

16. There is in todays homework.
A. difficult nothing
B. difficult anything C. nothing difficult
anything difficult
17. --How was your weekend? --Great! It was my grandfathers birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.
A. seventy

B. seventieth

C. the seventieth
seventeenth 18. He speak French well, but of course not a person born in France.
A. as clear as

B. clearer than

C. as clearly as
the more clearly 19. All the shops are closed, Seven-Eleven.
A. include

B. including

C. included

D. includes 20. --Whats the of this camera? --Its $350.
A. length

B. weight

C. prize

D. price 21. Paper-making is of ancient China.

A. one of greatest inventor

B. one of the greatest inventors
D. one of the greatest C. one of greatest invention
inventions 22. I am good at maths, but his English is than mine.
A. much better

B. more better

C. very better
a lot of better 23. There somebody knocking at the door. Please go and see who it is.
A. be

B. am

C. are
D. is 24. Stop a noise in the library. The students are reading books.
A. make

B. to make

C. makes

D. making 25. --If you have any trouble, be sure to call me. --.

A. I am sorry to hear that
C. I have no trouble

B. I will. Thank you very much D. I will think it over 第二节 语法填空


Monday morning is an important time at our school. All of the students go to the playground. We listen to music, and we 26 the national flag go up. Usually, one student gives27 talk on Monday mornings. One Monday last year, a boy gave the talk. He was proud 28 excited! 29 I saw him, I wanted to have a try, too. Can I really do it?
Last week, our teacher 30 our class should give the talk. My teacher said 31 me, I know that you want to have a try. Next Monday, you can give the talk. Go and write something down 32 ready for it. Im sure youll do it 33〞〝Thank you, I answered. It was such a great chance for me! When I got home, I was excited. I wrote two pages for the talk. I read them
again and again. When I read, I asked my parents to listen. I want to make my teacher 34.
Monday morning came. I began to feel
35. This was my first time that I gave a talk to so 36 people. Could I really 37 it? Maybe I couldnt finish 38.
When I got to school, we all went out to playground. I stood
39 front of everyone. I opened my mouth, but I couldnt say anything.
Take it easy, I said to 40, Dont be nervous. You can do it.

B. watched

C. watching

D. 26. A. watch watches 27. A. an
28. A. and

B. a B. but B. If

C. the C. or

D. / D. as
D. 29. A. Before When 30. A. say saying 31. A. at

C. Unless B. said C. says

B. for B. got B. well

C. to
C. gets

D. with D. to get D. the 32. A. getting 33. A. good better 34. A. happy happily C. better
B. happier C. happily D. more
35. A. nervous
sad 36. A. much most 37. A. do 38. A. talk talk 39. A. in 40. A. me themselves 【三】完形填空

B. excited C. happy
D. B. many C. more
D. B. does

C. did

D. doing D.
to B. talked
C. talking

B. at

C. on

D. for
D. B. mine
C. myself 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从41~50各题所给的ABCD中选出一个符合文章意思和语法的正确选项。

When I was about six years old, my brother David and I visited our aunt, Mary. We stayed in her house for a night. David was only 4 years old, and was still 41 of the dark, so Mary left the hall light on when we slept.
However, David 42 the grey moths〔蛾〕flying around the hall light. He asked Mary to make the moths go away. When she asked 43, he simply said. Because they are ugly and scary, I dont like them. Mary laughed and said, Being ugly outside doesnt 44 not being beautiful inside. In fact, moths are one of the most beautiful animals in the animal world.
Once, the angels天使〕were
45 . They were sad because it was raining
heavily. The 46 little moths hated to see others so sad. They decided to make a rainbow〔彩虹〕to cheer up the angels. They thought if the butterflies〔蝴蝶〕 47 , they could make a beautiful rainbow together.
Then one of the moths went to ask the butterflies for help. But the butterflies didnt want to 48 any of their colors, so the moths decided to make a rainbow themselves. They beat their wings very hard and the colors on them made a rainbow. They kept giving a little more and a little more 49 the rainbow went across the sky. They had given away all their colors except grey, which didnt match the beautiful rainbow.
Then the once-colorful moths became 50. The angles saw the rainbow and smiled…〞 My brother went to sleep with that story and hasnt feared moths since then. 41. A. afraid happy 42. A. liked 43. A. how
why 44. A. mean
hope 45. A. laughing talking 46. A. kind

B. angry

C. ugly

B. playing

C. crying


B. make

C. know


B. hated B. what

C. let

D. killed

B. sure

C. proud

D. C. when


B. advised

C. helped
D. 47. A. refused
left 48. A. give up up 49. A. unless since 50. A. red grey 【四】阅读理解

B. pick up C. turn up D. look B. until C. after
D. B. yellow C. green
D. 阅读以下各篇短文,然后从50~70各题所给的ABCD项中选出最正确选项。 A
D. J. Smith wanted to go to school. When he first had the idea, everyone in his town thought that he was crazy.

