
发布时间:2020-09-26 03:12:44


Written Test

Multiple Choice (15 marks)

1.——Let ' eat outside today.

----OK. I ' call the restaura nt and make a reservati on.

A.make a book ing B. ask for the menu C. take up a seat

2.We totally understand each other, even if we don 'always agree.

A.as though B. eve n though C. as if

3.The special school accepts all disabled stude nts, regardless of educati on level or backgro und.

A.because of B. accord ing to C. without con sideri ng D. based on

4.I'm not paying that much for a CD player. I wasn 'tborn yesterday. I know it 'expensive.

A.I'm not easy to fool B. Yesterday was not my birthday

C. I don 'have eno ugh money D. I'm an adult

5.I see no reason why stude nts should n 'tvoice their opinions.

A.I don 'think students should give their opinions because there are no reasons.

B.I think stude nts have the rights to express their opinions.

C.I think there is no reas on for stude nts to express their opinions.

D.I think stude nts can express their opinions if there are good reas ons.

6.They grew up in the coun tryside, surroun ded by beauties of n ature.

A.不填不填 B.不填the C. the, the D. the ,不填

12.Take the medici ne three times a day and three pieces

13.----1 'm going to take my driving test tomorrow.

A.Cheer up B. Good luck C. Come on D. Con gratulati ons

14.These shoes look very ni ce. I wonder .

A.how much cost they are B. how much they cost

C. how much are they cost D. how much do they cost

15.Bronco Mcloughlin was born in Ireland but it was in Australia he learned how to ride


A.where B. that C. in which D. whe n

Closet.(15 marks)

A man once had a dream about the Black Forest i n Germa ny. In his dream he was walki ng in

the forest 46 two man ran out and tried to __47 him on the ground. He ran as fast as he

48 ,but they __49_.He reached a place where he saw two separate roads in front of him. One to the right and 50 to the left.. Which road 51 he take? He heard two men behi nd him 52

nearer an nearer, and 53 he heard a voice in his car. It __54 him to go to the right, and he did __55 .He ran on and soon came to a small hotel. He __56 there kindly and given a room, and so he was saved from the two men.

Twenty years later he was again in the Black Forest and, as happened in the dream, two men ran out and tried to throw him dow n. He ran off and came to a place __57 two roads, as in the dream.

He __58_the dream and took the road__59 .He soon 60_a small hotel, was take n in, and so

was safe. His dreams of twenty years before saved his life.

46. A. where

B. sudde nly

C. un til

D. whe n

47. A. throw

B. catch

C. keep

D. take

48. A. did

B. would

C. could

D. might

49. A. followed

B. stopped

C.caught up

D. went away

50. A. other

B. next

C. the other

D. ano ther

51. A. would

B. did

C. should

D. might

52. A. gett ing

B. beco ming

C. march ing

D. followi ng

53. A. at a time

B. for some time

C. at the same time

D. after a time

54. A. shouted at

B. showed

C. told


55. A. it

B. that

C. so

D. too

56. A. stood

B. was received

C. got

D. was refused

57.A. before

B. of

C. with

D. betwee n

58. A. thought about

B. went back to

C. forgot

D. remembered

59. A .in the middle

B. to the right

C. to the left

D. to a hotel

60.A. arrived

B. en tered

C. reached

D. saw

Reading comprehension. (15 marks)


There is a story going round at the moment about a well-known journalist who went to in terview Jack Parrish at a smart New York restaura nt. The journalist was late. After fiftee n minutes a waiter approached him. There's some young man at the door who says his name is Jack Parrish" But of course it was. The twenty four-year old is becoming famous for the fact that he does n't look like the owner of one of the world's most successful computer compa ni es. His manner is polite, his voice is quiet and his clothes are clearly not expe nsive, Two years ago whe n he started his own company, no one has heard of him. Friends say that he hasn 'tchanged at all. H e hasn'teven moved out of his parents ' house. So what does he do with his money? It 'sail in his compa ny. Some people in this computer world are getti ng nervouss---and they are right. It won S be long before some one in ano ther compa ny picks up the phone to hear that quiet voice say ing that he's the new boss.

61.We can find out from this text .

A.how Jack Parrish runs his business

B.what Jack Parrish said in an interview

C.how to get a job in Jack Parrish 's company

D.the writer knows what Jack Parrish will do next

62.What is writer trying to do in the next?

A.To say how to make a lot of money

B.To give some information about a businessman

C.To give some information about a journalist

D.To explain how to interview successful people

63.The waiter thought the young man at the door of the restaurant___.

