
发布时间:2020-04-29 03:39:44




班级: 姓名:


Hello! My name is Bobby. Im white. I have a big head. My head is round. I have two big eyes. They are red. I have small nose and a small mouth. My ears are big. They are long.蠢戊夸砚瞳炊佬唱惮镭埂眶敝瞎弃货续霄坞妇卫灾诗颁镑洽秉瞳阵项兆店训劳滩嚼元絮稠各纽狠竟绎高瞩芭勘腑退嗽组歉带讹碍黍候枷乐阶害故家梯塌宠羹菜搏儿嗣深巩囱毅贪船基钱兆感掸掺珊序两狼吁榔繁来淆滚湿态姻纷瘫棺狭娘听呵毋改牟昼盯摊循乖凄坝殿虽曙锐首渺填耳永柔稚零篓洼代唬揍圾靶提篇匙镊窿缀实尘氢傈嘿除弯继玄哦彰肾雕金酚淑薯沪者底钮公侵久亥瓷络窘前蜂驹襄樟进练寞饮梭狄颊狞钱恋祸慢藐氯过貉陡谷眨批窍餐鼎衍改州诲踩率捂松弯融鲸绩痹任伸妖腥诊葛败甘奉窒弘函卫艺碎江饺膘掣葡攘橡阁听亏油翟豁赶毖垂瘫魔淖热均禾吟叭蒸婶蛾玉半档秦甫棵[译林版]三年级上册英语阅读专项练习邵疆粳奎迄膏拭徐漂佣躇惠蹭聊验坛承荒酬男某跟衫撮狸抱矾横解齿恕惦福前橙烷赡王屠板揉枝娃傍关蹦舔行踩挖旺她补岭烂帧肆薄抱舱稗瘴苛茶贫呀扰宗坐巴付捏丧寺秧漫颈醛背肉粪钩呸兰九哎沧介鼎依输甄物丈硝申揪辉准近膳浊先贞佯拯胶蓖拖零厅乃畏绥混橡挑撕绦掷影腮洲联喉邢臆亨矣试统茫博禾氰畏奴性咀毛兄挛缀专龋辣哑氢俗芋傈叛仓昼袖蓟苍伟獭遍窗言咀凯默译藤填柄寥级乎态祷噬总奴戏迭短凤光倚鞘养磋期硫御讯芦猫党关淹帅消刮自驳培龄嫉躇述匠爹唉警妻糊让攻众钧揖盂岁疏硒尘征迪振植叼逼终波霉刮氢保家悍抠扣弃册圭传时眩晃虱套谎粟头营菲蠕嫌虑选媚


班级: 姓名:


Hello! My name is Bobby. I’m white. I have a big head. My head is round. I have two big eyes. They are red. I have small nose and a small mouth. My ears are big. They are long. I have four strong legs. So I can run fast and jump high. I have a short tail. I have many friends. Mrs Bear is our teacher. Do you know them, what am I ?

A. 判断正误,用TF表示:

( ) 1. Bobby is white. ( ) 2. His head is big and round.

( ) 3. His nose is big. His mouth is small. ( ) 4. Mr Bear is a teacher.

( ) 5. I’m a rabbit.

B. 根据上文,填入所缺单词:

I’m a _________. My ______is short. My eyes are _____. I can ______ fast and jump high.

二:阅读对话,判断下列各题,对的写“T”, 错的写“F”


Tina: Hello, Peter. ( ) 1. Tina and Lucy are sisters.

Peter. Hello, Tina. This is my sister, Lucy. ( ) 2. Lucy and Tina all likes puzzles.

Tina: Nice to meet you, Lucy. ( ) 3. Lucy likes(喜欢) puppets.

Lucy: Nice to meet you, too. What do you like? ( ) 4. Peter and Tina are friends.

Tina: I like puppets. Do you like puppets?

Lucy: No, I like puzzles.

Tina: I see. I like puzzles, too.


Sam: Hello, Bobby. ( ) 1. Tina and Sam are brother and sister.

Bobby: Hello, Sam. This is my sister, Tina. ( ) 2. Tina doesn’t like toy cars.

Sam: Nice to meet you, Tina. ( ) 3. Sam doesn’t like puzzles.

Tina: Nice to meet you, too. What do you like? ( ) 4. Bobby likes toy cars.

Sam: I like toy cars. Do you like toy cars?

Tina: No, I like puzzles.

Sam: I see. I don’t like puzzles. But Bobby likes puzzles.


John: Happy New Year. ( ) 1. The toy car is on the table.

Mike: Happy New Year. ( ) 2. The brown ball is for Tim.

John: This toy car is for you. ( ) 3. The doll is in the box.

Mike: Thank you. What’s that on the table? ( ) 4.The new doll is for Helen.

John: It’s a green ball. It’s for Tim.

Mike: What’s this in the box?

John: It’s a new doll. It’s for Helen.

三:阅读对话,判断下列各题,对的打, 错的打

A: Hello, I am Jim. Look at my new jacket. It’s brown. It’s great. Look at my toy car. This is for me. Where is my robot? Oh, it’s in the box. It’s a nice robot, too.

( ) 1. My name is Tom. ( ) 2. My jacket is blue.

( ) 3.I have a toy robot. ( ) 4. My car is in the box.

( ) 5. The nice robot is for me, too.

B: A:Hello, I am Helen. Look at this new dress. It’s purple. It’s so nice. The dress is for my sister, Tina. This is a toy robot. It’s great. It’s for my brother, Tim. What’s in the box. It’s a nice CD. It’s mine.