Are you kidding? Go to school at your age? said one man. Besides, you cant remember things easily now, his wife also said. But nothing could stop old D. J. Smith from going to school. He was born to a poor family. His parents didnt have enough money for him to go to school when he was young. He had to work hard to help his family. Now he owns the biggest supermarkets in the town.
D. J. Smith said to his wife, Money means nothing, but knowledge
does. I always want to study. But when I was young, I couldnt go to school. But now, money is not a problem.

Yesterday was a special day for D. J. Smith. He graduated〔毕业〕from school. When he took the diploma from Mr. Wilson, he couldn’t help crying. Everyone there was moved, too. Its never too old to learn. D. J. Smith really did it. 51. Why did people laugh at D. J. Smith at first?
A. Because he was too old to go to school.

B. Because he was too poor to go to school.
C. Because he was a foolish man.

D. Because he told a joke to them. 52. What was D. J. Smiths wifes idea at first?
A. She believed he could make it.

B. She wanted to go to school with him.
C. She worried about his memory.

D. She wanted to give
up because of money. 53. How was D. J. Smiths life when he was young?

A. He was too busy to go to school. C. He had a good job.

B. He lived a poor life. D. He didnt like studying. 54. What does the underlined word diploma in the passage probably mean in Chinese?
A. 毕业证书

B. 入学通知

C. 护照

55. Which of the following is NOT true? B
Once a king got two nice falcons〔猎鹰〕from his son. He had never seen A. D. J. Smith had to work to help his family when he was young. B. D. J. Smiths wife also didnt go to school when she was young. C. D. J. Smith owns the biggest supermarket in his town now. D. D. J. Smith graduated from school at last. such beautiful falcons before. He loved them so much and he ordered the best falconer to train them to fly. After several months, the king came to see how the training was going on. He found that one falcon had already been able to fly high in the sky, while the other was staying on the branch〔树枝〕of a tree quietly, just keeping still.
The king called all his falconers together and ordered them to try every way they could to make the other falcon fly. But none of them succeeded. One day while the king was taking a walk in the forest, an idea came to his mind. Maybe someone who knew the natural environment well could solve this problem. He sent for a farmer who lived in the forest into his palace to train it at once.
The next morning, the king saw the other falcon flying above in the sky freely. It is unbelievable! shouted the king. How could you make it happen?

The farmer replied, Its very easy. I just cut off the branch where the falcon rested.

It is always the same to human beings. We all have two flying wings
in our hearts as well, but we often seem not to notice them and stay where we are just for safety and comfort. We wont realize we can fly so high and freely until the branch we are resting on breaks. 56. What did the king do after he got the two falcons?
A. He kept them on the branch of a tree.

B. He sent them to a farmer in the forest.
C. He made the beat falconer train them to fly.
D. He set them free and let them fly in the sky. 57. Why did the king call all his falconers together?
A. Because he wanted to get more falcons.

he wanted the other falcon to fly.
C. Because he wanted them to see his falcons.
wanted to know more about his falcons. 58. Who finally made the other falcon fly in the sky?

A. The king.

B. The kings son.

C. The farmer.

D. The best falconer. 59. How did the king feel when he saw the other falcon fly freely in the sky?
A. Excited.

B. Moved.

C. Worried.

60. What is the best title for the text? C
Computers are very important to modern life. Many people think that in A. The Wise King

B. The Nice Falcons

C.The Best FalconerD. The Flying Wings the future computers will be used in lots of everyday life. It is thought that we won’t have to go shopping because we will be able to get most things which are sold in shops on the Internet. There will be no more books because we will be able to get all texts from computers. The Internet will be used to play games, see films and buy food. Most telephone calls will be made by computers.
Some people are glad about these new ways of shopping and communicating. Others do not think that computers will replace〔取代〕our old ways.
Lets look at books, for example. Some people think that one day we will not read books made of paper. Instead, we will buy and read books using computers. We will read texts on small pocket computers. The computers will keep many different books in them at the same time. We wont need to turn lots of pages and paper will be saved. Computerized〔计算机化的〕books will be used more and more.
Is Internet shopping such a pleasure as going to the shop? Many people
say it is not. It is a pleasure to go into shops and look at things you want to
buy. Also probably people wont like to read large texts on our computers. Because paper books seem to be more friendly. Maybe computers wont change these two habits. 61. In the first paragraph it is thought that people will use computers to .

