最终稿5BM4U2 Western holidays教案(提供:金桥中心小学 罗山小学 明珠小学)

发布时间:2018-08-19 14:57:36








Teaching Plan for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition)

5B Module 4 More things to learn

Unit 2 Western holidays

SchoolsJinqiao Centre Primary School(金桥中心小学), Luoshan Primary School(罗山小学)

Mingzhu Primary School(明珠小学)

Teachers: Yang Wenjing(杨雯净), Qi Xiaojing(戚晓静), Wu Shujin(吴淑金)

MaterialsOxford English (Shanghai Edition) 5BM4U2 Western holidays

Date: 2014- 5-14

Teaching aids: Multi-media, word cards, flash, etc.




在学习本课时之前,学生已经学会了部分西方节日的词汇;同时,也学习与掌握了与节日相关的信息,如:时间、活动与习俗等等,能用句型What’s your favourite holiday? When’s …? What do you do…?来询问对方最喜欢的节日、节日所在的时间和活动等,这些都为本课时的学习奠定了一定的语言基础。


主题:More things to learn

单元:Unit 1 Museums Unit 2 Western holidays Unit 3 Story time

5BM4的学习主题为More things to learn(学习更多的东西)M4是选择性模块,教学内容侧重文化性体验。这个模块涉及的内容较为宽泛,有不同主题的博物馆(如science museum, art museum, history museum, insect museum等)、艺术馆(卢浮宫)以及西方国家的主要节日(如Christmas, Easter, Halloween等)的词汇学习、背景介绍和过程体验。同时,还包含经典的故事(The giant’s garden)阅读。

节日话题贯穿了整个小学段的英语学习,如New Year’s Day1BM4Mother’s Day2BM4Children’s Day3BM4Festivals in China4BM4等;与此同时,学生在日常生活与学习过程中曾感受过不同主题的博物馆,或参观过类似的场地场馆,这都是学生学习本模块内容的基础和前提。



本模块的核心学习内容包括:(1)复习巩固一些常用的句型(如can句型)用法,并能作出正确的应答;(2)能运用特殊疑问句Which… 来问答相关信息,如:Which museum do you want to visit? 等;(3)能掌握不同主题的博物馆的名称表达、西方重要节日的名称表达; 4)能通过一般过去时态to be的变化和部分行为动词的变换来进一步感受生命的演变以及行为的改变,从而进一步运用一般过去时态。


单元以“西方节日”为话题,要求学生能从中国文化的代表---博物馆延伸到西方文化,学习与掌握一些西方国家重要节日的名称表达(节日单词首字母要大写);通过一些动词短语来判断和了解节日的相关活动与习俗。在此过程中,能运用特殊疑问句“What do you do…”来询问节日活动,并进一步运用一般过去时态。


Listen and say: 核心学习板块。本板块通过KittyLaura的对话,讨论各自喜欢的节日以及相关节日内容,呈现句型均为已学,主要是帮助学生进一步了解含义,在实际情境中加以合理运用。

Look and learn: 核心学习板块。主要进行词汇学习,重点包括Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving 等四大重要西方节日名称。

Ask and answer: 语言活动与练习板块主要通过已学的句型和特殊疑问词来问答节日信息,训练学生的会话技能,主要包括:When’s Christmas/ Easter / Halloween / Thanksgiving? It’s on….What do people / children do on this holiday? ....等。

Make and play: 语言活动与练习板块。通过动手制作make a jack-o’-Lantern,让学生进一步感受西方的传统节日文化,体验丰富的文化习俗。

Listen and enjoy: 语言欣赏栏目。通过朗读节奏明快的儿歌(Jingle bells)来活跃课堂气氛,感受英语语言的优美。同时,在欢快的圣诞歌声中体验西方传统节日的文化精髓。

Look and read: 语言活动与练习板块。通过阅读“万圣节”的介绍,鼓励学生进一步操练和巩固所学,了解更多的西方节日文化。


1)学习和了解四大西方重要节日名称,如:Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving等,做到音、形、义的统一。

2)学习、理解并运用When’s Christmas / Easter / Halloween / Thanksgiving? It’s on….What do people / children do on this holiday ? 等;在了解并正确使用相关句型的同时,获取更多的节日信息。





第一课时Topic: Four western holidaysLook and learn, Ask and answer

第二课时Topic: My favourite holidayListen and say, Listen and enjoy

第三课时Topic: A famous western holiday -- HalloweenLook and read, Listen and enjoy

第四课时Topic: Western holidays Happy lives):Revision, Make and play




2能初步运用相关问答了解节日信息,如:What’s your favourite holiday? When is the holiday? What do people / children do on this holiday?


Topic: My favourite holiday




Hello, I’m Kitty. I am from China. I like eating rice dumplings best. I have a friend. Her name is Laura.

Hello, I’m Laura. I’m from UK. I like eating chocolate best. I don’t like eggs. But I like eating chocolate eggs. I have a friend in China. She’s Kitty. We often talk to each other.

Hello, I’m Laura. I like going on an egg hunt at Easter. First, we paint or decorate the eggs colourful. Next, someone hides the eggs. And then we must find the eggs with friends. We can put them in the basket. Finally, we can eat chocolate eggs. They are very nice.



1.能运用一般现在时态来描述万圣节节日的时间和相关的活动。如make jack-o’-lanterns, make pumpkin pies and pumpkin bread, have ‘fancy-dress’ parties, go ‘trick-or-treating’以及Halloween is on the 31st of October. People often make pumpkin pies and pumpkin bread.等;



Topic: A famous western holiday----Halloween

Students’ paper

A. Make your own poster

B. Talk about your poster

My favourite western holiday is _____. It is ________(when).

