


Perhaps it's only when we fully accept that we will die that we can fully accept how alive we are right now.Death brings perspective, then. It brings us back to life and it asks of me, how, now, will I live? A friend works at a hospice, and recently she cared for a man who just had days left. They talked about his childhood, she tells me, and then she asked him what makes life good? She wrote down his words.It's "when we assume nothing," he said, "when we give more than we take, when we need less, when we smile often, when we dream big, when we laugh frequently, and when we find comfort in knowing how blessed we are.How blessed we are. The poet Rilke said, "Being here is so much." And whether you believe death is the end or, like me, that it is only the beginning, life is surely not about the time we have left - days, weeks, years? - but about the time we have now.
可能只有当我们全然接受人生必死的现实,才能意识到当下的人生是多么鲜活。死亡让人省视,让人回归生命。它诘问我要怎样生活。有一个在收容所工作的朋友告诉我,最近她照顾过一个只有数天生命的人。他们谈及了他的孩提时期,她问病人,是什么让生命美好?原话如下:“当我们不理所当然,当我们给予多过索取,当我们少欲少求,当我们常常微笑,当我们梦想远大,当我们时时开怀,当我们意识到人生多么宝贵而身心愉悦。”人生多么宝贵。诗人Rilke说,“活着,幸甚至哉。” 不管你认为死亡是终结,或者像我一样,认为死亡是开始,生命显然不在于我们还能活多久——几天,几周,几年?——而在于我们活着的当下这一刻。 做最好的自己
If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill, 如果你当不了山巅的一棵劲松, Be a scrub in the valley-but be 就做山谷里的灌木--但一定
The best little scrub by the side of the rill; 要做溪边最棒的一棵;
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.

If you can't be a bush be a bit of grass, 如果你当不了灌木,就做一株小草, And some highway happier make; 给路边带去更多欢笑;
If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass- 如果你当不了大梭鱼,就做一尾小鲈鱼 But the liveliest bass in the lake! --但要做湖里最活泼的那条!
We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew, 我们不能全当船长,总得有人做船员, There's something for all of us here. 但我们每个人都有事可做,
There's big work to do, and there's lesser to do, 有大事去做,有小事去做,
And the task you must do is the near. 我们必须着眼于眼前。
If you can't be a highway then just be a trail, 如果你当不了大道,就做一条小径, If you can't be the sun be a star; 如果你当不了太阳,就做一颗星星;
It isn't by size that you win or you fail- 胜负不在于大小--
Be the best of whatever you are! 不论做什么,一定要做到最好!

Spread Your Wings
Close your eyes, open your heart, 闭上眼睛,打开心扉,
Concentrate hard, get ready to start. 集中精力,准备出发。
It is almost time to lift off and fly. 几乎是振翅起飞的时候了。
Believe in yourself and you'll fly very high. 相信自己,你会飞得很高。
Open your wings, spread them out. 张开羽翼,展开翅膀。
This is what flying is all about. 这是飞行的全部。
I know you can make it through this test. 我知道你能通过这个测试。 Come on now. Do your best. 来吧,现在。尽你的全力! Now that you can fly and soar, 既然你能展翅翱翔,
You can enter that successful door. 你便能进入成功之门。
You've spread your wings and lifted your voice. 展开翅膀,放声歌唱。
lt's now time for others to make the right choice.



