发布时间:2020-11-27 15:43:55


【摘要】本文对使用频率很高的on upon 的差异加以梳理, 旨在使学习者能对它们的用法有较为系统和全面的认识


在英语中,on/upon 的差异有3种情况:可换用;只用on;只用upon



We lived on the third floor of this building.我们住在三楼。

I could feel the wind blowing on my face from the window。我能感觉到风从开着的窗子吹到我的脸上。


He impressed on/upon me the importance of the work.他对我强调这项工作的重要性。

They imposed a fine of fifty dollars on/upon the careless driver.他们对那为粗心的司机罚款50美元。


On/Upon your departure, give your key to the desk clerk.离开时,你把钥匙交给服务台的工作人员。

On/upon arriving Pittsburg, Richard was met by some friends。一到匹兹堡,就有几个朋友迎接他。


She always bases her opinion on/upon the facts.她的意见都是以事实为依据的。

He concentrated himself on/upon his work and on/upon how to save time.他集中精力于工作和如何节省时间上。

His success here depends on/upon effort and ability.他的成功靠的是努力和能力。

He insisted on/upon her staying in London.他坚持呆在伦敦。

We completely depend on/upon your help.我们全靠你的帮助。



Ill lend you some money if you dont have any money on you。如果你身上没带钱,我就给你借一些。

Have you a match on you? 你身上带火柴了吗?


We leave for our holiday on Friday. 我们礼拜五去度假。


You must act on the lawyers advice.你必须按照律师的忠告去行事。

They were arrested on/ a charge of housebreaking。由于被指控侵入私宅,他们被抓了。

4、与rightlefteast westnorthsouth 等表方位和方向的词连用时。例如:

The boundaries of the United States are Canada on the north, Mexico on the south, the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Pacific Ocean on the west.美国大陆的边界,北面是加拿大,南面是墨西哥,东面是大西洋,西面是太平洋。


Mr.Jackson is on our Foreign Affairs committee.杰克逊先生是外事位员会的成员。

Who is on the jury?谁是陪审团的成员?


on account (分期付款) /on a diet (在节食)/on approval(允许退货)/on the average(平均地)/on behalf of (代表)/on board (在船上)/on business(因公办事)/on fire(起火)/on duty(上班)/on end(连续地)/on foot(步行)/on guard(警戒,站岗)/ on holiday(度假)/on leave(休假)/on impulse(冲动地)/on ones knees(跪着)/on ones feet(站着)/on end(连续地)/on principles(原则上)/on purpose(专门地)/on schedule(准时地)/on show(在演出)/on strike(罢工)/on sale(削价出售)/on the air(在播出)on the contrary(相反地)/on the edge of (濒临,几乎,就要)/on the go(忙碌)/ on the march (在行进中)/on the move(早移动中)/on the one hand, on the other hand(一方面,另一方面) /on the point of (正要)/on the rise(在上升)/on the run (奔忙)/on the spot(在现场)/on the way(在路上)/on the whole(总体上)/on time(准时)/on arrival (一到达)/on vacation(在度假)/put on airs(摆架子)/and so on(等等)/come on(快点儿)/get on(相处)/keep on(继续)/bring on(携带)/carry on (执行)/go on (继续)/look on (呈现)/later on(以后)/switch on(接通)/on ones uppers(贫困潦倒)/on the breadline(极其贫困)/ on the ball(机警地)/on the bum(过流浪生活)/on the dot(准时地)/on the carpet(受训斥)/on the fence(骑墙态度,保持中立)/on the rocks(触礁,濒于破裂)/on a……scale (……的规模)/on this account(由于)/act on(……行事)on no account/(绝不)on the sly(偷偷地)/congratulate on(祝贺)/ insist on(坚持)



There are enough chairs for each one to sit down.椅子够了人人可坐。

The report is not to be depended upon.这个报告不可靠。

They didnt have enough to live upon.他们没有足够的钱来维持生活。

They have no evidence to go upon.他们没有凭借的证据。

I know he wasnt to be depended upon.我知道他靠不住。

2、在下列习语中,只用upon而不用on. 例如:

(1)be upon (one) 逼近,临近

The enemy was upon us.敌人已经逼近我们。

The Christmas holiday will soon be upon us.圣诞节假日立马到了。

(2)once upon a time从前……(故事开头用语)

Once a upon a time there were three bears.从前有三头熊。

Once a upon a time there was a wife who.…….从前有一位夫人……


The wood land stretched for mile upon mile。草地蜿蜒伸展开好多英里。

He piled book upon book.他把书堆得好高。

The old houses fell down row upon row in the wild waters.那些老房子在洪水中一排排地倒下。

(4)upon my word我的老天(表示惊奇的用语,稍陈旧)

“Upon my word” her farther exclaimed“I had no idea how obstinate you are”“我的天啊,他的父亲叫起来,我就不懂你为啥这么犟呢? ”

Upon my wordI have never heard of such a thing。我的老天爷,我可从没听过这样的事情。

