高一英语上(Unit4.Entertainment 基础知识梳理)

发布时间:2020-05-24 20:11:27


级:高一 课时数:3 辅导科目:英语

Unit 4. Entertainment 基础词汇梳理




Step1: Greetings & Free talk

Is there something interesting or important this week?

Step2: Warming up

Good News and Bad News

An artist asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in his paintings currently on display. "I've got good news and bad news," the owner replied. "The good news is that a gentleman inquired about your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after your death. When I told him it would, he bought all fifteen of your paintings."

"That's wonderful!" the artist exclaimed, "What's the bad news?" With concern, the gallery owner replied, "The guy was your doctor."

Step3: Key words of this Unit

1. faint v.昏厥

【搭配】 faint from由于……而昏厥

She fainted from hunger.她饿昏过去了。

【拓展】 n.昏厥 fall into a faint昏倒

When hearing the sad news, she fell into a faint.听到这个悲伤的消息后,她昏倒了。


Their voices grew fainter and fainter.他们的声音变得越来越轻。

When she walked past me, I smelt a faint smell of perfume.她从我身边经过的时候,我闻到了一股淡淡的香水味。

2. gasp v(因惊讶或害怕)喘着气说


He came to the surface of the water, gasping for air.他浮上水面,大口喘气。

【搭配】 gasp at 对……大吃一惊(不由自主地倒抽一口气)

She gasped at the beautiful scenery.如此美丽的景色使她惊讶地屏住了呼吸。

3. control n.控制

搭配 take control of 控制

be in control(of something) 控制着;掌管着

begetrun out of control失去控制

be under control处于控制之下

The manager is in control of the project.经理掌控着这个项目。

The manager takes control of the project

The situation seems to have run out of control.形势似乎已经失去了控制。


He seems to be poor at controlling his temper.他似乎很难控制自己的脾气。

【辨析】 in control of VS in/under the control of

sb is in control of sth

sth is in/under the control of sb

He was in the control of evil men and forced to do wicked things. 他被坏人控制,被迫做了坏事。

4opposite prep.在……对面;与……相对

I sat opposite him during the meal.我吃饭的时候坐在他对面。

【拓展】 adj.对面的;相反的

They went away in opposite directions.他们朝相反的方向离开。


Black is the opposite of white.黑色与白色正好相反。

5seat v.使坐下

就座 seat oneself

get seated

He seated himself at a writing table and began to do the homework.他在写字台前坐下,开始做作业。

【拓展】 v.坐得下……人

The hall can seat three hundred teachers and students.这个礼堂可以坐下三百名师生。


He gave up his seat in the bus for an old lady.他把自己在公共汽车上的座位让给了一位老妇人。

6makeup n.化妆()

It's not healthy for young girls to wear too much makeup.化浓妆对年轻女孩的健康有害处。

拓展 n.构成

The makeup of the committee is five teachers and five professors.委员会由五名教师和五名教授组成。

搭配 make up 组成;虚构;弥补;化妆

be made up of 由……组成

make up for 弥补 -

She is making up.她正在化妆。

She studied hard in order to make up for wasted time.为了弥补浪费的时间,她努力学习。

The story is made up.这个故事是虚构的。

辨析 be composed of

consist of

be made up of

compose v.构成(整体),组成;由……组成(后接of,常用于被动语态);创作(作曲、诗歌等)

The committee was composed mainly of teachers and parents.委员会主要由教师和学生家长组成。

consist v.组成,构成,……组成(后接of,常用于主动语态)

The problem consists of two parts.问题由两部分组成。

7. powder 使……成粉末,把粉撒在...