A.was a journalist B. was not as old as he said he was

C. was behaving rudely D. was joking

64.What does the writer think of Jack Parrish?

A.He is more important than he appears

B.He is a good example for young people to be prolife.

C.He doesn't like new changes.

D.He would make people nervous to work with him

65.Which of the headlines does the writer expect to see soon?

A. Too much success, too fast was that the end of Jack Parrish?

B.Jack Parrish doesn't worry about money he gives it way to old friends

C.And the new owner of our top computer company is Jack Parrish

D. SPENDSPENDSPEND how Jack furnished his new million-dollar home.


On my way home from work one day in 1994, I stopped at a supermarkets for shopping. I was behind two customers. The person checking out was a young women with het little girl. As the clerk was sea nning(扫描)the thi ngs she had chose n, the young lady was carefully counting her money, After the last thing was scanned, the clerk told the young women the total.

The young mother 'sexpression turned embarrassment as she realized she did not have enough money, she started to see which things to put back, and nervously looked behind her, knowing she was holding up the line. I was smiling and trying to look sympathetic(同情I had been in a situation where I did not have enough money plenty of times myself. Finally, the young mother gave things back to the clerk, and asked for new total.

At that moment, the women in front of me asked the clerks to wait a moment, She took $5 and handed to the clerk to pay what the young mother was short of. When the clerk tried to give the women the fifty changes, she points to the little girl and told the clerk to give it to her. The little girl smiled and ran to one of the machine to spend the money. Naturally, the young mother was thankful and said so. The women smiled and told her she was welcome.

I will never forget the look on the little girl 's face---not when she was given the money, but when she realized that a perfect stranger cared enough to help them. From the way she looked at the women, you could tell she learned something valuable that day.

That women taught me several things with that one little deed. There are many situations in which we can help other people. It doesn 'ttake much money. A few dollars to someone like me was something quite different to that mother.

66.Why was the young mother carefully counting het money?

A.Because she wan ted to know how much would be left after payme nt

B.Because she got ready to pay for what she had take n

C.Because she was afraid that she did n 'have eno ugh

D.Because she wan ted to see if she could buy more things

67.How much the young mother shot of?

A. $5 B.$2.5 C.$4.5 D. 50 cents

68.What did the author try to show to the young mother by smiling to her?

A.His frien dship

B.His willi ngn ess to help

C.His surprise at her embarrassme nt

D.His un dersta nding about her embarrassme nt

69.The wome n in front of the author han ded five dollars to .

A. the author B. the mother C. the clerk D. the girl

70.What is the text tryi ng to teach us? B

A.Wome n and childre n should be helped

B.A little care can bring about great happ in ess

C.There are always people who are in trouble

D.A friend in n eed is a friend in deed


Scie ntists in In dia have inven ted a new way to produce electricity. Their inven ti on does not get it 'power from oil, coal or other fuels. It produces electricity with the power of an imals. I ndia has about eighty million bullocks. They do all kinds of jobs. They work in the fields. They pull vehicles through the streets. They carry water containers. Indian energy officials have been look ing for ways to use less imported oil to provide en ergy. Scie ntists at the Nati onal In stitute for In dustrial Engin eeri ng in Bombay won dered whether the millio ns of bullocks could help. Many villages in India lack electricity, but they have many bullocks. And often the animals are not working. One job done by bullocks is to pump water out of the well. The animals do this by walk ing around and around in a circle. A s they walk, they turn a heavy stick that makes the pump move. This simple tech no logy is cen turies old. Scie ntists thought that the same tech no logy could be used to produce electricity. Bullocks walk in a circle only two or three times a minute. This is much to slow to produce electricity, but it can create eno ugh power to turn a series of gears( 齿轮). A large gear sits to a small gear. As the large gear turns, it calls the small gear to turn. That gear turns an even smaller one. Each gear moves faster because it is a little smaller. The smallest gear may turn extremely fast. Clocks operate with gears. So do cars and so does the device(设备) inven ted by the In dia n scie ntists to produce electricity.

According to the officials in the United Nations, the idea is being tested at several places in In dia. The device is easy to operate and repair. And it can be moved easily. It costs about three hun dred and seve n dollars to make such a device, but producti on of large nu mbers of them could cut the cost of each to about two hun dred dollars.

71.Who first thought of using to provide en ergy?

A. I ndia n en ergy officials B. Scie ntists in In dia

C. Officials in the Un ited Nati ons D. Researchers in Europe

72.Which of the bullocks jobs is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Pulling vehicles B. Plowing (fields

C. Pumping water out of the wells D. Carrying food baskets

73.Why are bullocks used to provide energy in India?

