大学英语综合教程教案Book 1 Unit 7

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Book One Unit Seven

New Words and Expressions in Text A:

1. trunk: n. 汽车后部的行李箱

(n. 干线, 树干, 躯干, 箱子, 主干, 象鼻)

2. struggle with/against: have difficulty handling or coping with 费力地对付; 斗争

---Billy was struggling with a boy twice his size.

---She struggled with the math problem but eventually worked it out.

---We found the Smiths struggling with their car stuck in the mud.

---struggle with illness/one’s conscience/economic problems

struggle for:而斗争/搏斗

---The poor had to struggle for a living.

---I struggled with him for the knife.

---He’s struggling for bigger say in decision-making/

3. grocery: n. (usu. pl) 食品杂货

》》》》grocer: n. shopkeeper who sells food in packets, tins, or bottles, and general small household requirements 杂货商

4. locomotive: n. 机车

5. horn: n. 喇叭

6. nearby: I) a. not far away 附近的

---This drug can be bought at your nearby drugstore.

---We stopped at some nearby shops to pick up some food.

II) ad. in the area close by在附近

---Jack found a part-time job in the company nearby.

---All the towns nearby were crowded with tourists during the holiday.

---The man spoke softly to an old lady standing nearby.

7. thumbs-up: n. 翘拇指(赞同或满意的表示)

a thumbs-up gesture: This is a sign that you make by making a fist and raising your thumb to show that you agree with someone, that you are happy with an idea or situation, or that everything is all right.

8. gesture: n. (c) movement of the hand or head to indicate or illustrate an idea, feeling, etc; sth. done to convey a friendly intention手势;姿势

---make a friendly gesture to sb. 某人做友善的表示

---gesture language手势语

---a warlike gesture耀武扬威, 挑衅的姿态

9. echo: I) v. 1) repeat (another’s words, ideas, etc.) 重复(别人说的话), 随声附和

---They echoed every word of their leader.

2) (+ back) (of places) send back an echo (指地方)发出回声; 共鸣

(of sounds) be sent back as an echo (指声音)被传回

---The room echoed with the sound of music/laughter.


---Our voices echoed in the empty room.


---Their voices echoed round the cave.


---The speaker's words echoed in her mind.


II) n. (c, u) sound reflected or sent back (e.g. from a wall of rock) 回声

---the echoes of our voices我们的声音的回声

10. draw sb. attention to: make sb. aware of (sth.) and be concerned about sth. 引起(某人)注意

---The article was intended to draw the public’s attention to environmental protection.

---My teacher drew my attention to an error in the term paper.

11. steep: a. rising or falling sharply 陡峭的

---a steep hill/roof/rock/cliff陡峭的山/屋顶/岩石

---steep rise in price/salaries价格急剧上涨/薪水的陡涨

12. kneel: (knelt) vi. go down on the knees; rest on the knees 跪下, 跪着

13. freight: n. (u) (money charged for) the carriage of goods from place to place by water (in US also by land); the goods carried (水上运输的,美国也指陆地上运输的)货物;货运;运费

---freight train 货运火车

---This freight must be carefully handled when loading.


---This aircraft company deals with freight only; it has no passenger service. 这家航空公司只办理货运业务,没有客运服务。

---The freight is included in the account. 运费包括在帐内。

14. overhead: a., ad. above one’s head; in the sky 在上头的;架空的

---look overhead向上看

---The plane flew overhead.

---an overhead bridge天桥

---an overhead railway高架铁路

15. signal: I) v. (+to) send (sth. such as a warning or a message) by a light or an act 发信号传达; 发信号通知; 发信号

---signal a message 用信号发送信息

---signal (to) the waiter to bring the menu 做手势要侍者拿菜单

---The student raised his hand, signaling (to) the teacher that he had finished his paper.

---A bell signals the end of a school period. 铃声报知下课的时间。

II) (c) 信号,暗号; 〈铁路〉信号灯,(交通)红绿灯

---The railway signal showed that the train could pass.


---They went into action at a given signal.

在约定的信号发出时, 他们投入了战斗。

---What he said was the signal for the argument.


---a signal of danger危险的信号

---signal flag/gun信号旗/

16. out of the way: (used after a verb) at a distance from the usual route; in a state or condition so as not to hinder 远离,不碍事

---Step out of the way and let me handle the stone.

---The house is well out of the way on the back road.

