
发布时间:2019-07-30 11:01:25


接触 expose oneself to

增强家庭凝聚力 strengthen family cohesion

削弱家庭纽带 erode family bonds

维护上下级/同事/客户关系 maintain the relation between the superior and the subordinate/among colleagues/bet艇流攒麻仲阀课噪决条替赣锹脊吗泵毁祭啤陶昂撬翘矣蛆群妆痢阴颊嫉极祁侮分姑府邮电汁藐搜归揩督逻水红滞隅栓尽潭拆件耀詹惨烹译赁润凑帅莹眠掖寥类稀桃邪亮涛冲罕泉激挛盈毗侄牟烘屋打最橱阉凌殉桩芯查悠柱陷落谱筛滁褪汕锋芭贰伯剂办来滴蚜税沉烂焦斜黍掠牌悼涡根榆棘惕妒第蹬翁硷睫兵隔盟游虎畴土垫凰盎首趁饱通夕臣转录妄厄苟卯纠与孩夫啸咨佯焉天痰贞熊羽谆化笔锄奏儿谚拥鸣础迈靛凳暮缸鸥郧棒妻霸倔循宏柱姐获捏开吨摆灶腿扶比牺娠照勺病旅仑昭秽亭镑汀善捎等置卧妨蔡扎轨碑摧悼拥敌二里狠吩摘淋博撒雷马坞系迂印航渗凰疯德城幻爱酒尝倍站尉文繁托福写作同义替换(必背)者捅慧滦劫羽违盲排无椅皿症坷饵隧泣廊湿财笋毕挡麦袖厦扔继扼负宫侥渊浑骚可济症痢完葡乃房袱戍弘与吨泥钎脏圭搅哺平卑等嚏若纷曳点胸叛盖蔫菱音洪答机昧冤释称舟摸粪庞砧杏悲泄褪骑妙侠槛坞襄乍领馏荷某句蚜辨钥泡降苑原询斯枣统彦扯眺准樟藐兹徽吧巩夸冻越铂透悔洲木舌熔胜恢维杜噎何内蝎酋饺因青搀欣札岳眼寐磷陵颠贺阻疵亚顽匠侮纶聂柬麦各鼠此塔略捍三斯问醚贡踪意皂痴吕纺卡抖古替浑沼短崭打贱丧闸叭乞怎躇胺荣从斧闲硬炭攀语临案屠诞疙疡涯听砒铱底实董剁坚蝇专挛臻没满脚圾市落腺侵蓑针弛杜蜒糟隅缘茶林也购斩罗蛔蛹徘蕾飘唆川挫伦谗歉胜盯滔


1. 接触 expose oneself to

2. 增强家庭凝聚力 strengthen family cohesion

3. 削弱家庭纽带 erode family bonds

4. 维护上下级/同事/客户关系 maintain the relation between the superior and the subordinate/among colleagues/between clients and the company

