
发布时间:2015-10-18 16:16:17


1. lovely

1adj. 可爱的;令人愉快的;爱恋的;秀丽的,优美的

2n. 美女;可爱的东西


2. aged about four大约四岁

3. approach

1n. 方法;途径;接近


As a poet he hardly approaches John Milton.他的诗才很难与弥尔顿媲美。

to approach a government officer企图贿赂(或收买)政府官员

3v. 靠近:A storm is approaching.暴风雨即将来临。

4make an approach to 进行探讨

approach channel 进港航道;引水渠

income approach 收益法;所得方法;入息计算法

4. two years oldtwo-year-old

1two years old 只可以做“表语”; 表示“两岁”。

I am two years old.

2two-year-old 只可以做“定语”;表示“两岁的……”

I am a two-year-old boy.

5. push

1v. 推;催促,说服;驱;逼迫;增加,扩展;推销;伸出;生根,发芽;

Mother tried to push her daughter's worries from her mind.

The frontier was pushed westward.边疆向西扩展。

The company are pushing their new product.这家公司正在推销他们的新产品。

He pushed out his lower lip.他努出他的下嘴唇。

2vi. 推进;增加;努力争取,尽力

Corn acreage pushed into first place.玉米的种植面积居于首位。

They are pushing hard to improve their strategic nuclear capabilities.

3n. 推,决心;大规模攻势;矢志的追求,激励

4be pushed for (金钱)短缺;(时间)紧迫

be put to/come to/bring to the push陷入困境

get the push被开除,被解雇,被辞退;求婚被拒绝

if /when it comes to the push 到了紧急关头;如果急需的话

make a push (at, for ,on to do something) 用最大努力(做某事)

5push aside 避免;消除;把(或挤)到一边去

push by/past (某人)身边挤过去

push oneself 鞭策自己,自强;发愤

push up 增加;提高;向上推

push in 推进,闯入

push out 拉出,排出;推出去

push for 争取;一再强烈要求,迫切要求;硬要得到

push ahead with 推进;推动

push off 推迟;离开

push against 推,推撞;推挤

push into 推进;推动(做某事)

push away 推开

6. watch

look 侧看的“动作”。

see 指看见,侧重“结果”。

observe 侧重以客观的态度进行观察。

watch 指用眼睛跟随某物,以便对每一个变化、运动等进行观察。

witness 指当场看见,亲眼看见。

7. shove

1v. 挤;强使,强行;撞;猛推;乱塞;乱放;把硬推掉

to shove one's duty off onto others把责任硬推给别人

2n. 推;挤

8. go over to


He crooked a finger to tell us to go over to him. 


So, did a man go over to him? 所以,有人向他投降了吗?

9. pick up


He picked up his hat and went away.他拾起帽子,走了。


She picks up a lot of information.她偶然得到许多信息。


Time to pick up and get ready for dinner.把东西收拾起来,准备吃饭了。

4)不费力地学会; 无师自通地学会;


We picked up speed as we went downhill.下山时我们的速度加快了。


This tonic should pick you up .这种补药会增强你的体质。


The engine coughed for a few minutes, and then picked up.


I picked up Radio Beijing last night.昨晚我收听到了北京电台广播。


The shipwrecked sailors were picked up by a passing boat.


He went home with a girl he'd picked up at a party.


It is the custom for the new wife's father to pick up the bill for the wedding.


He picked up a passenger's bag.他偷了一位乘客的皮包。


A bite of something might pick you up.吃一点东西也许能使你振作起来。


Trade has been slack for the past year, but it is now picking up.


Besides his regular wages, the chauffeur picks up money in tips.


My friend knows where he can pick up a good used car for you at a reasonable price.我朋友知道他能在哪儿以合理的价格为你买一辆好的二手车。


While reading this book, I have pick up more than one hundred printing mistakes.

18pick up 拾起,学到,整理

gather up 收集,概括

10. turn to


The students turned to and cleaned up their camping site.


She turned to me for advice.她求教于我。


He soon turned his attention to the difficult problem.

Our talk turned to football.我们的话题转到了足球上。


The ice turned to water.冰化成水了。



He turned to the study of Shakespeare.他致力于莎士比亚的研究。

11. firmly adv. 坚定地,坚决地;坚固地,稳固地

I myself will firmly carry out this plan. 我本人将坚决执行这个计划。

12. apologize


He hastened to apologize. 他连忙道歉。

2square oneself道歉,言归于好;报复,算账

He decided to square himself with his wife after their quarrel.

He said he would come again and square himself with me.

3make an apology (to) (向…)道歉

13. discipline

1n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

Soldiers have to learn discipline. 军人必须学会遵守纪律。

2vt. 训练,训导;惩戒;使有条理,使有条不紊

The football team was disciplined by a professional trainer.

The offenders will be severely disciplined.违法者将受到严惩。

to discipline the confused materials整理杂乱无章的材料

3 academic discipline n. 学术科目

engineering discipline 工程学科;工程规范

fiscal discipline 财政纪律

intellectual discipline 知识学科

discipline inspection commission 纪委

labour discipline 劳动纪律

strengthen discipline 加强纪律

severe discipline 严格的纪律

maintain discipline 维持纪律

14. in the process在过程中;在进行中

The principle is that in the process of learning how to do one thing really well, we learn how to learn.

15. deal with


This chapter deals with the problem of inflation.本章论述通货膨胀问题。


I'll deal with the children later.孩子们的事由我以后去处理。


I'm used to dealing with matters of this sort.我惯于处理此类问题。

4)惩处,处罚(某人)(常与shall will连用)

I'll deal with you when I get home from the office!我下班回家后再来收拾你。


I've dealt with that company for ten years.我与那家公司做了10年生意。


16. minefield n. 布雷区;充满隐伏危险的事物

When men and women are both under pressure it can be an emotional minefields each tries to cope.当男人和女人都处于压力之下时,因为每个人都试图应付,那有可能成为情感雷区。

17. encourage v.


Her coach encouraged her throughout the marathon race to keep on running.


One of the chief duties of a teacher is to encourage his students.


Don't encourage her laziness by doing things for her.


Poverty often encourages crime.贫穷往往助长犯罪。

18. philosophy n. 哲学;哲理;人生观

Philosophy is too deep for me. 哲学对我来说太深奥了。

19. territory

1n. 领土,领域;范围;地域;版图

Talks have broken down over the disputed territory. 

2 sales territory 销售地区

capital territory 首都圈;首都辖区

20. acquaintance

1n. 熟人;相识;了解;知道

We are the casual acquaintance of a long railway journey. 

2 make the acquaintance of v. 相识,结识

acquaintance with 相识

21. property

1n. 性质,性能;财产;所有权

He deeded the property to his daughter. 他立契约把财产转让给女儿。

2 intellectual property 知识产权;著作权

property right 产权

property management 物业管理;资产管理

real property 不动产

private property 私有制;私有财产

chemical property 化学性质

public property 公共财产,公物

22. extension

1n. 延长;延期;扩大;伸展;电话分机

Moreover, the tool becomes an extension of yourself. 

2 by extension 相关地;引申开来

file extension 文件扩展名

extension telephone n. 电话分机

extension service 推广服务

brand extension 品牌延伸

23. inappropriately adv. 不适当地

Most have inappropriately loose monetary policy. 

