
发布时间:2011-01-12 17:17:59


1930923日 雷·查尔斯·罗宾森出生于乔治亚州的奥尔巴尼,那是一个贫困的黑人家庭。雷在很小的时候显示出了过人的音乐天赋,他在五岁之前即开始学习钢琴,当地许多音乐家都曾是雷在音乐上的指导老师;
  1937年 雷·查尔斯生命中最具悲剧性的一年,他亲眼目睹自己的哥哥乔治溺水身亡,从此一直忍受着心灵上的谴责,再加上他本身就有严重的青光眼,灵魂与肉体的双重折磨最终使得雷于一年后彻底失明。虽然失明时的雷只有七岁,但他很坚强,再加上妈妈最为深沉的母爱,雷仍然可以通过敏锐的感知力与外界保持着联系。他的一生中从未使用过拐杖、导盲犬或任何盲人惯用的辅助工具--当然,在黑暗的世界里,音乐也是支撑他生活下去的法宝之一;
  1948年 雷离开南部,作为一个乐队中的键盘手在西雅图进行巡演,他那平滑流畅的嗓音很快为他赢来了机会;
  1949年 在Swingtime唱片公司录制了首张单曲《Confession Blues》,公司的老板杰克·劳德戴尔将雷介绍给一个R&B吉他手洛厄尔·弗尔森(Lowell Fulson)伴奉。即使如此,雷仍然十分寂寞,他大部分时间都是留在酒店自己的房间里,他开始吸食海洛因;
  1952年 雷·查尔斯签约大西洋唱片公司,这是他音乐生涯的真正转折点。在公司的支持下,雷开始尝试一些非常有争议的音乐创作--圣灵的教堂福音音与肮脏世俗的蓝调音乐混合在一起,这一举措在当时引起一片哗然,各大音乐电台联手封杀了雷。即使如此,雷的音乐中的感染力却是不容否认的,不但唤起了人们灵魂的共鸣,还集结了一批热衷的追随者,即有黑人,也有白人;
  1955年 这其间,雷创作了一系列脍炙人口的歌曲,其中《I Got a Woman》首次获得大众的认可,名列R&B排行榜上第二的位置;
  1956年 雷凭借单曲《Drown In My Own Tears》第一次打榜成功,成为R&BNo1
  1959年 与大西洋唱片公司的合同期满,雷转而来签约ABC Paramount唱片公司,因为其公司的老板许诺让雷进行不受任何限制的音乐创作;
  1960年 雷自由的灵魂受到了全新的震撼,他将自己曾经的音乐风格全部推翻,开始探索乡村和西部音乐。那一年的经典之作《我心中的乔治亚》(Georgia on My Mind)直闯流行金曲榜首,并为雷赢来了人生中的第一个格莱美奖;
  同年 雷在ABC Paramount唱片公司的首张专辑《The Genius Hits the Road》发行,名列十甲;
  1962年 《Modern Sounds in Country & Western Music》成为排行榜上的第一金碟;
  1966 因藏毒受到起诉,后来洗脱罪责,从此戒毒,再未碰过毒品;
  1979年 《我心中的乔治亚》被选为乔治亚州的州歌;
  1986 ·查尔斯成为摇滚名人殿堂”(Rock and Roll Hall of Fame)的会员;
  1987年 荣获格莱美终身成就奖
  1994年 因《A Song for You》捧回了其职业生涯中的第十二座格莱美;
  2003年 美国国会图书馆将《What'd I Say》定为全美最具划时代意义的唱片之一;
  2004611日 雷·查尔斯病逝,享年73岁。

1. Alabamy Bound Listen

2. Georgia on My Mind Listen

3. Basin Street Blues Listen

4. Mississippi Mud Listen

5. Moonlight in Vermont Listen

6. New York's My Home Listen

7. California, Here I Come Listen

8. Moon over Miami Listen

9. Deep in the Heart of Texas Listen

10. Carry Me Back to Old Virginny - Ray Charles, The Raelettes, Raeletts Listen

11. Blue Hawaii Listen

12. Chattanooga Choo Choo Listen

13. Sentimental Journey [*] Listen

14. Hit the Road Jack [*] Listen

15. Blue Moon of Kentucky (Swingova) [*] Listen

16. Rainy Night in Georgia [*] Listen

17. I'm Movin' On [*] Listen

18. Swanee River Rock (Talkin' 'Bout That River) [*] Listen

19. Lonely Avenue [*] Listen




黑人灵魂乐歌手雷.查尔斯(Ray Charles)传奇的一生,刻画了这位灵魂乐之父那常人难以想象的坚强意志和美丽心灵。

有人问Ray Charles:什么是灵魂乐?