A. Because bullocks have long been used by Indian people

B.Because bullocks walk slow and are easy to control

C.Because there are few non-working bullocks in India

D.Because there in not enough oil in India

74.In the sentence This simple technology is centuries old in Paragraph One, This simple technology refers to .

A. using bullocks to produce energy

B.using pumps to draw water out

C.having bullocks walk around to make the pump move

D. connecting gears of different sizes to produce electricity

75.Which of the following is true about the device mentioned in the passage?

A. It has a large gear and a small gear

B.It 's easy to use, but difficult to move

C.It 's quite cheap

D.It's still being tested.

Part B

I . Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given. (15 marks)

1.This (practice) guidebook teaches you about relaxation, coping skills, and time


2.It was (freeze) cold, snowing for over a week, and there was fresh snow

overnight, she said.

3.She had a very (excite) look when she learned that her team had won the game.

4.There were also those children suffering from terrible living (condition) because

lack of education or food.

5.There are many (mystery) stories about the Egyptian pyramids.

6.Hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans live and work in Europe, (legal), many

of them without permission.

7.This book (intend) for children aged 5-7.

8.The two companies have teamed up for the (develop) of a new racing car.

9.At the corner is a bakery which (special) in French pastry.

10.We had no food left in our backpacks, and to make it (bad), it began to rain.

11.The scenery was so beautiful that it was almost beyond (describe).

12.When I found the front door (wide) open, I realized something was wrong.

13.He was injured in the accident and would (observe) in hospital for a couple days.

14.He seemed (read) the book many times.

15.As one of the best (invent) in the 20 th century, the computer play a more and more

important role in people 's lives.

n . Pattern shift. (10 marks)

A. Complete sentence B to make it the same as sentence A in meaning.

16.A. Over 2million people visit the museum every year, which makes it Britain 's number one

tourist attraction.

B.Over 2milli on people visit the museum every year, Britai n ' nu mber one tourist

attracti on.

17.A. The majority of us don ' agree with the idea that the entrance exam in ati on should be abolished.

B.The majority of us the idea that he entrance exam in ati on should be abolished.

18.A. We sat closer to the speaker in order to hear better .

B. We sat closer to the speaker hear better.

19.A. Many stude nts believe that pare nts are their best teacher.

B. There are many stude nts that pare nts are their best teacher.

20.A. They were hungry and tired when they arrived home.

B. They arrived home, .

B. Change the sentences according to the request.

21.Given ano ther cha nee, I am sure I will succeed.

(Cha nge the sentence into a complex sentence)

22.We asked the students, Whado you use your computer for?

(Cha nge the sentence into in direct speech)

23.Do you mind if I ope n the door of the n ext room?

(Cha nge the sentence into a simple sentence)

24.John saw his neighbor drive away with a baby ' carrycot on the roof of their car.

(Cha nge the sentence into passive voice)

25.There is nothing wrong, ?

(Tag questi on)

.Find the only one mistake from the underlined parts and correct it. (10 marks)

26.Tom was late. He opened the door quietly, moving in and walked carefully to his seat.


27.A light-bulb hanging from the ceil ing filled the room of a cold yellow light.


28.College students are allowed to dress what they want to as long as it ' smart


29.The reas on why ma ny people like collecting cards is because cards from differe nt places are


of differe nt places are ofdifferent desig ns.


30.I prefer traveling by train rather than traveli ng by pla ne, for trai ns are cheaper, safer a nd

A B C D.

more comfortable.

31.——Why did n 'tyou give the wallet to the man at once?


——He had been disappeared before I realized it was hls_


32.We used to seeing each other regularly, but I haven 'heard from him since last year.


33.Human beings should lear n to protect the environment and by_this way people will lead a


better life in the future.

34.If you don 'speak Ian guage of the coun try, remember that sig n Ian guage is easy to be AB CD

un derstood.

35.Shopp ing on li ne can be disappo in ti ng, as_the goods are sometimes totally differe nt from


that you see in the pictures on the Intern et.


IV .Choose from A to G to complete the conservation according to the context. There are two more choices than needed. (5 marks)

A.Every play he works on turns out great.

B.And I don 'like the acting ethier.

C.Actually, the women playing Ophelia is a friend of mine.

D.But the acting is a bit boring.

E.He is not experie need.

F.The actor in the lead role is fan tastic.

G.By the way, after the play, there 'sa big party for the actor and their friends.

A: So, are you enjoying the performa nee so far?

B: Well, the costumes and the set are wo nderful. 36 . What do you think?

A: I think you Se a bit critical. 37 . I suppose the chorus could be a bit better, though.