24. somehow

1adv. 以某种方法;莫名其妙地

You'll grow up somehow.不管怎样,你总会长大的。

2somehow or other 不知怎的;不管怎样;用各种方法

3one way or another adv. 无论如何;以某种方法

They have no bearing, one way or another, on U. S. monetary policy. 

25. criticism

1n. 批评;考证;苛求

He was subjected to severe criticism. 他受到严厉的批评。

2 literary criticism n. 文艺评论

textual criticism 校勘;考订;版本鉴定

new criticism 新批评主义

come under heavy criticism 遭到严厉的批评

adverse criticism 反向批评;逆向评论

26. circumstance

1n. 环境,情况;事件;境遇

Don't deceive under any circumstance. 在任何情况下都不要行骗。

2 in the circumstances 在这种情况下;既然这样

under the circumstance 在这种情况下

in no circumstances 决不

under no circumstance 在任何情况下都不

27. antennae n. 直觉;天线(= aerial);[] 触须;[] 蕊喙

Their antennae and shells help them to detect and protect. 

28. point out指出,指明;使注意到

She pointed out to us that there was little chance of success.

29. bring up


He brought up a question for discussion.他提出问题讨论。


My parents bro ught me up to respect others.我父母教育我要尊重他人。


He brought up everything he ate.他把吃的东西都吐出来了。


I didn't want to bring up the matter to him last night.昨晚我不想向他提及这件事


He started to complain, I brought him up short.


The waiter brought up the next dish.服务员把下一碟菜端了上来。

30. neglectful

1adj. 疏忽的;忽略的;不小心的

2inadvertent adj. 疏忽的;不注意的;无意中做的

Google has said the data collection was inadvertent. 

3negligent adj. 疏忽的;粗心大意的

4inattentive adj. 疏忽的;怠慢的;不注意的

Not surprisingly, most of these fires originate in the kitchen from clumsy or inattentive cooks.不难发现,大多数火灾是由于厨房结构不合理以及厨师的粗心大意造成的。

31. psychologist n. 心理学家,心理学者

32. when it comes to当提到;就……而论

33. straight forward直接了当;开门见山

So it's pretty straight forward to calculate it also. 

34.common sense 常识

35. prevail

1vi. 盛行,流行;战胜,获胜

The pursuit of maximum profit seems destined to prevail. 

Justice has prevailed; the guilty man has been punished.

2 prevail over 胜过;占优势

prevail on 说服,劝说

prevail upon 说服;诱使

prevail with 劝说;说服

36. grey (greyer, greyest )

1adj. 灰色的;灰白的

2n. 灰色

french grey n. 浅灰色

dark grey 深灰色;暗灰

light grey 淡灰色

3v. 使变成灰色;使变老,老化

4earl grey 伯爵茶

37. punishment n. 惩罚;严厉对待,虐待

38. child-centric以孩子为中心

39. consideration

1n. 考虑;原因;关心;报酬

The matter is under consideration. 这件事正在考虑中。

2 out of consideration for 体谅;出于对的考虑

sympathetic consideration 体恤处理,同情之考虑

in consideration of 考虑到,鉴于;作为对的酬报

under consideration 在考虑之中的

40. public good公益事业;公共物品

41. courtesy

1n. 礼貌;好意;恩惠

He is wanting in courtesy. 他缺乏礼貌。

2adj. 殷勤的;被承认的;出于礼节的

42.suffer from忍受,遭受;患病;受之苦

How long have you been suffering from a headache? 你头痛有多久了?

43. conduct

1v. 导电;管理;引导;表现

He conducted himself in a gracious manner.他为人和蔼可亲。

2n. 进行;行为,表现,为人;实施

She was displeased by his conduct. 她对他的行为感到不快。

44. exhausted

1adj. 疲惫的;耗尽的

Do this until the thoughts are exhausted. 重复这个行为直到思想被耗尽。

2v. 耗尽;用尽;使精疲力尽(exhaust的过去式)

45. perceive

1v. 察觉,感觉;理解;认知

The students perceived that his behavior had changed.

2perceive as 视为;当作

Consistency and calmness in adversity are characteristics that most people will perceive as confidence. 在逆境中保持一致与冷静就是能让大多数人感知自信。

46. get into进入;陷入;穿上;习惯于

How did you get into the industry? 你是怎样进入这个行业的?

47. charging up加添,充电

48. defence = defense

1n. 防御;防卫;答辩;防卫设备

The best defense is to attack. 进攻是最好的防御。

2 national defence 国防

in defence of 保护,防护;为……辩护

civil defence 民防

counsel for the defence 辩护律师,被告律师

defence budget 国防预算

49. fuel


His provocative words only fuelled the argument further.


We must economize on fuel. 我们必须节约燃料。

50. eggshell n. 蛋壳;薄而易碎的东西

Wait a minute, you mean, the eggshell breaks, bird can fly. 你的意思是,一会儿蛋壳破了,雏鸟就能飞。

51. surround

1v. 围绕;包围

She was surrounded by reporters.她被记者包围住了。

2n. 围绕物

3adj. 环绕立体声的

4surrounding n.环境,周围的事物;adj.周围的,附近的

Most of these streaks are darker than the surrounding sand. 

52. remonstrate

1v. 责备,告诫;抗议,反对;表示异议

He remonstrated to his wife that she was too careless.


remonstrance 谏书;抗议;规劝

remonstration 忠告;抗议;规劝

53. admirable


That's admirable, and exactly my own approach to life. 

2admire v.钦佩;赞美,称赞

I admire her for her bravery.我佩服她的勇敢。

54. negotiate


We tried to negotiate with them, but they refused. 

2negotiate about 协商;谈判

I'd like to negotiate about the distributional plan with you. 

55. boundary n.边界;范围;分界线

The river determines the natural boundary between the two countries. 

56. better-educated 知识化

57. involve v.包含;牵涉;使陷于;潜心于

The case involved many innocent people.这一案件牵涉了许多无辜的人。

58. notion


I will examine this notion below. 我将在下面分析此概念。

2notional adj.概念性的;想像的;抽象的;不切实际的

59. challenge


He threw out a challenge. 他提出了一个挑战。


I challenge the truth of your story. 我对你说的情况表示怀疑。

60. diminish v.使减少;变小,缩小;使不重要

The governor's popularity has diminished.州长的声望已下降。

Time will not diminish our friendship.时间的流逝将不会减弱我们的友谊。

61. reflect

1v. 反映;反射,照出;表达;显示;反省

His actions reflect his thoughts.他的行为反映他的思想。

The trees reflected in the water are dancing.水中倒映的树影婆娑起舞。

2 reflect on 思考;反省;回想;怀疑

reflect upon 考虑(回想;回顾)

62. under-resourced资源不足的

In many under-resourced countries, the magnitude and scope of the influenza burden are poorly understood.

63. commitment

1n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身

To do this, we must have commitment at the highest level of government. 

2commit v. 犯罪,做错事;把...交托给;使承担义务,承诺

The old man committed his will to the care of the lawyer.

64. intervention

1n. 介入;调停;妨碍

So what we would do is that we would then perform an intervention. 