  Ray Charles回答:Soul

  显然,音乐已经溶进了他的身体、血液和灵魂,跨越了灵魂、爵士、乡村、蓝调、流行各个领域。打从我出生,音乐就在我的内在滋长,音乐就是我身体的一部分,像是我的血液一样。”Ray Charles自己也是这样说的。

Soul music 我们这里翻译成为灵魂乐,香港翻译成为 骚灵。个人还是比较喜欢香港的翻译,因为音和义都翻译了过来,而且(粤语音)跟“show”音也很像,较为传神。

  初初听这类型的歌,总觉得有点奇怪, 但是听多了又觉得很享受。

Artist: Ray Charles Lyrics
Song: What'd I Say Lyrics

Hey mama, don't you treat me wrong
Come and love your daddy all night long
All right now, hey hey, all right
See the girl with the diamond ring
She knows how to shake that thing
All right now now now, hey hey, hey hey
Tell your mama, tell your pa
I'm gonna send you back to Arkansas
Oh yes, ma'm, you don't do right, don't do right
Aw, play it boy
When you see me in misery
Come on baby, see about me
Now yeah, all right, all right, aw play it, boy
When you see me in misery
Come on baby, see about me
Now yeah, hey hey, all right
See the girl with the red dress on
She can do the Birdland all night long

Yeah yeah, what'd I say, all right
Well, tell me what'd I say, yeah
Tell me what'd I say right now
Tell me what'd I say
Tell me what'd I say right now
Tell me what'd I say
Tell me what'd I say yeah

And I wanna know
Baby I wanna know right now
And-a I wanna know
And I wanna know right now yeah
And-a I wanna know
Said I wanna know yeah

[Spoken:] Hey, don't quit now! (c'mon honey)
Naw, I got, I uh-uh-uh, I'm changing (stop! stop! we'll do it again)
Wait a minute, wait a minute, oh hold it! Hold it! Hold it!
Hey (hey) ho (ho) hey (hey) ho (ho) hey (hey) ho (ho) hey
Oh one more time (just one more time)
Say it one more time right now (just one more time)
Say it one more time now (just one more time)
Say it one more time yeah (just one more time)
Say it one more time (just one more time)
Say it one more time yeah (just one more time)

Hey (hey) ho (ho) hey (hey) ho (ho) hey (hey) ho (ho) hey
Ah! Make me feel so good (make me feel so good)
Make me feel so good now yeah (make me feel so good)
Woah! Baby (make me feel so good)
Make me feel so good yeah (make me feel so good)
Make me feel so good (make me feel so good)
Make me feel so good yeah (make me feel so good)
Huh (huh) ho (ho) huh (huh) ho (ho) huh (huh) ho (ho) huh
Awh it's all right (baby it's all right)
Said that it's all right right now (baby it's all right)
Said that it's all right (baby it's all right)
Said that it's all right yeah (baby it's all right)
Said that it's all right (baby it's all right)
Said that it's all right (baby it's all right)

Woah! Shake that thing now (baby shake that thing)
Baby shake that thing now now (baby shake that thing)
Baby shake that thing (baby shake that thing)
Baby shake that thing right now (baby shake that thing)
Baby shake that thing (baby shake that thing)
Baby shake that thing (baby shake that thing)
Woah! I feel all right now yeah (make me feel all right)
Said I feel all right now (make me feel all right)
Woooah! (make me feel all right)
Tell you I feel all right (make me feel all right)
Said I feel all right (make me feel all right)
Baby I feel all right (make me feel all right)