We __________________________________________(do).

It’s so fun.


1复习与巩固本单元的节日名称,能用When’s Christmas/Easter/Halloween/Thanksgiving? It’s on…. 以及What do people/children do on this holiday? 问答节日相关信息。

2.初步了解南瓜灯的制作步骤和方法;通过朗读节奏明快的儿歌(Jingle bells),感受英语语言的优美


Topic: Western holidays Happy lives


1. Listen and answer (Christmas)

Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ. It is on the 25th of December. Before Christmas , we often decorate the Christmas tree with fruits, cookies, lights and so on. Then we give presents to each other. On Christmas Eve, we have a family dinner with our family. So happy!

2. Listen and fill in the blanks (Easter)

Hi, I’m Laura. I’m from the UK. Everyone in the UK likes Christmas. But my favourite holiday is Easter. It is a holiday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s on a Sunday in March or April. Children usually eat chocolate eggs. They often go on egg hunts too. So fun!

3. Listen and choose (Halloween)

It’s on the 31st of October. On this day, there are jack-o’-lanterns everywhere. I like this holiday because I can make pumpkin pies and pumpkin bread with my mum. And I like to have ‘fancy-dress’ parties. I can dress like animals or monsters. The most interesting thing is to go ‘trick-or treating’ in the evening. So interesting!

4. Listen and choose (Thanksgiving)

(1) When is Thanksgiving?

(2) What do people do at Thanksgiving?

(3) People usually eat turkey and pumpkin pies.

(4) Do people have a lot of food at their dinner table?

(5) What is Thanksgiving for?

5. Listen and judge (Mother’s Day and Father’s Day)

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are Western holidays too. Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday of May. People usually buy some carnations for their mum and give some presents.

Father’s Day is on the third Sunday of June. On Father’s Day, children usually give some presents and the best wishes to their father.

People always say “Thank you” to their father and mother on these days.

5B M4U2 Exercise 1

Class ______ Name _______ No. _____

. Listen and fill in the blanks(听录音填空):

Hi, I’m Laura. I’m from the UK. Everyone in the UK likes _________. But my favourite holiday is _________. It is a holiday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s on a __________ in March or April. Children usually eat chocolate __________.They often go on egg ___________ too. So fun!

. Listen and choose(听录音,选择正确的答案):

( ) 1. It is on the 31st of ___________.

A. November B. October C. December

( ) 2. People eat ________ on that day.

A. turkey B. chocolate eggs C. pumpkin pies

( ) 3. Many people have __________ on that day.

A. ‘fancy-dress’ parties B. a family dinner C. rice dumplings

( ) 4. Children like ___________.

A. going on an egg hunt B. going ‘trick or treating’ C. making jack-o’-lanterns

( ) 5. Kitty’s favourite holiday is ________.

A. Christmas B. Halloween C. Thanksgiving

. Listen and choose(听问句,选答句;听答句,选问句):

( ) 1. A. On December 25th. B. On October 31st.

C. On the fourth Thursday of November.

( ) 2. A. Give presents to each other. B. Make jack-o’-lanterns’.

C. Have a family dinner.

( ) 3. A. What do people usually play? B. What do people usually eat?

C. What do people usually make?.

( ) 4. A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. They have a lot of food.

( ) 5. A. For ghost. B. For children’. C. For harvest.

. Listen and judge(听录音判断,用TF表示):

( ) 1. Mother’s Day is on the first Sunday of May.

( ) 2. People usually buy some carnations for dad on Mother’s Day.

( ) 3. Father’s Day is on the third Saturday of June.

( ) 4. Children give the best wishes to their father on Father’s Day.

5B M4U2 Exercise 2

Class _______ Name _______ No. ______

. Read and write(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号):

when is christmas is it on the twenty-fifth of december


. Read and judge(判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音,相同的用T表示,不相同的用F表示):

( ) 1. Easter bread ( ) 2. on one ( ) 3. holiday day

( ) 4. when who ( ) 5. March match ( ) 6. or our

( ) 7. Halloween hello ( ) 8. Chirstmas chair ( ) 9. do don’t

. Read and write(读一读,填上合适的单词完成句子,每线一词):

1. Thanksgiving is on the __________ Thursday of November. On that day, people like __________ a family dinner. The turkey and __________ pies are their favourite food.

2. Christmas is on the twenty-fifth of __________. It’s the most important festival in the western countries. On that day, people give presents to ________ __________. And they also have a family __________.

3. The Spring Festival is a big festival in China. It usually comes in January or __________. People also call it the Chinese __________ __________.

4. The Double __________ Festival is in October. It’s for the __________ people. On that day, people can climb the mountains, visit grandparents and eat the special __________.

. Choose and write(选择正确的单词填空,每线一词):

Easter Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas

1. --- When is _____________?

--- It’s on the 25th of December. People can give presents to each other.

2. --- Is it ______________?

--- Yes. On that day, people can eat chocolate eggs.

3. --- What festival do you like best, Danny?

--- I like __________. I can make jack-o’-lanterns.

4. --- Do you like _____________?

--- Yes, I like eating turkey and pumpkin pies.

. Think and write(想一想,哪个节日你最喜欢,发生在何时?你又能做些什么?请进行简单描述,至少40个单词,3种及以上句型。先将题目补充完整。):

I like ________________





最终稿5BM4U2 Western holidays教案(提供:金桥中心小学 罗山小学 明珠小学)