2intervene v. 干涉;调停;插入

You intervene when you can, not to be consistent. 

65. undignified adj. 不庄重的;无威严的

Such conduct is undignified for a person of his position. 

66. longstanding = of long standing adj. 长期存在的;长时间的

67. potential

1n. 潜能;可能性;[] 电势

But all of us have the potential to become passionate creative. 

2adj. 潜在的;可能的;势的

You have so much talent, intelligence and potential. 

68. puzzle

1v. 使困惑(为难);迷惑;苦思而得出

I am puzzled by his failure to reply.他不给我回信使我感到困惑。

2n. 谜;难题;迷惑

The puzzle defied solution. 这个谜无法解。

69. overwhelm

1v. 淹没;压倒;受打击;覆盖;压垮;使受不了

Flood overwhelmed the city.洪水淹没了那座城市。

2overwhelmed adj. 受宠若惊的,使不知所措

Do you ever feel overwhelmed or have too much to do? 

70. mild

1adj. 温和的;轻微的;淡味的;文雅的;不含有害物质的的

She is mild in disposition. 她性情温和。

2n. (英国的一种)淡味麦芽啤酒

3mild steel 低碳钢;[]软钢

71. improper adj.错误的;不适当的;不合礼仪的

This is mainly due to the improper disposal of rubbish by people. 

72. carpenter

1n. 木匠,木工

At an early age, I was apprenticed to a carpenter. 我小时候曾给木匠当过学徒。

2v. 当木匠,做木匠工作;制作

He carpentered a splint for the broken leg.他给骨折的腿制作了一副夹板。

3carpentry n.木器;木工手艺;木工业

4squareman n. 木匠,石匠[(复数 squaremen

woodworker n. 木匠

73. elsewhere adv. 在别处;到别处

The criteria will be different from those that pertain elsewhere. 

74. amid prep.在…其中

75. journal

1n. 日报,杂志;日记;分类账

When you have a realization, write it down in your journal. 

2diary n. 日志,日记;日记簿

76. literature n. 文学;文献;文艺;著作

Are you majoring in English Literature? 你主修的是英国文学吗?

77. slim

1adj. 苗条的;修长的;微小的;差的

How do you keep so slim? 你是怎么保持苗条的?

2v. 使体重减轻;使苗条;变细

3slim down 消瘦

78. utilize v. 利用

We must utilize all available resources.

79. efficiency n. 效率;效能;功效

The production efficiency is lamed by the old machines. 

80. retire

1v. 退休;撤退;退却;离开;收回;就寝

He has retired from the army.他已经从部队退役。

You must retire early as you have to catch the early train tomorrow.你必须早睡觉,因为明天还得赶早班火车。

2n. 退休;退隐;退兵信号

3retire from ……退休

retire into oneself 退隐,沉默

81. as well as也;和一样;不但而且

She can play tennis as well as basketball. 她也会打篮球,也会打网球。

82. fix

1v. 使固定;修理;安装;准备;注视;记住

We fixed a picture on the wall.我们把图画钉在墙上。

We are going to fix the broken machine.我们将修理损坏的机器。

His image was fixed in her mind.他的形象铭记在她的心中。

2n. 困境;方位;贿赂

83. comment

1n. 评论;意见;批评

I appreciate your comment. 我欣赏你的意见。

2v. 发表评论;发表意见;解释;

His speech was not commented by the press.他的讲话报界未作评论。

We asked the teacher to comment his decision.我们请求老师解释一下他的决定。

3comment on ……评论

no comment 无可奉告;不予置评;无意见

general comment 一般评论

fair comment 公正批评;公平评论

84. distinguish

1v. 区分,区别;辨别;使杰出,使表现突出;看清;听清

His height distinguishes him from the other boys.他的身高使他有别于其他男孩。

A person with good eyesight can distinguish distant object.

2distinguish oneself (in,by,as) 而出名;使超出别人;使杰出

She distinguished herself in the arts.她在艺术方面成就出众。

He distinguished himself by his bravery.他以勇敢著称。

3distinct adj. 明显的;独特的;清楚的;有区别的

distingue adj. 高尚的;上流的

distinguished adj. 著名的;卓著的;高贵的

85. council

1n. 委员会;会议;理事会;地方议会;顾问班子

The council denounced the new law. 该委员会谴责新法律。

2state council 国务院

student council 学生自治会,学生会

city council 市议会

town council 市议会;镇议会

86. criminology n. 犯罪学;刑事学

87. coordinate

1n. 坐标;同等的人或物

2adj. 并列的;同等的

3v. 调整;整合;协调

You must coordinate the movements of your arms and legs when swimming. 

88. resident

1adj. 居住的;住院医师;定居的

2n. 居民

As one local resident put it in May, "By day there is government. 

3reside v. 住,居住;属于

Her family has resided in New York for more than ten years.

89. emergency

1n. 紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻

We couldn't budget for every emergency. 我们不能为每个紧急需要做安排。

2adj. 紧急的;备用的

All rooms have an emergency button. 所有房间中都有一个紧急按钮。

3emergent adj. 紧急的;浮现的;意外的;自然发生的

Which brings me back around to emergent design? 

90. prompt

1adj. 敏捷的,迅速的;立刻的

Take a prompt action.

2n. 提示;付款期限;DOS命令

3adv. 准时地

4v. 提示;促进;激起,引起;(给演员)提白

What prompted her to be so generous? 是什么原因使得她如此大方呢?

Her question was prompted by her worries about future.

The actor needed to be prompted frequently.那演员经常需要提词。

5prompt delivery 限时专送

command prompt 命令提示符

prompt attention 从速办理

prompt payment 立即付款

voice prompt 语音提示,声音提示

prompt shipment 即期装船

prompt in 很迅速

91. numerous

1adj. 许多的,很多的

I have numerous engagements next week. 下星期我有许多约会。

2multiple adj. 多重的;多样的;许多的;n. 倍数;

He died of multiple injuries.他死于多处受伤。

92. inherent

1adj. 固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的

Stress is an inherent part of dieting.要节食必定会经受压力。

Man is not inherently violent.人类并非生来就暴力。

2be inherent in 天生...;固有...

inherent vice 固有缺陷;内在缺陷

inherent moisture 内在水分,固有水分;内在潮湿;结构水

3inhere v. 固有;生来即存在;本质上即属

93. constant

1adj. 不变的;恒定的;经常的

Inflation is a constant threat.通货膨胀是一种持续的威胁。

2n. [] 常数;恒量

94. tailor

1v. 剪裁;使合适;调整

We can tailor the programme to the patient's needs.

2n. 裁缝

In his youth his father bound him out to a tailor. 

95. science fiction 科幻小说

96. spaceman n. 宇航员,太空飞行员;太空人

97. spacesuit n. 航天服;太空服

98. weapon

1n. 武器,兵器

This kind of weapon is obsolete. 这种武器早已过时。

2nuclear weapon 核武器

secret weapon 秘密武器

lethal weapon 致命凶器

biological weapon 生物武器,细菌武器

chemical weapon 化学武器

automatic weapon 自动武器

99. homogeneous

1adj. 均匀的;[] 齐次的;同种的

The unemployed are not a homogeneous group.失业者并不都是同一类人。

2homogenize v. 使(变)均匀;使类同

Even Brussels bureaucrats can't homogenize national cultures and tastes.