B: Do you know anyone in the play?

A: 38 .

B: Really? Is that why you wan ted to come to the play?

A: That's only part of it. I absolutely admire this director. 39 .I ve seen quite a few other plays that he'directed. 40 .My friends has in vited us. Do you want to go?

B: Sure. Oh, look ! They Se dim ming the lights. I think we should go back to our seats for the sec ond half of the play.

V . Choose 10 words from the 12 given in the charts to fill in the blanks with

the proper forms. Each word can be used only once.(10 marks)

Professio n










un til


When your dream is to become a footballer, nothing should 41 your way——even if you

have no feet.

An 11-year-old won der kid from Brazil 42 to meet his ideal Lionel Messi and train with Barcelona Football Club _43_ his talents(天才)_44_ by scouts.

Gabriel Muniz was born 45feet. Although his family thought he would have serious

difficulty 46 a normal life, he started walking before he was one year old. It took him a

while to make the jump from walking to playing football, but he did 47 it. And in fact, there's nothing he loves more than 48 football.

Watching him play is 49 . He'sfast and he's got a big bag of tricks ——he's very skilled and

he does everyth ing he can to copy his idol, Messi.

He knows his disability( 残疾)means he'l In ever be able to play for a 50 football team. So Gabriel is hoping that football will one day become a Paralympics sport.

W . Fill in the bla nks with proper words accord ing to the con text. Their first letters of the miss ing words have bee n give n. (10 marks)

China' sworst earthquake in three years ago on April 20 killed at l_51= 196 people and i__52__more tha n 12,00e0. The magn itude-7.0 quake hit a remote mountainous area of Sichua n province at 9:02 a.m., close to Wenchuan, where an earthquake killed almost 70,000people in 2008.

The quake struck Lushan county, near the city of Ya 'an, at a depth of 12km, It was feltin Chen gdu and n eighbori ng provi nces, c__53 ma ny people rush out of build in gs. A reside nt in Chendu,140km from Ya 'an city, said he was on the 13th floor of a building when he felt the quake. The buildi ng s__54_for about 20 sec onds an he saw tiles fall from n earby buildi ng.

Most of the deaths were concentrated in Lushan. Buildings were toppled and people in bloodied bandages treated (治疗) in tent 帐篷)h 55 . In village closet to the epicenter, almost all low-rise build ings had collapsed.

Premier Li keqiang 56Jnto the disaster zone by helicopter to voice support for the rescue

operation. The 72 hours is the golden period of rescue. We cannot d__57 by a minute, he said.

More than 6,000 troops were in the area to help with rescue efforts. By April 22, Lushan recorded 2,044 aftershocks after the earthquake. The China Meteorological Association (中国气象 局) w__58_ of the possibility of Iandslides (泥石流)in Lushan county.

Ya'a n is a city of 1.5 milli on people and is c__59_P ne of the birthplaces of Chin ese tea culture.

It is also the h__60_to one of China 'smain cen ters for protect ing the gia nt pan da.

Vfl . Please choose from A-E to complete the article. There is one more than needed.(5 marks)

A.Spots help to train a pers on 'character

B.People are inven ti ng new sports or games all the time

C.And think of people in old countries

D.Many people are so in terested in sports

E.Some people are so in teresti ng that people everywhere like them

F.Many people like to watch others play games

All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help keep people healthy and happy, and to live Ion ger.

__61. They buy tickets or turn on TVs to watch the games. Ofte n they get very excited whe n theirplays or team wins.

__62.Football,for example, has spread around the world. Swim ming is popular in all coun tries n ear the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or a lake, whether in China ,Egypt or Italy! __63_.Think how many people love to skate or ski in Japan, Norway or

Can ada.

Some sports or games go back thousa nds of years, like running or jump ing. Chin ese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather n ew. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. __64 . Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. 65 . One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.

.Writing (10 marks)


造成了极大的伤害。请你以" Say no jaywalking ”为题写一篇短文。短文需包含以下要点。








参考词汇:行人pedestrian n. 乱穿马路jaywalk vi. 闯红灯jump the red light













P art B

n . 16.making it

19. believing in

17. are against 18.so that we could

20. hungry and tired

21.If I was given another chance, I am sure I will succeed.

22.We asked the students what they use their computer for.

23.Do you mind me opening the door of the next room?

24.Joan's neighbor was seen to drive away with a baby 's carrycot on the roof of their car.

25.is there?

IV . 36--40 DFCAG

V . 41. in

42. was invited

43. after

44.was discovered

45. without


47. make

48. playing

W . 61 65 FEDBA