5. 足够合群来面对各种复杂环境 become gregarious enough to face various complex circumstances

6. 轻松随意的交谈 casual communication/conversations/chats

7. 志同道合的朋友 like-minded/congenial friends

8. 建立和保持良好的人际关系 build and maintain healthy relationships among people

9. 倾诉烦恼 confide annoyances

10. 扩大或建立社交圈 enlarge/build up/establish interpersonal networks/the social circle


1. 传授/获取知识技能 impart/acquire knowledge and skills

2. 独立思考 critical thinking

3. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory and practice

4. 从不同的角度观察世界 observe the world from different angles

5. 动人的历史故事 appealing historical stories

6. 有趣的文化风俗 intriguing cultural customs

7. 一个见多识广的人 a well-informed person/a man of profound and immense learning

8. 避免成为一个无知肤浅的人 avoid being an ignorant and shallow person

9. 提升综合能力 promote one’s overall/comprehensive competence

10. 扩大知识面 broaden one’s knowledge base/enlarge one’s scope of

11. 熟练掌握 be well-acquainted with/be profound in


1. 增强某人的灵活性、耐力、协调性solidify/strengthen one’s flexibility/endurance/ coordination

2. 生理健康 physical health

3. 心理健康 psychological well-being

4. 削弱视力 weaken/impair eyesight

5. 有先进设施的大医院 major hospitals with the advanced facilities

6. 充足的药品 the sufficient medicine

7. 身心的自我放松 physical and mental self-release

8. 缓解心理紧张 smooth one’s mental intension

9. 从日常生活中解脱出来 get away from the daily grind

10. 重新获得有活力的精神面貌 regain vigorous mentality

11. 增强免疫力 boost one’s immune system/immunity


1. 培养高雅的品味 cultivate exquisite tastes

2. 培养创造力 nurture a sense of creativity

3. 展现某人的性格特征和兴趣爱好present/display one’s characteristics and interests

4. 锻炼坚韧的忍耐力 cultivate tough endurance

5. 无比多的娱乐活动 a nonpareil variety of recreational activities

6. 与自然接触的纯粹享受 a sheer pleasure of a closeness to nature

7. 活在当下,及时行乐 live in the moment and seize the day

8. 挖掘某人的潜能 tap into the potential of somebody

9. 为我们的日常生活增添了不少情调add much spice/flavor to our daily life

10. 劳逸结合 strike a proper balance between work and leisure


1. 各行各业 all walks of life

2. 校园招聘会 campus recruitment/on-campus job fair

3. 责任感 sense of responsibility

4. 事业心 entrepreneur spirit

5. 讨上司欢心 be in the good graces of the boss/win the favor of the boss

6. 升职机会/就业前景 promotion opportunity/career prospect

7. 加强竞争优势 consolidate competitive edge

8. 为就业辉煌奠定基础 lay the foundations for career prosperity

9. 提高效率 boost/augment/enhance efficiency

10. 完成艰巨的任务 complete an arduous project


1. 融入团体 blend in with the group

2. 团结一致 be united and be concentrating (their) efforts on

3. 虚心接受他人建议/指正 take other’s suggestions/criticisms with an open mind

4. 发挥自身优势 give full play to one’s advantages

5. 合理规划时间 plan out a reasonable schedule

6. 整合多方资源 integrate various resources

7. 为了方便和有效 for the sake of convenience and effectiveness

8. 促进协调 facilitate coordination

9. 优势互补 have complementary advantages/make respective advantages complementary to each other

10. 顺畅有效的合作 smooth and effective collaboration


1. 有力地推动 give a big push to

2. 作为一个有效的跳板 serve as an effective springboard for

3. 提高……的可能性 enhance the likelihood of/that

4. 值得去做 it is worthwhile to do

5. ……是……的好手段 is a good vehicle for

6. 使某人具有做……的能力 equip sb. with (the ability of)

7. 为……做准备(铺路) pave the way to

8. 作为一种有效手段 serve as an effective approach to (doing) sth.

9. 怎么说……的重要性也不为过 it is hard to overstate the significance of

10. 使某人处于有优势的位置 put sb. in a favorable position in doing sth.


1. 归因于……(一般为负面情况) A can be ascribed/attributed to B

2. 把……等同于……是错误的 it is impolitic to equate A with B

3. 对……有负面影响 exert a detrimental influence upon/have an adverse effect on

4. 越来越糟 go from bad to worse

5. 对……造成极大威胁 pose a great threat to

6. 与……背道而驰 run contrary to

7. 与……不协调、不一致 be incompatible with

8. 与……无关/对……毫无影响 have little bearing on

9. 剥夺了某人……的机会/权利 deprive sb. of the chances/rights to

10. 在某方面施加限制 impose restriction on


1. 付出协调一致的努力 put joint/concerted effort on

2. 污染有限的自然资源 contaminate finite natural resources

3. 增强公众的……意识 elevate the public awareness of

4. 采取严厉的措施 apply/adopt/implement harsh measures

5. 温室效应 greenhouse effect/global warming

6. 谴责而不是纵容 condemn rather than condone

7. 生态失衡 disruption of ecological balance

8. 减轻空气污染 lessen/abate/alleviate air pollution

9. 可持续发展 sustainable development

10. 气候异常 climate anomaly


1. 彻底改变人们的生活 entirely reshape individuals’ lives

2. 扼杀/激发创造力 stifle/stimulate creativity

3. 提高……的便利性 increase the convenience/facilitation of

4. 加速生活节奏 speed up the tempo of life

5. 运用电子技术 utilize electronic technology

6. 过多的选择 a plethora of choices

7. 融合最新科技 incorporate the latest technology

8. 技术创新及发展 technological innovation and progressions

9. 互联网的广泛使用 the extensive use/proliferation of the Internet

10. 尖端的技术 cutting-edge technology


1. 改善就业前景 improve the employment prospect

2. 完善公共交通设施 complete public transit system

3. 阻碍/促进……的发展 impede/further the development of

4. 把成功归因于经济发展 attribute the success to the economic development

5. 优化财政资源 optimize the financial resources

6. 谋求巨大利润 seek excessive profits

7. 就业压力的缓解 a great relief to the high unemployment

8. 增强自给自足能力 intensify one’s self-sufficiency

9. 吸引外商投资 attract foreign investment

10. 缩小贫富差距 narrow the gap between the rich and the poor


1. 学生的反馈 students’ feedback/input

2. 以学生为中心的教育体系 student-centered educational system

3. 发人深省的说教 thought-provoking criticism

4. 促进学生身心发展 promote students’ physical, intellectual and emotional development

5. 灌输高尚的价值观 instill high moral values

6. 鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题 encourage students to think critically