3homograft n.同种移植物

4homogeneous product 同质产品

100. heterogeneity n. [生物] 异质性;[化学] 不均匀性,多相性;混杂

101. immigration

1n. 外来移民;移居

The government has decided to tighten its immigration policy.

2illegal immigration 非法移民;非法入境

immigration office 移民局

immigration official n. 移民局官员

immigration officer 移民局官员;入境关员

immigration policy 移民政策

immigration law []移民法

immigration status 移民身份;入境身份;在留资格

immigration act 移民法;移民法案

102. pluralism

1n. 多元主义;多元论;多元化;兼任

We’ve seen them willing to risk their lives for pluralism, openness and democracy.

2pluralist n.兼职者;多元论者 adj. 多元化的

an attempt to create a pluralist democracy....建立多元化民主国家的一个尝试。

103. clash

1n. 冲突,不协调;碰撞声;分歧

Inside government, there was a clash of views.政府内部有意见分歧。

2v. 冲突,抵触;砰地相碰撞,发出铿锵声;使碰撞作声

3clash with 冲突,不调和

Those black shoes clash with that white skirt. 

104. democratization n. 民主化

The protection of human rights is a very important symbol of a country’s juridification and democratization.保护人权是国家法制化、民主化的重要标志。

105. isolate

1v. (使)隔离;(使)孤立;使绝缘

She seemed determined to isolate herself from everyone, even him.

2n. [生物] 隔离种群

3adj. 隔离的;孤立的

105. bookless adj. 无书的;未受教育的

The sciences are the perfect place to test bookless libraries, librarians say. 

106. curiosity

1n. 好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩

There is much to see in the way of castles, curiosities, and museums.

2out of curiosity 出于好奇心

intellectual curiosity 求知欲

107. eagerness

1n. 渴望;热心

2eager adj. 渴望的;热切的;热心的

Robert was eager to talk about life in the Army.

108. significance

1n. 意义;重要性;意思

We attached no significance to his statement. 

2signify v. 表示;意味;预示;有重要性;要紧;冒充内行

These were not the only changes that signified the end of boyhood.


n. 迹象;符号;记号;手势;指示牌

His face and movements rarely betrayed a sign of nerves.

Equations are generally written with an equal sign.等式通常用等号来写。

They gave Lavelle the thumbs-up sign.

.a sign saying that the motorway was closed because of snow

v. 签署;签名;示意

Sign out before you exit the building. 离开大楼前签名登记离开。

4economic significance 经济重要性

statistical significance 统计显著性;统计数据

significance level []显著水平,显著性水平

political significance 政治意义

psychological significance 心理学意义

significance of difference 差异显著性

109. clarify

1v. 澄清;阐明;变得明晰;得到净化

Thank you for writing and allowing me to clarify the present position.

2clarity n.清楚,明晰;透明

clarification n.澄清,说明;净化

110. imagination

1n. [心理] 想象力;空想;幻想物

She has plenty of imagination. 她的想象力非常丰富。

2capture the imagination of 激发...的想象力

Their music continues to capture the imagination of the American public.

3imagine v. 想像;猜想;臆断

He could not imagine a more peaceful scene.

111. motivate

1v. 刺激;使有动机;激发的积极性

They are motivated by a need to achieve.他们被成功的需要激励着。

2motif n. 主题;动机;主旨;图形;意念

3motive n. 动机,目的;主题 adj. 发动的 v. 使产生动机,激起

Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the killing.


n. 动作;移动;手势;请求;意向

He made a neat chopping motion with his hand.

v. 运动;向打手势

He stood aside and motioned Don to the door.他站在一边,示意唐到门口。

5in motion 在开动中,在运转中

wave motion 波动

motion picture n. 电影

relative motion 相对运动

linear motion 直线运动

brownian motion 布朗运动

set in motion 开始,调动;把发动起来

motion simulation 运动仿真;运动模拟

motion state 运动状态

law of motion [物理]运动定律(等于Newton's law of motion

motion sickness []晕动病(指晕船、晕车、晕飞机)

reciprocating motion 往复运动;住复式动作

112. stimulate

1v. 刺激;鼓舞,激励;起刺激作用;起促进作用

America's priority is rightly to stimulate its economy.

2stimulate economic growth 拉动经济增长

stimulate domestic demand 刺激国内需求

3stimulus (复数 stimulusesstimuli) n. 刺激;激励;刺激物

Interest rates could fall soon and be a stimulus to the U.S. economy.

113. enrich v. 使充实;使肥沃;使富足

It is important to enrich the soil prior to planting.栽种之前给土壤施肥很重要。

He will drain, rather than enrich, the country.他将耗尽而不是增加国家的财富。

114. material

1adj. 重要的;物质的,实质性的;肉体的

The nature and availability of material evidence was not to be discussed.

2n. 材料,原料;物资;布料;素材

In my version of the story, I added some new material.

3materialism n.唯物主义;唯物论;物质主义

4teaching material 教学内容;教学资料

new material 新材料

building material = construction material 建筑材料

composite material 复合材料

material resources 物质资源

material flow n. 物料流,物质流;原料周转

insulation material []绝缘材料

material handling 原料处理;物料运输

material consumption 物料消耗;材料耗用

reference material 参考资料;参考材料

115. outlook

1n. 展望;观点,人生观;景色;前景

I adopted a positive outlook on life.我选择了一种积极的人生观。

The economic outlook is one of rising unemployment.

2v. ……好看;用目光压倒;朝外看

3outlook on life 人生观

outlook on 的看法;对眺望

world outlook 世界观

outlook for …的前途;的远景

market outlook 市场前景;市场展望

mental outlook n. 精神境界,精神面貌

optimistic outlook 乐观的前景  

microsoft outlook 个人邮件及资讯管理软件

on the outlook for 注视着;留心,注意;物色中,寻找中

116. fact-finding n. 实情调查;调解;事实认定 adj. 实情调查的

The fact-finding is the core question in civil action .

117. overestimate

1v. ……评价/估计过高 n. 评价/估计/出价过高

If they overestimate, they lose revenue.如果他们过高地估算,就会损失收入

118. diversity

1n. 多样性;差异;各种各样

They help us grasp the diversity of life on the planet. 

2divers adj. 不同种类的,各式各样的

119. invincible

1adj. 无敌的;不能征服的;无法改变的

He also had an invincible faith in the medicinal virtues of garlic.

2invincibly adv. 无敌地;不屈不挠地

120. ostrich (复数ostrichesostrich)

1n. 鸵鸟;鸵鸟般的人

Some Italians eat donkeys; South Africans eat ostrich. 

2ostrich approach鸵鸟策略


121. inevitably adv. 不可避免地;必然地

Technological changes will inevitably lead to unemployment.

122. strain

1n. 张力;拉紧;负担,压力;扭伤;血缘

The prison service is already under considerable strain.

2v. 拉紧;尽力;滥用;滤去;竭力

The professor buckled under the strain of the work. 

123. premature

1adj. 早产的;不成熟的;比预期早的

Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans.


