

regret; remorse; repent 例句:
I COUId kick myself for COnfiding in him
NOW it S done , regrets are Of no avail 事已如此,后悔也是枉然。 I WilI IOSe no time in Vain regret
He WaS SOrry he had SPOken SO roughly to her 他后悔对她说得那么粗野。 Marry married in haste and repented at IeiSUre 草率匹配多后悔。 He repented and felt as if he had done ill
I regret that i kidded around too much
It s no USe Crying OVer SPIit milk
YOU WO n t regret it , i PrOmiSe you
,我向你保证你不会后悔。 【篇二】后悔不已英语怎么说
be SeiZed With remorse
He is repentant Of his SinS 他对于自己所犯的罪后悔不已。
He must have made an awful blunder that have made him regretful SO far SOmetime before 过去某个时候他一定犯了一个使他至今仍后悔不已的大错
SOme in industry regret the melding Of r & d into One activity and the demise Of the big COrPOrate IabOratOry 一些业内人士为研究和开发融为一体以及大企业实验室的没落后悔不已。
We impulsively buy in the moment and We ' re happy , and then When the ,Credit - Card Statement arrives We re filled With remorse 我们会在一时冲动之下买下某样东西,并且感觉很愉快,但是当之后收到信 卡帐单时却后悔不已。
He must have made a big mistake SOmetime before WhiCh he have been regretting today ; however J he never SayS about it and no One knows about
过去某个时候他一定犯了一个至今让他后悔不已的大错。但是他从不席说, 没有人知道究竟是个什么错。
It WaS PainfUI for the man When he realised What he had IOSt - the WOrkS COUld have fetChed him a fortune WhO is xu beihong Where Can i find him he kept asking the reporter 那名读者听记者一说,这才大梦初醒,后悔不已,但他是为自己破财而心疼, 一再追问:徐悲鸿是谁?
BUt the master didn t Want to Stay he Said , " i told you to PraCtiCe SPiritUaIity i didn t tell you to keep COWS , dogs , CatS , a Wife and Children
这个和尚在他师父回来后感到后悔不已,但他师父已不愿再留下来,他告诫 尚:我嘱咐过你要好好修行,我没叫你去养牛狗猫太太和小孩!

1 regret 这个词是最常见的了,可以作动词也可以是名词,表示“后悔;惋惜”。 它多指对已做或没有成功的事表示懊悔或不愉快,有时则指对自己无能为力 事感到懊悔。
I have always regretted not having StUdied harder at school. 我总是后悔在学校时没有更加努力学习。
There is no room for regret When matters have reached this Stage
事已至此,后悔也没有用了。 【相关搭配】
a matter for regret 一件憾事
express regret 表示遗憾
have no regrets at all 一点不后悔
Send Sb one S regrets ,(因为不能赴会等)(向某人)表示歉意,致歉辞谢
repent 这个动词大家很少见吧,它的意思是“后悔;悔过,IT悔”。
BitterIy did We repent OUr decision. 我们非常后悔做此决定。

Marry in haste, repent at leisure. 结婚太急,后悔莫及。
Anger begins With folly, and ends in repentance. 愤怒以愚蠢开始,以后悔告终。
He is repentant Of his sins. 他对于自己所犯的罪后悔不已。
remorse 这个词表示“懊悔;悔恨”,它只有名词含义,多指烦恼或问心有愧的精神 磨,常含有自责、悔恨之义。
He WaS filled With remorse after hitting the ChiId
他打过孩子后感到悔恨不已。 【相关搭配】
WithOUt remorse 无情地;坚持不懈地;不间断地
be SeiZed With remorse 后悔不已
in deep remorse 在深深的后悔之中
rue 这个词表示“后悔;懊悔”,也有名词和动词两种用法。
TO his rue, the error COSt him the game

It WOUId be easy to IOOk back and rue the WaSted moments
人们总是容易回忆过去,懊悔浪费的光阴。 【习语】
rue the day 追悔莫及
She' 11 rue the day (that She bought that house
5 COntrite 这个词长得像动词,不过却是个形容词,表示“悔罪的;悔恨的”。a COntrite apology/expresSiOn 悔恨的道歉/表情
She assumed a COntrite expression. 她装岀一副后悔的表情。
SOrry 想不到吧,这个词也有后悔的含义。口语里经常会说:
YOU WilI be SOrry for this SOme day. 你有一天要懊悔这件事的。
DrOP that gun! If not, you,
IIbe SOrry. 把枪扔下!否则你会后悔的。

He is deeply COmPUnCtiOUS for his OUtbUrSt
ashamed 对某件事感到后悔,可以用到这个句型:
I am ashamed Of ..... 我对 ... 感到很羞愧。 He is ashamed Of his foolish behaviour
他对自己的愚蠢行为感到惭愧。 【篇四】后悔的英语表达
1. Regret 后悔
There is no room for regret When matters have reached this stage. 此,后悔也没有用了。
2. RePent 后悔
GOd WeICOmeS the Sinner WhO repents
3. RemOrSe 懊悔
He WaS filled With remorse after hitting the ChiId
他打过孩子后感到悔恨不已。 4. RUe后悔
It WOUId be easy to IOOk back and rue the WaSted moments. 人们总是容易回忆过去,懊悔浪费的光阴。
5. SOrry 懊悔
YOU WilI be SOrry for this SOme day. 你有一天要懊悔这件事的。

