七下期中质量检测卷(一) 答案

发布时间:2020-06-05 00:26:24



一、1-5 ADBDC 6-10 BCBCA

二、11-15 BDBCA 16-20 ABDAC 21-25 CCACB

三、26-30 ABCCC 31-35 BCDAD

36.C 第一段中间两句话合起来论述就得到了答案C。

37.D 全世界8种,亚洲4种,很容易算出非洲四种,细节逻辑考察第二段第二句第三句。

38.C题干换了一种说法,但给出了汉语,从When they meet dangers, their hard coats get closed and make them like a ball.中就可以分析出,同时考察close 和curl up 同义词。

39.A 从划线单词前hunter可得出答案,同时考察构词法意识。也可带入考察语感。

40.D AC以偏盖全B项随与主题相关,但是文中主要反对的是偷猎。

41-45 CAEBD

四、46.But 47.kids 48.different 49.young 50.from

51.are 52.working 53.There 54.to buy 55.helps

五、56. Is your home far from our school / Is it far from your home to our school

57. How do you get / go to school

58. It takes me about...( an hour/...) /About ...(an hour)

59. When / What time do you get up in the morning

60. What / How about you

六、61.play 62.not to be 63.is doing 64.dancing 65.crosses

七、One possible version

Dear Peter,

Thanks for your e­mail.I'm very happy to tell you something about myself.I like to play the guitar and I can play it well.Every morning, I get up at 6:00 am.At 7:00 am,I usually ride a bike to school.I have lunch at school at 12:00.And I get home at 5:00 pm.I like pandas because they are cute and smart.But they are in great danger.These days, I am reading a book about pandas.I want to help and save them.

Can I know more about you? I wish to get your e­mail soon.



七下期中质量检测卷(一) 答案