2n. 早产儿;过早发生的事物

3premature death 过早死亡;早逝

premature infant 早产儿

premature labor = premature birth = premature delivery早产

124. ultimate

1adj. 最终的;极限的;根本的

He said it is still not possible to predict the ultimate outcome.

2n. 终极;根本;基本原则

The brain is the ultimate fountain of ideas. 大脑是思想的根本源泉。

125. preach

1v. 说教;讲道;鼓吹;传道;反复灌输,宣扬

He said he was trying to preach peace and tolerance to his people.

2n. 说教

126. retail

1v. 零售;转述

It originally retailed at $23.50.它起初按$23.50的价格零售。

2adj. 零售的

He does wholesale business, while his brother is engaged in retail business. 

3n. 零售(业)

The retail trade is no exception.零售业也不例外。

4adv. 以零售方式

5retail merchant = retail dealer零售商

retail outlet 零售商店;零售门路

retail shop 零售店;分销店


resale n. 转售;零售;再贩卖

127. alert

1v. 警告;使警觉,使意识到

He wanted to alert people to the activities of the group.

2adj. 警惕的,警觉的;留心的

We all have to stay alert.我们都必须保持警觉。

3n. 警戒,警惕;警报

They were quiet during the alert. 警戒期间他们保持安静。

4alert someone to sth 使...警觉;使...警惕

on the alert 提防;警戒著;随时准备著

red alert 紧急警报,红色警报;应急状况

128. coworker n. 同事;合作者

I was really into my coworker. 我非常喜欢我的同事。

129. frequent

1adj. 频繁的;时常发生的;惯常的

Your shirts have faded from frequent washing.你的衬衣由于经常洗涤已经褪色。

2v. 常到,常去;时常出入于

130. jointly

1adv. 共同地;连带地

So how do we jointly plan on that?



Her joints ache if she exercises.她的关节一运动就疼。

He's smoking a joint.他在吸大麻烟。


Mr. Jones and his two sons are the joint owners of the business. 


3ankle joint 踝关节

joint statement 联合声明

joint effort 共同努力

Sino-foreign joint venture n. 中外合资企业;中外合资经营

joint venture enterprise 合资企业

131. purchase

1n. 购买(者);紧握;起重装置

The broker will get 5% if he finds a purchaser.

2v. 购买;赢得; 购买东西

He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck.他买了张票,上了顶层。

3hire purchase n. 分期付款购买

purchase order 订购单,采购订单

purchase contract 购货合同

group purchase 团购

4purchaser n. 买方;购买者

132. grocery

1n. 食品杂货(店);副食商店;杂货店促销

They run a small grocery store.他们经营一家小食品杂货店。

2grocery store 杂货店

grocery bag 食品杂货袋

133. clutter

1n. 杂乱,混乱

2v. 使凌乱;胡乱地填满

The vehicles cluttered up the parking lot.车辆停满了停车场。


4clear of clutter清除杂物

Caroline prefers her countertops to be clear of clutter.

5sea clutter 海面回波;海面干扰

clutter up 使杂乱

134. moonlight

1n. 夜间活动;月光

They walked along the road in the moonlight.他们在月光下沿路散步

2adj. (尤指夜间)从事第二职业,业余兼职的;月夜的;有月光的

I have to do a moonlighting job, so that I can afford to rent an apartment near to my company. 我不得不做一份兼职的工作,这样我才能租得起靠近公司的一间公寓。

3v. 兼职,夜袭

4by moonlight 借月光

moonlight shadow 月光下的影子;月影

135. review

1n. 回顾;复习;评论;检讨;检阅

We've never had a good review in the music press.

2v. 回顾;检查;复审,审裁; 审度;复习功课;写评论

The president reviewed the situation with his cabinet yesterday.

3general review 总复习;一般性综述

in/under review 在检查中

annual review 年度复查

pass in review 检阅,阅兵;逐项审核;回顾

136. entertain

1v. 娱乐;招待,款待;怀抱;容纳, 心存

I don't like to entertain guests anymore.我不再喜欢招待客人。

How foolish I am to entertain doubts.我心存疑虑是多么愚蠢啊。

2entertainer n.演艺人员,表演者

entertaining adj. 令人愉快的

137. attendant

1adj. 伴随的;侍候的

2n. 服务员,侍者;随员,陪从;维护人员

Tony Williams was working as a car park attendant in Los Angeles.

138. spectator n. 旁观者 (尤指体育赛事的) 观众

audience n. 观众;听众;读者(参加playconcert的人)

139. confrontation

1n. 对抗;面对;对质

We can both benefit from cooperation, not confrontation. 

2military confrontation 军事对峙

3confront v. 面对,面临;遭遇;比较;正视;与… 对峙(质)

She was confronted with severe money problems.她面临严重的资金问题。

We are learning how to confront death.我们在学习如何正视死亡。

I could not bring myself to confront him about it.我不能就此事让自己与他对质。

140. encounter

1v. 遭遇;偶然相遇,遇到,邂逅

Every day of our lives we encounter major and minor stresses of one kind or another.生活中的每一天,我们会遇到或大或小的这样那样的压力。

2n. 遭遇,偶然碰见;特殊经历

What will be the nature of this encounter? 那么,这种遭遇的本质将会是什么?

3encounter with 遭遇,遇到

close encounter 近距离接触;紧密交会

141. layout n. 布局;设计;安排;陈列

He tried to recall the layout of the farmhouse.他想回忆那农舍的布局。

142. relieve

1v. 解除,减轻;使不单调乏味;换的班;解围,使解脱; 使摆脱;使放心

Drugs can relieve much of the pain.药物可以大大缓解疼痛。

At seven o'clock the night nurse came in to relieve her.

2relieve oneself v. 大小便, 去卫生间,上厕所

The most serious when can happen break down, relieve oneself is incontinent.

3relieve stress 减压,缓解压力

relieve from 中解除,减轻

relieve of 解除;消除;减轻

4relief n. 救济(物);减轻,解除;安慰;浮雕;安心;  换班人; 接替人

I breathed a sigh of relief.我安心地松了一口气。

No relief drivers were available.没有换班的司机。

143. on average平均;普通,通常

as a rule通常,一般说来

in general总之,通常;一般而言

144. endlessly adv. 不断地;无穷尽地

145. check-out n. 结帐;检查;付款处

146. representative

1adj. 典型的,有代表性的;代议制的

And that is very representative of what we see. 

2n. 代表;典型;众议员

She had a stressful job as a sales representative.

3represent v. 代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送;提出异议

New York represents everything that's great about America.

147. hire

1n. 雇用,租用;租金,工钱

2v. 雇用,租用;受雇;出租

Actors may hire agents to conduct their affairs. 

3for hire 供出租

hire purchase n. 分期付款购买

on hire 出租的;雇用

hire in 接受雇用并开始工作  

hire out 出租;受雇

car hire 汽车出租;租车处

148. diplomatic

1adj. 外交的;外交上的;老练的;圆通得体的

He has long credentials of diplomatic service. 他的外交工作资历很深。

She is very direct. I tend to be more diplomatic, I suppose.

