希腊罗马神话 宙斯观后感 英文

发布时间:2018-07-01 17:34:16

I have read about the story about zues and he is my favourite character.In Greek mythology,Zues is the King of the Gods,the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky and thunder. He use lightning as a weapon to maintain order between heaven and earth, bull and eagle is his symbol. His brothers Poseidon and Hades were in charge of marine and hell; goddess Hera is the wife of Zeus.

He was in possession of all human affairs, be confused with the god of destiny, but sometimes he also had to follow the fate of the disposal. The main shrine of Zeus at Olympia Ellis, where built the Temple of Zeus every four years, held a grand festival of sports will be. That originated in the modern Olympic Games held in memory of his sports competition. Zeus and the mortal woman, with a number of the Goddess of Health had a lot of children or for their gods, or for the semi-divine hero, so Zeus, also known as the father of gods and mortals. Zeus's image always appeared on the ancient Greek epic, tragedy and other literary works.

Zeus is an extremely contradictory mixture of both his dignity, but also naughty, not only impartial, but also full of emotion. Zeus is the performance of these contradictions, the complex human body's performance, it is necessary to maintain the dignity, but also be under the control of emotions.

In addition to the gods Zeus, a direct link between the outside of the mortals with the myth of the heroic events of Intel through a closely linked, so that the ancient Greek myth of the spirit world and human community linked.

希腊罗马神话 宙斯观后感 英文