She powdered the rolling pin with flour. 她洒了点面粉在擀面棒上。


She is thinly powdered. 她略施脂粉。


拓展 ,粉末[C][U]

He crushed a piece of chalk to powder. 他将一支粉笔压成粉末。


There's too much powder on your nose. 你鼻子上的粉擦得太多了。

8. audience n.观众

The audience applauded for 10 minutes.观众持续鼓掌了十分钟之久。


A radio announcer may have an audience of hundreds of millions.一名广播员可能拥有数以百万计的听众。

Her novels have reached a wide audience of young people.她的小说已拥有了广大的年轻读者。

9. boom v.用洪亮而低沉的声音说

The famous singers voice boomed out, reaching to the back of the concert hall



The country is having a great boom in economy.这个国家的经济正在蓬勃发展。

The boom of the explosion can be heard for miles 爆炸的隆隆声在几英里外就能听到。

10. tense adj. ①拉紧的,绷紧的

The ropes are tense. 这些绳子是拉紧的。


The situation suddenly became tense. 局势突然变得紧张起来。

【拓展】 vt. 使拉紧,使绷紧;使紧张[(+up)]

All his muscles were tensed. 他的肌肉全都绷紧了。

vi. 拉紧,绷紧;变得紧张[(+up)]

She tensed at the approaching footsteps. 她听到越来越近的脚步声马上紧张了起来。

注意 adj.


Change this verb from the present into the past tense. 把这个动词从现在时改为过去时。

11. beat v(beatbeaten)战胜;击败

Their team beat ours.他们的队伍战胜了我们的队伍。

【拓展】 v& n.敲打

The waves beat against the rocks.海浪撞击着岩石。

He was criticized by the teacher for beating his classmate on the head



She felt her heart beating quickly.她感到自己的心跳很快。

12. still adj.静止的

搭配keep still

She found it hard to make the kids keep still 她发现让孩子们保持不动是很难的。


Theres still time for you to change your mind.你还有时间改变主意。

More reading

13trend n.趋势

trend towards……的趋势

There is a growing trend towards earlier retirement nowadays in society 如今,社会上出现了提前退休的趋势。

【拓展】 trendy adj()时髦的

14surround v.环绕

搭配 be surrounded by 由……环绕,包围

The island is surrounded by seas.这座岛四面临海。

【拓展】 surroundings n.环境

It is nice to live in clean and comfortable surroundings.在清洁舒适的环境中生活是愉快的。

15achieve v.达到;获得

To achieve good scoresyou have to study hard.为了获得好成绩,你必须努力学习。

【拓展】 achievement n.成就;成绩;达到;实现

make achievements取得成就

The scientist's friends congratulated him on making such great achievements


16similar adj.相似的

be similar to sb. in sth 在某方面和某人相似

My opinions are similar to his.我的观点和他的相似。

【拓展】 similarly adv.同样地;相似地;类似地

We strengthen our bodies by taking physical exercises. Similarly, we develop our minds by having constant learning.


similarity n.相似点

bear a similarity to 有相似之处

similarity between A and B AB之间的相似之处

Cat bears some similarities to tiger. 猫和老虎之间有一些相似点

17. effect n.效果

搭配 have effect 见效

have an effect on 对……起作用,有影响

in effect 事实上;实际上;在实施中;生效

come/go into effect 开始实施(或生效)

The medicine is beginning to have effect. 药物开始见效了。

His apology is in effect(= in fact) not sincere. 他的道歉实际上是不真诚的。

The new rules came into effect last month. 新规则上个月开始实施。

【拓展】effective adj. 有效的,生效的

White clothes are very effective in keeping cool in summer. 在夏天,白色的衣服可使人感到凉爽。

18. suspend v. 悬挂

The Smiths' family photo is suspended on the wall. 史密斯一家的合影挂在墙上。

【拓展】 suspension n.悬挂;悬挂物

The engineer became famous for building a suspension bridge. 科学家因为建造了一座斜拉索桥而名声大噪。

19. arrange v.布置

The reference books on the shelf are arranged in alphabetical order. 书架上的参考书是按照字母表顺序排列的。

① v.安排;筹划

【搭配】 arrange(for somebody) to do something 安排(某人)做某事

Her wedding ceremony was arranged by her parents. 她的婚礼由父母筹划。

The pianist arranged for her best friend to perform at her concert.


arrangement n.安排;筹划;布置

【搭配】 make arrangements for为……作筹备

The secretary was asked to make arrangements for somebody to meet the president at the airport


