
发布时间:2011-12-06 13:36:48

Success belongs to the persevering坚持就是胜利







Students’ Playing Online Games

1. 目前很多学生沉溺于网络游戏;

2. 沉溺于游戏的危害;

3. 作为学生,我该怎么做?


How to Deal With Online Games?

1. 目前很多学生沉溺于网络游戏;

2. 学校应该怎么做?

3. 学生自己应该怎么做?


On Online Games

1. 有人认为网络游戏对学生有利;

2. 有人认为网络游戏对学生有害;

3. 你的看法


On Students’ Playing Online Games






1) 描述沉溺游戏的危害;

2) 提出应对方案;

3) 呼吁大家参与。


Students’ Playing Online Games

1. 目前很多学生沉溺于网络游戏;

2. 沉溺于游戏的危害;

3. 作为学生,我的看法。

Is there any young man who views it masculine to “have a long battle” before a computer screen? Is there any young lady who deems it a fashion to spend several hours “planting flower or vegetables in their online yard”? Indeed, this trend is prevailing on almost every university campus.

In just one generation, millions of young clays have stepped into an age of online entertaining, seeking pleasure from these amusing computer programs. Educators and social researcher may consider it an effective way to get students relaxed, but they, as well as all of us, also focus on the side effect: these acts hamper students’ personal development. Specifically, playing games in internet-cafés squanders not only parents’ hard-earned cash, but students’ precious youth-time as well. This squandering habit will definitely do harm to their self-perfection, thus leading to a miserable life.

In view of the destructive effects of playing online games, most of us cannot help advocating the school authorities to work out concrete rule and regulations to put an end to this trend. But that is a passive way and only works on some extreme cases. As entertainment is a necessary part of campus life, an applicable approach is as follows: more entertaining activities, concerning sports, art, and social practice, should be organized to distract students’ attention from digital games.

On Online Games

1. 有人认为网络游戏对学生有利;

2. 有人认为网络游戏对学生有害;

3. 你的看法

Almost every student knows this proverb: only work no play, makes Jack a dull boy. Indeed, in current years, it is not unusual for college students to seek pleasures from online games: schoolboys having a battle before a computer screen, and schoolgirls planting flower or vegetables in their online yard. These games make them refreshed.

In the age of online entertaining, educators do consider it an effective way to get students relaxed, but they, as well as all of us, also focus on the side effect: these acts hamper students’ personal development. Specifically, playing games in internet-cafés squanders not only parents’ hard-earned cash, but students’ precious youth-time as well. This squandering habit will definitely do harm to their self-perfection, thus leading to a miserable life.

Although some people frankly declare their distaste for online entertainment, we can never go to an extreme. As entertainment is an indispensible part of campus life, an applicable approach is as follows: in addition to online games, more activities, concerning sports, art, and social practice, should be organized to distract students’ attention from digital entertainment.

How to Deal With Online Games?

1. 目前很多学生沉溺于网络游戏;

2. 学校应该怎么做?

3. 学生自己应该怎么做?

Traditionally, students are supposed to concentrate on their schooling, but is that the case anymore? Actually, their living themes are no longer “textbooks and notebooks”. Currently, it is not unusual to see schoolboys spending a whole day having a long battle before a computer screen, and schoolgirls planting flower or vegetables in their online yard all day long.

Those acts are definitely detrimental. Therefore drastic measures should be taken before things get worse, of which the following one may be most effective: the school authorities should work out concrete rule and regulations to put an end to this trend. As young clays, some students cannot employ self-regulation as a power tool to get themselves out of the amusing island isolated from the real world. Therefore, school authorities have the duty to put control over these young victims.

However, that is a passive way and only works on some extreme cases. Therefore, control from school is not enough, and students should find ways to rescue themselves. As entertainment is a necessary part of campus life, an applicable approach is as follows: more entertaining activities, concerning sports, art, and social practice, should be organized to distract students’ attention from digital games.


On Students’ Playing Online Games





Emerging from the column chart is a noticeable trend that college students are increasingly indulged in online games. As we can see, the first five years witnessed a slight increase in the average number of hours a student spends on network-based games, which was followed by a dramatic rise in the following half decade.


