山西省大同市云冈区实验中学2019 - 2020学年高一英语上学期第十周考试试题(无答案)

发布时间:2020-04-08 09:21:21


一 基础词汇(单词英汉互译)(每空1分,共20 分)

1. 值得的prep ____________ 2. 重建 vt __________

3. 本地的;当地的 adj .____________ 4. 绘画 n._____________

5. 怀疑 n/vt _______________ 6. 爆炸 vi _____________

7. 水手 n.________________ 8. 艺术家n. ______________

9. 争论 vt/n._____________ 10. 下沉 n.___________________

11. 幸免vi. _____________ 12. 挑选 vt.______________

13. 移动,搬开 vt.____________ 14. 设计n/vt.____________

15. 奇特的adj._____________ 16. 装饰;装修 v. ______________

17. 以前的adj. _____________ 18. trial n .________________

19. eyewitness n.___________ 20. maid n._______________

二 固定短语(每空1分,共15分)

1. 看中;器重 ______________ 2. 属于_____________________

3. 作为报答 _________________ 4. 处于交战 _________________

5. 少于 _________________ 6. 毫无疑问_____________________

7.值得做某事________________ 8. 拆开 _______________________

9. 充当_______________________ 10.关心;在乎__________________

11.为...而设计_________________ 12. 被用...装饰 _______________

13.而不是 ___________________ 14. 同意 ____________________

15. 照顾;照看_________________

三 词性转化(每空1分,共10分)

1. painting n. ___________v 2. formal adj ___________ 反义词

3. survive v 幸存 _____________n. 幸存者 ___________ n. 幸存

4. evidence n.____________adj. 清楚的 5. enter vt.___________ n 入口

6. explode vi.____________ n. 爆炸 7. mystery n. ________(复数

9. rebuild v _________(did) 10. culture n. ___________adj

. 单句语法填空(每空0.55

1. This is the room __________ my grandma useded to live.

2. She has a younger brother__________ is an English teacher.

3. The summer holiday, _______ we are looking forward to, is drawing near

4. This is the best novel __________ I have ever read.

5. This was the reason __________ he was late yesterday.

6. This was the student , ___________the teacher wanted to talk.

7. To be honest, Im at a loss how ____________ (settle) the problem.

8. My watch doesnt work so I will have it _______(repair) this afternoon.

9. __________ can be proved that he is a generous and warm-hearted man.

10. He ____________ (watch) TV when there was a knock on the door.

山西省大同市云冈区实验中学2019 - 2020学年高一英语上学期第十周考试试题(无答案)