17. resume: vt., vi. (+ sth.; +doning sth.) begin again after a pause重新开始,恢复

---We’ll stop now and resume (our work/working) at two o’clock.

---After tea, the meeting resumed.

---They stopped talking for a moment to see where the noise was oming from and then resumed their conversation.

18. per: prep. for each

19. accelerator: n. 加速器,加速装置

》》》》accelerate: v. increase the speed of; cause to move faster or happen earlier (使)加速;加快;催促;促进

---The car suddenly accelerated.

---Fertilizer (肥料) will accelerate the growth of these tomato plants.

---to accelerate the heartbeat

》》》》acceleration: (u) 加速

》》》》deceleration: n. 减速 (注解“37)

20. conductor: n. (AmE) 列车员

》》》》conduct: 1) vt. lead or guide 带领,领着,引导

---The guide conducted the visitors round the museum.


---The secretary conducted me in/out/to the door.

---conduct me to your teacher

2) v. control; direct; manage 管理;指挥;处理

---conduct a meeting/negotiations/an experiment/a survey


---conduct both domestic and foreign affairs

---Who is conducting (the orchestra管弦乐队) this evening?

3) vt. (of substances) transmit; allow (heat, electric current) to pass along or through 导电; 传导

---Copper conducts electricity.

---conduct heat

21. medium: I) a. coming halfway between; not extreme 中等的;中庸的

---medium wave (无线电广播的)中波

---He is of medium height. 他是中等身材。

---broil a medium steak 烤一块不老不嫩的牛排

II) n. (pl. mediums or media)

1) (c) a means which can be used to express or communicate sth.(传播消息的)媒介, 大众传媒 (如报纸、杂志、广播或电视); (艺术的)形式

---Commercial television is a medium for advertising.


---Oil paints and water colors are mediums for the creation of works of art. 油画颜料和水彩颜料是艺术创作的媒介.

--- He writes stories, but the theatre is his favorite medium.

他写小说, 不过戏剧文学是他最喜爱的艺术形式。

2) (pl.多为media) substance, surroundings, in which sth. exists or through which sth. moves 藉以生存之物或环境;媒介物;介质

---A fish in water is in its natural medium. 鱼在水中,自得其所。

---Water is the medium in which fish can live.


---Air is the medium of sound. 空气是传声的媒介物

---The train was the usual medium of transportation in those days.


3) middle quality or degree居中; 适度

---a happy medium中庸之道

---There has to be a medium between good and bad.

中间状态, 介于好与坏之间。

22. mess: I) vt. (常与up连用) put into disorder 弄乱;弄脏

---to mess one's new dress

---I've just cleaned the floor, and you've messed it up again by dropping bits of paper everywhere!


---The boy's clothes are all messed. 这男孩的衣服都弄脏了。

mess around: (infml) do things in an aimless way; spend time playing 随意做事;闲荡

---He spends his weekends messing around in his boat on the Thames.

---The kids spent all day Sunday just messing around.

II) n. (u, 可加indefinite article “a”) 混乱;脏乱

be/leave sth./sb, in a mess: 乱七八糟,处境狼狈

---The kitchen was in a mess. 厨房又脏又乱

---He always leaves his room in a mess.

---you’re in a nice mess now you’ve been caught stealing.

get in/into a mess 陷入狼狈处境

get sb. into a mess 使某人陷入狼狈处境

make a mess (of): 弄得一团糟

---I’m afraid we have made a terrible mess in your room.

---He made a mess of his work/his life/this business/his holiday.

23. hey: int. (用以唤起注意等)

24. cool down: (cause to) become calmer (使)冷静下来

---She is so angry now. Just leave her to cool down and then talk to her.

---The trial was postponed to allow the tension in the city to cool down.

---Her passion for me has cooled down. 她对我的热情已渐冷淡

25. spot: (cf. Unit Four Text A: Note 39)

I) 1) vt. see or recognize (one person or thing out of many) (从很多人或物中)认出,看出

---spot a friend in a crowd看出,认出

---Thank you for pointing out the error; I hadn’t spotted it.

---He left the house seconds before smoke was spotted coming up the stairs.

2) vt., vi. mark or become marked with spots加班点于, (使)有污渍,弄脏

--- The night sky is spotted with stars. 夜晚的天空繁星点点。

II) n. 1) (c) a particular place地点;场所

---This is a nice spot for a house. 这里是建房的好地方。

---the spot where he was murdered他被谋杀的地点

on the spot: a) at the scene of action在现场

---The police were on the spot within a few minutes of hearing about the crime.

