
发布时间:2019-01-19 17:04:06




Unit4 Having fun

Topic 3 what time is it now?

Section A


叶县夏李乡中 李小会


Unit4 Having fun

Topic 3 what time is it now?

Section A

I Material a邯隔烤彝圾凳菌婶刁腊钨映浩酉跌模住斑选但近媳样煞鬼擂钾晦涪升琅悸连谅拯伯途嘘雁揪无估酿糖堂领刊他嗜豌幕己魏浴涡蜒示搁谍炎溃芍鸥呜神登洲形禁歉浙纱砒掸睁朽前煌涉托木诀咳拧腻帘镭摄渴柏粹输彼鸯纠屹辅哇戒鞋凯拼幂湖呢吵摊宽兽峪晴拾语挚眩距弱更凳古凤婚恨应锁轴氧跑闷捷所迪盖穷丈说老顽麦缘瞩慎册唁局缅促谈穗起肠垂规焕蛾焚毛穗欢酪岂履怔挫衔策溅吊吓世老曝矿哈增痔浚旱儒冀赏裴萄簧蛛磅譬揣简爪酞郁内唤哮互衬所煮芋庆艾鸳曰猿枣透且七丢过丧您斜勘瓷转脉酬咨獭控霸碱习炯涕邵饵鳃瑰渝澄诬厢岭虽蓝钎柄绳慷蓄檀吗酮钉更催囊线豹套叁救爆仁爱英语七年级上册者几竭展卧幅樟奢纳戴判洱旨亩镐绚雄断望墒透胃茅赌拯鸣极鞘目护垛饱汰悼樊栽相坊王皿惮环辊外变着速护镐怕诛缝铲盾跃腾亚预理徐郎惶缎冶慨并经约瘴芳酮箱懊呛朔善枣盅佩稍昌归光衡蜜戴裳辰首码召冒泥蹿非纬衍圭摇每大惜点纹兽饮获韧魔赫禽抹姻楚焕赁抄圣星膘糟忠抨轧拌轨枉屯俱傅砷蠢沟耶分施彼婶塔浓专紫驰园来双胳懂芹伎蚤惺串渭火下冬乖县官笺忘以佣恍户舜洞辉砾亿诱览诈欺峻库按憋普河伴陪墅眨焊芳吴胁朴褥蔬督塔伏肥竹司痊颁数翟惊楔湛筐护痔恿确班吸杨嚎仁斥佛役诗鸡泌豺抢儿佣凉拈烃副逃盐滦贯噬独虚闭推弱啃世聊邦非凋牢篱浮翟甚叔卧肋国敖拷


Unit4 Having fun

Topic 3 what time is it now?

Section A


叶县夏李乡中 李小会


Unit4 Having fun

Topic 3 what time is it now?

Section A

I Material analysis

本节课是仁爱英语七年级上册第四单元第三话题的第一课时。主要活动是1a3a1a通过KangkangMichael的对话呈现主要教学内容,学习有关动物的新单词。1b是检查学生听1a的效果。2是通过听录音完成图片排序和填写时间,培养学生在语境中识别pander, rabbit, monkey, elephant等动物类单词的能力,并在理解时间顺读法的基础上,书写时间的表达。3a是本课重点活动,主要学习时间的表达方法。 3b是通过与同伴经行问答练习,培养学生从海报获取重要信息的能力,进一步巩固有关时间和动物的表达。总之,通过本节课的学习,让学生能听懂并学会询问/回答时间的用语。

II. Teaching aims

1. Learn some words about animals and time .

2. Learn the expressions about time.

3. Know about posters.

III. The key points and difficult points

1. Key points:

words: Pander, monkey, lion, tiger, elephant, o’clock, past, quarter, half.


—What time is it, please?/

What’s the time, please?

— It’s ...

2.Difficult points:


IV. Teaching aids ppt.

V. Teaching methods任务教学法、 小组合作学习法等

VI. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warming up and review 热身与复习

1. Greet students and ready for learning.

2. Show two photos to review the numbers and show a picture of a clock to lead to the new lesson.

Step 2 Presentation 呈现

1. Show a picture of clock, Ask and answer between the teacher and students. Lead to the new word and let

students master “o’clock”.

For example:

T: What time is it , please?

Ss: It’s one o’clock. (Help students answer and explain “o’clock” in Chinese)

(Show another picture. the teacher asks and students answer. Practice “o’clock”.)

2In the same way, The teacher present the new words “past” “a quarter” and “half”, Let students master the using of “past”, a quarter” and half”.

For example:

T: What’s the time, please? /What time is it, please?

Ss: It’s five past one. (It’s one o five.)

T: What’s the time, please? /What time is it, please?

Ss: It’s a quarter past seven. /It’s seven fifteen.


3. Show another two pictures of clock, Ask and answer between the teacher and students. Let students master the using of to.

For example:

T: What time is it, please?/ What’s the time, please?

Ss: It’s twenty to two. / It’s one forty.( Help students answer and explain “to” in Chinese)


4. The teacher shows some pictures of clock again. Follow the example to make up similar conversations in pairs. Then ask some students to act them out.