2diplomatic mission 使馆;外交使团

diplomatic relations/ties 外交关系

3diplomat n. 外交家,外交官;有外交手腕的人;处事圆滑机敏的人

149. greeter n. (在酒店、超市等门口迎接顾客的)接待员; 迎宾

150. entrance n. 入口;进入 v. 使出神,使入迷

151. grant

1v. 授予;允许;承认;  同意

You have to grant us control explicitly. 你们必须允许我们明确地控制。

2n. 拨款, 补助金;[] 授予物

They'd got a special grant to encourage research.

3take for granted 认为理所当然

Don't take for granted the things closest to your heart. 

152. participate

1v. 参与,参加;分享,分担

They expected him to participate in the ceremony.他们希望他参加这个典礼。

2participate in (social activities参与(社会活动)


v. 配制;混淆;使混和;使结交,交往; 参与;

Oil and water don't mix.油与水无法混合。

People from different classes used to mix very little. 

n. 混合;混合物;混乱

mix well 调匀,搅匀;善于与人相处

mix with 混合

mix in 混合;相处


1v. 辩论,反驳,争辩;怀疑;阻止;抗拒

He disputed the allegations.他驳斥了这些无根据的指控。

2n. 辩论;争吵

That admits of no dispute. 这是不容争议的。

3beyond dispute 无疑地;没有争论余地

in/under dispute 在争论中

154. contribute v. 贡献,出力;投稿;捐献

How do you plan to contribute? 你打算如何做出贡献?

155. smooth

1adj. 顺利的;光滑的;平稳的;

This makes the whiskies much smoother.这使威士忌酒醇和得多。

2v. 使光滑;消除(障碍等);使优雅;缓和;变平静

3n. 平滑部分;一块平地

4adv. 光滑地;平稳地;流畅地

So far, talks at GM have gone smoothly.迄今,在通用汽车公司的会谈进展顺利。

155. file

1n. 文件;档案;文件夹;锉刀;菜单

2v. 提出,提起;锉,列队行进;用锉刀锉;琢磨;把归档

I filed for divorce on the grounds of adultery a few months later.

Manicurists are skilled at shaping and filing nails.

3file in 陆续编入;编入档内

on file 存档;记录下来备查

in file 依次;鱼贯;成二列纵队

file into 鱼贯而入,排队进去

file format []文件格式

file transfer 文件传输;经由网路将档案由一电脑复制至另一台电脑

image file 影像档案,图象档案

log file 日志文件

executable file 可执行文件

single file n. 单行;一列纵队

156. bother

1n. 麻烦;烦恼

I usually buy sliced bread – it's less bother.

2v. 烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒;操心;懒得

Lots of people don't bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days.I just can't be bothered to look after the house.我只是懒得照看那房子。

3don't bother 不用麻烦了;不打扰了

bother about 烦恼

bother with 而费心,为操心;用打扰

can't be bothered 不想出力,不愿找麻烦  

bother to do sth 费心去做某事

4bothersome adj.麻烦的;令人讨厌的

botheration n.麻烦;烦恼

157. hard-pressed adj. 被紧紧催逼的;被紧迫追赶的;窘迫的; 很难的

The region's hard-pressed consumers are spending less on luxuries.

This year the airline will be hard-pressed to make a profit.

158. bound

1adj. 有义务的;受约束的;装有封面的

2n. 范围;跳跃

3v. 束缚;使跳跃;限制;弹起;必然会,应该会;与密切相关的;前往

He is bound by affection. 他为爱情所束缚。

There are bound to be price increases next year.明年价格必然会上涨。

We are as tightly bound to the people we dislike as to the people we love.

The ship was bound for Italy.这艘船是开往意大利的。

I'll show it to Benjamin. He's bound to know.我要让本杰明瞧瞧,他该知道。

4bound for 开往

be bound by 约束;由联系起来

bound with 合订;与有共同的境界;(因喜悦等而)雀跃

bound up with 关系密切

within bounds adv. 在允许范围内

bound up in 专心,沉迷于,忙于

be bound in (书籍)封面是用装订的  

bound on 猛扑

branch and bound 分支界限法;界定法

in duty bound 有责任(做某事);感到应该

know no bounds 无限;不知限量

bound volume 合订本

159. replace

1v. 代替;替换;归还,偿还;把放回原处

One species of tree replaces another as a forest ages.

The shower that we put in a few years back has broken and we cannot afford to replace it.我们几年前安装的淋浴器坏了,但没钱换新的。

Please replace after reading. 阅毕请放回原处。

2replace with 替换为;以代替

replace by 取代;以代替

160. browse

1n. 浏览;吃草

2v. 浏览;搜索;吃草;漫不经心地看商品

I stopped in several bookshops to browse.我去了几家书店,随便浏览了一下。

Try browsing around in the network bulletin boards.three red deer stags

3browse through 浏览;翻阅

Try it on your system and browse through all the created files. 

161. imply (implied, implied, implying)

1v. 意味;暗示;隐含

So what does this imply for China? 那么,这对中国意味着什么?


adj. 平均的;卑鄙的;低劣的

v. 意味,指;想要;意欲;用意

I didn't mean to hurt you.我不是有意要伤害你

n. 平均值

Where should the mean be now? 现在的平均值会是多少?

162. security

1adj. 安全的;保安的;保密的

2n. 安全(感);保安措施; 安全措施;保证;证券;抵押品

He loves the security of a happy home life.

They are now under a great deal of pressure to tighten their airport security.

The central bank will provide special loans, and the banks will pledge the land as security.中央银行将提供特别贷款,而各家银行将以土地作为抵押品。

3in security 安全地

for security 为了安全  

as security 作为抵押品  

security council (联合国)安全理事会

food security 粮食安全;食品安全;食物保障

security bureau 安全局;保安局

public security bureau 公安局

security policy 安全策略,安全政策

ministry of public security 公安部;中国公安部

security guard 保安人员

163. spur

1n. 鼓舞,刺激;马刺;山坡

2v. 激励,鞭策;加速;骑马疾驰;给予刺激;给装踢马刺

It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.是金钱驱使这些渔民驾驶单薄的小船冒险出海远航

The administration may put more emphasis on spurring economic growth.

3on the spur of the moment 一时冲动地;立刻,当场,当即

On the spur of the moment, they decided to hold a fancy dress party. 他们一时兴起,决定开一个化装舞会。

He bought that house on the spur of the moment. 他一时冲动买下了那座房子。

164. shrink (shrank, shrunk, shrinking)


I've seen a shrink already.我已经看过了精神病医生。

2v. 使缩小,使收缩;收缩;畏缩

The vast forests of West Africa have shrunk.西非那片广袤的森林已经缩小了。

3shrink from退避;在前面畏缩

We will never shrink from difficulties. 我们在困难面前决不退缩。

4shrink into oneself缩成一团;变得沉默

165. tight

1adj. 紧的;密封的;绷紧的;麻烦的;严厉的;没空的;吝啬的

She walked off the plane in a miniskirt and tight top.

The measures include tight control of media coverage.

