

1. 闻名于世的丝绸之路是一系列连接东西方的路线。丝绸之路延伸6,000多公里,得名于古代中国的丝绸贸易。丝绸之路上的贸易在中国、南亚、欧洲和中东文明发展中发挥了重要作用。正是通过丝绸之路,中国的造纸、火药、指南针、印刷术等四大发明才被引介到世界各地。同样,中国的丝绸、茶叶盒瓷器(porcelain也传遍全球。物质文化的交流是双向的,欧洲也通过丝绸之路出口各种商品和植物,满足中国市场的需求。
The world-famous Silk Road is a series of routes connecting the West and East. Extending more than 6,000 kilometers, the Silk Road gets its name from the ancient Chines silk trade. Trade on the Silk Road played a significant role in the development of the civilizations of China, South Asia, Europe and the Middle East. It was through the Silk Road that the four great ancient Chinese inventions of paper making, gunpowder, the compass and printing were introduced to the world. Likewise, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain were also spread throughout the globe. The exchanges of material culture went both ways, with Europe also exporting a wide range of goods and plants via the Silk Road to meet the demands of the Chinese market.
2. 烤鸭是北京名菜,风味独特。烤鸭原先是明朝御膳房的一位厨师首创的,那位厨师出宫后,这一手艺传到了民间。1835年,河北省人杨全仁来到北京卖烤鸭,30年后在前门开了一家烤鸭店,取名“全聚德”。因为他用的是原来宫廷的烹饪方法,烤出来的鸭味道鲜美,大受欢迎。后来他改用北京当地饲养的一种皮薄肉嫩的鸭子,又发明了填喂催长的喂养方法,用挂炉取代了原来的闷炉,烤出来的鸭子味道更为鲜美,全聚德的名声很快传遍了京城和全中国,解放后得到国家的大力支持,很快誉满全球,吃烤鸭成了外国游客来京城必不可少的“项目” With its unique taste and flavor, Peking roast duck is a famous dish of the capitals cuisine. The recipe for roast ducks was first developed by a royal chef in the Ming Dynasty, which was later spread out of the court when that chef retired in old age. Yang Quanren, a gentleman from Hebei Province came to Beijing in 1835 to sell roast ducks. Thirty years later he opened a roast duck restaurant outside Qianmen Gate and named it Quanjude. His roast ducks sold well because they tasted delicious as he used the royal recipe. Later he replaced the duck with a local breed that had thin skin and tender meat, which he further improved by adopting forced feeding. He also replace the closed oven with an open one. As a result, his roast duck became a special delicacy and the name of Quanjude soon became known all over Beijing and throughout the country. The restaurant was given much encouragement by the government after the founding of the Peoples Republic of China. The fame of Peking roast duck spread to the whole world and has become a must for every foreign tourist who came to Beijing.
3. 消费,但拒绝过度包装

Consume, but say no to excessive wrapping Its perhaps due to businessmens commercial tactics, or the improving of peoples life which causes wasting. In the dazzling array of commodities, gorgeously wrapped goods attract consumers special attention, arousing their desire to buy. However, excessive wrappings do not raise the real value of goods except stimulate consumers nerves. After satisfying the consumers vanity of seeking new and more advanced, and refined things, excessive wrappings that add attractions to commodities will eventually be cast away as trash. Excessive wrappings are but false appearances that not only mislead people in their shopping but cause great waste of wrapping materials and producing large quantities of trash, threatening our already worsening environment and diminishing resources. This runs contrary to the maxim of building up an economical society. While appealing for laws on wrapping, we should say No
to excessive wrapping.

