2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you课时跟踪练(二)牛津译林版选修6.doc

发布时间:2019-04-08 07:22:31

2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you课时跟踪练(二)牛津译林版选修6


1I was amused (逗笑) to find that he and I were born on the same day.

2I thought he always felt great affection (喜爱,钟爱) for his sister, but in fact, he disliked her.

3That dress is such a good style (样式,风格) that it will be fashionable for years.

4Mary won the first place for her fine performance (表现,表演) in the dance contest.

5I've read heaps of books about it and have taken part in varieties (不同种类) of activities.

6What westerners cannot bear most is to be teased (戏弄) or cheated.

7I can't attend her birthday party because of a previous (先前的) engagement.

8At every stage (时期) of life we take losses and grow in the process.

9As the saying (格言,谚语) goes, seeing is believing.

10She is very shy and doesn't know how to behave (表现) in public.


1There are the variety of animals and plants in the world. But for various reasons, some of them are dying out.第一个thea

2I didn't find the story amused; in fact, I thought it was rather boring. amusedamusing

3Whichever happened, you should never lose hope.WhicheverWhatever

4Chen Peisi is a famous comedian and many people had affection on his performing styles.onfor

5The reason that he moved to London was that he wanted to try a new life.第一个thatwhy

6Plenty of advice was come up at the class meeting yesterday.up后加with

7One so person is my father, a simple and modest man.sosuch

8While play basketball, you might be using 400 calories an hour.playplaying


stand up for trip over make fun of have affection for come up with pass away queue up a variety of be good for follow in the footstep of

1There's no doubt that every mother has_affection_for her children.

2They thought about how to solve the problem for the rest of the day and wrote down what they came_up_with.

3We have a_variety_of books for you to choose from.

4We will provide our strong support for those who stand_up_for our legal rights.

5To be honest, I am tired of being_made_fun_of during every meal just because I am overweight.

6Tom burst into tears on hearing the news that his mother passed_away last night.

7People queue_up outside the Apple's store every time a new iPhone comes out.

8I quietly got up in the dark but tripped_over a toy and crashed to the floor.

9As we all know, walking after supper is_good_for our health.

10He followed_in_the_footsteps_of other famous scientists and tried to make contributions to the important research.


One favorite type of comedy 1.is_called (call) stand­up. Stand­up is a kind of comedy 2.that is done on a stage by a comedian 3.talking (talk) straight to audience members.

Billy Crystal, 4.a famous stand­up comedian, has hosted the Academy Awards nine times. Each time, he performs his stand­up routine in front of millions of people when the show 5.is_broadcast (broadcast) live on TV. One reason Crystal has become so famous is 6.that he is very quick thinking, and is often able to come up 7.with new jokes about the people and things around him. He is popular with all age groups and has the ability 8.to_amuse (amuse) people all over the world.

Doctors have discovered that people who laugh a lot live 9.longer (long). Laughing helps your body stay healthy and can even help you fight pain. Whatever the reason is, research shows that in the end, the English 10.saying (say), Laughter is the best medicine”, may be true after all.


查理·卓别林是世界上家喻户晓的名字。似乎(It seemed that)他是一位天生的滑稽演员(comedian)。在舞台(stage)上,他的表现(behave)与众不同,如被椅子绊倒(trip over)和被人愚弄(make fun of)。他想出(come up with)很多办法让观众开怀大笑,人们喜欢(have affection for)他的表演风格(style)。尽管(while)他因精彩的表演(performance)而获得了很多奖项,但是他的个人生活并不幸福。他说,无论什么(whatever)发生,他都不会失去希望。他于1977年去世(pass away),当时这震惊了许多人。

Charlie Chaplin was a household name in the world. It seemed that he was a born comedian. On the stage, he behaved strangely, such as tripping over a chair and being made fun of. He came up with many ways to make people burst into laughter, and people had affection for his performing styles. While he obtained many awards for his excellent performances, his private life was unhappy. He said he would never lose hope whatever happened. He passed away in 1977, which shocked many people at that time.



How would you like to study at an American university in China__1__ the news that New York University (NYU) is opening a campus on Chinese mainland, the possibility of getting an American education is coming closer to a __2__. But how will Chinese students deal with a very different style of teaching__3__ that encourages debate, discussion and critical thinking? You know how kids constantly ask questions? They have so much to learn and simply __4__ information. Asking questions __5__ they are curious.

So __6__ does that natural __7__ become weak? Not at kindergarten, nor at primary school. But perhaps self­consciousness and a reluctance (不情愿) to draw attention to yourself by asking the teacher questions __8__ with adolescence. __9__ that's a pity, because asking your teachers questions should be encouraged. After all, they've been educated, __10__ a lot more experience than you and perhaps have a little wisdom.

When I taught journalism at college in Scotland, I __11__ answering students' questions. Some of them asked difficult ones. I didn't always know the answers. If I didn't, I'd admit __12__ and try to find out later. At university we were encouraged to challenge our peers and tutors. A student would prepare a paper on a subject and other students would __13__ it. It was a way of __14__ critical and logical thinking.

