外研版英语4上Module 1 Unit 1 It was my birthday on Saturday

发布时间:2019-08-01 05:06:20


金戈铁骑 整理制作

Module 1 Unit 1 It was my birthday on Saturday




词汇:全体学生能够理解单词dear well of tell love

语法:全体学生能够运用“He’s/She’s got…”描述他人特征。


全体学生能够听懂会说:It was my birthday on Saturday.并使用“He’s/She’s got…”描述他人特征。21·cn·jy·com












认读四会句子It was my birthday on Saturday. ,掌握四会单词: dear well of tell love

能够使用He’s / She’s got来描述他人性格。【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】


熟练应用has got句型描述他人的特点。


1. Greeting.

T: Good morning, dear children! How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thank you! And you?21·世纪*教育网

T: I’m very well. What’s the meaning of “well”?


Watch and answer

T: Today is the first day of this semester. Are you ready for the new lesson? Ss: Yes!www-2-1-cnjy-com

T: However the pig is not ready. Let’s watch the cartoon and find. Why the pig can’t find his desk?(书中活动一)2-1-c-n-j-y

Ss: It was here. It’s there now! 白板技术: 在白板上进行圈画、书写。

Listen and repeat!


活动1【导入】Warmup & lead in

Greeting: T: Good morning, dear children! How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thank you! And you?【来源:21cnj*y.co*m

T: I’m very well. What’s the meaning of “well”?


Watch and answer

T: Today is the first day of this semester. Are you ready for the new lesson? Ss: Yes!21教育网

T: However the pig is not ready. Let’s watch the cartoon and find. Why the pig can’t find his desk?(书中活动一)【版权所有:21教育】

Ss: It was here. It’s there now! 白板技术:在白板上进行圈画、书写。

Listen and repeat!

Free talk:

T: Children, did you have a good summer vacation? I was in Dalian. Where were you?

Ss: I was in Beijing/ Shanghai…..

T: That’s good! Tell me more about your vocation. Have you got any new friends?  21*cnjy*com

Ss: Yes, I’ve got a new friend.



T: Today we will learn Module1 Unit1, we will use “have got or has got” to describe our new friend. Let’s make an album for our friends.



1. Watch and answer

Listen first time and answer

T: We’ve got an old friend. She’s got long golden hair. She comes from London. Who is she?21教育名师原创作品

Ss: Amy! T: Yes! Amy is reading a letter. Let’s Watch and answer.

Q: What is this letter about? 白板技术:图片遮盖功能。


Listen, repeat and answer!

T: Let’s listen, repeat and try to answer.

Q: When was Lucy’s birthday?

S: It was my birthday on Saturday.

Q: What’s the photo of?

S: Here is a photo of Zara and me.

Q: Who is the girl in red?

S: The girl in red is my new friend, Zara.

Q: What’s Zara like?

S: She’s got long, black hair. She’s very nice.

Where were they?

Q: They were at Buckingham Palace.

T: Do you know about Buckingham Palace? Let’s watch and find!



2. Look and find.

T: Read the text in groups and discuss the format of an English letter. 小组为单位汇报信的格式。21世纪教育网版权所有


3. Listen and imitate.


4. Complete the text, then retell.



IV Practice

Listen and fill in the blanks.(活动三) 3’


Then read it in pairs.


Guessing game(猜谜游戏)4’Where was Amy?

T: Children, please look and guess! Where was Amy?www.21-cn-jy.com

S: Amy was in Shanghai.

T: Yes, you’re right! 5 points for your group!



Make an album for your friends. 5’

T: Children, please have a look! This is my album. Here is a photo of my friends and me. The woman in black is my new friend, Yu Yishu. She’s got short, black hair. She’s very smart! She’s an English teacher, too. I love my new friend! How about you? Please make an album for your friends. Then introduce him or her in groups.2·1·c·n·j·y



活动6【测试】Summary and test



( ) 1. Lucy _______in London. A. lives B. live

( ) 2. It _______my birthday on Saturday. A. were B. was

( ) 3. I ______a new friend. A. have got B. has got【出处:21教育名师】

( ) 4. Mengmeng _____short hair. A. have got B. has got


Write to me _________(不久,很快.) (告诉) ________me about your friends.21*cnjy*com



Show your album to your classmates.

外研版英语4上Module 1 Unit 1 It was my birthday on Saturday