-查尔斯,1930年出生于乔治亚州,不久搬到佛罗里达州。五岁时视觉逐渐变差,七岁因青光眼完全失明后,进入州立聋盲学校达八年,这期间Charles学习了古典钢琴与竖笛。离开学校后,Charles决定追求他成为巨星的梦想,于是开始在夜总会中表演。195359年这段期间Charles在黑人节奏蓝调榜上多有所获,《Ive Got A Woman》、《A Fool For You》都是这时期的代表作。纵横歌坛50Ray Charles的音乐涵盖蓝调、爵士、福音、乡村与流行为黑、白人的音乐做了巧妙的融合且为后辈树立了残而不废的典范。凯莉-华盛顿和瑞加纳-金在影片中扮演了查尔斯生命中的两个女人……

美国流行音乐的盛事2004年度第47届格莱美奖在洛杉矶的斯泰普斯中心隆重举行,在格莱美之夜中,大赢家不是此前获十项提名的金牌音乐制作人Kanye West,也不是红遍2004年的R&B超级明星Usher,而是已经于20046月溘然长逝的美国灵魂音乐传奇人物,著名的盲人音乐家Ray Charles(1930-2004),他的最后一张录音室专辑《Genius Loves Company》为他赢得了八项格莱美大奖,在八项大奖的助推之下,也让这位逝者占据了该周音乐排行榜冠军的宝座。

雷·查尔斯(英语:Ray Charles1930923日-2004610日),本名雷·查尔斯·鲁滨逊(Ray Charles Robinson),美国灵魂音乐家、钢琴演奏家,他开创了节奏布鲁斯音乐。他是第一批被列入摇滚名人堂的人物之一,[1]《滚石杂志》亦把他列为「100个最伟大的艺人」中的第10位;[2]。法兰克·辛纳屈称他为「音乐界唯一的天才」。[

原名 雷·查尔斯·鲁滨逊

昵称 Brother RayThe Genius

出生 1930923


逝世 2004610

职业 歌手、流行音乐作家、音乐家、编曲家、乐队领队

音乐类型 节奏布鲁斯、灵魂音乐、布鲁斯、流行音乐、乡村音乐、爵士乐、福音音乐、钢琴布鲁斯

演奏乐器 歌唱、钢琴、低音萨克斯管

出身地 美国佛罗里达州格林维尔

活跃年代 1947–2004

唱片公司 Atlantic Records

ABC Records


网站 [RayCharles.com]

Ray Charles证明了最好的音乐可以超越任何界限,涉足到每一个领域。他能做出任何类型的音乐,同时还能忠于自我。这一切,都有关他的灵魂。他的声音美妙得足以令人晕倒——你能听到布鲁斯,听到R&B,听到福音——这些是我之前听的所有东西,而现在却被融入这么一种令人惊异却又充满感情的音乐之中。

  作为歌手,Ray Charles有着不同的表达方式。他创作的节奏总是在你的意料之外,却总是如此完美和适当,他深知该如何去处理那些节奏,就像任何一个伟大的爵士音乐家。但他所具备的不止这些——他还写出了这些难以置信的歌曲,他是个伟大的音乐家,令人惊叹的唱片制作人,还是个极为出色的经纪人。


2003年 美国国会图书馆将《What'd I Say》定为全美最具划时代意义的唱片之一。

What I'd Say Lyrics

Artist(Band):Ray Charles

Hey mama, don't you treat me wrong

Come and love your daddy all night long

All right now, hey hey, all right

See the girl with the diamond ring

She knows how to shake that thing

All right now now now, hey hey, hey hey

Tell your mama, tell your pa

I'm gonna send you back to Arkansas

Oh yes, ma'm, you don't do right, don't do right

Aw, play it boy

When you see me in misery

Come on baby, see about me

Now yeah, all right, all right, aw play it, boy

When you see me in misery

Come on baby, see about me

Now yeah, hey hey, all right

See the girl with the red dress on

She can do the Birdland all night long

Yeah yeah, what'd I say, all right

Well, tell me what'd I say, yeah

Tell me what'd I say right now

Tell me what'd I say

Tell me what'd I say right now

Tell me what'd I say

Tell me what'd I say yeah

And I wanna know

Baby I wanna know right now

And-a I wanna know

And I wanna know right now yeah

And-a I wanna know

Said I wanna know yeah

Spoken: Hey, don't quit now! (c'mon honey)

Naw, I got, I uh-uh-uh, I'm changing (stop! stop! we'll do it again)

Wait a minute, wait a minute, oh hold it! Hold it! Hold it!