20record v.将(声、像)录下

MP3 can be used to record music from the Internet.可以用MP3多媒体播放器从网上下载音乐。

【拓展】 n.记录;唱片;(尤指运动项目的)记录

【搭配】 keep a record of 记录

set a record for 创造……的记录

break the record for打破……的记录

The old man likes keeping a record of his daily activities.这位老人喜欢把自己每天的活动记录下来。

She has set a record forbroken the record for high jump in the school sports meeting


recorder n.录音机

211ighter n.打火机;点火器

cigarette lighter打火机

【拓展】 light

1 v.点火;点燃;照亮

【注意】light的过去式和过去分词有两种形式, lightedlitlighted主要用作名词前的定语,其他情况下一般用lit

He lit the torch.他点燃了这支火炬。


He read by the light of a lamp.他借灯光读书。

The teacher asked the students to turn off the lights before they leave the classroom



The silk dress is as light as a feather.这条真丝连衣裙像羽毛一样轻。

People prefer to wear light-colored clothes in summer.人们喜欢在夏天穿浅色衣服。

22Its time for

It's time for action.是该有所行动的时候了。


该句型的意思是“是该干……的时候了 time前省略了high。该句型的常用结构有以下几种:

It is(high)time+动词不定式

It is(high)time+ for+ something

It is(high)time+ for somebody+ to do something

It is(high)time+ that somebody did something(虚拟语气)

It is time to have class.该上课了。

It is time for breakfast.该吃早饭了。

It is time for her to tell us the truth. 是该她告诉我们真相的时候了。

It is time that we took action to fight against air pollution.是该我们采取行动与大气污染作斗争的时候了。

Step4: Consolidation exercise.

Section A Choose the right answer

1. The woman _______and it was at least an hour before she came to herself.

A. faded B. fainted C. dropped D. fell

2. There is fog at Heathrow, and _______the plane has been diverted.

A. however B. besides C. therefore D. otherwise

3. John_______ Bill by two games to one.

A. won B. fought C. beat D. overcame

4. It is reported that sales of luxury cars are_______ in China, so automakers see China as an increasingly important market.

A. booming B. declining C. dropping D. skipping

5. The medical team______ 10 doctors and 5 nurses.

A. is consisted of B. composes of C. is made of D. is made up of

6. A make-up artist rushed forward, _______ her face and combed her hair.

A. powdering B. powdered C. to powder D. having powdered

7. She was surprised to see her best friend _______on stage.

A. seat B. seating C. seated D. being seated

8. She was so frightened that she stood_______ without saying anything.

A. still B. silently C. quietly D. quite

9. The guests_______, the host began to_______some jokes.

A. seating; speak B. seated; tell C. seat; talk D. seated; say

10. ________ they visited the Gold Coast, they showed great interest in everything they saw.

A. The first time B. For the first time C. At first D. At the first time


Keys: 1-5 BCCAD 6. BC ABB 11.A

Section B Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases from the list given below. Change the form where necessary.

terrific surprise arrange keep still faint

powder trend suspend whisper surround

1. Many medical students ________the first time they watch surgery.

2. My new car is__________. It's very fast and safe and looks wonderful.

3. To our great__________, not the well-known American actor but a young British won the Best Actor Award.

4. It is __________that she is the general manager's cousin.

5. The cameraman asked the man to _________ and say ' cheese'.

6. The mother __________the baby after bathing it.

7. He tried to run away but gave up when he found himself

8. A beautiful crystal chandelier (水晶吊灯) is __________from the ceiling in the Shanghai Grand Theatre.

9. There is a growing __________toward part-time employment in universities.

10. Make sure you __________a visit to the new factory for all the guests.


Keys: 1. faint 2. terrific 3. surprise 4. whispered 5. keep still 6. powdered

7. surrounded 8. suspended 9. trend 10. arrange

Section CTranslation:

1. 远处有一束微弱的灯光。(faint)

2. 新老师花了几个月的时间才管住了这个班级。 (control)

3. 东西方文化之间有一些相似之处。 (similarity)

