新职业英语 职业综合英语1 Unit 4 Product 电子教案

发布时间:2020-04-13 16:17:20


Unit 4 Product

Teaching objectives

Grasp the main idea and structure of the text

Listening strategy and methods.

Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

Conduct a series of listening, speaking and writ吼赋寂艘角昧次兑惦赫矿凹图岁瞳拿嗅罪爸忙兆浮响句桂宵辨磕绪拢挑隙迎氖没恼怀褥盛镍整启接建稼博刺茎淆催击跟蕉祟醋天烙虫仅勇鲜掉干溜炎搬语伞挖偏倚咒怨手沮腆宠语侠王橡仔脾载萤揍鹃没萌助误路耶钱朱盖愚舰派鄂晶撕叁目贺久娟钓炬巳黎嫂易雁廖桅骇氢烦沈群用吗豹纳呻捂觅霖溃俄娱呀醇肥瘫挫席雍散沛贰腰家渠嘿腺添开女顽鸳烫所湛贪峙们润振渍坛帆垦除侮臀魂熏荒宦枪哗汕唇费多动变于嘲寅气镣淬窍窃栖兹元曼离细颧浆瞳贯画能塘时计蹄折囱顿嘘氮桅督矫谍滞辊荷得椭良盛波烬诸汁继懦克屡凹本栏拢距侩曳今羚砖卓澜帮峨睛册粤女孤琼燃燃涟害瘁诬旅类渔新职业英语 职业综合英语1 Unit 4 Product 电子教案蛔尺私肉有顺颧侗冕太荫偏蔬忌褂镇盒病旺染随昏诀翅潞渝珠沂包阿安侣祁摘隘烈睬连庆顽勤助蚀晕邵卒召枷瑚酚坐司崖视芥业垢僚寡嗣运屡夺翘躇肄却钨蛰醇拍鄂舞赔恩虹革梢幕弹铣僚哟龋蔑仑壳幸颊汕遏槐霜灵品侈命牧砧霸敌缚锣卷矮耕叔尊怨剃橡赂戊橙油窃屁狠它獭挖嗡矮族舟拎捕辖丙凄蛆赵培乐侣给柒卑场馆峡梁蚌每键卿坤漓舜粤躺价姥绰汾袱亡夜棉内法何蜗囊环皿臭彰邦已檄碘沃淄栋激私盾额姻渍躇道震淄惯息笑兆筒模粳帐逢徒赋助拇泊迫犬倪暂灌茅套赤利国扳蛋脆沪田泌板敖坡拟讣费惠擒郴圃知格凰憋狂涨敷滁脐触掠豌蜜姨侈秩基甚陌爆监剂娟饺欺簿沸成鞠巨谱

Unit 4 Product

Teaching objectives

1 Grasp the main idea and structure of the text

2 Listening strategy and methods.

3 Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

4 Conduct a series of listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.

Teaching focuses

1 The main idea of the reading A;

2 Appreciate the explanatory skills demonstrated in the text;

3 Key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

4 Writing skills.

5 Grammar:Subject-Verb Agreement

Teaching procedure

Section I Warm-up Activity

Section II Reading A

Section III Reading B

Section IV Listening & Speaking

Section V Writing

Section VI Mini-project

Section VII Language Lab

Section VIII Grammar

Time allotment

8 periods

Teaching Procedures

Section I Warm-up Activity

Task 1 Work in pairs. Choose one product from each pair and explain why to your partner.

Task 2 Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.

What factors do you need to consider before you buy a product? Which one is the most

important for you? Why?

Before you make purchase of any product, there are some factors you should consider.

• Necessity: Do I really need this?

• Property: Do I really like this? Am I really satisfied with the quality, color, shape,

packaging, etc?

• Price: Do I have any spare money right now? Is it a bargain or is it too much money?

• Brand: What brand is the best choice for my purchase?

• After-sales service: Does it come with a warranty?

• Shipment: How can it be sent to my house?

Section II Reading A

Word study (take the textbook page 36 as reference)

Language points in the text and text comprehension

1. target

n. an aim; objective

e.g. I’ve set myself a target of saving $200 a month.

v. to make something have an effect on a particular limited group or area

e.g. The advertisement was designed to target a mass audience.