Emerging from the column chart is a noticeable trend that college students are increasingly indulged in online games. In the years of 2000, the number of hours a student spent on network-based games stayed less than 5 hours per week. In 2010, however, it is expected to soar to 28, which may be almost three times that of 2005.


In just one generation, due to the mushrooming IT industry, millions of young clays have stepped into an age of online entertaining, to seek pleasure and avoid idleness. Educators and social researcher may consider it an effective way to get students relaxed, but they, as well as all of us, also focus on the side effect: these acts hamper students’ personal development. Specifically, playing games in internet-cafés squanders not only parents’ hard-earned cash, but students’ precious youth-time as well. This squandering habit will definitely do harm to their self-perfection, thus leading to a miserable life.


In view of the destructive effects of playing online games, most of us cannot help advocating the school authorities to work out concrete rule and regulations to put an end to this trend. But that is a passive way and only works on some extreme cases. As entertainment is a necessary part of campus life, an applicable approach is as follows: more entertaining activities, concerning sports, art, and social practice, should be organized to distract students’ attention from digital games.


1 5阶段:

Adjgradual / insignificant / moderate/gentle / slight / marginal /

n. :

上升:increase / rise / accumulation

下降:decrease / drop / shrinking


Adj. Rapid / sudden / sharp / dramatic /Significant / immense / substantial

Amazing / alarming / incredible

vi. soar / shoot / rocket/dive / collapse / plunge

3阶段:Reach the peak

vi. The number peaked. /Stay unchanged


Wave tide current trend tendency(剧烈的变化)

Slight fluctuation/Violent .

倡议书Letter of Advocating


1) 描述芙蓉同学的病情;

2) 芙蓉所面对的困难;

3) 呼吁帮助。

19th, Jun.

Dear XXX,

I. 1. 道明来意 2.交待背景

II. 1. 根据提纲罗列 TD1 E1D2E2


III. 重申来意(敦促、致谢、展望)

Yours Sincerely,

Li Ming

Dear friends,

I am extending you this letter, on behalf of the student union, to ask for help for our schoolmate. Furong, a top student, is suffering from lung cancer and has immediately to have a lung operation. To make things worse, she is an orphan, growing up without warm and care from family.


Dear friends,

I am here, on the behalf of the student union, crying for help for the disaster area. Yushu, a beautiful county, was stricken by a terrible earthquake. To make things worse, the local people are now homeless, striving for survival without warm and care from family.

TD1 E1D2E2

In front of Furong lie two difficulties. To begin with, her uncle, who supports her financially, is a laborer, while her boyfriend is now disabled for a car accident. Neither of them can afford her medical expense. In addition, she needs to be taken of care of day and night, as only under careful care can our friend recover from her disease.

Knowing about Furong’s difficult situation, how can we continue to stand by doing nothing? She’s in desperate need of your help, particularly financial donations to help pay her expense. Anyone who would like to offer help can contact us at 139******** or email us at m_rainbird@sina.com.

Thank you very much!

Yours sincerely

Li Ming

Talk sb. out of ……

Dissuade sb. from doing …..

Advise sb. not to do…….

Warn sb. against doing…….

Discourage sb. from doing…..


1) 描述沉溺游戏的危害;

2) 提出应对方案;

3) 呼吁大家参与。

Dear friends,

I am writing, on behalf of the student union, to talk us out of playing online-games too often. Computer game, so-called E-opium, is like a millstone, killing off our precious time. To make things worse, this opium deprives us the enthusiasm of reading, learning and discovering.

In front of us lie two steps to fight against the lure of E-games. Firstly, we are supposed to be aware of the influence these games exert on us: occasionally beneficial, but mostly harmful. That to say, from them, we obtain joy and pleasure at the expense of valuable youth time. After that, we should resort to a decisive countermeasure: to develop healthy new hobbies, no matter it is photographing or physical exercising, to replace the destructive old one.

Knowing about the detrimental effect and seeing corresponding countermeasures, how can we continue to stand by doing nothing? Let’s crack this hard nut! Anyone who would like to join the campaign, please sign your name on this poster!