A. play games, see films and have meals B. play games, go shopping and make telephone calls C. see films, buy food and see the doctor
D. make telephone calls, play games and do housework 62. Which reason for using computerized books is NOT said in the passage?
A. Computerized books wont be very expensive.
B. Texts can be read on small computers.
C. We wont turn so many pages.

D. We wont use so much paper. 63. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means .
A. paper books regard people as friends

B. paper books are very kind to people
C. people like to read paper books

D. people dont really like to read paper books 64. The last paragraph tells us .

A. Internet shopping is a great pleasure B. people will like to read texts on computers
C. whether the computers will change these two habits

D. how people will use computers in the future 65. The best title of this passage could be .
A. Computers Will Replace Shops and Books
B. Computers Will Do Everything for Man
C. Computers Are the Future

Computers Change Our Habits D Brave Type: 3D cartoon Comedy
Running time: 95 minutes Merida, a princess, refused to marry a person that she dislikes. This causes trouble for her family and the whole country. Merida turns to a witch〔女巫〕for help. In doing so, her family and the country are is danger. Merida must save her family and the country before it is too late. The Grey Type: Action

Running time: 117 minutes The Grey is based on the short story Ghost Walker written by Ian Mackenzie Jeffers. Its about a number of oil men who are in trouble in Alaska after a plane crash空难〕. They have to fight against grey wolves that threaten their lives. Mirror Mirror Type: Comedy

Running time: 106 minutes You must know the story of Snow White. Would you like to see this story
again? Come to see Mirror Mirror. Its a comedy about Snow White. Lily Collins and Julia Roberts are the main actresses in this interesting movie. Chimpanzee Type: Documentary

Running time: 78 minutes This movie is directed by Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield. Its a 2019 nature documentary film about a young chimpanzee named Oscar. He is alone in the African forests until he is raised by another chimpanzee. The chimpanzee take care of Oscar like his own child. 66. How many documentaries are mentioned in the passage?
A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.
Four. 67. Which movie lasts the longest time?
A. Brave.

B. The Grey.

C. Chimpanzee.
Mirror Mirror. 68. Which statement about the movies is true?

A. Mirror Mirror is directed〔导演〕by Lily Collins and Julia Roberts. B. The Grey directed by Ian Mackenzie Jeffers is based on a short story. C. You cant see many beautiful nature sights in Chimpanzee. D. Brave is about a princess who obeys〔听从,服从〕her heart. 69. Who starred in〔主演〕one of the movies?
A. Lily Collins and Julia Roberts.

B. Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield.
C. Ian Mackenzie Jeffers.
D. Merida. 70. Where can you probably read this passage?

A. In a nature magazine.

B. In a storybook.
D. In a science book. C. In an entertainment〔娱乐〕newspaper.
【五】写作 第一节 单词拼写

71. I want to be a s like Yuan Longping and Zhong Nanshan. 72. Its too e and we dont have enough money to buy it. 73. We have quite a long d to walk. We need to take enough food and water with us. 74. When Johnny was five years old, he showed his a in painting. 75. The shop over there s childrens shoes and clothes. 76. Both his parents died in a traffic a ten years ago. 第二节 完成句子

77. 有时候动物可能会比人类更聪明。

Sometimes animals may be cleverer than . 78.你认为地球上的老虎可能会灭绝吗?

Do you think tigers on Earth may ? 79.让我先抄下你的电话号码。

Let me
your telephone number first. 80. 很久以前,中国人就知道如何造纸了。

, Chinese people knew how to make paper. 81.手机帮助人们互相保持联系。

The mobile phones help people
each other. 82. 他正盼望将来环游世界。

He is
all over the world in the future. 83. 电脑能够以比我们更快的速度来进行计算。

Computers can calculate than we can. 第三节 书面表达

Differences 根据表格中的信息,写一篇作文,比较你的两个好朋友BobMary 要求:
Bob 170 centimeters, taller outgoing〔性格〕外向的
play soccer
The same
short curly hair friendly and kind, like helping others enjoy singing, often sing after class

Mary 164 centimeters, tall more outgoing go skating

答案 第一节
16-20 CBCBD 21-25 DADDB 第二节语法填空
26-30 ABADB 31-35 CDBAA 36-40 BACAC 【三】完形填空
41-45 ABDAC 46-50 CCABD 【四】阅读理解
51-55 ACBAB 56-60 CBCAD 61-65 BACCD ABDAC 【五】写作 第一节首字母填空
71. scientist 72. expensive 73. distance 75. Sells 76. accident 第二节完成句子 77. human beings 78. die out 79.copy down 80. A long time ago 81. keep in touch with 82. looking forward to traveling/travelling 66-70 74. ability
83. in a faster speed