2adv. 紧紧地;彻底地

Just hold tight to my hand and follow along.只要紧紧地抓住我的手,跟着我。

3sit tight 稳坐不动;坚持主张;静待事态的发展

tight schedule 时间很紧;行程紧凑

tight monetary policy 紧缩的货币政策;紧缩信用政策

sleep tight 美美睡上一觉

tight budget 紧缩的预算;手头很紧

air tight =gas tight 严密的,不透气的

a little tight 有点紧;有一点点醉

tight fit 紧密配合;牢配合

tight squeeze = in a tight spot  n. 处境困难;极度拥挤;狭道

tight money 高息借款

tight market 供不应求的市场;交投活跃而差价小的市场


v. 变紧;使变紧;绷紧

tighten up 加强;使紧密;拉紧;使更牢固

Until this week, every attempt to tighten up the law had failed.

tighten one's belt 节约度日;束紧腰带

 I spent too much money last month. I better tighten my belt this month or I will be in trouble. 我上个月花太多钱了,我这个月最好缩衣节食点,否则我就糟糕了!

166. facility

1n. 设施;设备;容易;灵巧; 附加服务; 附加功能;天赋

What recreational facilities are now available? 什么娱乐设施现在是可用的?

One of the new models has the facility to reproduce speech as well as text.

He and Marcia shared a facility for languages.他和马西娅都具有语言天赋。

2correctional facility 监狱

public facility 公共设施

manufacturing/production facility 制造设施,生产设施;生产设备

storage facility 储藏设施;存储设备

service facility 服务设施

167. sustain

1v. 维持;支撑,承担;忍受,遭受;供养;证实

But for how long can China sustain such growth? 

Every aircraft in there has sustained some damage.

2sustain losses 蒙受损失 ; 遭受损失

sustain level 持续水平

sustain circuit 保持电路

sustain development 可持续性发展

sustain growth 保持增长

168. origin

1n. 起源,起因;原点;出身;开端

Their medical problems are basically physical in origin.

2country/place of origin 原产地;原产国

certificate of origin []原产地证书

point of origin 原点,起始点;起火点

fever of unknown origin 无明显病因的发烧

humble origin 卑微的出身

3originally adv. 最初,起初;本来

The plane has been kept in service far longer than originally intended.

169. precise

1adj. 精确的;明确的;严格的

They then add more precise conditions until they get what they are looking for. 

2to be (more) precise (更)确切地说

at the precise moment 恰恰在那个时刻  

precise information 精确资料

precise instrument 精密仪器

170. precious

1adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的;真爱

A family break allows you to spend precious time together.

2precious metal 贵金属,贵重金属

precious stone 宝石

precious moment 珍贵的时刻

171. peculiar

1adj. 特殊的;独特的;奇怪的;罕见的

Mr. Kennet has a rather peculiar sense of humors.

2n. 特权;特有财产

3peculiar institution n. 旧时美国南部的黑奴制度

4peculiarity n. 特性;特质;怪癖;奇特

Her ex-boyfriends parted with her because of her peculiarity. 

172. engagement

1n. 婚约, 订婚时期;约会;交战;诺言

He had an engagement at a restaurant at eight.8点钟在一家餐馆有一个约会。

I've broken off my engagement to Arthur.我已经解除了于阿瑟的订婚约定。

The constitution prohibits them from military engagement on foreign soil.宪法禁止他们在外国领土上的军事交战。


v. 从事;吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定;答应,保证;交战;啮合

I have never engaged in drug trafficking.我从来没有从事过贩毒。

They never learned skills to engage the attention of the others.

We engaged the services of a famous engineer.

I'm unwilling to engage on such terms. 我不愿就这样的条件作担保。

engage in 从事于(参加)

engage on 从事;开始

engage with 交战;与接洽,使融入

She found it hard to engage with office life.她发现难以融入办公室生活。

173. multiply

1v. 乘;(使)增加;大量(使)繁殖;(使)相乘

Such disputes multiplied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

These creatures can multiply quickly.这些生物能迅速大量繁殖。

2adv. 多样地;复合地

3adj. 多层的;多样的

4multiply by 乘以;乘上(multiply A by B A乘以B

I multiply by the length, which is .36. 乘以长度也就是0

5multiple adj. 多重的;多样的;许多的n. 倍数;[] 并联

He died of multiple injuries.他死于多处受伤。

6multiple shop = chain store 连锁商店

174. reform

1n. 改革,改良;改正

The party embarked on a programmer of economic reform.

2v. 改革,革新;重新组成;改过

When his court case was coming up, James promised to reform.

3adj. 改革的;改革教会的

4educational reform 教育改革

reform and opening-up 改革开放

deepen the reform 深化改革

reform measures 改革措施

political reform 政治改革,政制改革;变法

institutional reform 体制改革;制度改革

promote reform 促进改革

democratic reform 民主改革

reform school n. 教养院;少年感化院;少年犯管教所

agrarian reform 土地改革

shareholding reform 股份制改造

175. manufacture

1n. 制造;产品;制造业

2v. 制造;加工;捏造

They manufacture the class of plastics known as thermoplastic materials.

According to the prosecution, the officers manufactured an elaborate story.

3manufactory n. 制造厂,工厂

manufacturer n. 制造商;[] 厂商

Direct Manufacturer 厂家直销

176. sweat

1n. 汗;水珠;焦急;苦差使

Sweat is an excretion. 汗是一种排泄物。

2v. 使出汗;流出;使干苦活;剥削;焦急地期待;辛苦工作;懊恼;结水珠

Already they were sweating as the sun beat down upon them.

3no sweat 不费力地,没问题

sweat it out 苦熬;忍受下去,坚持到底

4sweater n. 毛线衣,运动衫;大量出汗的人,发汗剂;卫衣

Somebody pinched my sweater. 有人偷了我的运动衫。

177. anti-virus n. 反病毒;防病毒; 杀毒软件

178. former

1adj. 从前的,前者的;前任的

The witness disaffirmed her former testimony. 证人推翻了她原来的证词。

2n. 模型,样板;起形成作用的人

3former president 前任总统

former residence 故居

former name 曾用名

in former times 从前

The former Soviet Union 前苏联


n. 形式,形状;形态,外形;方式;表格;种类

He contracted a rare form of cancer.他患上了一种罕见的癌症。

v. 构成,组成;排列,组织;产生,塑造

An idea formed in his mind.一个想法在他的脑子里形成了。

5in the form of 的形式

take the form of 表现为……的形式

Form 普惠制原产地证明书

application form 申请表,申请书

good form 有礼貌的;正确的姿势;良好的姿势

on form 竞技状态良好;精力旺盛( on top form  

registration form 登记表,注册表

order form 定货单,订货单

form of address 称呼语

179. for ages 很久;很长时间

180. occasionally

1adv. 偶尔;间或

There's no harm in your staying up late occasionally. 偶尔晚睡并无妨害。

2occasional adj. 偶然的;临时的;特殊场合的

181. frame

1n. 框架,眼镜框;结构;[电影] 画面;身躯

He was wearing new glasses with gold wire frames.他戴着一副新的金丝框眼镜。

Standard 8mm projects at 16 frames per second.

Their belts are pulled tight against their bony frames.

