
发布时间:2019-02-25 03:52:46




xxx x x

model 1

how good are your social skills?

learning aims:

1. learn some words related to social manners.

2. get a general understanding of social skills using different reading strategies

3. be able to summarize some basic social skills mentioned in the passage and thus improve their own social techniques step 1 lead-in

what kind of book is it from? a. b.

a business course

a how-to book teaching social skills

step 2 while- reading

skip to get the main idea of each paragraph. learn how to do small talk develop your listening skill. learn the rules.

the general idea is ______. a. b.

social skills listening skills

c. d.

talk skills social rules

step 3 read the passage carefully to get some detailed information. 1. we will not be shy if we have good ____________. 2.according to paragraph 1and 2 ,we should _______. a.avoid talking to someone whom you know b. lack the confidence to talk to a stranger c. talk confidently to a stranger

3. communication is a __________ process .it involves _________ and ________. step 4post- reading

learn more about social skills and culture in different countries ! step 5home work:

find more social rules in different countries.



高中英语 设计者学

unit3 celebrations

lesson1 festivals( a reading lesson)

Ⅰ analysis of teaching material

this is the first lesson of this unit. before this class, the teacher have taught the students vocabulary in warm-up and lesson 1.

the reading passage titled festivals briefly describes three traditional festivals of china. such a topic is closely related to students’ life, thus it is very easy to arouse their interest in learning this lesson. the text covers 3 sections. teacher should encourage students to skim for the general idea for each section, and scan for further understanding, because this lesson introduces a lot of useful new words and expressions which are only used for festivals. in order not to let students feel much difficult, the teacher should deal with any language problems while they are reading. after reading, students are required to do the exercises in the each step to see how much they have understood the reading passage. the teacher can let them work in pairs or in groups to find the answers cooperatively, and then check their answers with the whole class.

to consolidate the contents of the reading passage, students should be required to talk about festivals in their own words at the end of the class. moreover, homework is very important for an effective class. so the students are assigned to write a composition about spring festival, based on what they have learned in this lesson.

Ⅱ teaching aims:

1. 2. 3. 4.

learn and master the useful words and phrases.

let the student learn about 3 traditional festivals of china.

train the students’ skimming and summarizing ability during reading the text.

encourage students to learn more about chinese festivals and cultivate their love to our traditional culture.

Ⅲ teaching important points:

1. master the following words and phrases:

be celebrated by, is said to do, be made with, fall on, the first lunar month, burn down, in many shapes and sizes, mark, many different kinds of, special food

2. enable the students to understand the three chinese traditional festivals, mid-autumn day, dragon

boat festival, the lantern festival

3. improve the students’ skimming and summarizing ability.

Ⅳ teaching difficult points:

1. how to make the students understand the text better.

2. make the students work out how to describe a festival based on these 3 traditional festivals.

Ⅴ teaching methods: task-based teaching Ⅵ teaching aids

1. a multimedia classroom 2. the blackboard 3. students’ hand-out

Ⅶ teaching procedures:

: ip=interactive pattern; t=teacher; ss=students; cw=class work; iw=individual work;

Ⅷ blackboard design

Ⅸ teaching reflection

as far as this class is concerned, it is effective. i adopt task-based teaching. i try to stick to the theory student-center and act as a director. not only have the students improved their communication skills, but also they have bulit a positive emotion about the chinese traditional festival. in the meantime, they develop independent learning ability as well as cooperative learning ability and realize the happiness of teamwork.

however, there also remains something to improve. on one hand, i should focus on generating”, while fully preparing “presetting”. on the other hand, i should pay attention to “non-preset”, as the unexpected situation will accidentally arise in the class. anyway, the teacher needs teaching wits to organize the class and make everything under control.