4. 这台机器由六百多个零部件组成。(make up )


6. 导演叫化妆师给这位女演员脸上抹些粉。(powder)


8.她的英语比班上的其他同学都好。(ahead of)





1. There is a faint light in the distance

2. It took the new teacher several months to bring the class under contro1

3. There are some similarities between the eastern culture and the western culture.

4. This machine is made up of more than 600 parts

5. He gave the lighted torch to another person

6. The director asked the make-up artist to powder the actress's face a little.

7. If you don't work hard, you will achieve nothing.

8. She is ahead of the other students in class in English.

9. We rushed to where the noise came from.

10. To our surprise, he beat the professionals in the singing competition.

Step5: 每课一练


COURSE: History 101 "Introduction to American History"

INSTRUCTOR: Dr, Jane Klammer

OFFICE: 305 Marshall Hall

OFFICE HOURS: II: 15 -12:30(Monday Wednesday Friday)

CLASS: 363 Marshall Hall 3:35 -5:00(Tuesday Thursday)

10:10 -11:00(Monday Wednesday Friday) Other times by appointment TELEPHONE: 255-4786

TEXTBOOK: Green, Robert P, The American Tradition: A History of the United States, Charles E.Merrill publishing Co. Columbus, Ohio 1984 which is available( 可得到的) at the College Bookstore.

COURSE Requirements (必要条件) :

Mid-term exam: October 10 20% of the final grade

Final exam: December 10 40% of the final grade

Term paper due: December 15 40% of the final grade

Attendance(出席) is not required, but you are responsible for all the information given in the class lectures. In the lectures I will talk about the chapters in the textbook and other material that I choose to supplement (补充) the course. The exams will cover all this information. Therefore, I advise you to come to the class as much as possible. If you have to miss a class, be sure to get the class notes from another student.

Your homework assignments are listed on the next page. You are supposed to read the chapter about which I will be lecturing before you come to class. This is to make sure that you understand as much as possible while taking notes in my lectures. Be prepared when you come to class. If there are any changes in the assigned homework reading, I will announce in


The term paper is 40% of your final grade. It should not exceed(超过) fifteen pages. (Anyone thinking of majoring in history may write twenty-five pages. ) Before the mid-term exam you will choose the topic for your paper.

Have a good term!

( ) 1. If a student wants to know what the homework assignments are, .

A. Prof. Klammer announces them in class

B. the student reads the list on the next page

C. Prof. Klammer gives a list every week

D. the student goes to the professor's office

( ) 2. If a student cannot see Prof. Klammer during her office hours, he .

A. sees her after class B. calls her at home

C. makes an appointment with her D. asks another student

( )3. According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A. The textbook is written by Dr. Jane Klammer.

B. If you have to miss a class, be sure to say sorry to Prof. Klammer.

C. The students can buy "Introduction to American History" at the College Bookstore.

D. Prof. Klammer advises her students to take notes in her class.


What's on Oscar Film Themes Symphony Concert

Film highlights accompanied by live performances of movie theme music by the China Opera and Dance Drama Theatre Symphony Orchestra, which has recorded the music for many films. Familiar tunes will come from such flicks as Titanic, Jurassic Park and Waterloo Bridge.

Where: Nationality Cultural Palace Theatre

When: March 8, 7:30 pm

Admission: 80-380 yuan Tel: 6528 7674 ext 508

Fantastic View All the Way

The mountains in this area are not very high, but the vistas are excellent. This walk is gentle and very interesting, going through valleys, over passes, along a ridge and through a few little tranquil villages that are located in amazing places. Many sites along the walk offer panoramic view of the surrounding mountains.

Where: Pinggu, northeast of Beijing

When: March 9, meet 8: 30 am outside Starbucks at Lido Hotel, or 9 am at Capital Paradise front gate, return 5 pm Admission: adults 150 yuan, children 100 yuan

Tel: 137******** Email: fjhikers@yahoo.co.uk

Spring Greetings

Paintings in bold colors in a traditional Chinese style by young artist Tian Xifeng are displayed to welcome the spring. Tian is a student of famous bird-and-flower painting artist Wang Qing. He has won several prizes at various national painting exhibitions and developed a style emphasizing vivid close-ups of natural scenes.

