Unit 3 Animals教案

发布时间:2017-10-07 15:52:00

Unit 3 Animals (the first period)

1、 Greeting.

1) Divide the Ss into four groups: tiger team, lion team, panda team and monkey team.

2) Chant with the Ss: Hello. What’s your name? Nice to meet you!

2、 Presentation.

1) Gogo wants to invite some animal friends to the birthday party.

2) Gogo goes to the zoo and sees some animals. In order to make the class living and catch the students’ attention.

3) Use a invitation card to show four animal friends and target language to ask and answer ,and input doing the action, one by one ,sounds, target language play a game and so on.

(In order to make the class living and catch the students’ attention, the guessing game will be used to teach the new words and sentences.)

Use the PPT to show a picture of “panda”, then teach this word “panda”, Then the teacher ask “Is this a…?” and try to have the students answer the question with the target language “Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.” Lastly, teach and practice them one by one.

Show a picture of monkey which is covered some parts and let the students guess the animal with the sentence “Is this a…?” Then teach the new word “monkey”.

Use the same way to teach “lion”.

Show a picture of tiger which is covered some parts and let the students guess the animal with the sentence “Is this a…?” Then teach the new word “tiger”.

4Play a game—Point out the animal what the teacher says.

5Chant. (To develop the students’ interest in learning English.)

Follow the teacher to chant sentence by sentence.

Have the students chant together.

6Do pair work.

In order to have the students practice more and make sure they can use the target language to communicate with others, here sets a task for them to make an easy dialogue in pairs.

7Play a guessing game(turntable).

To encourage the students to communicate with others.

8) Say “Happy birthday to Gogo”.

In order to give an ending to the story and help the students relax, the teacher can suggest the students to say Happy birthday to Gogo with the animal friends.

9) Sing a song and do the action.

(Song activity is good for increasing the students’ English learning interesting. And singing this song is useful to have the students get some impression of the target language “Is this a …?”)

10) Do some practices.

In order to have the students get familiar with the target language and the vocabulary, some exercise is necessary to do.

11) To educate the students to love the animals.

3Sum up.

Review the animals we have learned and the target language ,To make sure the students can talk about the animals in English.


5Blackboard writing

ask Is this a

answer:{Yes ,it is.

No, it isn’t. It’s a ____.

Unit 3 Animals教案