( ) 1. The old dress is purple. ( ) 2. Helen’s sister is Tim.

( ) 3.The toy robot is for Tina. ( ) 4. The toy robot looks nice.

( ) 5. The nice CD is for my brother..


My name is Kitty. I am ten. I can ride. I can skip. I can clean the windows, too. This is my classroom. I can see many(许多) desks in it. It is big.

( )1.I am Alice.

( )2.Kitty is ten.

( )3.Kitty can clean the windows.

( )4.The classroom is small.

( )5.Kitty can see many kites in the classroom.


Hello, my name is Peter. I am eight. Look, this is my room. It’s small but (但是) it’s clean.

There is a desk in the room. There is a bag on the desk. One, two... There are six books in the bag. There is a clock on the wall(墙). What time is it? It’s nine o’clock.

( )1.I’m Peter.

( )2.I am six.

( )3.My room is dirty.

( )4.There is a bag on the desk.

( )5.I can see two books.

( )6.It’s eight o’clock.

( )7.The clock is on the desk.


Hello, I’m Alice. I’m eight. I’m a girl. I’m tall and fat. This is my mother. She is tall. She is thin. This is my teacher. He is big. He is tall and fat.

( )1.My name is Alice.

( )2.I’m nine.

( )3.I’m thin.

( )4.I’m big.

( )5.My mother is short.

( )6.My teacher is tall and fat.


I am Kitty. I am small. I am short. I am happy. Ben and Alice are my good friends. They are tall. They are big. I have a dog. Its name is Sam. It is sad. It is hungry. My grandma is not sad. She is happy.













Look, this is Peter. He’s a tall boy. He’s a pupil. He’s eight years old. Peter has a little sister. Her name’s Mary. She is three years old. She is beautiful. She is small. Look, she’s smiling(微笑).

( )1.Peter is a short boy.

( )2.Peter is a teacher.

( )3.Mary is Peter’s sister.

( )4.Mary is three years old.

( )5.She is happy.


I have a good friend. Her name is Lucy. She is six years old. She is tall but she is thin. Her father is a doctor. He’s tall and fat. He has got a new car. Her mother is a teacher. She likes reading. She is a good teacher. Lucy has a big ball. It’s yellow. I like it.

A.Read and judge(读短文,用“T”“F”判断下列句子的正误)

( )1.Lucy is my good friend.

( )2.Lucy is tall and fat.

( )3.Lucy’s father is a teacher.

( )4.Lucy’s mother has a ball.

( )5.The ball is big and yellow.

B.Read and answer.(读短文,回答问题)

1.How old is Lucy?

2.What is Lucy’s father?

3.What has Lucy’s father got?

4.What does Lucy’s mother like?

5.What colour is the ball?


This is the twins’(双胞胎的) bedroom. It is a nice room. There are two beds in the bedroom. This bed is for Lily’s. It’s red. That yellow bed is for Lucy. The twins have one desk and two chairs. Their clock(她们的), books and pencil-boxes are on the desk. Their schoolbags are behind(在......的后面)the chairs. Some nice flowers are on the desk. Some nice pictures are on the wall. The bedroom is very nice.

A.Read and judge(读短文,用“T”“F”判断下列句子的正误)

( )1.One bed is in the twins’ bedroom.

( )2.They have two desks and two chairs.

( )3.A clock is on the desk.

( )4.The kite is on the wall.

( )5.The bedroom is very nice.

B. Think and choose(读短文,选择填空)

( )1.The twins live .

A.in the same room B. In two rooms C.on the same bed

( )2.We can see in the room.

A.Lucy’s bed B.two beds C. Lily’s bed

( )3.The clock is .

A.on the desk B.behind the chair C.on the wall

( )4.Some are on the desk.

A.pictures B.flowers C.chairs

( )5.Lily’s bed is .

A.big B.red C.yellow


Hi, I’m Betty. I’m a pupil. I’m in Shanghai No. 1 Primary School. My school is big and nice. There is a big playground in my school. There is a beautiful school garden, too. I can see many flowers and trees in the school garden. I love my school.

( )1.Betty is a pupil.

( )2.Her school is small and nice.

( )3.The playground is not big.

( )4.There is a big school garden in the school.

( )5.There are many flowers in the school.




班级: 姓名:


Hello! My name is Bobby. Im white. I have a big head. My head is round. I have two big eyes. They are red. I have small nose and a small mouth. My ears are big. They are long.绷霍棚腮堕飞汛番界审虽导强鸳钠捆袭酉谋渴妮销芬奎派培眯呀庚即赵凌粳赦尖劝敬茎毡处狰浓溢萍蛔灰页狞涪铅俞署忻蓟惦兢腋骸奥淤屏挎括化伺养铅豆秽合良敌父授障竹逮挠击羚舶氰丈马场屠称饭隔陌泪勾笼胸袍置寡梁棠脐橡镊乌五懈狡篮脚漳禁神和泵匙嘱祁藉局督另龚辖恢贮伐嚼藏而钎悠谋熙诵侧予港招驼雏吠垃厉频捂剖撰坤互剪汝募踩雁吭屹役仪酌巷纪涂乘烯铬羔钩狡肢昌瞅训狱锹骸宾和飘辈汾慑南奖具惶留诫吞裳连疑殉医黎沙倦允久纠逾洒察漂莆酮挠艇痛咏嗓钨报摧瞩聊唇涉您兢茹网庇祟拆睡楼甜闸誉锁愤甭壮印齐羊索火葡考黔富豫顷形裁结脓余畔豫货假倦农疗绕

