
发布时间:2011-10-24 11:09:28


1. 托尼正在写明信片。Tony is writing __________.

2. 王慧正在和她妈妈谈话。Wang Hui is ______________ her mother.

3. 李明正在看电视。Li Ming is __________________.

4. 我非常喜欢吃热狗。I like eating _____________ very much.

5. 我爸爸现在不在家。 My father isn’t ____________ .

6. 无论如何,我们马上就回家了。__________, we’re __________ ____________ now.

7. 别的人在做什么?_________ are the __________ ____________?

8. 我们正在听老师讲。We ______ ____________ _______ the teacher.

9. — 我弟弟在做什么?___________ __________ your brother ____________?

他正在跑步。He __________ ______________.

10. 王辉在拍许多的照片,玲玲在买礼物和明信片。Wang Hui ______ ________ _______ ____ _________ and Lingling ___ _________ some _______ and ________.

11. 人们没在穿衣打扮。People _________ __________ __________.

12. 一些人要去听歌剧或看芭蕾舞表演。Some are __________ _________ __________ ____________ or ___________ _________.

13. 你能发送给我一张明信片吗?________ you _______ _______ _________ ________?

14. 他们正在家或餐厅里吃饭。They _______ ________ dinner _____ ________ or ______ _________.

15. — 他们正在睡觉吗?— ______ they _________?

不,没有。—No, they _______.


1. 我们正在为制作灯笼做准备。We _____________________________________ lanterns.

2. 大明,请把这些纸扫走。Please __________________ the paper.

3. 男孩子们正在学习舞龙。The boys _____ ___________.

4. 门上有一些剪纸。There are some _______________________ on the door.

5. 我的父母一年到头都在努力地工作。My parents work hard ______________________________________.

6. 那儿在发生交通事故。A traffic accident _______ _____________ there.

7. 玲玲的奶奶在做饭吗?_________ Lingling’s grandmother __________________________________________?

8. — 你妈妈在购物吗?— ________ your mother ___________?

不,没有。她在工作。—No, she ________. She _______ _____________.

9. — 你爸爸在做什么?—_________ ___________ your father ________?

他在工作。— He _______ ____________ ____________________.

10. — 你们在清扫地板吗?—_______ you ___________ _______ _____________?

是的。—__________, ___________ __________________.

11. 我们还会买些衣服,并且每个人都会剪头发。We __________ buy __________ ___________ and ______________ _____________ ____________ ______________.

12. 我们几天不打扫房间。We _________ clean the house for ___________ ________ days.

13. 在除夕之夜我们通常吃饺子。________ ___________ ___________ __________ we usually eat dumplings.

14. “元宵是一种食品。Yuanxiao is ________ _________ ____________ food.

15. 他们去买礼物并且准备很多食物。They go _______ for presents ________ get ___________ ___________ ______________ __________ __________.


1. 我打算今天下午和我父母去看望我爷爷。I ____________________________________ my grandpa with my parents this afternoon.

2. 大卫下个月要去三亚观光。David is going to _______________________________ in Sanya next month.

3. 玛丽非常喜欢购物。Mary likes ________________________ very much.

4. 格林一家明天要去公园野餐。The Greens are going to _______________________ in the park tomorrow.

5. 海伦期待着和她的朋友一起去第十尼乐园。Helen is _______________________________________ going to Disneyland with her friends.

6. 放学后, 他们将去朋友家聚会。They are going to go to a party ________ ___________ ___________ _______ after school.

7. 你想听音乐吗?Would you ____________ __________ _____________ to some music?

8. 我打算明天早上早点起来。I’m going to ___________ ________ ___________ early tomorrow morning.

9. 我们今天晚上复习考试。We’re going to ________ ____________ our test this evening.

10. 他们将要和一些朋友打乒乓球。They ________ ____________ to play table __________ ____________ some friend.

11. 我期待你的来信。I’m __________ ____________ ________ your letter.

12. 你怎样从纽约到北京?How do you __________ _____________ New York ________ Beijing.

13. 星期天晚上有个音乐会。__________ _____ ___________ _____________ a concern ________ Sunday evening.

14. 为什么他打算乘火车去英国呢?________ is he ___________ _____________ travel to England ________ train?

15. 我们一起去登黄山怎么样?________ ____________ ___________ __________________ the Mountain Huang together?


1. 我未来想当一名老师。I want to be a teacher ___________________________.

2. 你认为明天天气将变暖和吗?Do you think it ________________________ tomorrow?

3. 他们将用电脑做家庭作业.They will use computer ________ _______________________________.

4. 没有人知道比尔出了什么事。____________ knows what happened to Bill.

5. 他们将每周工作四十个小时。They will work _______________________________.

6. 将来每个家庭都会有一部小汽车吗?_______ ________ ___________ a car in every family ______ ________ __________?

7. 学生们将会用电子邮件把作业发送给老师。Students ________ _________ their homework _____ the teacher ________ _____________.