Hey (hey) ho (ho) hey (hey) ho (ho) hey (hey) ho (ho) hey

Oh one more time (just one more time)

Say it one more time right now (just one more time)

Say it one more time now (just one more time)

Say it one more time yeah (just one more time)

Say it one more time (just one more time)

Say it one more time yeah (just one more time)

Hey (hey) ho (ho) hey (hey) ho (ho) hey (hey) ho (ho) hey

Ah! Make me feel so good (make me feel so good)

Make me feel so good now yeah (make me feel so good)

Woah! Baby (make me feel so good)

Make me feel so good yeah (make me feel so good)

Make me feel so good (make me feel so good)

Make me feel so good yeah (make me feel so good)

Huh (huh) ho (ho) huh (huh) ho (ho) huh (huh) ho (ho) huh

Awh it's all right (baby it's all right)

Said that it's all right right now (baby it's all right)

Said that it's all right (baby it's all right)

Said that it's all right yeah (baby it's all right)

Said that it's all right (baby it's all right)

Said that it's all right (baby it's all right)

Woah! Shake that thing now (baby shake that thing)

Baby shake that thing now now (baby shake that thing)

Baby shake that thing (baby shake that thing)

Baby shake that thing right now (baby shake that thing)

Baby shake that thing (baby shake that thing)

Baby shake that thing (baby shake that thing)

Woah! I feel all right now yeah (make me feel all right)

Said I feel all right now (make me feel all right)

Woooah! (make me feel all right)

Tell you I feel all right (make me feel all right)

Said I feel all right (make me feel all right)

Baby I feel all right (make me feel all right)

Artist: Ray Charles Lyrics
Song: I Can't Stop Loving You Lyrics

(I can't stop loving you)
I've made up my mind
To live in memory of the lonesome times
(I can't stop wanting you)
It's useless to say
So I'll just live my life in dreams of yesterday
(Dreams of yesterday)
Those happy hours that we once knew
Tho' long ago, they still make me blue
They say that time heals a broken heart
But time has stood still since we've been apart

(I can't stop loving you)
I've made up my mind
To live in memories of the lonesome times
(I can't stop wanting you)
It's useless to say
So I'll just live my life in dreams of yesterday
(Those happy hours)
Those happy hours
(That we once knew)
That we once knew
(Tho' long ago)
Tho' long ago
(Still make me blue)
Still ma-a-a-ake me blue
(They say that time)
They say that time
(Heals a broken heart)
Heals a broken heart
(But time has stood still)
Time has stood still
(Since we've been apart)
Since we've been apart

(I can't stop loving you)
I said I made up my mind
To live in memory of the lonesome times
(Sing a song, children)
(I can't stop wanting you)
It's useless to say
So I'll just live my life of dreams of yesterday
(Of yesterday)

Artist: Lyrics
Song: I Believe To My Soul Lyrics

One-a these days an' it won't be lo-oong
You gonna look for me, n' I'll be gone

Now you know I believe baby, now
(I believe, yes I believe)
Oh, alright baby, now
(I believe, yes I believe)
I want ya to know baby, now
I believe to my soul, yeah
Well, you're tryin' to make a fool of me, alright
(I believe it)
Yes I do, baby
(I believe it)

You're goin' 'round here with yo' head so hard
I think I'm gonna have-ta use my rod

You know, I believe oh baby, now
(I believe, yes I believe)
Well, well, well, well, well
(I believe, yes I believe)
I want ya to know today, baby
I believe to my soul, yeah
Whoa, tryin' to make a fool of me, alright
(I believe it, I believe it)

What are you doin' girl?
(I believe it, I believe it)

Last night you were dreamin', an' I heard you say
('Oh Johnny!')
Mmm, when you know my name is Ray

