高二英语外研版选修六习题:课时卷五 含答案[精校版]

发布时间:2019-08-24 14:30:55


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A serious attack on the fantasy story for children comes from those who do not wish children to be frightened. CS. Lewis writes in an essay named Three Ways of Writing for Children. Those who say that children must not be frightened mean two things. Firstly, they mean that we mustn't do anything likely to give children fears, and secondly, they want to keep out of their minds that they are born into a world of death, violence (暴力), wounds and evil (邪恶). CS. Lewis says he agrees with the first reason, but not the second.

He goes on to comment, Since it is so likely that they will meet cruel (残酷的) enemies, let them at least hear of brave fighters and heroic courage. By limiting your child to perfect and nice stories of child life in which nothing alarming ever happens, they would fail to face fears and hardships. It would be nice,” he continues, if no little boy in bed ever hears a frightening sound. But if he is to be frightened, I think St. George, or any bright champion in armor (盔甲), is a better comfort than the idea of the police.

Bruno Bettelheim, a well­known child psychologist, also points out that fantasy stories provide children with a valuable education about good and evil. He believes that all children have many personal fantasies filled with fears and fantasy stories comfort them and offer solutions. Happy endings tell them that solutions and hope are real and model the kind of happy life children want to find.

A good fantasy suggests rather than teaches possible answers to life. It's believed that reading fantasies quickens the ability to get and put ideas from books to reality. It's what good literature does — it makes life larger.

1According to the first paragraph, CS. Lewis thinks that ________

Achildren shouldn't read any fantasy story because it is bad

Badults shouldn't do things that may frighten their children

Cdeath and badness should be kept out of children's minds

Dwriting a fantasy story is the best way of writing for children

2What probably is St. George according to the text?

AHe is a policeman in real life.

BHe is a murderer caught by the police.

CHe is a brave man in a fantasy novel.

DHe is a frightening person in a story.

3Why should children read fantasy literature according to Bruno Bettelheim?

ABecause it encourages children to have a lot of fantasies.

BBecause it helps children overcome fears and find solutions.

CBecause it teaches children to write their own fantasy stories.

DBecause it gives children a happy memory when they grow up.

4It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________

Aliterature can give readers more frightening stories

Bfantasies can improve one's ability to solve problems

Cpersonal fantasies can help children get away from danger

Dmost children can understand what fantasy literature is


The Magic Pen of JK.Rowling

“I really wrote it for me, it was what I found funny and what I liked.Those are the words of JK.Rowling, the author of the greatly popular Harry Potter books.The quote refers to the first in a series of novels starring a young character who has built a lasting place unlikely to change for his creator in the world of children's literature.

Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born in England in 1965, and wrote her first story at the age of six.She was in her mid­20s when the idea for the Harry Potter novels came to her, during a long train ride.By the end of that journey, she says, the character of Harry and the school for wizards which he attended were more or less fully formed in her mind.

It would be several years, however, before the novel was completed.By that time, Rowling had been through a failed marriage.Living on welfare as a single parent, she wrote about Harry Potter while sitting in an Edinburgh café with her daughter asleep beside her.She could not have dreamed of the fame and success which Harry would bring her in the years to come.

Harry Potter is not your average superhero.He is 12 years old, skinny, wears glasses, and tends to worry a lot.Yet, he has taken the imagination of children and adults the world over, and has introduced millions to the joys of reading.

Harry's attractiveness comes from his role as a very ordinary boy who finds himself in extraordinary situations.Orphaned (沦为孤儿) as a baby, Harry spends the next ten years being mistreated by the very bad relatives with whom he lives.On his 11th birthday, he learns that he has magical powers and is admitted for training at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The adventures of Harry and his friends at the school are wonderfully narrated by JK.Rowling.She manages to lead her millions of readers deep into the world of the supernatural, while at the same time dealing with the fears and emotions of the ordinary human world.Many feel that this is the real magic of Harry Potter.

5Joanne Kathleen Rowling wrote Harry Potter initially for ________

Aherself      Bher husband

Cher daughter Dbecoming rich

6According to the passage, which statement is CORRECT?

AThe novel was completed shortly after the journey in which she formed the outline.

BWhen she completed the novel, she had a very happy family with her husband loving her.

CWhen she was writing the novel, her daughter was being looked after by her parents.

DWhile she was writing the novel, she was living a rather hard life.

