
发布时间:2011-03-12 21:31:11

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Enable the students to gain the skills of drawing the main idea of a passage. Special focuses: 1. Help the students distinguish the topic sentences in a passage or a paragraph. 2. Help the students analyze a passage to draw the main idea. Teaching method: 1. Observation, cooperation, exploration, experience and discussion Teaching procedures: Step 1 Distinguishing Task 1 Distinguish the sentences which can be used to express the main idea of a passage or a paragraph. ⑴The best title for this article is . ⑵The writer suggests that. ⑶The passage is about . ⑷The story implies that. ⑸What’s the main idea of this passage ? ⑹The main idea (topic, subject) of the passage is about . ⑺The writer’s attitude towards…is. ⑻From the passage we know that…is most likely. ⑼After we read the story what can we infer about… ? ⑽With what topic is the passage chiefly concerned? ⑾Which of the following is the main idea of the passage ? ⑿Which of the following is true according to the writer? ⒀This passage chiefly deals with . ⒁What does the word mean in the second paragraph? ⒂This passage is mainly concerned with . ⒃Which of the following best sum up the passage ? ⒄Which of the following can best express the main idea of the passage ? ⒅.The first sentence in the first paragraph means. ⒆The author probably feels that. ⒇What may follow the passage? The keys: ⑴ ⑶ ⑸ ⑹ ⑽ ⑾ ⒀ ⒂ ⒃ ⒄ (分析与探讨:设计这一步骤,目的是通过学生进行小组分析和讨论,去识别对文段的 主旨和大意题的设问方式, 使学生阅读时能够准确区别文章主旨和大意题与其他类型题的设 问方式,避免相互混淆,为归纳文章主旨和大意做好铺垫。事实上,笔者在教学过程中,往 往会发现学生中存在着辨别不清设问方式的现象,以致答题时,出现偏差。) Task 2 Distinguish the words or expressions and sentences of generalization from the following examples. 例 1 Choose the most generalized word. A) chemist B) physicist C) scientist D) biologist The key: C) scientist 例 2 Choose the most generalized sentence. A) The hotel offers complimentary(赠送的)coffee from 7 to 10 a.m. daily. B) There are many reasons why guests feel at home at the Glorietta Bay Inn. C) The coin-operated laundry room has an ironing board. D) There are a number of extra services at the Glorietta Bay Inn including baby-sitting. The key: B (分析与探讨:教学中,笔者发现学生的归纳能力不强,且不太善于归纳。因此,设计 这两例以帮助培养学生归纳和概括的能力。如例 1 中 scientist 符合题意, 因为它包括了 chemist, physicist 和 biologist, 而 A, B 和 D 都指某一具体学科的科学家, 不能概括其 他词,因此, scientist 最具有概括性。而例 2 中,A, C, D 都是从不同的侧面说明旅馆的 服务情况, 相互间并无联系。而 B 却概括了 A, C, D 共性的东西, 即为什么旅客在这家旅馆 里有宾至如归的感觉。因此, B 符合题意。倘若在一段文章里包含了以上 A, B, C, D 几条 信息, 那么 B 就是本段的中心思想。同样, 如果在一段文章中, 作者分几段来叙述几方面 的内容, 那这些段落所要说明的问题就是本文的中心思想。 让学生讨论得出如下结论:在查找主旨、标题时,我们要学习识别文章中最基本, 最具 有概括力的信息。这种信息应能归纳和概括文中其他信息所具有的共性。) Step 2 Distinguish the topic sentences in the following passages. 例 3 English is clearly an international language. It is spoken by pilots and airport control operators on all the airways of the world. Over 70 percent of the world's radio programs are in English. 