
发布时间:2018-07-01 19:49:54



一、前缀"in-, im-, il-, ir-"可放在一些形容词前表否定

1. 作为否定词缀"in-"通常放在以"a, c, d, e, f, i, n, o, p, s, t, v"为首字母的形容词前,例如:

articulate inarticulate(不善于表达的)

considerate inconsiderate(不体谅别人的)

credible incredible(难以置信的)

discreet indiscreet(不慎重的)

exact inexact(不准确的)

frequent infrequent(不常发生的)

2. 作为否定词缀"im-"通常只放在以"m, p"为首字母的形容词前,例如:

mature immature(不成熟的)

measurable immeasurable(不可估量的)

partial impartial(不偏不倚的)

patient impatient(不耐烦的)

3. 作为否定词缀"il-"通常只放在以"l"为首字母的形容词前,例如:

legal illegal(不合法的)

legible illegible(无法辨识的)

4. 作为否定词缀"ir-"通常只放在以"r"为首字母的形容词前,例如:

relevant irrelevant(不相关的)

reverent irreverent(不恭的)

二、前缀"un-"也可放在一些形容词前表否定作为否定词缀"un-"通常放在以"k, l, p, r, s, t, u, v, w, y"等为首字母的形容词前,例如:

wise unwise(不明智的)

forgettable unforgettable(难忘的)





loyal disloyal(不忠诚的)

pleased displeased(不高兴的)

like dislike(不喜欢)

appear disappear(消失)


understand misunderstand(误解)

use misuse(滥用)

lead mislead(误导)


pity pitiless(无情的)

home homeless(无家可归的)

tire tireless(不知疲倦的)





1. (fear) John gave the chairman his honest opinion, _____ of the result.

2. (end) I’m fed up with your ____ complaining.

3. (close) The lifting of the curtain ____ a beautiful winter scene.

4. (appoint) My parents were _____ with me because I failed the exam.

5. (spell) The book contains quite a few _____ words; the proof- reader really should have been more careful.

6. (understand) Don’t ____ his si-lence for lack of interest; actually he is very interested in the subject we are discussing now.

7. (load) The American ship arrived at the port yesterday, and workers are _____ its contents in the harbor now.

8. (certain) I had a long talk with him yesterday, but I’m still _____ about his intention.9. (regular) That young mother does not like _____ working hours.

10. (proper) Joking with other persons at this official celebration is _____ behavior for such a serious occasion.

一个词的前缀究竟是用 un-, in- or dis- 是没有固定规律可循的,只好留心一一记住了,

在英语中可以在单词的词首加上一个表示否定的前缀,变成该词的反义词。这类否定前缀主要有dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-un-,可译成汉语不(是)等。
1. dis-常加在名词、形容词、动词之前。如:
agreement (同意;一致) — disagreement (分歧;不一致)
advantage (优势;有利条件;利益) — disadvantage (不利条件;缺点)
honest (诚实的) — dishonest (不诚实的)
like (喜欢) — dislike (不喜欢) appear (出现) — disappear (消失)
2. im-常加在以字母m-, p-开头的形容词之前。如:
moral (道德的) — immoral (不道德的) possible (可能的) — impossible (不可能的)
polite (有礼貌的;客气的) — impolite (无礼的;粗鲁的)
3. un-常加在名词、形容词、副词之前。如:
happiness (幸福) — unhappiness (不幸福) usual (通常的) — unusual (不寻常的;罕见的)
important (重要的) — unimportant (不重要的)
friendly (友好的) — unfriendly (不友好的;不友善的)

healthy (健康的) — unhealthy (不健康的;不益于健康的)
crowded (拥挤的) — uncrowded (不拥挤的) able (能;会) — unable (无能的;不会的)
fair (公平的;公正的) — unfair(不公平的;不公正的)
familiar (熟悉的) — unfamiliar (不熟悉的;没有经验的)
necessary (必要的) — unnecessary (不必要的)
fortunately (幸运地) — unfortunately (不幸运地)
4. in-常加在名词、形容词之前。如:
ability(能力) — inability(无能;无力) correct(正确的) — incorrect(不正确的)
5. ir-常加在以r-开头的形容词前。如:
regular(规则的) — irregular(不规则的;不规律的)

