
发布时间:2013-03-15 01:25:40


摘要: 嘉兴市要实现向经济强市的跨越,需要转变经济增长方式、需要创新型企业的推动,这些都需要高技术含量、高人力资本、高附加值以及新技术、新业态、新方式的现代服务业来作为支撑和动力。对嘉兴市现代服务业的发展进行swot分析,指出嘉兴市发展现代服务业有的优势和劣势,机遇和威胁,并根据swot分析,进一步用swot矩阵确定嘉兴市现代服务业发展的战略思路与战略选择。

abstract if jiaxing realizes the transfer to strong economy it needs to change the mode of economic growth the promotion of the innovative enterprises which need the support of modern services with high technology content high human capital and high added value. the paper makes the swot analysis on the development of modern service industry in jiaxing and points out its advantages and disadvantages opportunities and threats and on the basis of swot analysis determines the development strategy and strategic choice of jiaxing modern services by swot matrix.

关键词: 嘉兴市;现代服务业;swot分析;战略

key words jiaxingmodern service industryswot analysisstrategy

