structural features of experiments are missing. Random assignment is not part of the design, nor are such design elements as pretests and control groups from which researchers might construct a useful counterfactual inference. Instead, reliance is placed on measuring alternative explanations individually and then statistically controlling for them. In cross-sectional studies in which all the data are gathered on the respondents at one time, the researcher may not even know if the cause precedes the dffect. When these studies are used for causal purposes, the missing design features can be problematic unless much is already known about which alternative interpretations are plausible, unless those that are plausible can be validly measured, and unless the substantive model used for statistical adjustment is well-specified. These are difficult conditions to meet in the real world of research practice, and therefore many commentators doubt the potential of such designs to support strong causal inferences in most cases.


The strength of experimentation is its ability to illuminate causal inference. The weakness of experimentation is doubt about the extent to which that causal relationship generalizes. 'We hope that an innovative feature of this book is its focus on generalization. Here we introduce the general issues that are expanded in later chapters.