Where: Melodic Gallery, 14 Jianwai Dajie, opposite Friendship Store

When: till March 31, 9 am—5 pm

Admission: free

Tel: 65188123

Cala, My Dog

Directed by Lu Xuechang, starring Ge You. The story is about a middle-aged working man, known as Lao Er, whose chief source of stability and comfort in life is his dog, Cala. One day, when his wife is out walking Cala, a policeman confiscates the unregistered canine. As Lao Er endeavors to recover his dog, the difficult circumstances of his life are revealed. Chinese with English subtitle(字幕).

Where: Dongchuang Theatre, 3 Xinzhongjie, Dongzhimenwai

When; March 13 and 20, 8:30 pm

Admission:20 yuan

Tel: 64169253

( )4. If you are a music lover you can go to on Women's Day.

A. Capital Paradise B. Dongchuang Theatre

C. Capital Gymnasium D. Nationality Cultural Palace Theatre

( )5. The exhibition held in Melodic Gallery .

A. is open to the public from 7:30 am—5 pm till April 1st.

B. presents the works by Tian Xifeng and his teacher

C. is to display some bird-and-flower paintings

D. costs the art lovers much money to visit

( )6. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Both adults and children can take part in the walk in Pinggu.

B. Even you don't know English you can enjoy Cala, My Dog.

C. You'll have to dial 65188123 to book a ticket for the film.

D. You'll have a choice of two meeting places on March 9th.

( )7. All the advertisements in this passage are about .

A. music B. movies C. exhibitions D. entertainments


Keys1. BCD 4. DCCD

Step6: To have a summary

1、 What have you got from this period?

2、 What would you like to learn next period?

Step 7: Homework

1. 记忆本单元重要词汇

2. 完成阅读训练


Up until about 100 years ago, newspapers in the United States attracted only the most serious readers. They used 1 illustrations and the articles were about politics or business.

Two men changed that—Joseph Pulitzer 2 the New York World and William Randolph Hearst of the New York Journal. Pulitzer bought the New York World 3 1883. He changed it from a traditional newspaper into a very 4 one overnight. He added 5 illustrations and cartoons. And he told his reporters to write articles on 6 crime or scandal they could find. And they did. One of them even pretended she was crazy and then she 7 to a mental hospital. She then wrote a series of articles about the poor treatment of 8 in those hospitals.

In 1895, Hearst came to New York from 9 California. He wanted the Journal to be more sensational and more exciting 10 the world. He also wanted it to be 11 , so he reduced the price by a penny. Hearst attracted attention because his headlines were bigger than 12 . He often said, "Big print makes big news. "

Pulitzer and Hearst did anything they 13 to sell newspapers. For example, Hearst sent Frederic Remington, the famous illustrator, 14 pictures of the Spanish-American War. When he got there, he told Hearst that no fighting was 15 . Hearst answered, "You furnish the pictures. I'll furnish the war. "

( ) 1. A. no B. many C. a lot D. little

( ) 2. A. on B. for C. in D. of

( ) 3. A. on B. in C. at D. about

( ) 4. A. excite B. excitingly C. exciting D. excited

( ) 5. A. a lot B. few C. a few D. lots of

( ) 6. A. every B. all C. both D. many

( ) 7. A. admitted B. was admitted C. could admit D. has admitted

( ) 8. A. patients B. patience C. patient D. patiences

( ) 9. A. an B. the C. a D. /

( )10. A. than B. as C. in D. for

( )11. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest

( )12. A. anyone B. anyone's C. anyone else D. anyone else's

( )13. A. may B. might C. can D. could

( )14. A. draw B. drew C. to draw D. drawn

( )15. A. going B. going out C. going on D. going off


Keys: 1. ADBCD 6. ABADA 11. BDDCC

高一英语上(Unit4.Entertainment 基础知识梳理)
