
发布时间:2016-08-01 14:29:21

Finishing the glove:How does it work?你可知制造手套的最后一步?After gloves are manufactured,they need to be finished to facilitate donning and doffing.The material of gloves often makes it difficult for users to don without some type of finishing technique.Now there are several different ways to go about finishing a glove,including polymer coating,chlorination and polyurethane finishes.手套的制作过程大致包括清洗手模、乳胶浸渍、卷边及脱卸。但由于本身材质的原因,仅仅完成这四部还不能使得手套便于穿戴。现在就有着很多方法去解决这个问题,包括施粉、氯化、高分子涂层和聚氨酯饰面。Powdering施粉Powdered gloves,as the name implies,use a powder coating to help users don and doff disposable gloves by absorbing excess moisture on the hands.Powdering takes place following manufacturing.In the past,gloves had powdered formers,making powder a byproduct of manufacturing.Due to advancements in manufacturing technology,gloves are powdered withfood-grade cornstarch,before they are taken from their formers and turned inside out.Powdered gloves are not suitable in situations where the powder could interfere with biological and chemical processes,such as chemical sealing or wound closure.Powder also damages paints and varnishes by leaving a residue behind.For this reason,manufacturers have adopted alternative ways to finish gloves.施了粉的手套称之为有粉手套。顾名思义,就是在手套上用粉末涂层吸收手上多余的水分,来使穿戴者自如穿脱。施粉这一工艺是伴随着制造过程而发生的。以前大部分的手模为有粉手模,所以生产出来的手套本身就带有粉末。这些粉末包含原先的滑石粉到技术改良后的玉米淀粉。但有粉手套并不适用于一些生物和化学处理过程。因为粉末可能会干扰到这些生产过程:如化学密封或伤口闭合(粉末可能会致使其留下残留))。粉末也会破坏色漆和清漆。为此,生产商采取了一些替代的方法。Chlorination