--- the meeting on the spot现场会议

b) without delay; at once马上,立刻;当场

---He fell dead on the spot. 当场就死了

be in a spot: be in a difficult situation []处于困境之中; 陷入麻烦

2) (c) a small dirty mark or stain; a small (esp. round) mark different in color from what it is on斑点; 污点;小点, (尤指)圆形斑点

---white dress material with red spots 带红色斑点的白色衣料

--- a spot on one's fame名誉上的污点

--- spots of rain雨点

3) (c) small and red mark on the skin; pimple (皮肤上的)红斑

---She had spots on her face when she was ill.

4) (c) a point of interest名胜,观光点

--- a scenic spot风景胜地

---a historic spot古迹

---There are a lot of spots to visit in the old city.


-stain: I) n. (c) dirty mark or patch of color 污点

---ink-/blood-stains 墨水/血的污渍

--- a stain/ spot on one’s reputation: (fig.) 名誉上的污点

II) v. 1) vt., vi. (of liquids, other substances change the color of; make colored patches or dirty marks on 沾污,染污

2) vt. 染色

26. instant: I) n. moment, a very brief period of time 片刻;瞬息

---The alarm bells started ringing and at the same instant all the lights went off.

(at) any instant: 随时; 在任何情况下

for an instant: 片刻, 一瞬间

on the instant: 立即; 马上

in an instant:立即; 马上

---The magician came to the stage with a bunch of flowers. And then, in an instant, the flowers turned into a bird.

the instant (that) ...: 起连词作用,as soon as

---The instant (that) he opened the door he saw the thief.

---Tell me the instant they arrive.

II) a. 1)coming or happening at once 即刻的,立刻的

---sentence a man to instant death判决将某人立即处死

2) urgent 紧急的

---instant need of help急需帮助

3) (of food preparations) that can be made ready for use quickly and easily (指食物) 速食的,速溶的

---instant coffee/powdered milk

》》》》instantly: ad. (注解“49) 立即地, 即刻地

27. intently: ad. with great attention 专心地

28. rag: n. 破布;抹布;(pl)破旧衣服

29. brake: n. 制动器,刹车

30. pull on: 1) take hold of (sth.) and pull (it) with strength用力拉

---The child pulled on his mother’s coat wanting to leave.

---Sophia pulled on the rope, shouting “help”.

2) 穿,戴(袜子、手套等)

31. with all one’s strength: with all one’s power使劲,用力

---With all his strength he removed the piano to the text room.

---She opened the door with all her strength and ran out of the house.

32. blast: I) n. 1) (汽笛等的)鸣叫

2) strong, sudden rush of wind 一阵突然的狂风

---When the window was opened an icy blast came into the room.

3) (often u) strong rush of air or gas spreading outwards from an explosion (爆炸所引起的)冲击波

---The blast from the bomb blew out all the windows in the area.


II) v. blow up (rocks, etc.) with explosives (用炸药)炸开,炸毁

33. explode: vt., vi. (cause to) burst with a loud noise 爆发;爆炸

---explode a bomb 使炸弹爆炸

---A bomb exploded at one of London’s busiest railway stations this morning.

---The clap (霹雳声) of thunder exploded overhead, which frightened the child into crying.

》》》》explosion: (c)

34. sway: v. (cause to) move or swing slowly from side to side (使)摇动;(使)摇摆

---Trees swayed gently in the breeze/wind.

---The coastal highway (公路, 大路) is lined with tall, swaying palm trees.

---sway a sword

---She swayed her body in time with (节拍正确地) the music.

35. flash: I) vi. 1) move very fast; come suddenly (into view; into the mind)飞驰,掠过(心头),闪现

---It was a busy road; cars flashed by every few minutes.

---A figure flashed past the window.

---The idea flashed into/through his mind.

2) vi. produce a sudden bright light闪烁

---The lighting flashed across the sky. 闪电自天空闪过

---A lighthouse was flashing in the distance.灯塔自远方闪出信号

II) n. sudden burst of flame or light 闪烁,闪光

---a flash of lighting 闪电

---flashes from the guns during a battle 战争中炮火的闪光

---(fig.)a flash of wit/happiness/inspiration机智/快乐/灵感的闪现

36. calculate: v. work (sth.) out using mathematics计算

---Carrie has calculated that it would take five workers eight months to complete the job.