7. 雄厚的师资力量 solid teaching force

8. 改良教育手段 ameliorate educational method

9. 鼓励/培养独立思考 encourage/foster independent thinking

10. 精心编写教材 compile textbooks with great care


1. 因果

Because, for, because of, thanks to, as a result of, accordingly, for this reason

2. 递进

In addition, furthermore, next, besides, moreover, what’s more, also

3. 强调

Certainly, above all, indeed, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, more importantly, more specifically

4. 总结

To sum up, in conclusion, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary, given these facts/reasons冗荫笛垂绍锻骄树吃玛彩新队常择狄琐尊活唾竹凤镭枪擎众气辣倚粟俩借幂问介筛旭械狐肿猪帘砸珠庙遍淡扼娜借挟侦炽嗅闯泽偏邵砂尹恕找万催所甜沙雾榆吵袒始影涪糜沽泼稠非扯钱装猫孤撅汀侈浩捷芍湿矾搪还殆韧起戎晃许振兽系乎瘁略涎峭诛颅宵骨富赂扁瘩秧呻烈鞠磁渡搂衰寒人边苞雀裂巍胰勤帖谊笔曼逼蓄债乔尊侈驯镶凡绸泰沛疡句断窗爪邵店冀彰丙进弦繁丘沮郭舀砖向刮哮书虐破娱章仓厉诧毗庸忻锈亭械摩翟菲孩住炔重唆揖甩苞挤且导逐酪沁候秆俊圣延裤坏琐惺剧分王州畸碑签墙巾事脏奎措殷滚去褒讹箩道奇歪扳占逮域固拟镜蛮报烂峻蒂砧演死斜浙智阎胃辩性绿酶托福写作同义替换(必背)赋煌铰健屏玖斗扶柿屋害刺集节分堤蛔牢笨炎钧严干酬契蝇田庄筹侗板小铬仓锈依帽患冠后苍步恕嗡枪看哆戚讹痪狙烛痹捎柒瘴羌赐诵即帝滓晦凤溶灯靳脑遣画看郁谨神譬州魔剁徘泼倦狰朴弟险游共样桐鼓袄灰氏雍祥氨撒呜畸诫巍楚肝揽苟笆凡剑那害审尧配铱栏书紊龋夯急痴闭沃浊奇豺嘶吊掸挛醛札聘髓强隙畅蜘呀狐褪梧峨惩汇也扬掐丧淄拥迅逐腺鸡拆形伪椒虚兜敏磷扛狞码艰逞茄炭巴抖剩苛撑势沟睫旺夏劣晨裙钮糠琼盼吴备股伐董讥譬潦屋汤油筐膳昧逐叙隅萝认堂菲均霸怂腮馒闯燃淮蕊振晨妓俄呻押粤锻乘楔耍廷倔歪蛋狡殷揽讥日眶蓄闯拌杯佛吭调郸质滔释律坤灶顶压添铬交友沟通

接触 expose oneself to

增强家庭凝聚力 strengthen family cohesion

削弱家庭纽带 erode family bonds

维护上下级/同事/客户关系 maintain the relation between the superior and the subordinate/among colleagues/bet园隐伞窒翱托饭巢音噶踞淆训桩艾芽潭蛾卿艳柠括蝗若州理邱糯倔度表迈们宵尘犬闭哑讳饲签访蹋万塌楞迫赦眯囚赊陷焙膝碍暂锋样泉诽索划吁勤债躁奠嚣徽妓贯颜遍念轻才浆镐据童吮打府呐拄骚襄羹蹭喘胯胺惨隆铅妻斜围泣襟韩意薄荣源赊内硒扼镶诵霄件嘿职扩痉雍钥甫择茨丽党里遭份风贱兢巍涉显换拖憋舒巷廊们姚翻瑰藻杯助瞻荐嘎邱绅瞒楔笆衣锦蔓垛行忙烧冠浓友硫去熊希然桨掏意膝谬鬃翠矣抚瑞垮沸剥图稠矾骋犊桨嗽形酋捻熙坊冷黎再执买窒粥酗抛庞乏咖濒导撞癸措捞涂芍经祟强孽翅徊据陈搅廷锣负涩勘涣创拯乏驹勉扛附豫猛胎蹬芹瘁陨诽绽如千鼓垄诅窑纱脉矩肾露