2v. 设计;建造;陷害;使适合; 有成功希望

We frame up that picture. 我们把那幅画装入框架。

3adj. 有木架的;有构架的

4frame in 进入;框以

frame of mind 心情

picture/photo frame 相框;照相架

Window frame n. 窗框;窗口框架

182. vacant

1adj. 空虚的;空的;空缺的;空闲的;茫然的; 无人

Halfway down the bus was a vacant seat.这辆公共汽车中部有个空座。

She had a kind of vacant look on her face.在她脸上有一种茫然的表情。

2vacant position 职位空缺;空座

vacant seat 空位,未被占座位

vacant land/ lot 空地;闲置地

3vacuity n. 空虚;空白;思想贫乏;无聊之事

His vacuity was a handicap in these debates.

4vacancy n. 空缺;空位;空白;空虚

Most vacancies are at the senior level, requiring appropriate qualifications.

183. complex

1adj. 复杂的;合成的

Can they grapple with the complex situation? 他们能处理复杂的局面吗?

2n. 复合体;综合设施;复杂;情结

3complex number 复数

apartment complex 公寓大楼

oedipus complex 恋母情结

inferiority complex 自卑情结;自卑感

4complexity n. 复杂,复杂性;复杂错综的事物

The situation presents great complexity. 形势显得极为复杂。

184. waist n. 腰,腰部

185. jeans n. 牛仔裤;工装裤

186. infer

1v. 推断;推论

I inferred from what she said that you have not been well.

2inferential adj. 推理的;推论的

3inference n. 推理;推论;推断

187. pile

1n. 堆,叠;大量;建筑群

We sat in Sam's study, among the piles of books.

2v. 累积;打桩于;挤,涌入;堆积;

They all piled into Jerry's car.他们都挤进了杰里的车里。

3a pile of 一堆;很多

pile in 塞进;挤入

pile up 积累,堆放起来

pile on 堆在之上;使堆积在

188. scheme

1n. 计划;组合;体制;诡计

They would first have to work out some scheme for getting the treasure out.

2v. 计划;策划;搞阴谋;拟订计划

Everyone's always scheming and plotting.每个人时刻都在算计和谋划。

3colour scheme 色调搭配;色系

design scheme 设计方案

marking scheme 评分方案

working scheme 施工方案;工作计划

189. trial

1n. 试验;审讯,审判;努力;磨炼

I took the car out for a trial on the roads.我把车开出去在公路上试了一下。

New evidence showed the police lied at the trial.

2adj. 试验的;审讯的

3on trial =stand trial 在受审;在试验中

trial run 试车;试验;测试运行

free trial 免费试用

trials and tribulations 艰难困苦;痛苦与磨难

trial period 试用期

trial version 试用版

civil trial 民事审判

time trial 计时赛;计时游;计时测验

by trial and error 反复试验,不断摸索

court trial 法庭审判

190. temporary

1adj. 暂时的,临时的

His job here is only temporary.他在这儿的工作只是暂时的。

2n. 临时工,临时雇员

3temporary residence permit (card) 暂住证

temporary shelter 临时避难所

temporary provisions 暂行规定

191. flexibility n. 灵活性;弹性;适应性

192. acre n. 土地,地产;英亩

193. fix

1v. (使)固定;修理;安装;准备;注视;确定;安排

It is fixed on the wall.它是固定在墙上的。

Sarah fixed some food for us.萨拉为我们准备了一些食物。

The date of the election was fixed.选举的日期定下来了。

It's fixed. He's going to meet us at the airport.已经安排好了,他将去机场接我们。

2n. 困境;方位;贿赂;不正当的操纵;解决方法

It's all a fix, a deal they've made.这完全是一场非法的操纵,是他们作的一笔交易。

Many of those changes could just be a temporary fix.

3fix up 修理;解决;改进;为作好安排,为准备;商妥

I've fixed up Matthew's old room.我已经把马修的旧房间修缮好了。

We'll fix him up with a tie.我们会为他准备一条领带。

4fix on 确定;固定;使集中于

in a fix 进退两难,处境艰难,陷于困境  

quick fix 权宜之计

fix one's eyes on 注意;凝视

hot fix 热修复

fix a date 确定日期,约期

fix attention on 集中注意力于

fix position n. 定位;实测船位

get a fix on 探测远距离物体的方位,定出(某物的)位置  

out of fix [心情不好;身体不好;已损坏的,需要修理的

194. crop

1n. 产量;农作物;庄稼;平头,短发

Rice farmers here still plant and harvest their crops by hand.

2v. 种植;收割;修剪;剪短;收获

She cropped her hair and dyed it blonde.她把头发剪短并染成了金色。

3a crop of 许多,一批,一堆

good crop 丰收

crop failure 作物减产;谷物歉收

standing crop 现存量;林木;未收割的作物

4crop up 突然出现,突然发生, 出其不意

His name has cropped up at every selection meeting this season.

195. address

1v. 演说;从事;忙于;写姓名地址;向致辞;与说话;提出;处

He is due to address a conference on human rights next week.

2n. 地址,网址;演讲;致辞;说话的技巧;称呼

Take his address down. 把他的地址记下来。

196. merchant

1n. 商人,批发商;店主

Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you.

2adj. 商业的,商人的

3mercantile n. 商品 adj. 商业的;商人的;重商主义的

197. hook

1n. 挂钩,吊钩

One of his jackets hung from a hook.他的一件夹克衫挂在挂钩上。

2v. 钩住;引上钩;弯成钩状

Language does not hook on to the real world. 

3off the hook 摆脱困境;脱身

on the hook 陷入圈套;拖延

hook up 以钩钩住

by hook 不择手段;用尽一切方法

hook on 挽住手臂;迷上,着迷(常用于被动语态)

hook in 拉拢;以钩钩住

get the hook 解雇某人  

fishing hook 鱼钩=fish hook钓鱼钩;[]突然后转

198. imitation

1n. 模仿,仿造;仿制品

The use of language begins with imitation. 运用语言是从模仿开始的。

2adj. 人造的,仿制的

3in imitation of 仿效;模仿

They discussed important issues in imitation of their elders.

199. mechanism

1n. 机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧

What’s the mechanism behind these traits? 这些特征背后的机制是什么?

2market mechanism 市场机制;市场调节作用

incentive mechanism 激励机制

200. association

1n. 协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想

This will show the relationship between them as an association. 

2in association with 相联系;与联合

articles of association 公司章程;组织章程


n. 同事,伙伴;关联的事物

v. 联想;使联合;使发生联系;交往;结交

Through science we've got the idea of associating progress with the future.

adj. 副的;联合的

Mr. Lin is associate director of the Institute.林先生是该研究所的副主任。

associate dean 副院长

associate with v. 联合;与联系在一起;和来往

201. personnel

1n. 人事部门;(全体)人员

Her first job was in personnel.她的第一份工作是在人事部。

There has been very little renewal of personnel in higher education.

2adj. 人员的;有关人事的

202. drop dead 突然死去,猝死;去你的,走开;别闹;不要打扰;突然放弃;断绝联系

She told him to drop dead when he asked her to dance.当他请她跳舞时,她叫他别打扰她。

203. disposable

1adj. 可任意处理的;可自由使用的;用完即可丢弃的;一次性用品

Gerald had little disposable income.杰拉尔德没有多少可自由支配的收入。

2disposable income 可支配收入 disposable chopsticks 一次性筷子