---We need to calculate when the project will be finished.

---The cost of the damage caused by the recent flood has been calculated at/as over $5 million.

37. deceleration: n. 减速

》》》》accelerator: 加速器 (注解“19)

38. groan: v. 呻吟

39. thunderous: a. extremely loud 雷鸣似的;极响的

》》》》thunder: I) n., 雷声, 轰隆声

II) vi. 打雷, 雷鸣

40. leap: I) (leapt or leaped) vi., vt. jump; (cause to) jump over跳跃;跳过

---The thief leaped from a window and escaped.

---The instant he heard the baby crying Jordan leaped up from his chair and rushed into the room.

---leap a wall

---leap a horse over a fence 纵马跳过栅栏

II) n. (c) jump; sudden upward or forward movement,

---(fig.) a great leap forward (=a great advance) 一大进步

41. grab: v. seize suddenly; take roughly and quickly 猛地抓取

---A mugger (行凶抢劫的路贼) grabbed my handbag as I was walking across the park.

---The man grabbed the boy’s arm to stop him from running into the road.

grab at: 抓住

---grab at the falling child

---He grabbed at the opportunity of going abroad.

42. blade: n. 刀刃,刀身;刀片

43. loose: a. not firmly fixed in place松散的

---His tie was pulled loose and his collar hung open. It seemed that he was drunk.

---When the teacher asked her to answer the question, the girl was idly (懒懒地) pulling at a loose thread (线) on her skirt.

44. hammer: n. 榔头,锤

45. crash: I) vi. fall or strike suddenly, violently, and noisily 突然重重倒下;坠毁;碰撞

---I heard the dinner tray crash to the floor.

---The bus crashed into a tree.

---The aircraft crashed.

---Standing on the beach, I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks.

II) n. violent fall, blow or breaking 猛烈的坠落,撞击

---an air crash/a car crash

46. reach out: (often followed by infinitive to) stretch one’s arm, usu. in order to get or touch (sth.) 伸手拿

---The mother reached out to grab her little boy but it was too late. He fell into the river.

---The child reached out to pick up the toy.

---When he saw his former teacher, he reached out a hand in greeting.

47. clear of: free from, not in contact with离开;不接触;避开;摆脱

用作adj., 用于be clear of /keep clear of:

---The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds.

---The man kept clear of his wife after the argument.

---We’re clear of danger/debts/all business difficulties now.

---The road is now clear of snow.

用作v.clear sb./ sth. of: 中清除掉/解脱出来

---clear the area of enemy soldiers

---I wish I could clear my mind of doubt

---A witness cleared him of the crime.

---In the trial he was cleared of all the charges.

48. scrape: v. push or drag (sth.) along a hard or rough surface刮,擦

---George drove too close to the wall and scraped the car’s wing.

---The only sound was that of knives and forks scraping against china.

49. instantly: ad. at once; immediately 立即,即刻

》》》》instant: (注解“26)

50. forehead: n. 前额

51. punch: v. hit hard with the fist (用拳头) 猛击,用力击

---The young couple quarreled with each other. The wife punched her husband on the nose/jaw (下巴).

---He punched me hard in the stomach/chest.

52. nylon: n. 尼龙

53. fabric: n. (c, u) 1) (kind of) textile material 织物,织品

---woolen/silk fabrics /丝织物

--- fabric gloves毛线手套

---a cloth of soft fabric质地柔软的布

---This is a fine fabric for ladies' dresses.

2) structure; sth. put together构造,结构

---the fabric of society 社会的结构/组织

---soil fabric土壤结构

54. horror: n. (c, u) great fear or shock 恐惧,震惊

---The crowd breathed in horror as the spacecraft exploded.

---To her horror, she saw the boy fall from the ladder.

---strike horror into sb. 使某人毛骨悚然

---horror film 恐怖电影

》》》》horrible: a.

55. up and down: 1) higher and lower一上一下地

---When the Chinese women’s football team defeated the American team, the crowd jumped up and down and screamed excitedly.

---My little son was jumping up and down on the sofa when I returned home from work.

2) backwards and forwards; to and fro前后地,来回地,往返地

---She ran into the bedroom and began walking up and down.

