
发布时间:2022-11-08 08:58:44

mild [mald] 温和的,温暖的 【反义词】wild野性的
【单词搭配】go wild发狂 run wild撒野 【单词例句】
A If you prefer something milder, there is nce wine. A:如果您愿意喝淡一点儿的酒,我们有米酒。
B What's that?I haven't heard of that before B:那是什么?我之前从来没听说过。 alway [l'we] •总是
【反义词】seldom很少 hardly几乎不 【单词例句】
AI heard that restaurant was always filled. A:我听说那家饭店总是客满。
B I'd better reserve in advance. B:我提前预订。 north [nθ] 北方 【单词例句】
A Which way is the wind now?

B It's the north wind. Take care. Don't fall down the hatch.
B:是北风。小必点儿,不要跌下舱口去。 east [ist] 东方 wet [wet]adj.潮湿的 【派生词】westem西方的
【单词搭配】in the west of在……的西部 【单词例句】
A Is it away from the city? A:离城里远吗?
B No, it’s just half an hour’s drive west from London. B:不远,从伦敦往西半小时左右的车程。 south [saθ] 南方 season ['siz(n] 季节
【派生词】seasoning调味品 seasonal季节性的
【单词扩充】the rainy season雨季 the harvest season收获的季节
A Which season do you like best? A:你最喜欢哪个季节?
BI like autumn best, because it's time for harvest.

B:我最喜欢秋季,因为那是收获的时节。 best[best] adv. 【反义词】worst最差的
【单词搭配】try one's best尽某人的努力 【单词例句】
A I'm looking forward to the Spring Festival. It's the best time of the year.
B Is Spring Festival the most important festival in your country?
B:春节是你们国家最重要的节日吗? night [nat] 夜晚
【派生词】rughtclub夜店 nightfall黄昏 【单词扩充】dusk黄昏 sunset傍晚 【单词搭配】at night晚上
【单词例句】nightlife夜生活 midnight午夜 evenfall黄昏 night watch值班 【单词例句】
AYou look tired. Lily. A:莉莉,你看上去很疲惫啊。
B Yes,I didn't go to bed until half past eleven last evening. I'll not watch TV at night any more.