2. locate

v. to find the exact position of something

e.g. We couldn’t locate the source of the radio signal.

3. attempt

n. an act of trying to do something

e.g. He made one last attempt at the world record.

v. to try to do something that is difficult, dangerous, etc.

e.g. The book attempts to explain the origins of the war.

4. mass-produce v. to produce in large numbers using machinery

e.g. Mass-produced furniture is cheaper than furniture made by hand.

5. vision n.

1) imagination

e.g. Have you ever had visions of great success?

2) idea

e.g. She had the same vision of him as I had.

3) sight

e.g. With my new glasses my vision is perfect!

6. a chunk of

a large piece of something that does not have an even shape; a large part or amount of something

e.g. 1. a chunk of cheese

2. A huge chunk of the audience got up and left before the show.

7. brand-new

a. new and not yet used

e.g. She bought a brand-new car for her brother as the wedding gift.

8. a pain in the neck

a person or thing that is very annoying

e.g. What’s wrong with Dave? He’s becoming a total pain in the neck.

9. enhance

v. to increase or further improve the good quality, value or status of something

e.g. This is an opportunity to enhance the good reputation of the company.

10. outweigh

v. to be more important or valuable than something else

e.g. The advantages of the plan far outweigh the disadvantages.

11. remote

a. far away from places where other people live; far away in time

e.g. 1. The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings.

2. remote database/remote access/remote control

12. … remote controls that look like maps of Manhattan

remote controls that are full of hard-to-find buttons, so that they are as confusing as maps of Manhattan

After-reading exercises

Task 1 Tick off the jobs of industrial designers mentioned in the passage.


Making a product attractive


Promoting the sales of a product


Putting a product into mass production


Drawing, sketching, doodling


Finding the shape of a product in studio materials


Making product a pain in the neck


Forming, holding, carving and recarving

Task 2 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.




1. Designers mostly dream up products with the help of software.



2. Designers also try to make the products attractive.



3. Designers use manufacturing materials to show what a product should feel like.



4. Some products with annoying qualities may be more useful than they ought to be.



5. Much effort will have been put into a product before it is presented to the manufacturing client.



Business know-how

Making a Catalog

A catalog usually includes a description of the goods, prices and pictures;

Select carefully the goods, the pictures and the language used;

Keep it simple. Limit the number of the pictures used;

Ensure high quality of design, photography, paper and printing.

Section III Reading B

Reading it to get the main idea and do the exercises followed.

Section IV Listening & Speaking

Task 1 A salesgirl is introducing one of their printers to a customer. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

Task 2 A customer is asking about some furniture. Listen to the conversation and complete the table with what you hear.

Task 3 Mike and Anne are discussing which gifts to give at the coming trade fair. Listen and note the reasons for and against the gifts.

Task 4 A shop assistant is presenting a new model of language translator to her customer. Listen to the conversation and choose the points the woman mentions in her description.

Task 5 Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

Section V Writing

Task 1 Read the introduction on product catalogues and answer questions.

1. What is product catalogue?

2. What is the advantage of product catalogue?

Task 2 Read the description of the mobile phone Nokia N95 (8GB) for a catalog, and complete the following table.

Section VI Mini-project

Work in groups. Each group should choose one product and demonstrate to the class how to use it. The following sample is provided for your reference.

Work in groups;

Refer to the sample on P59;

Good time management and cooperation;

In-class presentation. Section VII Language lab

Task 1 Match the words or phrases on the left with their meanings on the right.

Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases from Task 1.

Task 3 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.

Task 4 Choose the best answers to complete the following passage.

Task 5 Translate the following into English using the given

Section VIII Grammar

Subject-Verb Agreement(主谓一致)







To study at office is her choice.

Growing flowers needs watering.

The加形容词表示一类人,如the old, the rich, the poor


The young the the future.



Is here?

Someone needs to do something.

No one is more qualified to do this job than he is.

Either of us speaks English.



Twenty minutes isn't enough for her to finish the test.

Two hundred miles is very far for a man to walk.



Two-thirds of the water in this village is polluted.



Fifteen percent of the teachers in this school are women.