56. injure: vt. harm, hurt; damage损害;伤害

---A bomb exploded in a quiet street, injuring three people and killing one.

---The soccer game was very fierce. One of the players injured his knee and had to be carried off.

---injure one’s feelings 伤害的感情

collocation: be badly/seriously/critically injured

》》》》injured: a. wounded; hurt; wronged; offended 受伤的,被伤害的,受委屈的,感情受伤害的

---injured looks 受委屈的样子

---in an injured voice 以不高兴的声音

injury: n. (c, u)

57. hug: vt. hold tightly in one’s arms 紧抱

58. mask: I) n. 面具,面罩

---a gas mask 防毒面具

II) vt. 1) cover the face with a mask 戴面具

---a masked woman 戴着面具的女人

---a masked ball 化装舞会

2) conceal 隐蔽;遮掩

---masked guns 隐蔽的大炮

---A smile masked his disappointment. 微笑遮掩了他的失望。

59. visible: a. (+ to/from) that can be seen 看得见的,可见的

---a visible object 可见物体

---a visible change of expression表情上的明显变化

---These cells (细胞) are not visible to the human eye.

---The TV tower is just visible from my bedroom window.

60. twist: v. 1) turn round; revolve转动

---The instant they left, he twisted to try and get free of the ropes.

---Matt twisted around to see who it was.

---I twisted round in my seat to speak to her.

2) bend sth. so as to spoil its natural shape(使)扭曲;扭伤

---His face was twisted with pain.

---The bus was so crowded that my body was twisted, my legs at an awkward angle.

---twist one's wrist 扭伤了手腕

61. ambulance: n. 救护车

62. ma’am: =madam 女士,小姐

63. via: prep. by means of; by way of 通过;经过

---It’s easy and quick to communicate with friends via email.

---Mr. Brake will return home via Britain and France.

64. beeper: n. BP

65. internal: a. 1) of or in the inside 内部的;内在的

---They have knocked down a couple of internal walls. So the sitting room looks larger.

---The X-rays showed that the victim of the car accident had no internal injures.

---the internal relations of things事物的内部联系

---internal peace内心的平静

---internal bleeding内出血

---internal organs内脏

2) domestic; of the home affairs of a country 国内的,内政的

---internal affairs国内事物

---internal debts内债

66. miraculously: ad. like a miracle 奇迹般地

》》》》miracle: n.

67. stitch: n. (缝合伤口、缝纫、刺绣等的)一针,针脚

68. risk: I) vt. (+sth., +doing sth.) put (sth.) in a dangerous position 使遭受危险; 的危险;拿冒险;冒失去/遭受的危险

---risk one’s life/losing one’s life

---I couldn’t risk missing the train.

---Don’t risk any money in oil stock.

---You risk your neck trying to climb the tree.

---They risked defeat in fighting the larger army.

II) n. (c, u) 风险,危险

at risk: 处于危险之中

at the risk of : 的危险

run/take a risk/risks: 冒危险

run/take the risk of: 的危险

69. no way: (infml) in no way; definitely not 不行;决不

---We can in no way allow this to continue.

70. incident: n. sth. that happens (重要,不重要的)事情;事件;事变(rebellion, bomb explosion, war)

---Some incidents in her childhood had a lasting impression on her.

---A 23-year-old man was seriously injured in a shooting incident which happened on Saturday night.


71. shelter: I) vt., vi. (+sb./sth. from) protect; cover 保护;遮蔽

---shelter sb. from blame 庇护某人不受责骂

---shelter from the rain/sun under the tree

---The female eagle sheltered her chicks (任何鸟的幼雏) with her wings.

---Plant herbs (药草, 香草) next to a wall to shelter them from the wind.

II) n. 1) (c) something that gives protection隐蔽处;躲避处; 避难所

---an air-raid shelter防空洞

---a shelter from the sun/rain避免日晒处

---The city’s bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids.

---The soldiers built a rough (粗糙的) shelter of branches covered with leaves.

---be a shelter from成为躲避...的处所

2) (u) condition of being kept safe, e.g. from rain, danger 庇护,保护

---take shelter (=find shelter) from (e.g., the rain/sun) 避难, 躲避

---fly to sb. for shelter (=seek shelter at sb.'s house)


---give shelter to庇护

---lend the shelter of one's name and position to sb.


---under the shelter of...的庇护下

大学英语综合教程教案Book 1 Unit 7