Oh, I gotta believe, ooh baby
(I believe, yes I believe)
Well, well, well, well, well now
(I believe, yes I believe)
Let me tell ya now, baby
I believe to myi soul, alright darlin'
Well, tryin' to make a fool of me, alright now
(I believe it)


All Song Lyrics for Soundtrack Ray Charles:

Artist: Ray Charles Lyrics
Song: You Don't Know Me Lyrics

You give your hand to me
And then you say, "Hello."
And I can hardly speak,
My heart is beating so.
And anyone can tell
You think you know me well.
Well, you don't know me.
(no you don't know me)
No you don't know the one
Who dreams of you at night;
And longs to kiss your lips
And longs to hold you tight
Oh I'm just a friend.
That's all I've ever been.
Cause you don't know me.
(no you don't know me)
For I never knew the art of making love,
Though my heart aches with love for you.
Afraid and shy, I let my chance go by.
A chance that you might love me too.
(love me too)
You give your hand to me,
And then you say, "Goodbye."
I watched you walk away,
Beside the lucky guy
Oh, you'll never ever know
The one who loved you so.
Well, you don't know me
(For I never knew the art of making love, )
(Though my heart aches with love for you. )
Afraid and shy, I let my chance go by.
A chance that you might love me too.
(love me too)
Oh, you give your hand to me,
And then you say, "Goodbye."
I watched you walk away,
Beside the lucky guy
Oh, you'll never ever know
The one who loved you so.
Well, you don't know me
(you don't love me, you don't know me)

 好的音乐是没有类型限制,没有所谓的主流或是跨界之类的区隔,只要是传达歌者灵魂深处的情感的歌声就是好的音乐,能做到比一境界的艺人并不多见,Ray Charles肯定是其中之一,传奇巨星法兰克辛纳屈尊称他为[天才The Genius],乐坛给予他[开创灵魂乐的先锋]的定位,乐迷推崇他是[当代最伟大的流行艺人][最真实的美国音乐原味],听过他那综合了节奏蓝调与福音感觉的灵魂乐嗓音,你会发现,最虔诚的灵魂乐莫过于此。
  2004610号,Ray Charles因肝病的并发症病逝于加州,享年73岁。灵魂乐教母Aretha Franklin闻讯后,感慨的表示,[一个伟大的灵魂将受到永远的爱戴……他有一副让人终身难忘的歌声。]
  出生于乔治亚洲的Ray Charles6岁时因发生青光眼症壮导致终身失明,童年在一个乡村、蓝调、灵魂、爵士、Big Band音乐五味杂陈的音乐环境中长大,1954年,他所灌唱的歌曲[I Got A Woman]无疑就是他接受音乐环境熏陶的最佳写照,而这首歌后来就被乐界视为首支灵魂乐作品,1979年,他所灌唱的老歌[Georgia On My Mind]被先为乔治亚洲的州歌,1986年入选摇滚名人堂,1988年获颁葛莱美奖的终身成就奖,表章这位灵魂之父在他的演唱中将灵魂乐的真实本质全然的个人化,2004年,洛杉机宣布将Ray Charles的录音室规划为历史地标。无论是百事可乐广告片中那位坐在钢琴边说出[you're got the right one baby,uh-huh!]的老顽童,还是在援非饥荒义唱曲[We Are The World]中与工人皇帝Bruce Springsteen神情专注的对唱,或是他赢得个人第12座葛莱美奖时的得奖作品[A Song For You]Ray Charles歌声中的灵魂本质永远是那么触动人心,他的歌声启发了披头四、史提夫汪达、乔库克以及无数的灵魂乐手,简单的说,听Ray Charles的音乐,就像是听一个心无杂念的灵魂在唱一样,世上再也没有什么比这样的感觉更动人的了。

甫于六月去世的灵魂乐传奇大老雷查尔斯(Ray Charles)的最后遗作"真情伙伴(Genius Loves Company",一进榜就获得亚军的专辑收录了这位影响超过半世纪的伟大歌手与其他艺人像是诺拉琼丝(Norah Jones)、艾尔顿强(Elton John)、威利尼尔森(Willie Nelson)、娜塔莉高(Natalie Cole....等等不同畛域知名歌手合唱的作品,这些与雷查尔斯合唱的歌手总计赢得过79座葛莱美奖,再加上这是雷查尔斯生前最后一张作品,因此一推出就让乐迷争相购买收藏。