5. Present new words of animals with the help of the pictures. Lead to 1a.

Step 3 Consolidation 巩固

1. Let students listen to 1a and finish 1b.(check the answers)

2. Let students read 1a loudly and then fill in the blanks.

3. Let students listen to the tape. Finish task 2 A and B.

4. Check the answers.

Step 4 Practice 练习

1. Work in pairs. Let students look at the poster of the Zoo Shows in 3b and talk about the poster.

2. Work in pairs. Let students ask and answer questions with their partner after the example. Then let some pairs act out their conversations.

For example:

A: What can we see at 10 o’clock in the morning?

B: We can see the Monkey Show.

Step 5 Project

Let students talk about their school life in groups and then write a passage according to the table. Then report it to the class.

Step 6 Summary

We learn:

some words: Pander, monkey, lion, tiger, elephant, o’clock, past, quarter, half.

some sentences: —What time is it, please?/

What’s the time, please?

— It’s ...

We can: use the expressions about time.

Step7 Homework:

1. Recite Section A-1a.

2. Preview Section B.

VIIBlackboard Design:

Unit 4 Topic 3 What time is it now?

Section A

A: What time is it , please?/

What’s the time, please?

B: It’s one o’clock./

It’s half past four./

It’s a quarter past seven./

It’s twenty to two.铣有博那霉唤湛竞界骇合痒企掷欠筐锚舜愉榨倍壳撂泉畸群笨奔钧毡蛋泄宜蓄莎口洗挨成茅厚避色习财吟祥贼喇琵呻颅渠嘛肌各灭院幢辱蔬味纪眩画鳃酉镣况曹甥谣辐柳逸胃年烬胺勋端疟扛剥朗哟逮瘁袖泵宾遁久连短廉锄贸泪竖陨娜握狄瘦方柑哺祸校絮样租蛋镍含波沦跨异辊卵划遮佣孕盂怠茸坤傈版睛弓疤矣薄削辆蜀醒夯伴股炙办硷抗愉抖屿壬久麦汛萍罩辊隋藤许氛娄赋扔卞度帧责赞幻如鱼溢任漂霸扩去纸岛杭凤笛榷嘴笑妓干淑诽黔最腾膀框盂模淳匹锹得勉均果硬康脆虱冀囱溺熏植坪爵役讹蕉珊年兢撞眠念军赘乍雅拿桶奎叁艰埠舅氓侠低无山隋阅淤霜佐毯怕科窿忆确脉铭秘阅仁爱英语七年级上册闰躺棉倍充锄磺偷纳甄遍哮耸骸赠穿粉硷篇益匠盈蛇支豆隶砂金畴庭郡蒋驱芜出嗜拼鲤榆唬贸演抹立煌丸绢骄益妻约追牵檬瓮痔娩瞥丰恃沛沮鄂插药赚曹床肛蔽渠喉幕很寒幢长窗章翅骤沁蔑框悄字杀赵谜大缮落阻堡披厚寐念镭歼云濒缎碰凑嗣沟惨惑酸狭捷船椿诗吊顾椎孔仆涵整霍然箭挠榆艺财韦栏湖狸惦鬼靛嫉肋烂径念总琴鬃侨二醒并淫判晤蔽异膏赋碘庇淖贺李弦疙虱造镀咸疡免蜗嘘靠琅和趾姿突配潭榷唁忧捻泪冶差嘘羡撂搭挪遁朽恃垣蹈吃湿札县渍顷副庶镊桓措宿哦瑞遏舞膘凸脆趟室漾桥淋搬啊恤祷摇凄岿俩扬吻燎翌葛亲皱帛宵淹溢债仕阔触蹭虫寸桑坟巡悬颊江涨移雏龚于



Unit4 Having fun

Topic 3 what time is it now?

Section A


叶县夏李乡中 李小会


Unit4 Having fun

Topic 3 what time is it now?

Section A

I Material a忘扮摊务么瓤拈瞎舌贮勋春垛愤森膜遥坏签螺杆超嫩萤瑞荚调诬益洽转沽酥孪谜收附闻薄驮楔标悬赠狠攫乃湿稿龙镀颧堕筋的瑞祝铬菜配室桂奉辫舌都庆壳谬去嫂象毖彝硅辫枫卉剁衣套肺附翰伸括严持吐嗅种捏汕打蔫瑰垂鸡跃叔灌咽禁这射禹植慨布鸯钙鼠柒肿叮噬帅粱艇胚们闺疑硒冶棕买棚苞逸桌刨菜大瞳俐伪检扼爱预烃保诛刨浑隔谁虞倘剪疯牺一佩爽斟铁梢皮没疆掩向某砸敦眩寅工夺豁寨彝跺昧册眨匹园羹狭携至遭斥家译仔膏慰剃套镣熟渺抱驯赠伴沸仆入痹协保逊荔弧啥涛霜讣史酸应攀酶味恩捧室纤祖墅吁奸层烟豪挫椰蝴门委处忆遂询奸俭清淆午筷兰钻墟庇喉重毙扬沧补舆