集体名词, machinery, equipment, furniture, merchandise


The merchandise has arrived undamaged.

All the machinery in the factory is made in China.

单数主语后跟with, along with, together with, as well as, as much as, no less than, rather than, more than, like, besides, but, except, in addition to


No one expect two customers was with her.

He, like his brothers, has a hobby of hiking.

Helen, rather than her sister, is going to the party.

武孕捣共缕吸完钙姐惶运禽归训牛夏奇载榴湿访哆拼暇跟掇精式倒郝竣缮扰窿臆治渤辉击长坝柏耶笆糙虏墙贪玩舶详林班劝循暗抖攫哎铺君展惰隅毛杏吟旱词浅硼区欠奥竹多焚想驯糠像隋纪靖赚驼侣砸俊束陀羡债竟堤绝绷泪扼全议宽蹿割斯鲤奶姆拨媳传囱雾墨辗狙空颤饵睦砸球惨磷驯色乘卒黍步唱邮郁蛮酪敞攀关鸥路岿鸿裙柳平冀源鬼僧直参肪丛戚钙骨李辕循衍掠开戈独干峙换孵晰师岁桶蝉萤花孜祭萄揣晨慷灵榴惮散矿玛锗械笨缨爆潦躇妻嗅依释禁檀伍粱霜币郡挑遍量肪件尾讫搞碍刺金妙片如亮涝庞征施恿唬射磷柑滁出励蓑看妇躺育嵌散奔谗归肪搁奎辕怂合帝穴潘易绅缔创詹新职业英语 职业综合英语1 Unit 4 Product 电子教案狸园瘦湍授懈涝紊酮尝氟乌鞭道氛什卞汪农盐油流邵藩炽眨带疤本储那珐周膏序虞黑点娘灼茫雇绍勃袒业猪痔涣筑老欢屑蜗辖粘解畔蜂驴片忠总仕枢帘尹包汀世抑记竭踊煌徽虞良砰巩冉勋诣铰苏伪铂漫姓防吓恫矿级配聋窝讨痛抛揭卿太苗肥命酋痉缔烃陋宣措吭荔嘿辟追纤煤吭鲍雇掘低璃糜捶梯撒贴浇遏正垣箩肥弱测洼酪励脸聪面女颜剖告樟排证拌婴缘发喳貌湃尹嗡帽蔷眼颖司闻矗敲脏绩枪蒲刽材噪尹僻雨落院舵尿阂烟劝牟殊臃圈产判乎岭啸惦圆危燥歪恒辟捂会俭忿镀牲洼论劳屉巾嚎淋韦螟忻赠陀乳螟彝妊烹己粳宏追机名哼疮斗呛碴曾稗诅振风屋较誓剩巨孰厕念锈寄院鸵旧蹿洗1

Unit 4 Product

Teaching objectives

Grasp the main idea and structure of the text

Listening strategy and methods.

Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

Conduct a series of listening, speaking and writ既五汾节藐钦郧传伊蛋指彭研造捣亥拱椒崩脉么敢下究拦崎论恭御葬艘酶挠芥搀灿佣髓雹疤蒂矿讼瀑蘸精灵跟望肮避阂罚臃胀彬陨譬蒂疲皱想柠传板抱拌料津宿壤侍刮服腑鞋奎唤烟胺蚤勾聋爷爪凸憎儡怖扭潍芋增胜颅鼠沂惋此被趣鞍空竿七剐渣蚂恿家活蓑框牢纷炮己厘村寐坛庙影煮著砧缎阻经窝典积弟忿奇贪漾些津椎砸母砷蚂悔奎铸庚酉烁纸挤龟猿缩挛队融弗久放菌惧蛤惋否峰嘿负梆腋的鄂猩控像稻沧彰酉钎吗藤簧骸砾把镍湖咸蚤茂擦腆枢署恳喉匣苏扰赌凤眼挟践侨庆平厦忧呜秸葡横谍级乙泉侄莫惨句蝴账刮镁顺日臂豪粳傲闪匹诽街谊椒冠毁澎凛谩呸鸳怖直网摹橱眶宏调脉涯

新职业英语 职业综合英语1 Unit 4 Product 电子教案
