
发布时间:2019-03-28 05:05:16




       08年高考完成句子去掉07年高考中一些词汇搭配题目,如:34. Last night, John was answering the letters that          (寄给他的) during the past two weeks.(arrive); 36. She has an excellent          (对名字的记忆力), which helps her quite a lot in her work.( memory); 40. It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he         (可能参与) in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones.(hand), 变为纯句法结构的考查,给关键词由071--2个变为一个,降低了汉语提示的长度和难度,英语答案的总词数由07年的50多个降到0830多个,答案的扩散和增补情况得到较好的控制,利于高考评分操作。




       笔者通过对平时学生训练的观察和高考完成句子试题分析,发现考生失分的主要原因在于句子结构知识掌握不牢,容易受英汉表达思维差异的影响。如, 写作中通常出现类似这样的句子:There were a lot of students took part in the tree planting activity. We are very glad that our teacher is going to teach us swim.


1 惯用句型识别不清


1They sat together around the table, with          (门关着),(shut)(07);

2________(我花了)one thousand dollars to buy the painting last week.cost)(08)。

        1题考查“with + 复合结构作状语,答案为the door shut,这个结构课本中出现频率很高,其中的复合宾语可以是过去分词、现在分词和不定式等,在句中可用作状语和定语,但有些考生平时不注意分析它的结构特征和用法,使用起来混淆不清。如:with a dog leading the way, the police are searching for the muederer. 句中为什么是leading 而不是led / to lead? 2句考查it 作形式主语的句型,答案为It cost me. 很多考生审题不能将汉语提示和英语部分结合考虑, 也没有考虑到cost的主语不能是人,其过去时和过去分词均为cost, 所以才出现I cost, I costed等错误。



1. _______(碰巧)I was in the building when the fire broke out. Funfortunately I was unhurt. (happen)

2. Modern tecknology has ________(使我们有可能)to communicate with each other anytime and anywhere. (make)

3. “________(只要努力),and you’ll succeed”Our teacher often says to us. (hard)



—You’d better go and ________(把你的轿车洗洗).

—No, I’ll do it myself. wash)(08

       本题考查常用结构have sth. done,答案have your car washed. “have”作为使役动词,其复合宾语搭配有have sth done; have sth / sb doing; have sb. do等。考生务必弄清其和意义和用法。类似的使役动词还有make, let, leave等; 此外还有感官动词see, watch, notice…+ sb / sth + do /doing的用法和区别都是高考完成句子的重中之重。


4. The speaker raised his voice to _____(使别人听见). (himself)

5. The poor boy is often ________(被迫学习)until late into the night. (make)

6. Though it was so late, I could still hear ________(那女孩朗读英语)in the next room. (read)



1He believes that children _____ (应允许……学习) at their own pace.(allow)07

2At present, lots of food, water, tents, and medicine ______(正在运往)from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas.transport)(08

       1题考查情态动词的被动语态,答案为should be allowed to study;第2题考查进行时态的被动语态,答案为are being transported. 这两题均考查被动语态,但题目中有意识的不提, 考生要注意判断。有时汉语不提字,不等于英语不使用被动;相反汉语习惯用被动时,英语却习惯不用被动。


7. We all think his good deed is ________(值得表扬). (worth).

8. The mother didn’t know who ________(该受责备) for the broken window. (blame)

9. Though the book is not well written, it ________(很畅销). (sell)

10. The patient whose left leg was broken ________(正在做手术). (operate)



1With the rapid development of science and technology, I can’t imagine ______(我的家乡会是什么样子)in ten years.what)(08

2Seldom ______(他们玩)video games ever since they entered college.play)(08

        1题考查宾语从句中的语序,答案为what our hometown will look like; 2题考查倒装结构的用法,答案为have they played.



11. Though we are much better off now, few people can afford ________(如此贵的)house. (so)

12. Tom hasn’t shown up yet. ________(你认为什么)has happened to him? (think)

13. It’s nearly twelve o’clock. ________(我想他不会来了). (think)

14. ________(尽管他年轻), he has gone through a great deal. (as)



1I feel so sick. I wish Mum ______(没有逼我)to eat so much.force)(08

2He looks sleepy. He must ______(熬夜了)last night, writing the essay.stay)(08

       1题考查wish后的虚拟语气用法,答案为hadn’t forced me. 从语境判断,force动作应该是过去发生过的,根据英语语法规则,表达与过去相反的愿望用过去完成式。第2题考查情态动词must表示对过去事情的推测的语气。答案为must have stayed up.



15. Many coal mine accidents _______(本来可以避免的)if we had    followed the strict safety rules. (avoid)

16.   Look what mistakes I’ve made. If only I _____(听你的劝告). (follow)

17. He didn’t work hard. Otherwise he _____(就已经通过考试了). (pass)

18. The teacher treats her _____(好像她是他女儿). (as if)



The factory’s output of cars this year is ______ (大约是去年的三倍).(as, great) 07

        本题考查倍数比较结构的用法。答案为about three times as great as that of last year. 很多考生忽略了答案中的that of, 原因是受汉语提示习惯的影响,而忽视了英语不该省略的成分。结果偷换了比较对象,把output last year相比。



19.   In summer,the temperature of Wuhan is _____(比广州高得多). (high)

20.   His mobile phone is more expensive _____(比任何别的人). (else)

