
发布时间:2018-08-28 16:34:12

课时训练23 Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges



fertile natural varied exploit neighbor forbid distance

 surround good trade

1Those ships are mainly for goods and people along the river.

答案 trading

2Many countries go to high seas for the of natural resources.

答案 exploitation

3North Korea is a mountainous country China.

答案 neighbouring

4Li Hua has his vocabulary by wide reading in and out of class.

答案 fertilized

5The old temple is by a great many small trees.

答案 surrounded

6After quarrelling with Peter's parents, my parents me to see Peter.

答案 forbade

7It is of great importance for man to keep the balance of .

答案 nature

8We all know that old people don't like to their old habits.

答案 vary

9Her wealth and success have her from her old friends.

答案 distanced

10 on the ship should be thrown into the water when it sinks down.

答案 Goods



We played the playground on Sunday.

答案 at the edge of


I could see a weak light .

答案 in the distance


He and a colleague two years there teaching English at a teacher training college.

答案 are to spend


They really us at that hotel!

答案 ripped off


He had many merchant ships which other countries.

答案 traded with



The kids in this village wear dirty, ragged clothes. They sleep beside cows and sheep in huts made of sticks and mud. They have no school. Yet they all can chant the English alphabet, and some can make words.

The key to their success: 20 tablet computers(平板电脑) dropped off in their Ethiopian village in February by a U. S. group called One Laptop Per Child.

The goal is to find out whether kids using today's new technology can teach themselves to read in places where no schools or teachers exist. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers analyzing the project data say they're already amazed. What I think has already happened is that the kids have already learned more than they would have in one year of kindergarten” said Matt Keller, who runs the Ethiopia program.

The fastest learner—and the first to turn on one of the tablets—is 8­year­old Kelbesa Negusse. The device's camera was disabled to save memory, yet within weeks Kelbesa had figured out its workings and made the camera work. He called himself a lion, a marker of accomplishment in Ethiopia.

With his tablet, Kelbesa rearranged the letters HSROE into one of the many English animal names he knows. Then he spelled words on his own. Seven months ago he didn't know any English. That's unbelievable” said Keller.

The project aims to get kids to a stage called deep reading”, where they can read to learn. It won't be in Amharic, Ethiopia's first language, but in English, which is widely seen as the ticket to higher paying jobs.

本文主要介绍了一个被称作One Laptop Per Child的项目计划,它旨在帮助那些没有学校、没有教师的地方的孩子学会阅读。

1How does the Ethiopia program benefit the kids in the village ?

A. It trains teachers for them.

B. It contributes to their self­study.

C. It helps raise their living standards.

D. It provides funds for building schools.

答案 B

解析 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The goal is to find out whether kids using today's new technology can teach themselves to read”可知答案。

2What can we infer from Keller's words in Paragraph 3?

A. They need more time to analyze data.

B. More children are needed for the research.

C. He is confident about the future of the project.

D. The research should be carried out in kindergartens.

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。根据第三段中Keller所说的话可知,Keller认为孩子们在现代技术设备的帮助下学到了更多东西,故Keller对这个项目的未来充满信心。

3It amazed Keller that with the tablet Kelbesa could .

A. learn English words quickly

B. draw pictures of animals

C. write letters to researchers

D. make phone calls to his friends

答案 A

解析 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“With his tablet, Kelbesa rearranged the letters HSROE into one of the many English animal names he knows”可知,在这种情况下,Kelbesa学习英语很快。


Nowadays, mobile phones are becoming very important in our daily life, but you may want to throw your mobile phone away after reading this. Because tests have shown every mobile phone averagely carries 18 times more potentially harmful bacteria than a toilet handle. One of the phones in the test had such high levels of bacteria that it could have given its owner a serious stomach upset.

While the bacteria are not immediately harmful, high levels of bacteria indicate poor personal hygiene (卫生) and act as a breeding (交配繁殖) ground for other bugs. The findings from a sample of 30 phones by Which? magazine suggest 14.7 million of the 63 million mobile phones in use in the UK today could be potential health risk.

The most unhygienic phones had more than ten times the acceptable level of bacteria and seven of them were above the level. The worst phone also had 39 times the safe level of enterobacteria(肠道菌), a group of bacteria that live in the lower intestines() of humans and animals and include bugs such as Salmonella(沙门氏菌) . Other bacteria including food poisoning bugs were found on the phones but they are at safe levels. Which? researcher Ceri Stanaway said, Most phones didn't have any immediately harmful bacteria that would make you sick right away but they were dirtier than they could be, so everyone should pay attention to keeping your mobile phone hygienic when you use it”.


4The underlined part Which” in this passage is .

A. a paper B. an organization

C. a researcher D. a magazine

答案 D

解析 细节理解题。依据文章第二段中的“The findings from a sample of 30 phones by Which? magazine suggest 14.7 million of”可知,Which是一本杂志的名字。故选D项。

5From the passage we know that bacteria found on the phones .

