
发布时间:2018-07-01 19:13:14


Fundamental terms of food industry

2.1 食品 food

2.1.1 动物性食品 food of animal origin (animal food)

2.1.2 植物性食品 vegetable food (plant food)

2.1.3 传统食品 traditional food

2.1.4 干制食品 dehydrated food

2.1.5 糖制食品 confectionery

2.1.6 腌制品 curing food

2.1.7 烘焙食品 bakery

2.1.8 熏制食品 smoking food

2.1.9 膨化食品 puffed food (extruded food)

2.1.10 速冻食品 quick-frozen food

2.1.11 罐藏食品 canned food

2.1.12 方便食品 convenient food(fast food,prepared food,instant food)

2.1.13 特殊营养食品 food of special nutrients 婴幼儿食品 infant or baby food 强化食品 nutrient fortified food

2.1.14 天然食品 natural food

2.1.15 摸拟食品 imitation food

2.1.16 预包装食品 prepackaged food

2.2 食品制造 food manufacturing

2.3 食品加工 food processing

2.4 食品工业 food industry

2.5 食品资源 food resource

2.6 食品新资源 new resource for food

2.7 原料 raw material

2.8 配料 ingredient

2.8.1 主料 major ingredient (major material)

2.8.2 辅料minor ingredient

2.8.3 食品添加剂 food additive

2.8.4 食品营养强化剂 food enrichment

2.8.5 加工助剂 processing aid

2.8.6 酶 enzyme

2.9 配料表 list of ingredients 

2.10 配方 formula

2.11 食品包装材料 packaging material for food

2.12 食品包装容器 food container

2.13 软包装 flexible package

2.14 硬包装 rigid package

2.15 食品标签 food labelling

2.16 保质期 date of minimum durability

2.17 保存期 use-by date

2.18 食品质量 food quality

2.19 食品质量管理 food quality control

2.20 食品质量监督 food quality supervision

2.21 食品质量检验 food quality inspection

2.22 食品卫生 food hygiene (food safety)

2.23 食品营养 food nutrition

2.24 食品成分 food composition

2.25 食品分析 food analysis

2.26 食品工业标准化 food industry standardization

2.27 食品标准 food standard

2.27.1 食品产品标准 food product standard

2.27.2 食品卫生标准 food hygienic standard

2.27.3 食品厂卫生规范 hygienic code of food factory

2.27.4 食品分析方法标准 food analysing standard methed

2.28 良好加工规范 good manufacturing practice (GMP)

2.29 危害分析关键控制点 hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP)

2.30 食品生产许可证 food production licence

2.31 食品产品合格证 food product qualification

2.32 食品卫生许可证 food hygiene licence

2.33 食品卫生合格证 food hygiene qualification

2.34 食品工业副产品 by-product of food industry

3.1 粮食 grain

3.2 粮食制品 cereal product

3.3 肉制品 meat product

3.4 食用油脂 edible oil and fat

3.5 食糖 sugar

3.6 乳制品 dairy product   

3.7 水产品 sea food

3.8 水果制品 fruit product

3.9 蔬菜制品 vegetable product

3.10 植物蛋白食品 vegetable protein food

3.11 淀粉制品 starch-based product

3.12 蛋制品 egg product

3.13 糕点 pastry

3.14 糖果 candy

3.15 调味品 condiment (seasoning)

3.16 食用盐 edible salt (food grade salt)

3.17 饮料酒 alcoholic drink

3.18 无酒精饮料 non-alcoholic drink (soft drink

3.19 tea

4.1 原料清理 raw material handling (raw material cleaning)

4.2 原料预处理 pretreatment of raw material

4.3 酸处理 acid treatment

4.4 硫处理 sulphuring treatment

4.5 碱处理 alkali treatment

4.6 粉碎 grinding

4.6.1 破碎 cracking (crushing)

4.7 打浆 mashing

4.8 搅拌 mixing

4.9 分离 separation

4.9.1 离心分离 centrifugal separation

4.9.2 过滤 filtration

4.9.3 膜分离 membrane separation

4.10 筛分 screening (sifting)

4.11 沉降 precipitation

4.12 浓缩 concentration

4.13 蒸馏 distillation

4.13.1 精馏 rectification (distilling)

4.14 蒸发 evaporation

4.14.1 闪蒸 flash evaporation

4.15 离子交换 ion exchange

4.16 吸附 adsorption

4.17 吸收 absorption

4.18 解吸 deabsorption

4.19 干燥 drying

4.20 脱水 dehydration

4.21 复水 rehydration

4.22 浸取 extraction

4.23 压榨 pressing

4.24 乳化 emulsifying

4.25 均质 homogenizing

4.26 发酵 fermentation

4.27 酿造 brewing

4.28 糊化 gelatinization

4.29 凝沉 retrogradation

4.30 液化 liquifying (liquefaction)

4.31 糖化 saccharification (conversion)

4.32 氢化 hydrogenation

4.33 嫩化 tenderization

4.34 软化 softening

4.35 营养强化 fortification (enrichment)

4.36 膨化 extrusion (puffing)

4.37 精制 refining

4.37.1 精炼 refining

4.38 烘焙 baking

4.39 熏制 smoking

4.40 保鲜 refreshment (refreshing)

