懂你英语Level3 Unit1 Part2

发布时间:2019-03-24 22:25:45

Level3 Unit1 Part2

Listening: Time Zones

Our planet, the Earth, is the third planet from the Sun.

It is a beautiful, rotating sphere.

The side facing the Sun is in daylight.

The side facing away from the Sun is in darkness.

For example, when it's daytime in the US. it's nighttime in China.

In fact, there's a 12-hour time difference between Boston and Shanghai.

When it's midnight in Shanghai, it's noon in Boston.

(Which side of the Earth is in daylight?) (What is the shape of our planet?)

The Earth rotates from west to east.

To know which direction is east or west, watch the sun.

The Sun travels through the sky from east to west.

The Sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west.

Again, this is because the Earth rotates.

It takes 24 hours for the Earth to make a complete rotation.

And that is the length of one day.

(What rotates from west to east?)

(How long does it take for the Earth to make a rotation?)

Because of the Earth's rotation, the Earth is divided into time zones.

Some countries, such as the US, have several time zones.

When it's 10 am in New York, it's 7 am in San Francisco.

Europe and the US, are separated by several time zones.

When it's 5 pm in Paris, it's 11 am in Boston.

So there's a 6-hour time difference between Paris and Boston.

One large country, China, has just one time zone for the whole country.

As a result, at the same time, some parts of the country can be dark and the other parts can be light.

(Why is the Earth divided into time zones?)

(Which large country has only one time zone?)

As you travel around the Earth, the time changes.

The time of day depends on your location on the planet.

When you travel east or west, you may cross several time zones.

For example, if you travel from Beijing to Los Angeles, your cross 8 time zones.

That means when it's noon on Sunday in China, it's 8 pm on Saturday in Los Angeles.

For travelers, this means it can be very difficult to sleep after a long fright.

The clock may say 8 pm, but for your body it's noon.

This is called jet lag.

(What changes as you travel around the Earth?)

(What happened when you travel east or west?)

(Crossing several time zones causes jet lag.)

Listening: Kim's Movie Star Dream

Kim is a popular Korean actress. She is 28 years old, slim and beautiful.

She has a large fun club, and her movies are very popular.

Everywhere she goes, her funs want her autograph.

But Kim wants more. She wants to be popular all over the world.

(What does Kim do?)

Tomorrow is a special day for her.

She's leaving for Hollywood.

She's going to Hollywood to meet with some top movie executives.

The meeting is scheduled for the day after tomorrow.

If the meeting goes well , she'll be in a Hollywood move.

This is her chance to become a star.

(When is she going to meet with executives? )

(What will happen if the meeting goes well?)

She met the movie's director last year.

He came to Korea and saw her latest movie.

After that he decided to use her in his new movie.

Fortunately, Kim's English is excellent, so she can play the role.

(Who did she meet last year?)

(How good is Kim's English?)

The director wants her to play the major role in the movie.

The movie's story will take place in the future.

At that time, the world will be a very different place.

Unfortunately, much of the world will be polluted.

Roberts will do much of the work, and only the very rich can have a good life.

(When will the movie's story take place?)

(In the movie, what will do much of the work?)

The ending of the movie is still a secret.

Even Kim doesn't know how it will end.

But she hopes it will have a happy ending.

She wants people to have a hope for a better future.

(What's still a secret?)

(What kinds of ending does Kim want the movie to have ?)

Vocabulary: Actions & Comparisons

These people are having a meeting.

The woman is giving a presentation.

This person is having a scary dream.

In his dream, something is chasing him, so he is running as fast as he can.

This old man is a tourist.

He is looking out the window of his tour bus.

This young couple is in a art museum.

They are looking at a famous painting.

The Sun is setting behind the mountains.

The sky is turning red.

The longest line is the one on the top.

The top line is the longest of the three lines.

The shortest line is the one in the middle.

The line in the middle is shorter than the other two.

The bottom line is the shortest.

The shortest of these three lines is the one on the bottom.

The shirt on the left is more expensive than the shirt on the right.

The shirt on the right is less expensive than the shirt on the left.

The shirt on the left isn't as expensive as the one on the right.

The shirt on the left costs less than the one on the right.

Vocabulary: Seasons & Weather

Winter is the coldest season because the sun is at its lowest point in the sky.

Winter sports include skilling and ice skating.

Many people like to go swimming in the summer because of the hot weather.

Spring is the season when the weather goes warmer each day.

For many animals, new life begins in the spring.

Autumn is the season when the weather begins to cool and the days begin to shorten.

Autumn is when trees turn many colors and leaves fall to the ground.

Rainy season is the season when some countries get most of their rainfall.

Rainy season usually lasts for one or two months.

Dialogue: Missing the Flight

Hi, I'm sorry to be late.

What happened? You were supposed to here an hour ago.

Yes, I know, but I missed my flight.

(How late is he?) - He's an hour late.

You missed your flight? How did that happen?

I got on the wrong bus this morning, so I was late to airport.
By the time I arrived, the gate was closed.

What did you do then?

I had to rebook my flight and get on the waiting list.

(Why was he late to the airport?)

(What did he do when he got to the airport?)

Oh, that's too bad, at least you got here.

Yes, it wasn't easy getting on the next flight. I had to run to the gate.

This kind of things happened a lot lately. Last week I missed a flight too.

(What wasn't easy?)

What happened?

There was a traffic accident near the airport.

You were driving?

No, I wasn't. I was in a taxi.

But it took long time to get to the airport.

The traffic was stopped for nearly 15 minutes.

(Why did it take long time to get to the airport?)

By the time I got there, it was too late to get on the flight.

The next flight wasn't for another 3 hours, so it was a long wait.

From now on, I'll try to get to the airport much earlier.

Me too.

(How long did she have to wait for the next flight?)

Dialogue: A going away party

What's the matter? Why do you look so sad?

Ada has a new job. She's going to Beijing.

Really? When is she leaving?

She is leaving at the end of next week.

That soon?

Yes, she just told me.

That's too bad.

I really enjoy working with her.

Me too. I'm going to miss her.

(Why is Ada going to leave?)

Let's have a going away party for her.

Good idea. How about this weekend?

Friday evening would be better. We can have it after work.

Yes, Friday is better.

(When are they going to have the party?)

Let's go to her favorite restaurant, okay?

Which one, the Italian one or the German one?

The Italian one has better food, so let's go there.

Their pizzas are awesome.

(How good are the pizzas at the Italian restaurant?)

OK, I'll make the reservations.

Let me check with Ada first.

We don't want her to miss her party.

Yeah, that's for sure. And could you please invite everyone in the office?

Sure, no problem. Nobody will want to miss it.

(What are they going to check with Ada?) - They need to confirm that she can come to the party.

懂你英语Level3 Unit1 Part2
