我们今天一起来学怎么用美语order food点菜


我们今天一起来学怎么用美语order food点菜! 1 Can I take your order?我可以帮你点菜吗?I think I still need a few more minutes 我还要想一下。
2 Are you ready to order? 你准备好点菜吗?Yes! I'd like the cheeseburger. What comes on it? 好了,我要一个奶酪汉堡包,汉堡包上面有什么?The cheeseburger has lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and onions. 奶酪汉堡包有莴苣, 蕃茄, 酸黄瓜和洋葱。 3 The cheeseburger has lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and onions 奶酪汉堡包有莴, 蕃茄, 酸黄瓜和洋葱。I'd like to hold the onions please. 请不要加洋葱。 I'd like to hold the onions please. 请不要加洋葱。
我们今天一起来学怎么用美语点菜! 1 你来到餐厅的时候,服务员会问你 How many? 几位?你可以这样回答:Just me. 有我一个人。Party of two please! 两位! It'll be four of us, but we're still waiting for one person to get here! 四位,但我们还在等一个朋友过来
2 What can I gettcha to drink? 你们想喝什么?几个回答:I'll have ice water 我想喝冰水 I'd like water, but no ice please 我想喝水,但不要加冰。I'd like a sprite, but hold the ice please! 我想喝雪碧,但不要加冰!
3 I'll be right back to take your order 稍等,我马上过来帮你们点菜! ---------

第一个粉丝叫Benjamin。他住在纽约! "What I like most about NYC is the food! ...but I also hate NYC for the food bc it makes you eat TOO MUCH!!" 第二个粉丝叫Jenny @Jenny_Lieu猪头小丸子 她住在华盛顿!"Maybe D.C. isn't as fun as NYC, but it's still a 4 hour bus to NYC!" 第三个粉丝叫Ming @Labaqu 他住在匹兹堡!"I live in Pittsburgh. We don't have a KTV!!" 第四个粉丝叫Yi! 他住在匹兹堡! "We have all kinds of sports in D.C., but they all suck!

1 March Madness 三月疯狂 我们今天一起来学March Madness 三月疯狂!March Madness is here! Everybody watches the top 65 college basketball teams in the March Madness tournament三月疯狂到了!所有美国人都要看这65个顶尖大学篮球队疯狂三月的联赛! 2 bracket 比赛流程图

Everybody fills out brackets and tries to predict which one of the 68 teams will win each game! 大家都有一张自己的赛程表,预测每场比赛的结果! 3 "Sweet 16" 16强球队
There are 16 teams left standing right now, they're called the Sweet 16. Those 16 teams play this weekend! 三月疯狂篮球联赛进行到16强的阶段!前16名的球队被称为甜蜜十六强.” 16个球队这个周末就会开始比赛!

今天我们一起来学怎么用美语谈 sales and coupons!! 1 Half off/50% off 卖半价,打五折

Should I get these shoes? They're 50% off! 你觉得我应该买这双鞋子吗?打五折! 2 BOGO = Buy One Get One; two for one 买一送一

A lot of stores are having BOGO sales right now! Let's go shopping! 很多商店现在会推出买一送一的大减价!我们去逛街吧! 3 Coupon 折价券 ----------

1 spring cleaning 春季大扫除 2 clean out ... 打扫干净 3 clutter 混乱 4 clean up 打扫

5 clean off 擦掉, ... 打扫干净 6 squeaky clean 干干净净
1 cherry blossoms 樱花 2 peak bloom 花盛开的时间

3 Washington's D.C.'s Centennial Cherry Blossom festival! 华盛顿樱花节百年纪
1 a spring in your step 步子非常轻快
Something really good must have happened to 白洁! She's walking with a spring in her step today! 白洁好像发生了很好的事情啊!她的步子非常轻快! 2 springy 有弹性的

This bed is really springy! 这个床很有弹性的! This couch is really springy! 这个沙发很有弹性的!
3 spring something on someone 等到最后一刻告诉某人

I hate to spring this on you at the last minute, but I really need you to turn in the report by 3pm! 真抱歉等到最后一刻告诉你,但是你一定在3点之前交给我你的报告吧! 4 spring at someone 向某人扑去
Her cat stared at me for a minute, and then suddenly sprang right at my face!! Crazy cat!! 她的猫先看了我一会儿,然后突然朝我的脸扑过来!这只猫真是疯了!

1 Zip your lip! 闭嘴!
I know who 白洁 went on a date with last night. 我知道白洁昨天晚上和谁约会了。

Hey! Zip your lip! That's private! 嘿,闭嘴吧,这是私人的事吧。 2 My lips are sealed 我保守秘密, 我绝不告诉别人

My lips are sealed. I respect your privacy. 我会保守秘密,我尊重你的隐私。 My lips are sealed. I wouldn't tell a soul. 我会保守秘密,不会告诉别人。 3 pay lip service 说空话

白洁!you are my BBFI wouldn't tell anybody our secrets. 白洁!你是我最要好的朋友,我不会告诉任何人我们的秘密。 Don't just pay lip service! You gotta zip your lip! 别只是说空话,你一定要闭嘴啊。
OK OK! My lips are sealed. 好吧,好吧,我保守秘密。 4 Read my lips! 看着我的嘴脣
Read my lips! You can't tell anybody my secret! 你给我听好喽,不要把我的秘密告诉任何人!
OK OK! My lips are sealed. 好吧,好吧,我保守秘密。

1 getting you down 使你难过, 灰心丧气

Hey! What's getting your down? 嘿!什么事让你这么难过?
I miss my family back in Ohio. I don't get to see them very often. 我很想念我俄亥俄州的家人,我不常有机会见到他们。
Don't let that get your down! You can always Skype them. 别为这种事难过啊!你可以跟他们Skype 2 getting by 还可以

How are you doing? 你怎么样啊?
I'm just getting by... I'm looking for a job and it's not easy. 还可以吧,我正在找工作,不容易啊。
3 getting along 与某人相处得很好;not getting along 与某人相处不好、合不来 Bob and I aren't getting along. 我和Bob合不来。 Why not? 为什么合不来?
He keeps talking behind my back. That's not cool. 他经常在我背后讲我的坏话。这很没品。 You should talk to him. 你应该和他说下。
4take some getting used to 这得花点时间来适应
These heels are really high. They are going to take some getting used to.
I have a big interview tomorrow! Cross your fingers for me! 我明天有一个很重要的面试啊!祝我好运吧!
2 wrapped around one's finger 能够很容易地影响别人

That little girl has her dad wrapped around her little finger. He buys her any toy she wants! 这个小姑娘能很轻易地影响她爸爸。女儿想要什么玩具他都买! 3 green thumb 某人在种花或种菜方面很有才能
My mom has a huge green thumb! She grows a huge garden every summer. 的妈妈在园艺方面很有才!她每年夏天在花园种很多东西! 4 I can't put my finger on it. 我弄不清到底是什么。
This coffee has a very interesting flavor! But I can't put my finger on what it is. I think it's vanilla! 这杯咖啡的味道很特别,但我喝不出这到底是什么口味。我觉是香草的味道。

我们今天一起来学怎么用美语order food点菜