4.41 冷藏 cold storage

4.42 冻藏frozen storage 

4.43 速冻 quick-freezing

4.44 气调贮藏  storage in controlled atmosphere

4.45 干制保藏 drying preservation (preserved by dehydration ; drying process)

4.46 腌制保藏 curing preservation (preserved by curing process)

4.46.1 盐渍 salting

4.46.2 酱渍 saucing

4.46.3 糖渍 sugaring

4.46.4 酸渍 pickling

4.46.5 糟渍 cured or pickled with germented grains

4.47 辐照保藏 irradiation preservation

4.48 化学保藏 chemical preservation

4.49 成熟 ripening

4.50 后熟 maturation

4.51 灭菌 sterilization

4.51.1 超高温瞬时灭菌 ultra high temperature short time sterilization

4.51.2 商业无菌 commercial sterilization

4.52 消毒 disinfection

4.52.1 巴氏消毒 pasteurization

4.53 接种 inoculation

4.54 培菌 cultivation

4.55 染菌 microbiological contamination contamination

4.56 食品包装 food packaging food packingfood package

4.56.1 真空包装 vacuum packing

4.56.2 充气包装 gas flush packaginggas packing

4.56.3 无菌包装 aseptic packagingaseptic packing

5.1 营养素 nutrient

5.2 蛋白质 protein

5.2.1 粗蛋白质 crude protein

5.2.2 植物蛋白 vegetable protein

5.2.3 动物蛋白 animal protein

5.3 蛋白质营养学评价 nutritional evaluation

5.4 蛋白质变性 protein denaturation

5.5 蛋白质互补 complementary action of protein

5.6 氨基酸 amino acid

5.6.1 必需氨基酸 essential amino acid

5.7 脂肪 fat (oil and fat)

5.7.1 粗脂肪 crude fat

5.8 脂肪酸 fatty acid

5.8.1 饱和脂肪酸 saturated fatty acid

5.8.2 不饱和脂肪酸 unsaturated fatty acid

5.9 碳水化合物 carbohydrate

5.9.1 有效碳水化合物 effective carbohydrate

5.9.2 粗纤维 crude fiber

5.9.3 膳食纤维 dietary fiber

5.10 矿物质 mineral matter

5.11 微量元素 trace element

5.12 维生素 vitamin

5.12.1 脂溶性维生素 liposoluble vitamin (fat soluble vitamin)

5.12.2 水溶性维生素 water soluble vitamin

5.14 每日推荐的营养素供给量(RDA) recommended daily nutrient allowance

5.15 营养价值 nutritional value

5.16 水分 moisture content

5.17 水分活度 water activity

5.18 热量 calorie

5.19 固形物 solid content

5.19.1 可溶性固形物 soluble solid

5.19.2 不溶性固形物 insoluble solid

5.20 食品污染 food contamination

5.20.1 生物性污染 biologic contamination

5.20.2 化学性污染 chemical contamination

5.20.3 放射性污染 radioactive contamination

5.21 重金属 heavy metal

5.22 微生物毒素 microbial toxin

5.23 农药残留 residue of pesticide

5.24 兽药残留 residue of veterinary drug

5.25 食物中毒 food poisoning

5.26 酸败 rancidity

5.27 腐败 spoilage

5.28 霉变 mould

5.29 褐变 browning

5.30 食物安全毒理学评价 toxicological evaluation for food safety

5.30.1 人体每日允许摄入量(ADI) acceptable daily intake (ADI)

5.31 食品感官检验 sensory analysis ( sensory evaluation)

5.31.1 感官特性 organoleptic attribute

5.32 食品理化检验 food physical and chemical analysis

5.33 灰分 ash

5.34 总糖 total reducing sugar

5.35 还原糖 reducing sugar

5.36 酸度 acidity

5.37 总酸 total acid

5.38 碘价 iodine value

5.39 酸价 acid value

5.40 过氧化值 peroxide value

5.41 食品微生物学检验 food microbiological analysis

5.41.1 菌落总数 total plate count

5.41.2 大肠菌群 coliform

5.41.3 致病菌 pathogenic bacterium

5.42 抗生素 antibiotic

indispensable (essential) amino acids (IDAA)(必需氨基酸):

threonine [ ] n. [生化]苏氨酸

tryptophan [ ]n.[生化]色氨酸,

lysine [ ]n.赖氨酸

leucine [ ]n.[生化]亮氨酸, 白氨酸

isoleucine [ ] n.[生化]异亮氨酸

methionine [ ] n. [生化]蛋氨酸,甲硫氨酸

valine [ ] n. [生化]缬氨酸

phenylalaine [ ]n.苯基丙氨酸,苯丙氨酸

histidine [ ]n.[生化]组氨酸, 组织氨基酸

phenyl [ ]n.[]苯基

ethionine[ ]n.[]乙硫氨基酪酸

dispensable (nonessential) amino acids (DAA)非必需氨基酸:

taurine [ ] n.牛磺酸)

cysteine [ ]n.[]半胱氨酸, 巯基丙氨酸

tyrosine [ ]n.[生化]酪氨酸

arginine [ ]n.[]精氨酸

daily intakes (ADI) 每日摄入量

the Food and Agriculture Organization/ World Health Organization


Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 食品药品管理局

Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 食品,药品化妆品法案

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 环境保护组织

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) 联邦贸易委员会

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 联邦通讯委员会

