2019学年高一英语上学期第一次月考试题新人教版 新 版

发布时间:2019-04-22 09:02:57



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)



1 .Where does Jim come from

A. Ireland. B. Scotland. C. Wales.

2 .How old is the boy

A. 14. B. 16. C. 17.

3. What will the man do on Friday?

A. Eat out with the woman. B. Go on a business trip. C. Attend a party.

4 .Which band does the woman like best

A. The Australian band. B. The French band. C. The Canadian band.

5 .What are the speakers discussing

A. How to go to school. B. Whether to go to school. C. Where to repair the car.



听第6段材料,回答第6 7

6 .Where is the girl’s boat now

A. Under a bridge. B. Near a little island. C. In the center of the lake.

7 .When will the girl meet the boy

A. In about an hour. B. In about thirty minutes. C. In about fifteen minutes.

听第7段材料,回答第8 9

8 .What are the speakers mainly talking about

A. An interview. B. An English class. C. A piece of homework.

9 .What did Mr. Gray talk a lot about

A. The methods of learning English.

B. The culture of some countries.

C. The rules in the classroom.


10.When did the girl go camping

A. Last Wednesday. B. Last Friday. C. Last Saturday.

11 .How did the girl feel about building a campfire

A. Frightened. B. Excited. C. Disappointed.

12.With whom will the boy go camping

A. His classmates. B. His parents. C. His cousin.


13. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At home. B. At school. C. At a restaurant.

14.Who does the girl usually talk to when she is upset

A. Her friends. B. Her parents. C. Her teachers.

15. Where would the girl talk with her friend?

A. In a shopping center. B. In a classroom. C. In a cafe.

16. What does the man suggest the girl do?

A. Study hard.

B. Shop with her friends.

C. Get in touch with her friends often.


17.Why is the speaker usually hungry by lunchtime

A. She doesn’t eat biscuits at work.

B. She only has a drink for breakfast.

C. She works very hard.

18.When does the speaker end her lunch break

A. At about 1:15. B. At about 2:00. C. At about 2:15.

19.What does the speaker drink for lunch

A. Tea. B. Coffee. C. Water.

20. What does the speaker think of her life?

A. Stressful. B. Enjoyable. C. Unhealthy.





Sunrise Hike

Saturday, October 21, 6:45 am---7:45 am

Enjoy sunrise from the hilltop as you learn about wildlife, plants, history and forest. Ages 8 and up; under 18 with an adult. To register (报名)by phone, call 630-933-7248.

Meet in the parking lot on the west side of Greene Road south of 79th Street. Dress for the weather, wear comfortable shoes and bring water.

Trick Or Treat

Saturday, October 28, 9:00 am---11:30 am

You and your family are invited to join the YMCA for a Halloween hike up Badger Mountain! Make sure to wear your Halloween costumes (戏装)!

Free shirts for the first 200 kids registered. Remember to take away your shirt by 11:30 am or it will be given away.

Cost: Trick or Treat is a FREE event.

Discovery Hike

Thursday, October 26, 1:00 pm---4:00 pm; Ages 3-8

Fall is pumpkin time. Listen to a pumpkin story and learn how pumpkins grow. Then we will head out on the path in search of a little pumpkin just for you and maybe, we will find the great pumpkin along the way. $7 per child.

Harvest Day Camp

Monday, October 31, 8:00 am---5:00 pm

Harvest Camp is an opportunity for children aged 5-13 to find the wonder of autumn at Keystone Science School and enjoy all the fun the Halloween season offers. We’ll explore the ways our natural environment has changed from summer to fall. As always, our programming is focused on building skills, knowledge and confidence. Cost: $0.00.

21. What do these activities have in common?

A. They are designed only for children.

B. They are held in a mountain.

C. They are to celebrate Halloween.

D. They all take place in autumn.

22. In which activity might children get free clothes?

A. Sunrise Hike

B. Discovery Hike

C. Harvest Day Camp

D. Trick Or Treat

23. What can children do on the last day of October?

A. Listen to a pumpkin story.

B. Hike with their parents.

C. Enjoy the beauty of autumn.

D. Learn about wildlife and forest.


It’s never easy to explain exactly when a specific language began, and in the case of English we can hardly regard it as a separate language before the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain. Germanic invaders (入侵者) came and settled in Britain from the north-western coastline of continental Europe in the fifth centuries. The invaders all spoke a language that was Germanic (related to Dutch, Frisian, German and the Scandinavian languages), but we’ll probably never know how different their speech was from that of their continental neighbors.

The reason that we know so little about the language in this period is because we do not have much in the way of written records from any of the Germanic languages until several centuries later. When Old English writings began to appear in the seventh and eighth centuries there was a good deal of regional variation (变化), but not more than that found in later periods.