8. 人们将通过电脑互相谈话。People ___________ ____________ _____ each other _______ their computer.

9. 没有人再用动物干农活了。_______ _______ ____________ animals to do farm work any more.

10. 学生将不会使用计算器。The students _______ use __________.

11. 很难外出, 因为明天天气不好。It’s ___________ to ___________ out because there will be bad ___________.

12. 他用这个技术使我们的家暖和He uses this ___________ to heat our homes.

13. 当春天到来的时候,天气变暖和了。When spring comes, the weather ____________________________.

14. 明天将会有强风和暴雨。__________________________________ and ___________________ tomorrow.

15. 我们每周上五天课。We have classes ____________________________________________.


1. 杭州因西湖而闻名。Hangzhou is ______________________ the West Lake.

2. 你能在十分钟内找出这个问题的答案吗?Can you find out the ______________________________ in ten minutes.

3. 上海是一个拥有悠久历史的城市。Shanghai is an old city _______________________________________.

4. 山东省在中国的东部。Shandong Province is __________________ of China.

5. 北京的人口是多少?___________________________________ of Beijing?

6. 香港有七百万人口。Hong Kong ________ __________ _______________ people.

7. 我们学校有几千名学生。There are _____________ ____________ ______________ in our school.

8. 中国有五千年的历史。China is __________ ______________ __________________ _________________.

9. 太平山的海拔有554米高。Victoria Peak is 554 _________________ ________________.

10. 上海在中国的东部。Shanghai is _______ ____________ ____________ __________ China.

11. 你家乡有多少人?________ the ____________ ______ your ___________?

12. 海岸上有许多人。There are __________ ______________ people _________ ____________ _____________.

13. 我们城市大约有1,500,000人口。Our city has ___________ ______________ _______________ 1.5 million _____________.

14. 北京是个古老的城市,它以颐和园和长城而闻名。Beijing is ___________ _____________ ___________. It __________ ___________ ________ Summer Palace and the Great Wall.

15. 伦敦位于泰晤士河上。London ____________ _____________ the River Thames.


1. 你最喜欢什么体育活动?What is your _________________________?

2. 跑步比滑雪更安全。Running ____________________ than skiing.

3. 汤姆总是很认真地做家庭作业。Tom always __________________________________ carefully.

4. 我通常早上730分到校。I usually _______________________ school at 7:30.

5. 这首歌在我们学校很流行。This song ____________________________ in our school.

6. 汤姆打算动身前往上海。Tom is going to _______ ____________ Shanghai tomorrow.

7. 他到校迟,但是他学得快。He __________ _____________ school,___________, he learns quickly.

8. 我们还有很多时间,你不必跑着去学校。We have much time. You __________ ________ __________ ________ to school.

9. 对于老年人来说学好英语不容易。It’s ________ ___________ for the old ________ ____________ English well.

10. 我将来直到周末才去观光。I’m going to do ___________ _____________ __________ weekend.

11. 滑雪比游泳更刺激。Skiing is __________ ___________ _____________ swimming.

12. 我要等到他回来才能离开。I __________ leave ____________ he comes back.

13. 对小王来说读这篇英文故事太难了。It is very hard ____________ Xiao Wang ______ __________ this English story.

14. 他做作业总是很粗心。He always ____________ his homework ____________.

15. 我的父母将坐飞机前往广州。My parents are ________ ________________ Guangzhou by plane.


1. 我们正在进行学校的郊游。We __________ ______________ a school ________________.

2. 你能听到我说话吗?Can you ___________ _______________?

3. 同学们正在为运动会做准备。The students are ___________ _____________ ________________ the sports meeting.

4. 你可以帮我学习英语吗?Can you ___________ me ___________ English?

5. 教室里发生了什么事了?有人在哭吗?What _____________ _____________ in the classroom? Is anyone crying?

6. 我们今天晚上复习考试。We are going to ___________ ____________ our test this evening.

7. 星期天,他们要进行野餐。They _______ ___________ ______________ ___________ a picnic on Sunday.

8. 我的弟弟正躺在沙滩上,享受阳光。My brother is ___________ ___________ the ___________ and _____________ the sun.

9. 没有一个人喜欢玩这个游戏。____________ ____________ ______________ to play this game.

10. 将来的生活会很好。____________ ___________ ____________ _______________ will be fine.

11. 明天将会有强风和暴雨。__________________ and _____________________ tomorrow.

12. 我们每周上五天课。We have classes _________________________.

13. 深圳位于中国的南部。Shenzhen is ___________ ______________ ____________ ______________ China.

14. 中国以长城而闻名。China ___________ ___________ ____________ the Great Wall.

15. 上海比济南大得多。Shanghai ___________ _____________ __________ ________________ Jinan.

16. 对我来说,听音乐能使我轻松。____________ ________________ for me _____________ listen to music.

17. 我计划带你参观那座城市。I'm going to ____________ you ____________ that city.

