
发布时间:2018-02-13 12:53:59



26— What did you do last night, Bob?

— First I did my homework, and then I played ______ piano for half ______ hour.

A. the; a B. /; an C. the; an D. a; the

27. It is necessary ______ us to help our friends out when they meet difficulties.

A. to B. of C. with D. for

28. — Hi, Sara. Is this ______ English book?

— No. ______ is on the desk.

A. your; Mine B. your; My C. yours; Mine D. your; My

29. Mount Xiaolei is not far away from here, but it will still take us a few hours ______ there by bike.

A. getting B. to get C. got D. get

30— What were you doing ______ I knocked at the door?

— I was sleeping.

A. unless B. once C. when D. while

31Look! The model is walking to us. ______ nice dress!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

32— Why does the earth look blue in space?

— Because most of the earth’s surface ______ by water.

A. covers B. is covered C. cover D. are covered

33. Many scientists believe that robots ______ able to talk like humans in 50 years.

A. were B. are C. will be D. have been

34. — I don’t think students should use mobile phones at school.

—______. They really have a bad influence on our study.

A. I agree with you B. Not at all C. No problem D. It’s my pleasure

35. The twins look exactly the same. ______ of them are in my class.

A. Each B. Both C. Either D. None

36. — Sorry, Miss Liu. I left my workbook at home. Must I hand it in today?

— No, you ______. You ______ bring it here tomorrow.

A. mustn’t; should B. can’t; must C. mustn’t; may D. needn’t; can

37. Xiandao Lake in Yangxin is the famous place ______ we’ll visit next week.

A. that B. who C. where D. whom

38. This museum _____ here for over 80 years. It _____ one of the oldest buildings in this city.

A. is; was Bhad been; is C. was; has been D. has been; is

39. — Hey, Jane. ______ are you feeling now?

— Much better. Thanks.

A. What B. Where C. How D. When

40______ to smile at your life when you are in trouble, and you will soon be happy again.

A. Try B. To try CTrying DTried



One day, I picked up my daughter Eloise from school and went to the supermarket for a few things. I was hoping to be in and out 41 .

I found a short line with just one person in front of me. It was a/an 42 woman, and she was paying for her things with only 43 . After a long day at work, I was unhappy with this old woman.

But then I watched the young clerk(职员). He helped her 44 her change, so carefully taking it from her shaking hands. I 45 him repeatedly(重复地) say to her: “Yes, ma’am.” When she asked if she had enough to buy a bag, he told her she did. Then he went two lines over to get 46 for her. Never once did this clerk get annoyed or roll his eyes. He was patient and kind.

As I was watching him, I saw Eloise was too. I realized that my daughter was learning an important 47 from a complete stranger.

48 the woman was finished, the clerk began ringing up(的费用相加) my things and thanked me 49 my patience. I thanked him too.

Then we left the supermarket with a full bag, but also with a 50 full of thankfulness for such an important lesson.

41. A. quickly B. slowly C. quietly D. freely

42. A. rich B. old C. poor D. healthy

43. A. change B. bill C. check D. card

44. A. copy B. compare C. count D. borrow

45. A. heard of B. listened to C. looked at D. thought of

46. A. it B. that C. them D. one

47. A. class B. rule C. lesson D. habit

48. A. Though B. Before C. After D. Until

49. A. because B. for C. of D. to

50. A. sight B. brain C. body D. heart



Let’s enjoy a movie!


From a large elephant to a small mouse, animals live happily together in Disney’s Zootopia.

Language: English

Running Time: 1 Hour and 30 Minutes

Price: Weekdays---$50 $25 (children under 6)

Weekends---$60 $30 (children under 6)

I’ve never imagined the movie is so interesting. There are 64 kinds of animals in it. After I watched the movie, I learned more about animals. I would highly recommend this movie to those animal lovers.

—— John

I have seen many cartoons of this kind, but this one is surprisingly funny and I love the sweet voice in it. My brother and I just couldn’t help laughing from the beginning to the end.

—— David

This movie is so well made. I went to see it with my 5-year-old son last Sunday afternoon. I love the beautiful music while my son loves the rabbit police officer Judy very much. It shows that small animals like her can also do serious work.

—— Nancy

51. The poster shows that ______ is spoken in the movie.

A. Japanese B. French C. English D. Chinese

52. From the poster, we can know that the movie lasts ______.

A. 60 minutes B. 90 minutes C. 100 minutes D. 120 minutes

53. John likes this movie because of ______.

A.the different kinds of animals B. the funny actors

C. the sweet voice D. the beautiful music

54. It cost Nancy and her son ______ to watch the movie.

A $75 B. $90 C. $100 D. $120

55.According to the poster, the movie most probably tells a ______ story.

A. frightening B. sad C. true D. funny


A Bite of China

Are you an eating-lover? Do you want to eat every delicious food in the world? Then do you watch the popular program A Bite of China? It’s a TV program on Chinese delicious food which has been produced by CCTV. Is there any holiday that isn’t celebrated with special festival food? Here are several traditional Chinese foods:

Noodles are a symbol of long life in Chinese culture. They are as much a part of Chinese birthday celebration as a birthday cake with its candles lit in many western countries. Since noodles mean long life, it is considered very unlucky to cut it off.

Although westerners sometimes may be very sorry to see fish lying on the plate, in China a whole fish is a symbol of richness. In fact, at a party it is a tradition to serve the whole fish last, pointed towards the most valued guest. Fish also has a special meaning because the Chinese word for fish, yu, sounds like the word for richness or plenty, and it is believed that eating fish will help your wishes come true in the year to come.