A. are immediately harmful to the owner

B. are a hidden danger to the owner

C. are dirty but safe

D. are breeding much faster than other bacteria

答案 B

解析 细节理解题。由文章第一段中的“every mobile phone averagely carries 18 times more potentially harmful bacteria”和第二段中的“14.7 million of the 63 million mobile phones in use in the UK today could be potential health risk”可知,手机所携带的细菌对其使用者的健康来说是一种潜在的威胁。故选B项。

6According to the writer, people should .

A. not use phones any more

B. not take phones along

C. keep their phones as clean as possible

D. use phones as little as possible

答案 C

解析 细节理解题。依据文章最后一段中的“everyone should pay attention to keeping your mobile phone hygienic when you use it”可知,使用手机时,大家都应该注意保持手机洁净。故选C项。

7Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?

A. Mobile phones carry a lot of bacteria

B. Mobile phones are important in people's life

C. Some research on mobile phones

D. Some advice on using mobile phones

答案 A

解析 标题判断题。文章主要讲述了手机上携带有大量的细菌,对人们的健康有着潜在的威胁,故选A项。


It was Mother's Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my five­year­old son, Tenyson. As we were 1 we realized that only minutes earlier an 2 woman had fallen over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground. 3 was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock. 4 a lot of people stopped to help out.

5 we were walking towards the scene, Tenyson became very 6 about what had happened to the elderly couple. He 7 to me, Mom, it's not much fun falling over in front of 8 .” Seeing that there was a flower stall (摊位) at the front of the supermarket, he added, Why shouldn't we 9 the lady a flower? It will make her feel better. I was 10 that he'd come up with this 11 idea. So we went over and told the flower seller 12 we wanted. Just take it” she replied. I 13 take your money for such a wonderful 14 .”

By now medical staff had arrived, and were 15 the injured woman. We gave the flower to the woman's husband and I told him it was 16 my son. At that, the old man started crying and said, Thank you very much. He then turned to me, You have a 17 son. Happy Mother's Day to you.

The man bent down and gave his wife the flower, telling her who it was from. 18 being badly hurt, the old lady looked up at Tenyson with 19 in her eyes and gave him a little 20 .

1A. leaving B. driving

C. moving D. stopping

2A. injured B. awkward

C. honest D. elderly

3A. Her husband B. My son

C. The crowd D. The seller

4A. Specifically B. Particularly

C. Interestingly D. Fortunately

5A. If B. Since

C. While D. Unless

6A. guilty B. curious

C. angry D. worried

7A. complained B. said

C. lied D. responded

8A. no one B. someone

C. everyone D. anyone

9A. lend B. bring

C. leave D. buy

10A. amazed B. shocked

C. puzzled D. concerned

11A. wise B. sweet

C. innocent D. crazy

12A. which B. when

C. what D. whether

13A. must not B. can't

C. may not D. needn't

14A. scene B. habit

C. flower D. deed

15A. checking with B. looking after

C. operating on D. praying for

16A. from B. to

C. with D. about

17A. respectful B. cheerful

C. successful D. wonderful

18A. Out of B. Regardless of

C. Thanks to D. As to

19A. love B. hope

C. pity D. pain

20A. idea B. money

C. smile D. comfort



1A 句意:当我们刚要离开时,……。选A

2D A项意思是受伤的B项意为笨拙的,棘手的C项意为诚实的D项意为年老的。根据后文中的the elderly couple可知选D

3A 根据后文中的the elderly couple可知此处选A

4D A项意为具体的B项意为尤其,特别C项意为有趣地D项意为幸运地。句意是:幸运的是很多人赶过去帮助她。选D

5C 根据句意可知所填词引导时间状语从句,意思是……的时候,选C

6D 根据句意,表示……担心,要用be worried about,而guilty“有罪的,内疚的curious“好奇的angry“愤怒的,均不符合语境。

7B 根据直接引语可知此处所填词意思是,后跟说话的内容,故选B

8C 根据第一自然段中的entrance可以推断出本句意思是:在所有人面前摔倒并不好玩。所填词表整体,故选C

9D 根据后文的flower seller可以推断出所填词意思是,故选D

10A A项意为惊讶的B项意为震惊的C项意为疑惑的D项意为关心的。句意是:我惊讶于他能想到这么甜蜜的办法。选A

11B 根据句意可知选B

12C 引导宾语从句,引导词做从句的宾语,指物,用what,选C

13B 所填词表示意愿,意思是不能,选B

14D 根据修饰词wonderful可知,所填词意思是事迹,选D

15B A项意为核实,商议B项意为照顾,照料C项意为开动,做手术D项意为……祈祷。符合句意的是B项。

16A 根据后文中的telling her who it was from一句可知此处选A

17D A项意为值得尊敬的B项意为乐观的,高兴的C项意为成功的D项意为完美的,棒的。句意是:你有一个很棒的儿子。选D

18B A项意为由于,从B项意为无论,不管C项意为幸亏,多亏D项意为至于,关于。句意是:尽管受了重伤,老太太抬头眼含爱意的看着Tenyson,向他笑了笑。选B

19A 根据句意可知所填词意思是,选A

20C 所填词与动词give构成搭配,意思是给某人一个微笑,故选C