例 4 Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do. Others prefer to be left to work on their own. Still others like a democratic discussion type of class. Not a single teaching method can be devised to satisfy all students at the same time. 例 5 For adults a cold is not that serious. However, this is not the case for children. Cold symptoms in children may be signs of more serious diseases and should be given prompt medical attention. (分析与探讨:笔者选择了三小段短文,旨 在帮助学生发现和归纳其主题句,文段十分 简单,意在遵循从易到难的原则。练习时,采用学生自我体验和探究的方式,自主归纳得出 结论。学生分析、对比和讨论后,作出如下判断:例 3 的主题句为首句,其后的内容均说明 首句。例 4 的主题句是尾句,作者先摆出事实依据, 层层推理论证, 最后自然得出结论。例 5 的主题句是本段第二句, 因为在 however 后面才是作者真正的看法, 并在下文中进一步 作了说明。 当主题句被安排在段中时, 作者往往从具体的事例谈起, 随之归纳出主题, 然后 再围绕这一主题展开讨论, 使立论更加清楚, 具有很强的说服力, 即以“立”为主, 对正 面观点进行阐述。 。 例 6 Life in 2035 will be different from what it is today. For one thing, you will sleep later because your job will start later in the morning. Too, machines will do most of your routine work for you. Also, you will travel to work on a moving sidewalk. Furthermore, you will talk to your friends on a picture telephone. Finally, you will take longer vacations in more distant places since transportation will be so much faster and cheaper. Certainly all of us can look forward to many new advantages in the coming 30 years. 例 7 In 2035 you will sleep later because your job will start later in the morning. Too, machines will do most of your routine work for you. Also, you will travel to work on a moving sidewalk. Furthermore, you will talk to your friends on a picture telephone. Finally, you will take longer vacations in more distant places since transportation will be so much faster and cheaper. (分析与探讨:教学中笔者观察到,对于主题句在段首、段中、段末时,较易引起师生 注意。而事实上,主题句并不总是处于段首、段中、段末。于是,笔者例举以上两例,帮助 学生分析主题句所在之处。学生通过分析和对比可以发现,例 6 的作者采用首尾呼应,两 次点题的写作手法, 将表达同一主题思想的两个主题句分别置于首尾, 在句型结构和用词方 面往往不尽相同,而且在内容上,后者也不是前者的简单重复。而例 7 的主题句是暗含在文 段之中的。这就要求学生根据文段细节进行分析,概括主题,推断主旨,帮助学生获得分析 的方法。即先弄清该段落主要讲了哪几方面的内容,在逻辑上有何联系,然后加以归纳形成 主题。教学中,教师必须考虑到问题的多面性,拓展学生的思维,提高解决问题的能力。 在以上几个环节里,学生在教师的引导下,通过独立思考,讨论以及合作探究,去获得 解决问题的方法。在设计时,教师遵循了循序渐进的原则,由浅入深,逐步引入,理顺解题 思路,进而提升解题能力。) Step 3 Practice Read the follow ing passages, then get the main idea of the passages. 例 8 Let us consider how voice training may contribute to personality development and an improved social adjustment. In the first place, it has been fairly well established that individuals tend to become what they believe other people think them to be. When people react more favorably toward us because our voices convey the impression that we are friendly, competent, and interesting, there is a strong tendency for us to develop those qualities in our personality. If we are treated with respect by others, we soon come to have more respect for ourselves. Then, too, one’s own consciousness of having a pleasant, effective voice of which he does not need to be ashamed contributes materially to a feeling of poise(泰然自若), self-confidence, and a just pride in himself. A good voice, like good clothes can do much for an ego(自我) that otherwise might be inclined to droop(萎靡). The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is: A. Our Ego B. The Reflection of Our Personality C. How to Acquire a Pleasant Voice D. Voice Training in Personality Development The Key: D 例 9 Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have had to resort(凭借)to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally, spelling, however, cannot. Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink(眨眼)can be a way of flirting(调情) or indicating that the party is only joking. A nod signifies approval, while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction. Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille (a system of raised dots read with the fingertips), signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also guide warn, and instruct people. While verbalization(用语言表达)is the most common form of language, other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feeling. Which of the following statements best summarizes this passage? A) When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication. B) Everybody uses only one form of communication. C) Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners. D) Although other forms of communication exist verbalization is the fastest. The Key: A (分析与探讨:经过前期的热身活动,学生具有初步分析、概括和归纳文段中心主旨的 能力,因此在这环节里,教师选择较长文段,加大文章难度,进一步提升学生分析和解决问 题的能力。但教师仍要去启 发和引导学生,帮助学生解决文中的生词和难句。 在例 8 里, 作者一开始就说明发声训练对个性发展和人的社会化可能产生的作用。 接着, 分别由 in the first place 及 then 引出两个具体的方面展开讨论。第一个要点下又分别 由 when 和 if 引出两个细节加以论证。结尾一句总括全段, 与首句呼应。不难看出, 主题 句是第一句, 正确答案应选 D。另外, 要特别注意上例中提到的 in the first place, then , if 等连接语, 这些连接语能帮助我们把握文章内容的编排方式, 领会文章的要点, 准确全 面地理解文章。 例 9 文章共有四段, 谈的是肢体语言。 第一段谈到人们彼此在进行思想感情交流时可用 多种形式。如果在语言交流有障碍时,像聋哑人等可以通过肢体语言来进行,这是国际通用 的。 而第二段, 第三段的首句从两个不同的方面引出了肢体语言的功能与分类。 最后一段予 以总结, 强调肢体语言在表达人类思想和感情方面的作用,与第一段的呼应。正确答案应是 A。) 在本案例中,教师根据高中英语学科的特点,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和 探究等方式去培养学生解决问题的能力, 体现了新课程改革的精神。 本节课集中针对学生的 弱点,选准切入点,由易到难,层层深入,创设了问题情境,形成了思考的氛围,调动了学 生思维的积极性,较好地完成了教学任务。同时,教师也做到了面向全体学生和关注学生的 情感,构建和谐民主的教学氛围。 四、结束语 诚然, 学生的阅读理解能力诸如主旨和大意的归纳能力, 不是凭教师的讲解便能获得的, 而是要求学生不断探究分析, 从阅读实践和积累中, 从阅读技巧和习惯的养成中逐渐自我建 构的。教师不能指望在短期内甚至几节课里完成,它是一个长期自我探究和体验的过程。 1. 教师要避免急于求成的心态,努力夯实基础知识的教学。能力的发展和培养离不开 语言基础知识,足够的词法知识是语言能力得以提高的保证。在教学中应把握好这个度。学 生语言知识积累不可忽视,但更要把培养学生语言运用能力作为主要教学目标。 2. 要善于分析学情,研究并发现学生的薄弱之处,找准解决问题的切入点。阅读中, 学生的困难一方面表现在词汇和长、难句的理解上,另一方面是解题的方法。教师应善于帮 助学生形成正确阅读习惯和阅读方法以及科学的解题方法,教会学生识别设问中脱离原文、 以偏概全、偷换概念的设问方式,提高学生的识别能力。 3.增加阅读量,积极拓展阅读途径。教师在教学中,应视学生的情况,适当从英语报 刊、杂志、教学辅导资料和 网站里摘录一些具有时代气息的文章。这些文章应既适合学生水 平,又能激发学习兴趣,融知识性、趣味性与一体,能拓宽学生的阅读视野,增加英语词汇 量,提高学生的阅读理解水平。 4. 充分调动学生参与的主动性和积极性,鼓励学生主动探究和思考,通过小组合作、 讨论自主发现问题,寻找解决问题的方法,教师应避免直接告诉学生答案。 5. 帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯。教师要指导学生以句子为单位进行阅读,培养学生 对句群的理解力。阅读中还要注重细节,尤其要把握反映作者的观点和态度的细节,通过对 细节的文字加以理解和概括,以培养学生分析、概括、演绎和归纳的能力,从而把握文章的 中心思想。 [参考文献] 参考文献] [1]杨阳,彭锦秀.关于中学英语阅读课程现状的调查报告(教师部分)[J]. 中小学外 语教学,2004,(5):13. 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