You can learn to think logically, __15__ some of the more difficult problems would probably require advanced math. Having a logical mind can help develop critical thinking. My wife doesn't have a logical mind, but she does have emotional intelligence. An ability to empathize with people, relate to them and __16__ their personalities is also important to critical thinking. I can't claim to have __17__ like her emotional intelligence, but I'd like to think some of it has influenced me. If you can't __18__ try to put yourself in someone else's __19__ how can you understand their situation and their problems?

So try to develop your powers of critical thinking. __20__ books, films, music and newspapers. And don't believe everything you read or see. Think for yourself.


1A.With         BAs

CFrom DIn

解析:选A 根据此句中“... the news that New York University (NYU) is opening a campus on Chinese mainland ...”可以判断,随着美国纽约大学在中国大陆开办分校的消息传来……,四个选项中只有with含有随着的意思,故A项正确。

2A.goal Breality

Cdream Dchallenge

解析:选B 由此句中“... the possibility of getting an American education ...”可知,随着美国纽约大学在中国大陆开办分校的消息传来,中国人接受美式教育的机会要成为事实。reality“事实,现实,符合语境。

3A.Which BOne

CIt DAnything

解析:选B one指代同类事物;anything指代没有任何范围的任何事情;根据语境可知,空处指代a style of teaching,指代的是泛指同类中的某个,故B项正确。

4A.ask Bfind

Clook Dwant

解析:选D 由上句“You know how kids constantly ask questions可知,孩子们是通过学习来获得信息的,即他们学习的动力是想要获得信息,want“想要,符合语境。

5A.shows Bexplains

Cpredicts Drequires

解析:选A 该句进一步解释孩子经常问问题的现象,问问题表明孩子们感到好奇。show“表明,说明,符合语境。

6A.when Bwhere

Cwhat Dwhy

解析:选A 由下句对此问题的回答“Not at kindergarten, nor at primary school”可知,既不在幼儿园,也不在小学,据此可以判断,这指的是时间,故A项正确。

7A.character Bability

Cintelligence Dcuriosity

解析:选D 那么这种天生就有的好奇心是什么时候(开始)变弱的?不是在幼儿园时期,也不是在小学时期。故D项正确。

8A.gets Bexists

Ccomes Druns

解析:选C 但是也许伴随着青春期而来的是自我意识以及怕引起对自己的注意而不愿意向老师问问题。come with“伴随……发生,故C项正确。

9A.Even so BIf not

CEven if DIf so

解析:选D 如果是这样的话,那很遗憾。因为向老师问问题应该得到鼓励。If so“如果是这样的话,符合语境。

10A.possessing Bpossess

Chaving possessed Dto possess

解析:选B 由此句中“... a lot more experience than you ...”可以判断,毕竟老师受过教育,比你更有经验和智慧。根据该句中的have也可以判断,此处应填动词原形。故B项正确。

11A.enjoyed Bhated

Cmet Davoided

解析:选A 由此句“... answering students' questions ...”可知,喜欢回答学生的问题。enjoy“喜欢,符合语境。

12A.it Bthem

Cthis Done

解析:选A 根据语境可知,空处指代的是“I didn't always know the answers”,故用it。有些学生问的问题挺难,无法回答,如果回答不出来,就承认此事,以后再查找答案。故A项正确。

13A.refuse Bfollow

Ccriticize Dignore

解析:选C 由此句“A student would prepare a paper on a subject and other students would ...”可以判断,一个学生就某个学科准备一份论文,其他学生来反驳。criticize“反驳,符合语境。

14A.promoting Bworsening

Cdiscussing Dincreasing

解析:选A 这是一种提高批判性思维和逻辑思维能力的方法。promote“提高,改善,符合语境。

15A.although Bas if

Cso Dhowever

解析:选A 根据语境可知,尽管你可能学会了逻辑思维,但是有些困难的问题常常需要高等数学来解决。故A项正确。

16A.get Bview

Cread Dhave

解析:选C 与人们相协调以及解读人们的个性能力对批判思维的发展也是很重要的。read“解读,符合语境。

17A.everything Bnothing

Csomething Danything

解析:选D 不敢声称有类似于妻子情商的东西。由否定词can't可以判断用anything

18A.at least Bat most

Cabove all Dfirst of all

解析:选A 由此句中“... try to put yourself in someone else's ...”可知,本句说的是最起码的要求。at least“至少,符合语境。

19A.problems Bstatus

Cshoes Dattitude

解析:选C put yourself in someone else's shoes为固定搭配,意为换位思考,根据语境可知,如果你无法站在别人的角度考虑问题,那么你怎么能理解别人的处境和问题呢?故C项正确。

20A.Choose from BStart with

CHave a look at DDepend on

解析:选B 由此句“try to develop your powers of critical thinking ...”可以判断,所以要尽力发展你的批判性思维,从看书、看电影、听音乐和读报纸开始。故B项正确。


There are many people think that wealth is better than health. I used to thinking so until one day I read a story about Howard Hughes. He was a American billionaire who got everything he wants.Therefore, in the last twenty years of his life, his health became worse and she was miserable.He had the best doctors and nurse. But he could still find no relief. I realised that health is worth all the money in the world. If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor, you will not be able to do that you want to do. So I would like to say, Don't hurt at yourself and try to make money. Instead, take care of your body and be happy with what you do. Healthy is more important.



第三句:aan; wantswanted

第四句:ThereforeHowever; shehe





2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you课时跟踪练(二)牛津译林版选修6.doc