教学 课题 writing-高考英语书面表达高分策略

课程 类型 复习课

教学理论设计依据 英语教学是一种动态教学或活动教学,教学过程是交际活动过程。只有从组织教学活动入手,大量地进行语言实践,使英语课堂交际化,才能有效地培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。新课标提出:外国语是学习文化科学知识,获取世界各方面信息和进行国际交往的重要工具。“??发展听、说、读、写的基本技能,提高初步运用英语进行交际的能力,??”,结合本班学生的实际,对写作课进行了操作性较强的处理。

教材 分析 本课是高三复习阶段的一节写作课,我在教学中不仅仅强调写,对于与写作紧密联系的听、说、读、改错都有兼顾。采用任务型教学法和小组合作探究学习法,从而扩大课堂的语料输入量及学生的语言输出量。

学情分析 在高一、高二两年英语学习的基础上,高三学生已经掌握了一定的写作技能,形成了初步的写作策略。但大部分学生的基础知识仍然较为薄弱,运用英语进行交际活动的能力较差;主动学习的动力不够,然而他们学习比较认真,好胜心强,渴望在班集体里得到他人的承认,很在乎别人对他们的评价;求知欲旺盛,思维比较活跃。部分学生的基础较好,能主动配合老师,愿意开口讲、动笔能力强。他们有着高中生独立、爱表现自我的特点。因此,只有设置使他们感兴趣的活动,因材施教,才能让他们投入到课堂活动中来。



2.在书面表达中注意词汇和常用句型的运用try to use different ways

教学难点1. 如何帮助学生运用写作策略,促进学生自主写作。

2. 怎样以写作课的教学为依托,全面训练学生的听、说、读、写能力。

教学目标 () 认知目标








教学方法 高中阶段是个体探索自我、发现自我、表现自我、塑造自我、完善自我的重要时期,高中生的认识能力比初中普遍提高,自我意识进一步发展,独立意识等均有明显提高,通过活动课、小组讨论等具体形式,特别是创设有利于高中生自己自我认识、自我反省、自我调节的情境,利用他们自身较高的自我意识水平对自己的学习进行调节、监控。因此, 本课我主要采用以下两种教学方法:1、活动教学法:



学法渗透 本课我将结合活动教学法和任务型教学法,在教学中将学生分

成四人一组的学习小组。让学生们在小组中通过合作和探究来完成他们的任务。 每一个组员不仅自己要主动学习,还有责任帮助其他同学学习,以全组每一个同学都学好为目标。合作学习不仅有利于提高学生的学业成绩,而且能满足学生心理需要,提高学生自尊,促进学生情感发展与同学间互爱及学生社交能力的提高。


教学手段 1、多媒体辅助:将本课所需要的动画、录音、图片、文字、图




step1 warming up

question:which composition feels more attractive, why?


step2 practice

find some similar words or phrases of the followings

1. good perfect excellent outstanding pleasant wonderfulfavorable magnificent

2. think in ones opinion/view hold the view that ?

as far as sb be concerned,

3.clever wise bright smart intelligent cute


step 3 try to use different ways

感叹句how happy i was when i received your letter! what a kind boy he is! how disappointed he was !

强调句 it was this young boy that helped the old granny.

倒装句 only in this way can you solve this problem.

there comes the police car.

hardly had they got to the station when they met the young man. 省略句 they read while walking or riding on a bus. come to me if necessary.

with短语 i saw a young lady walking slowly in the street with a handbag in her hand.

定语从句 in my opinion, cyber cafes should be a place where we canfind much useful information.

let’s come to the main teaching building, at the back of which standsthe school library.

各种名词性从句that’s what i should do. we should do a favour to whoever needs help at present.

各种状语从句 time passed quickly before we knew it. the moment we reached the farm, we

got down to harvesting.so long as we work harder at our lessons,

we’ll catch up sooner or later. do call me before hand so that i can meetyou at the airport.they had to wait because the rain was getting more and more heavily.


step 4 practice 怎样使用较丰富的句式


1 . to his surprise, the little girl knows so many things.(使用名词性从句)

2. though i’m weak, i’ll make the effort. (使用倒装句)


4. i passed the physics exam because of your help.(用虚拟语气)

5. she walked out of the lab and many students followed her. (使用过去分词)

6. they sang and laughed as they went back to school.( 使用v-ing形式)

7.i won’t believe what he says. (使用状语从句)

8.if you study hard, you will make rapid progress. (用并列句)


step 5 practice 书面表达:




