
发布时间:2013-05-20 09:03:21


监控系统应向高智能化方面发展。目前监控系统所具有的功能已基本能够满足维护的需要,但在数据统计、数据分析、专家库等高智能化方面并没有得到很好的发展。这些高智能的性能对发展监控技术,提高供电质量,实现电源设备的少人、无人值守有着重要的意义。 所谓高智能性能有下面几个方面特征: (1)对被监控设备故障诊断以及对故障点前后相关数据进行存储和分析,从而可得出在发生故障时相关参数的变化情况以及分析出故障原因。 (2)故障情况的统计分析,如统计分析电源设备(或监控系统本身)故障次数、故障种类、故障分布情况以及电源设备由于故障而造成对供电的影响,提供预防措施及维护方案。 (3)用电量及重要负荷的统计分析,给出日、周甚至月的统计报表及统计曲线,根据统计结果提出观点方案,为供电系统管理维护提供依据。 (4)供电调度,即根据用电情况的统计分析结果,在用电高峰、用电低峰、电源故障等时候采用一定的措施进行负荷调配。 (5)对设备及环境的信息参量统计分析,如最大值、最小值、平均值以及超限值等。 (6)蓄电池组性能的分析。 (7)建立专家信息库,为故障诊断分析提供资料和为消除故障提供解决方案。 (8)监控系统的自诊断并提供诊断报告。 因此利用专家系统、模糊理论、神经 网络 等智能分析和控制方法,模拟和代替人的思维器官进行智能分析和控制是通信电源监控系统未来发展方向。

Monitoring and control system should be the high intelligent direction. At present the functions of monitoring and control system has been basically can meet the needs of the maintenance, but the data statistics, data analysis, expert intelligent contour has not been very good development. The high performance of the intelligent monitoring technology for development, improve the quality of power supply, realize the power equipment of less people, unattended has important significance. So-called intelligent performance characteristics has the following several aspects: (1) to be monitored equipment fault diagnosis as well as the related data storage and analysis before and after the point of failure, it can be concluded that the change of related parameters in the event of a failure, and analyze the cause of the problem. (2) the statistical analysis of failure condition, such as statistical analysis of power equipment (or monitoring system itself) fault number, fault type, fault distribution and power equipment caused by fault impact on power supply and provide prevention measures and maintenance scheme. (3) the important load of electricity consumption and statistical analysis, days, weeks or even months of statistical reports and statistical curve, according to the statistical results put forward point of view, provide the basis for power supply system maintenance management. (4) power supply scheduling, that is, according to the results of the statistical analysis of energy consumption in peak demand, resources used, such as power failure when using certain measures to load allocation. (5) statistical analysis of equipment and environment information parameters, such as maximum, minimum, average, and super limit, etc. (6) battery performance analysis. (7) establish expert information base, provide data for the fault diagnosis analysis and provide solution to eliminate the fault. (8) monitoring system of self diagnosis and provide diagnostic report. Therefore using the expert system, fuzzy theory and neural network intelligent analysis and control method, simulation and organs instead of man's thinking for intelligent analysis and control of communication power supply monitoring system is the future development direction.

通信动力系统是主要监控对象,包括高压配电、低压配电、ups(三相电压、三相电流、功率、功率因数等),柴油机放电机组(三相电压、三相电流、频率、柴油油位、启动电池电压等),整流器(输出电压、电流等)、蓄电池组(电池组总电压、电池单体电压、电池表面温度、电池组充放电电流)等动力设备;环境系统包括空调、局房环境(门禁、温湿度、红外、烟雾、水浸等)。 3、各监控站间数据传送方式 监控系统可以采用多种传输资源传输数据,最常用的有:公共电话网pstn数字数据网ddn数字公务信道或其它透明通信串口、97网或其它专网前置机采集的数据上报到监控中心数据库服务器,数据库服务器大多采用sybase数据库管理系统。 第二节 软件组成(数据结构及处理过程) 监控系统软件主要构成: 监控主机软件:完成数据从sm(智能设备或采集器)的采集、处理及上报功能。是监控系统(高层)应用系统(高端)采集硬、软件系统的借口部分。 实时监控太软件:包含“告警”、“监控”、“自诊断”、“组态画面”等模块功能,是实现“四遥”功能和显示、告警、拓扑浏览的主要用户接口。 业务管理台软件:主要完成与报表相关的查询、定义、]打印等功能。 管理员工具软件:可以独立运行而完成监控系统辅助配置、信息、管理等功能。 以上软件统称为业务台软件。 数据库部分:包括相应的库、表及存储过程和触发器。 数据管理软件:完成对数据库 历史 数据做分析、整理,并对历史数据实现备份、恢复。 底端调测工具:主程序为:dtools99复合土工膜用来调测所有的底端采集器。 第三节 系统的主要性能指标 1. 告警触发及处理流程 告警可分为实时告警和历史告警。运行业务台后告警模块自动加栽到后台进行工作,当有告警发生时自动弹出告警窗口打印出告警信息并按等级发出不同的声音告警,通知相应维护人员进行维护工作;告警结束后,同样以声音提示相关人员告警解除。 操作人员在接到报警后的最短时间内确认告警,系统自动记录从发生告警到确认告警的时间间隔,此数据可从查询模块中获得。 2. 各监控等级权限及任务 石家庄动力与环境监控系统采用权限管理机制,将权限分为:三种类型:操作权限,片区权限和专业权限。操作权限:在监控系统中执行操作的权限,如登录,遥控,授权等 片区权限:人员的工作作业范围,人员只有在此范围下才能运用操作权限和专业权限,以端局为单位 专业权限:所能维护设备类型,如:空调类、油机类;以设备类为单位。 第二章通信电源监控系统的发展趋势 第一节 当前系统在建设和应用中存在的不足 在这几年当中我局采用的psms监控系统整体运行良好,但也出现了不少问题,主要表现在以下几个方面: 一、数据传输是监控系统的重要组成部分,如果出现问题,将严重影响监控系统的正常工作,所以在选择传输方式上既要考虑投资成本同时也要兼顾传输的稳定性和可靠性,两者缺一不可。我局采用的是利用97网进行传输,它最大的特点就是可以快速接入,简单方便,但就目前来看,97网也不是运行很稳定的一种传输方式,这里面有人为原因,也有设备的原因。 二、准确的监测数据是判断设备是否出现故障的依据,但由于受到各种因素的影响,笔者使用的监控设备所测数据与实际数据往往不符,一般情况下我们要求偏差不大于5%,但实际情况却出入很大,例如某分局的油机启动电池电压与监测数据差距竟有近2v之多。我局还出现过因监测结果与实际差距过大发生误告警的情况,一次某分局烟感出现告警,维护人员匆忙赶到现场,却无故障发生。监控系统的各种采集器、传感器和变送器都必须是精度要求非常高的器件,同时它们的安装方法和安装位置也很重要。 三、我局应用的监控系统所具有的功能就目前来说基本上能满足生产维护的需要,但总的感觉是监的多,控的少,因此还达不到集中控制的要求,同时数据统计、数据分析、自诊断等性能还没有得到很好的发展。理想状态是当设备出现异常时,监控软件可以根据自身携带的案例库,分析数据和报表,同时进行自诊断,找出设备出现问题的可能原因,使混凝土输送泵维护人员能快速处理,乳化液泵站排除故障。 四、对通信电源自身的特色和要求考虑不足,加之现今的许多监控技术主要是引进 工业 计算机控制技术和变电站监控技术,无论从硬件还是软件上都是不完全适合于通信电源集中监控系统的特点。通信电源有着其自身的特点和要求,例如电源设备品种多、型号多;监控对象档次差别大,有智能设备,也有非智能设备;监控内容要求有别,“三遥”应以遥测、遥信为主, 遥控为辅,可以不设置遥调。

Communication power system is the main monitoring objects, including the high voltage power distribution, low voltage power distribution, ups (three-phase voltage, three-phase current, power, power factor, etc.), diesel engine discharge unit (three-phase voltage, three-phase current, frequency, diesel oil, start the battery voltage, etc.), rectifier (output voltage, current, etc.), battery, battery voltage, total voltage, battery monomer battery surface temperature, battery charge and discharge current) and other power equipment; Environment system includes air conditioning, office room environment (entrance guard, temperature and humidity, infrared, smoke, water, etc.). 3, the way and data transfer between the monitor and monitor system can use a variety of transport resources to transmit data, the most commonly used are: the public telephone network digital data network PSTN DDN digital business channel or other transparent communication serial port, 97 nets or other private network frontend data reported to the monitoring center database server, database server mostly adopts the sybase database management system. Software component in the second quarter (data structures and processing) monitoring system software main components: the monitor host software: complete data from sm (smart devices or collector) the acquisition, processing and reporting function. Is a monitoring and control system (top) application system (high-end) excuse for part of the acquisition hardware and software system. Real-time monitoring software too much: contains the "warning", "monitoring", "diagnosis" and "configuration screen module" function, is to realize the "four control" function, and display, alarm, topology through the main user interface. Business management platform software: the complete report related queries, definition, printing, etc. Webmaster tools software, can run independently and complete monitoring and control system configuration, information, management, and other functions. The above software referred to as business software. Database part: including the corresponding libraries, tables and stored procedures and triggers. Data management software: complete database for historical data for analysis, sorting, and realize the historical data backup and recovery. Bottom adjustable measuring tools: the main program is: dtools99, used to measure all the bottom of the collector. System is the main performance index of the third quarter 1. Alarm alarm trigger and processing can be divided into real-time alarm and alarm history. Running the business after the alarm module automatic plant to back to work, when there is alarm happen automatically pop up warning window to print out the alarm information and according to the level of different sounds the alarm, notify the corresponding maintenance personnel for maintenance work; After the alarm, the same with voice prompt warning lifted related personnel. Operating personnel in the received alarm within the shortest time after confirm the alarm, the system automatically records from alarm to confirm the alarm interval, this data can be obtained from the query module. 2. All monitoring level permissions and task of shijiazhuang power and environment monitoring system USES the rights management mechanism, access can be divided into: three types: operation privileges, district authority and professional authority. Operation permissions: perform operations permissions in the monitoring system, such as login, remote control, authorization, etc for permission: the scope of work assignments, researchers can only be used under the scope of authority and professional authority operation, and to end bureau professional authority: can maintenance equipment types, such as: air conditioning, oil machine; In device class. Chapter 2 the development trend of communication power supply monitoring system of the first section of the insufficiency in the current system in the construction and application in this few years nzte use PSMS monitoring system as a whole as well, but also a lot of problems, mainly displays in the following aspects: first, the data transmission is an important part of the monitoring system, if there is a problem, will seriously affect the normal work of the monitoring system, so in choosing transport should not only consider cost and at the same time to give attention to both the stability and reliability of the transmission, both be short of one cannot. Nzte use is using 97 network transmission, its biggest characteristic is to quickly access, simple and convenient, but for now, 97 nets is not running very stable a transmission mode, which was for the reason, also have equipment. Second, accurate monitoring data is the basis of whether equipment malfunction, but due to the influence of various factors, the author used monitoring device test data do not tally with the actual data is often, in general we require deviation is not more than 5%, but the reality is quite different, such as a branch of oil machine start-up battery voltage and the monitoring data of gap have nearly 2 v. Nzte also occurred because of the monitoring results and the actual gap of false alarm happen too much, a certain branch of smoke alarm, maintenance personnel rushed to the scene, is trouble-free. Various automatic monitoring and control system, sensor and transmitter must be very high accuracy device, at the same time, the installation method and their position is also very important. Three, our application of the functions of monitoring and control system for the moment can basically meet the needs of production and maintenance, but the overall feeling is more, less, so still could not reach the requirements of centralized control, and data statistics, data analysis, such as self-diagnosis performance has not been very good development. Ideally when equipment is abnormal, the monitoring software may, in accordance with its own carrying case, analyze the data and report, at the same time since diagnosis, find out the possible reasons for the equipment problems, make the maintenance personnel can quickly handle, troubleshooting. Four, the features and demands of communication power supply, insufficient consideration, combined with today's many monitoring technology is mainly the introduction of industrial computer control technology and the substation monitoring technology, both from hardware and software are not completely suitable for the characteristics of communication power supply centralized monitoring system. Communication power supply has its own characteristics and requirements, such as power equipment variety, model; Monitoring object class difference is large, intelligent equipment, also have the intelligent devices; Monitoring content requirements are different, "three remote" should give priority to with telemetry, remote communication, remote control, can not set up remote setting.