A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat Festival is Zongzi. This tasty dish is made of rice dumplings with meat, peanuts or other delicious food in bamboo leaves. The tradition of Zongzi is meant to remind us of a great man, Qu Yuan in Chinese history.

( )56.A Bite of China is ______.

Aa magazine Ba newspaper Ca film Da TV program

( )57.According to the passage, in traditional Chinese culture, people will eat ______ on their birthdays.

A. eggs B. noodles C. fish D. cakes

( )58. Fish has a special meaning in Chinese culture mainly because ______.

A. it is served last at a party

B. it is pointed to the valued guest

C. it sounds like the word yu in Chinese

D. it is so delicious that all Chinese people like it

( )59. ______ in the Dragon Boat Festival makes us think of Qu Yuan.

A. Zongzi B. Meat C. Peanuts D. Dumpling

( )60. The article mainly talks about ______.

A. Chinese food B. Chinese history C. Chinese festival D. Chinese language


Have you ever dreamed about sending a letter to yourself or your friends in the future? While express mail(快递) is a fast way to send your letters, there is another type of mail appearing in China as a new business—future mail.

“The letter should be sent next Mother’s Day and not a day earlier!” Lin Xiaofan, a college student in Shanghai, tells one of the companies offering the service.

Lin Xiaofan wrote the letter to her mother nearly a year earlier to express her love to her mother for next Mother’s Day.

“Offering this service makes people slow down and lets them understand the meaning of ‘time’ in another way,” said Zheng Zhimin, manager at a “future mail” company. Zheng thinks “future mail” letters help remind us of care, friendship and love.

While “future mail” is becoming more and more popular, some people are wondering what will happen if the postal address changes or if the company goes broken before the letters arrive.

Zheng said customers are glad to sign a contract(签订合同) to make sure that they can be compensated if their letters are lost or damaged.

Most of the customers are college students and young white-collar(白领) workers. Psychologists (心理学家) said that young Chinese might have a new way to express their feelings through this service. Most people put their hopes and wishes in the letter so that they can experience the connection(联系) between the past and the present when they receive the letter.

( )61. “Future mail” is a/an ______ way to send your letter.

A. fast B. old C. new D. cheap

( )62The underlined word “compensate” means ______ in Chinese.

A. 赔偿 B.完成 C. 送达 D.抛弃

( )63The “future mail” service is popular among ______.

A. junior students Bcollege students C. young children D. blue-collar workers

( )64The “future mail” service can help us ______.

A. sign a contract B. express our love and care

C. forget friendship D. understand the meaning of “time” in a wrong way

( )65You’d better use “future mail” if you want to ______.

A. save money from sending express mail

B. send a birthday gift to your friend quickly

C. talk with your friends about your life freely

D. send a your best wishes to yourself on January 1, 2020

单词拼写(每小题1分, 5分)

66. If you are interested in something, it will be easy for you to pay a_________ to it for a long time.

67. In Hubei Province, the temperature changes g_________, so the clothes people wear in each season are very different.

68. Pets like dogs and cats are very cute. They can p_________ their owners with love and comfort in their lives.

69. If people follow the traffic rules, there will be f_________ accidents on the road.

70. In the boys’ relay race, Michael r_________ very fast and our class won first place.

V 阅读短文,根据其内容,完成下列任务。(每小题2分,满分10分)

Everyone wants to become perfect. Unluckily, being perfect may not happen. Here’s some useful advice about how to refuse perfection.

No more comparisons

Compared with others, you may feel that you are not perfect. The solution? End your

comparison. No comparing, no pain.

Accept your mistakes

When perfection is your goal, mistakes mean failure. Your fear of criticism(批评)may keep you from ________ risks or trying new things. Nobody is perfect. Take it easy. You needn’t take other’s words seriously.

Ask for help

Part of beating perfection is accepting that mistakes are part of human beings. If you don’t

give up, you will be successful one day. You shouldn’t prevent you from asking for help you need to really improve.

Don’t judge(评判)yourself

Find a trusted friend, family member or teacher who is not a perfectionist—someone who can

take criticism and has learned from his or her mistakes. Share your goals and achievements with him or her, no matter how small they are.

Pay attention to your language

Cut out the words like never, always and should from your self-talk. Carry a notebook and take notes whenever you want to say these words. Realizing this means you’re well on your way to changing them.

The more confidence(自信)you develop, the _______ you’ll feel the need to be perfect. And when you give up perfection, happiness can begin right now.


71. ①__________________ ②_______________


72.(A) If you want to make your dream come true , you shouldn’t _______ trying.

(B) A Chinese soldier called Shen Liangliang took part in the UN peace keeping operation(维和行动).________, he lost his life.



74. What is the main idea about the passage?


VI 假设你是李华,你的加拿大笔友Mike最近对中文很感兴趣,写信给你询问如何学好中文。请你根据以下提示内容,给他写一封回信。


How to learn Chinese well


read Chinese newspapers and magazines


listen to Chinese songs


speak Chinese as much as possible


keep a Chinese diary

注意:1. 内容必须包含表格中所提供的所有信息,可适当发挥。

2. 词数:80-100词。开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数。

3. 文中不能出现学生真实姓名和所在学校名称。

Dear Mike,

I’m very glad to receive your letter.__________________________________________________________________




I hope the advice will help you learn Chinese well. Looking forward to your reply. Yours,

Li Hua

