
发布时间:2011-10-22 11:21:56


江苏省江都市昌松中学 佴启龙


[展厅一] 主语型汉语式英语病句

() 花费的动词用错主语

[] 他花五元钱买了一本字典。

[] He cost five yuan to buy a dictionary.

[] It cost him five yuan to buy a dictionary. The dictionary cost him five yuan.

[] cost表花费金钱时,其主语通常为it或物,而不能受汉语习惯影响,将误用为主语。表花费金钱和时间的动词较多,其主语也各不相同,常容易混淆,考生应牢记。

() 发生的动词用错主语

[1] 近来我们村发生了很大变化。

[] Recently our village has taken place great changes.

[] Recently great changes have taken place in our village.

[2] 上周日那家工厂发生了火灾。

[] That factory broke out a fire last Sunday.

[] A fire broke out in that factory last Sunday.

[3] 今天我们学校发生了一件奇怪的事。

[] Our school happened a strange thing.

[] Today a strange thing happened in our school.

[] 考生们在使用take place, happen, break out等表发生的动词时易受汉语习惯影响,误将事件发生的地点作主语,其实使用这些动词时均应把发生的具体事件作主语。

() 将某些抽象概念误作主语

[1] 我们这儿乘汽车便利。

[] Taking a bus is easy here.

[] It is easy for us to take a bus here.

[2] 上课讲话是错误的。

[] Speaking in class is wrong.

[] It is wrong to speak in class.

[3] 参加这次会议非常重要。

[] To attend this meeting is important.

[] It is important to attend this meeting.

[] 将抽象概念误作主语,通常出现在从事某种活动具有某种特点句型中,表达这些含义时应用it作形式主语,使用Itisadj./n.to do /doing sth.句型。

[展厅二] 宾语型汉语式英语病句

[1] 老师表扬了李平在英语学习上取得的迅速进步。

[] Mr Li praised Li Ping’s rapid progress in English study.

[] Mr Li praised Li Ping for his rapid progress in English study.

[2] 魏芳上课迟到受到爸爸的批评。

[] Wei Fang’s father scolded her coming late to school.

[] Wei Fang’s father scolded her for her coming late to school.

[] 在表扬或批评某人时,学生们易受汉语习惯影响将受表扬或批评的原因误作宾语,其实受表扬或批评的应是人而不是原因。

[展厅三] 表语型汉语式英语病句

() 将定语误作表语造成表语错[

[1] 他的朋友少。

[] His friends are few.

[] He has few friends.

[2] 他的教学方法多样。

[] His teaching methods are many.

[] He has many teaching methods.

[3] 他的热度高。(他发高烧。)

[] His fever is high.

[] He has a high fever.

[] 当表语表多、少、高、低时,考生们易受汉语习惯影响,将表多、少、高、低的形容词误作表语,其实分析这些句子的逻辑性,不难发现表多、少、高、低的形容词不能作表语,即不能使用/is /are many /few / high /low句型,而应作定语,使用/has /have many /few /high /low+名词句型。

() 误用表语造成表语错误

[1] 中国人口多。

[] The population of China is many.

[] The population of China is large.

[2] 这台电脑很贵。

[] The price of the computer is expensive.

[] The price of the computer is high.

[] 考生们在用number, population, amount, salary, audience等词作主语时不应受汉语习惯影响,用表示多与少的形容词作表语,而应分析句子逻辑性,用large, small作表语。在用price作主语时,不应受汉语习惯影响用expensive/cheap作表语,而应用high/low作表语。

[展厅四] 谓语型汉语式英语病句

() 多用动词造成谓语错误

[1] 来自于北京大学的教授明天将给我们作报告。

[] Professor Li comes from Beijing University will give us a lecture tomorrow.

[] Professor Li from Beijing University will give us a lecture tomorrow.

[2] 我们班有二十个学生到过北京。

[] There are twenty students in our class have been to Beijing.

[] Twenty students in our class have been to Beijing.

[3] 站在那儿的学生是我兄弟。

[] The student is standing there is my brother.

[] The student standing there is my brother.

[] 有些句子在表达时考生们易受汉语习惯影响使用双谓语甚至多谓语错误句型,考生们必须加强意识,确保表达时只使用一个动词作谓语。

() 缺动词造成谓语错误

1. be造成谓语错误

[1] 我不能确信何时出发。

[] I can’t sure when to start.

[] I can’t be sure when to start.

[2] 明年他将能够用英语写论文。

[] He will able to write articles in English next year.

[] He will be able to write articles in English next year.

[] 任何一个完整的句子都必须有谓语,考生们在使用be动词作谓语句型时容易误将形容词作动词使用,出现缺be动词病句。

2. 其它词类误用作谓语造成谓语错误

[1] 我明天将乘汽车去北京。

[] I will by bus to Beijing tomorrow.

[] I’ll go to Beijing by bus tomorrow.

[2] 这幢楼房像一所学校。

[] This building likes a school.

[] This building looks/is like a school.

[] 在英语中,动词作谓语,作谓语的也只能是动作,考生们在写书面表达时,一定不能受汉语习语影响,将其它词类误用作谓语。

[展厅五] 表格式错误表达法

不少人物介绍式书面表达的材料是以表格的形式给出的,很多同学易受汉语习惯影响机械地将表格前一格作主语,表格后一格作谓语和宾语,造成了不合英语表达习惯的表格式错误 表达法,请看下面一则表格式书面表达部分内容:


His name is Li Ping. His sex is boy. His age is 25. His work is a teacher. His tall is 170 centimeters. His health is good. His like is collecting stamps and having sports.

这个表达结果真是机械呆板不合常理,读后令人捧腹大笑。读完该表格内容,认真思考一下我们可以表达如下:Li Ping is a teacher. He is twenty-five years old. He is 170 centimeters tall and in good health. He likes to collect stamps and have sports in his spare time.

联系地址:江苏省江都市昌松世纪华联 佴启龙

工作单位:江苏省江都市昌松中学 笔名:方群

职称:中学英语高级教师 邮政编码:225216

E-mail: naiqilong@yahoo.com.cn 联系电话:138********

QQ280884928 中国建行卡号:4367 4213 3309 0061 511


