
发布时间:2018-11-11 13:57:51

U3 Dreams (My day)

Teaching contents:

1. Talk about the time.

2. Talk about the daily life.

3. Write a test about the day.

Teaching key point

Talk and write a test of daily life.

Teaching step:

Step 1: Warming up

T: Have you got a mascot? What have you got?

T: Guess my mascot, what is it?

Students guess the teacher’s mascot: A clock

Step 2: Revision

a. Revise the time

1. o’clock, past, to

2.a quarter past, a quarter to

b. Play a game: big fish eat small fish (talk about the phrases)

Step 3: Presentation

1. Show an E-mail from Yao Ming. Talk about Yao’s daily life. Students listen and fill in Yao’s timetable

2. Talk about the children’s day:

Use sentences: When do you? I at

Step 4: Practice

1. Pair work: do a survey.

2. Answer the questions that in Yao’s E-mail.

Step 4: Production

1. Write an E-mail to Yao Ming.

2. Share the E-mails in class.

Step 5: Homework

Step 5: Homework

1. Read Page28-29 three times.

2. Choose one to do.

a. Make a daily timetable for yourself.

b. Find out the children’s timetable in the other countries.

c. Make a work bank.

d. Make a big book in group (about daily life).

Blackboard writing:


1、 设计思路



巧妙运用贴近学生生活QQE-mail来展开重点内容的教学,本环节我设计了一封来自姚明E-mail,引出本节课的重点内容my daily life 围绕这一封E-mail来贯穿展开整个主要内容的教学,如listening, pair work, talking。最后以给姚明回复E-mail为题进行写作练习。



在整节课中仍存在一些不足。pair work时,对话教学时,没能充分调动学生,体现学生创造性的活动不到位,一部分学生没能很好地动起来,包括做调查等拓展性练习也没能很好的开展。