Five, the system function remains to be further perfect, mainly: custom reporting features, fault closed-loop processing function, alarm information to streamline and ability to deal with and about the system configuration and auxiliary analysis function, etc.

第三节 协议的标准化 监控系统是协议应向规范化和统一化的方向发展。通信电源监控系统所监控的设备繁多,如交直流配电屏、柴油机组、整流设备、蓄电池组,同时还包括空调、环境温度、湿度等等。这些产品大多来自于不同的生产厂家,产品的性能和结构也不尽相同。要将这些迥异的产品互连起来,就必须消耗大量的人力物力来处理通信协议,从而增加了额外的投资。因此必须建立统一的规范,使不同厂家的通信电源及空调设备都遵循同样的通信协议。 第四节 监控系统的现场总线发展方向 监控系统应向现场总线方式发展。目前的监控系统大多为分布式控制系统(dcs),它仅仅建立在 计算 机通信协议的基础上,无法延伸到现场智能设备。且dcs多为模数混合系统,满足不了数据通信对全数据通信对全数字化的要求。同时又采用独家封闭式的通信协议,为一些开发商专有,给用户系统集成和应用带来许多问题。而现场总线是90年代初兴起的一种先进的 工业 控制技术,它在计算机和现场设备之间架起一座桥梁,将传统的dcs三层网络结构设备都视为网络上的节点。现场总线是全数字化、双向、多点通信系统,具有开发性、全分布性、可互操作性等许多优点。因此未来的通信电源监控系统应定位于现场总线技术。

Section 3 protocol standardization of monitoring system is should be developed to the direction of standardization and unification. Control and monitoring system for communication power supply monitoring equipment is various, such as ac/dc power distribution panel, diesel generator, rectifier equipment, battery, at the same time also includes air conditioning, environmental temperature, humidity and so on. Most of these products from different manufacturers, product performance and structure are also different. Interconnecting these different products, it must consume a lot of manpower material resources to handle the communication protocols, thus increasing the additional investment. So it is necessary to establish the unified specification, making different manufacturer of communication power supply and air conditioning are all follow the same communication protocol. Fourth section of the monitoring and control system development direction field bus monitoring system should be to the fieldbus development way. At present most of the monitoring system for distributed control system (DCS), it only based on the computing machine, on the basis of communication protocol, not extended to the field intelligent devices. And DCS for hybrid analog-digital system, more can't satisfy the data communication to complete data communication to complete digital requirements. Exclusive closed communication protocols used again at the same time, for some developers proprietary, brings to the user's system integration and application problems. And the bus is in the early 90 s the emergence of an advanced industrial control technology, it provides the bridge between computer and field devices, the traditional DCS three-tier network structure of the equipment as a node on the network. Fieldbus is a full digital, bidirectional, multipoint communication system, developmental, full distribution, interoperability, and many other advantages. So the future of communication power supply monitoring system should be located in the fieldbus technology.