7Why does the novel Harry Potter attract so many readers? It is because of__________

AJ.K.Rowling's vivid description of the world of the supernatural

BHarry Potter's role as a very ordinary boy who finds himself in extraordinary situations

Cdealing with the fears and emotions of the ordinary human world

Dabove all

8What does the underlined word narrated mean?

Agive a lecture

Bgive a written description of sth.

Cgive a spoken description of sth.

Dtell sb.a story orally


Robert Frost (18741963) is one of America's most beloved poets. He was a contemporary of many modernist poetic movements, but he wasn't associated (……有联系) with any particular group of poets. He stuck to his own literary beliefs, and as a result, he attracted a good deal of criticism from the literary world. But, it is just because he was such a person and his voice was so original that Frost became so beloved. If you are to choose one of his poems and read it aloud on a busy street, we are sure that many people will recognize the poem immediately as Frost's.

Mending Wall, which is the first poem in North of Boston, Frost's second book of poetry, is one of his most popular poems. It is a poem about two neighbors who fix a rock wall that lies between their homes. I want to destroy the wall, and the neighbor wants to leave it standing.

We just can't get enough of walls, can we? People love boundaries (界线). We love them when we're little, protecting our precious toys from our troublesome (令人烦恼的) brothers and sisters. As we get older, we begin to throw around the gentle term personal space”, as in GET OUT OF MY ROOM” In college, we really learn how the idea of My house is your house doesn't always result in happy roommate relationships. After we become adults with good jobs and a lot of cool things, we often put up fences, gates, walls, or doors to protect our stuff and keep the peace.

Walls help us protect ourselves, but their downside is that they often keep people from communicating with each other. Mending Wall makes us take a look at how we use our walls and boundaries, and why we use them the way we do. This poem sends a wake­up call to the universe.There are walls between our hearts.

9What can we learn about Robert Frost?

AHis writing style is special.

BHis first poem is about life.

CHe often criticized other poets.

DHe joined many poetic movements.

10In Paragraph 3, what does the author want to show?

ASharing with others brings us happiness.

BThere seem lots of walls in our life.

CWalls let people know about themselves.

DPersonal space is important to everyone.

11The third paragraph is developed by ________

Aspace      Bexample

Ctime Dcomparison

12The underlined word downside in the last paragraph can be replaced by ________”.

Atrue use Bold way

Cnegative part Dmajor difference



1.解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第一段的“C.S. Lewis says he agrees with the first reason, but not the second.”可知他同意上面提到的“Firstly, they mean that we mustn't do anything likely to give children fears.”由此可知他认为我们不应该做任何让孩子害怕的事情。故选B

2解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段的“But if he is to be frightened, I think St. George, or any bright champion in armor (盔甲), is a better comfort than the idea of the police.”可知St. George不是警察也不是令人害怕的人物而是可以用来安慰孩子的勇敢的幻想小说中的人物。故选C

3解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“He believes that all children have many personal fantasies filled with fears and fantasy stories comfort them and offer solutions.”可知选B

4解析:选B 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知作者认为幻想文学可以帮助孩子解决问题。故选B

语篇解读:本文介绍了J.K.Rowling及她的书Harry Potter

5.解析:选A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段首句“‘I really wrote it for me, it was what I found funny and what I liked.Those are the words of JK.Rowling, the author of the greatly popular Harry Potter books.”可知。

6解析:选D 推理判断题。由第三段“Living on welfare as a single parent, she wrote about Harry Potter while sitting in an Edinburgh café with her daughter asleep beside her.”可知。

7解析:选D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段首句“Harry's attractiveness comes from his role as a very ordinary boy who finds himself in extraordinary situations.”可知B项正确;根据最后一段可知AC项正确故选D

8解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据上下文的语境可知narrate的意思是写书而不是讲座、口头描述或者讲述故事。


9.解析:选A 细节理解题。由第一段末“If you are to ... as Frost's”可知随便拿一首弗罗斯特的诗到街上去朗读就会有人看出是他的诗。这说明他的写作风格特别容易辨认。

10解析:选B 推理判断题。作者对弗罗斯物的名作《修墙》进行简单介绍后在第三段描述了这样一个事实:人们从小到大不断地树立各种围墙。

11解析:选C 写作手法题。在第三段作者按照时间顺序展开全段指出了人们从孩童时期到长大成人不断地建立心墙

12解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据最后一段but一词的转折可知第四段讲墙可以保护人的同时也阻止了人们的交流。因此downside此处有不足之处的意思。

高二英语外研版选修六习题:课时卷五 含答案[精校版]