Thank you very much!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



1、 描述图表

2、 分析原因

3、 个人建议


1. Table: 数据繁杂,点到为止

2. Pie chart: 两种词组(consist of / be composed of)(account for / make up / take up

3. Column chart: 抓两端,点中间

4. Line chart / Line graph:



adv. Slightly /gradually /steadily /insignificantly /gently/marginally/moderately

in a moderate way/by the least amount

v. go upward / increase / rise / grow / ascend / accumulate

go downward / decrease / drop / fall / decline / shrink


v. shoot / jump / soar / skyrocket / leap / surge / swell

collapse / slide / nose-dive / plunge

adv. Considerably dramatically greatly markedly obviously

quickly rapidly sharply significantly suddenly

alarmingly substantially enormously steeply incredibly


by leaps and bounds

by a massive leap

by a wide margin


remain constant / stay the unchanged


fluctuate slightly / dramatically fluctuate between … and …

there is a minor fluctuation


1. It is shown in the chart that …/ As is shown in the chart, …

2. As is illustrated / demonstrated / exhibited / described / manifested in the graph, …

3. From the chart, it can be estimated that / inferred that …

4. The graph reveals/unveils a noticeable trend in current China that …

5. Have you ever anticipated the prospects of … in the coming decades? Let us just take a look at the figures of … as listed in the chart above.

6. The above table clearly mirrors a …. trend in ….

7. Emerging from the chart / latest statistics is a significant trend that …



1. On Extracurricular Reading

2. How to Get Books?

3. My Major and My Future

4. Never Cheat in Examinations


1. Security on Campus

2. How to Spend My Summer Holiday

3. On Computer Games


1. Intelligence or Perseverance

2. On the Sense of Independence


1. On Water Resources

2. On Air Pollution


1. On TV Play Series

2. To Watch Movies Online or At a Cinema


1. On Mutual Assistance

2. On Mutual Trust

3. Shall I Go to A Fitness Club

4. Do Clothes Make a Man



Stuck by a fish-bone in the throat, we may be awkward; asked whether online games are a blessing or curse, we may be even awkward. Some students – rarely diligent ones – claim that E-games make them refreshed. “Having battle before a computer every evening, I can shrug off all the stress from school work.” said a sophomore in Xi’an Jiao Tong University.

However, one man’s meat can be another’s poison. Opponents may hold the totally different view: this online amusement may kill of other students’ enthusiasm, ambition, and chances of personal development. Admittedly, we may say “only work no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Unfortunately, overindulgence in these E-games will definitely deprive students’ of their chances to read, to learn, and to grow.

As a college student, I am aware that online games are indeed a source of pleasure, but the source of pleasure is not merely them. Wining a sports game, achieving an academic scholarship, or reading a classic may be a greater joy than playing a computer game.


Have you ever seen school boys “having a long battle” before a computer screen? Have you ever found school girls “planting flowers or vegetables” in their online yard? In students’ mind, playing these online games is merely daily occurrence. In teachers’ or parents’ eyes, however, these games are E-opium, killing off youngsters’ precious time.

Admittedly, we may say “only work no play makes Jack a dull boy.” However, overindulgence in these E-games will definitely deprive students’ of their chances to read, to learn, and to grow. The following consequence is not unfamiliar but unpleasant: some students, attracted by online games, spend almost 10 hours per day, seeking pleasure from games, at the cost of their schoolwork, at the cost of their youth, and even at the cost of their life.

As a college student, I am aware that online games are indeed a source of pleasure, but the source of pleasure is not merely them. Wining a sports game, achieving an academic scholarship, or reading a classic may be a greater joy than playing a computer game.


If you steal from one author, it's plagiarism; if you steal from many, its research.


In just one generation, millions of mothers have gone to work, transforming basic family economics. Scholars, policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect: family risk has risen as well. Today’s families have budgeted to the limits of their new two-paycheck status. As a result, they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback – a back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick. …



A = B

A C+

A C-

C- : C1-, C2-, C3-, …, Cn-


C- occurs in that ____.

[A] C+ [B] B

[C] C2- [D] D