    好的音乐是没有类型限制,没有所谓的主流或是跨界之类的区隔,只要是传达歌者灵魂深处的情感的歌声就是好的音乐,能做到此一境界的艺人并不多见,Ray Charles肯定是其中之一,传奇巨星法兰克辛纳屈尊称他为"天才The Genius",乐坛给予他"开创灵魂乐的先锋"的定位,乐迷推崇他是"当代最伟大的流行艺人""最真实的美国音乐原味",听过他那综合了节奏蓝调与福音感觉的灵魂乐嗓音,你会发现,最虔诚的灵魂乐莫过于此。

    2004610号,Ray Charles因肝病的并发症病逝于加州,享年73岁。灵魂乐教母Aretha Franklin闻讯后,感慨的表示,'一个伟大的灵魂将受到永远的爱戴他有一副让人终身难忘的歌声。'出生于乔治亚州的Ray Charles6岁时因发生青光眼症状导致终身失明,童年在一个乡村、蓝调、灵魂、爵士、Big Band音乐五味杂陈的音乐环境下长大,1954年,他所灌唱的歌曲"I Got A Woman"无疑就是他接受音乐环境熏陶的最佳写照,而这首歌后来就被乐界视为首支灵魂乐作品,1979年,他所灌唱的老歌"Georgia On My Mind"被选为乔治亚州的州歌,1986年入选摇滚名人堂,1988年获颁葛莱美奖的终身成就奖,表彰这位灵魂之父在他的演唱中将灵魂乐的真实本质全然的个人化,2004年,洛杉矶宣布将Ray Charles的录音室规划为历史地标。无论是百事可乐广告片中那位坐在钢琴边说出"you've got the right one baby, uh-huh!"的老顽童,还是在援非饥荒义唱曲"We Are The World"中与工人皇帝Bruce Springsteen神情专注的对唱,或是他赢得个人第12座葛莱美奖时的得奖作品"A Song For You"Ray Charles歌声中的灵魂本质永远是那么触动人心,他的歌声启发了披头四、史提夫汪达、乔库克以及无数的灵魂乐手,简单的说,听Ray Charles的音乐,就像是听一个心无杂念的灵魂在唱歌一样,世上再也没有什么比这样的感觉更动人的了!

    "打从我出生,音乐就在我的内在滋长,音乐就是我身体的一部分,像是我的血液一样。"Ray Charles曾在自传中作出如此的表述,而这样的精神一直贯穿到他生前的最后一张遗作"Genius Love Company",藉由这一张与多位不同世代、不同类型音乐领域歌手合作的作品,我们更可以听见Ray Charles非常个人化的灵魂乐神采的穿透力。面对此张专辑中合作的歌手总计赢得过79座葛莱美奖的惊人资历,Ray Charles的神奇唱功依然是那么生动、自然,根本难以界定所首歌的类型,譬如在与Norah JonesDiana Krall分别合作重唱乡村经典作"Here We Go Again""You Don't Know Me"时,你会听到在乡村乐与灵魂乐之间流动的福音音乐感觉;而在与蓝调国宝B. B. King合作的"Sinner's Prayer"中,你可以听到Ray Charles的钢琴与B. B. King的吉他Lucille精采的乐器对话;跟着自己所尊敬的音乐人Nat King Cole的女儿Natalie Cole合唱"Fever"时,你可以听到灵魂乐与节奏蓝调之间的微妙关系;Ray Charles分别与创作歌手Elton JohnJames Taylor灌录他们的创作曲"Sorry Seem To Be The Hardest Word""Sweet Potato Pie"时,你可以在舒服悦耳的歌声中,感受到Ray Charles的知音情怀。

    "Genius Loves Company"让我们感受到--流行音乐没有所谓的跨界与否的问题,完全在乎于你有没有唱出你的灵魂罢了!