The Celts already lived in Britain when the Anglo-Saxons arrived, but there are few obvious signs of their language in English today. Some scholars have suggested that the Celtic tongue might have had some influence on the grammatical development of English, particularly in some parts of the country, but this is highly speculative (猜测). The number of borrowed words that have entered Old English from this language is very small. Those that survive in modern English include comb (a type of valley), alongside some place names.

24. When did the English language begin?

A. After the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain.

B. Before the Germanic invaders settled in Britain.

C. At a time that no one will know for certain.

D. At the same time as Germanic languages began.

25. Continental neighbors in Paragraph 1 refer to people living in _____.

A. Great Britain B. Africa C. Europe D. Ireland

26. Why do people know so little about the language in Britain in the Anglo-Saxon period?

A. There are no written records from the Germanic languages.

B. Old English didn’t have any written system.

C. Much of the written records have been lost.

D. There was a good deal of variation in the records.

27. What does the author think about the Celtic language?

A. It influenced the grammatical development of English.

B. It had little influence on modern English.

C. It borrowed a few words from Old English.

D. It greatly enriched modern English vocabulary.


For the brave in the army, being sent away from home is just part of the duty. However, it’s never easy especially for those with children. So, when I found out I was going to stay in South Korea for a year, I was nervous about how my five children, particularly my eldest daughter Abigail, would take the news since it meant I wouldn’t be home to see her graduate from high school.

To my surprise, Abigail told me not to worry and even suggested we make the news known among family members. We’ve been lucky you haven’t had to be sent abroad yet. Anyway, we can get connected through the Internet. See me on your phone. Abigail said. She stepped into many of my roles when I was gone. I wanted to find a way to thank her and show her how proud I was of her. I started planning the special surprise when my request to return home a few weeks earlier to attend Abigail’s graduation ceremony(典礼) was approved.

When my time in South Korea finally came to an end, I flew home, and stayed in a hotel. On Abigail’s graduation day, I hid in an office behind the stage waiting until I heard her name called. I just kept thinking Don’t cry. Don’t trip in your heels. Don’t fall over. At last! Abigail was up on stage. I slipped up behind her, whispered in her ear, and around she turned! I was just thinking, like, ‘You aren’t supposed to be here. What? What? How?’ It was the biggest shock... I’m pretty sure my dad made people he didn’t even know cry. Emotional for everyone. Abigail cried.

You know what followed: embraces, kisses, tears, laughs, flowers, wishes...; aren’t they what a family have in store?

28. What worried the author most?

A. His duty in South Korea. B. His five children’s safety.

C. His eldest daughter’s study. D. His absence from a big event.

29. What can we learn about Abigail from the story?

A. She got angry because her father had to leave home.

B. She took good care of the other four kids when her father was away.

C. She was the smartest kid in her family.

D. She gave a speech to express her thanks to her father on graduation day.

30. How did Abigail feel when meeting her father?

A. Embarrassed. B. Overjoyed. C. Nervous. D. Satisfied.

31. What does the author mainly intend to express by telling the story?

A. A soldier’s personal sacrifice (牺牲).

B. A father’s contribution to a family.

C. The meaning of family tie.

D. The way to plan a big surprise.


What do you usually do to comfort your friends when they are sad? You probably pat them on the shoulder, or give them a warm hug.

We used to think that knowing when and how to comfort others was an ability that only humans have. But scientists have discovered that apes (猩猩) have this ability too.

Two researchers from Emory University in Atlanta, US, went to an Ape Protection Centre in Congo to study bonobos (倭黑猩猩), which are closely related to humans.

The researchers analyzed the bonobos’ reactions (反应) after more than 370 cases of stressful situations, such as fights and losing temper, and found that some bonobos rushed to hug those that were screaming after being attacked, just like humans would have done.

However, researchers found that not all bonobos were able to comfort others. In the protection center, many bonobos are orphans whose mothers were killed by hunters. They were found to be more worried in times of tension and have greater difficulty controlling their own emotions, making them worse at reaching out to help friends in need.

Orphans, who have not had the benefit of a mother helping them handling their emotions, are much worse at comforting others, Professor Frans de Waal told The Telegraph. Bonobos with moms were able to curb their negative emotional reactions more quickly. Therefore, they pay more attention to others.

This pattern mirrors the way that human children have been found to react. Those who are good at handling their own emotions—for example, those who can calm themselves down more quickly after upsetting experiences—are usually better at expressing their concerns for others.

32. The 5th paragraph is mainly developed by________

A. making comparisons B. following time order

C. giving examples D. presenting causes and effects

33. The underlined word curb in the 6th paragraph probably means________”.

A. express B. watch C. hide D. control

34. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Orphan bonobos never give a hand to friends.

B. There were 370 bonobos in the research.

C. Moms play an important role in dealing with kids’ emotions.

D. Only human beings have the ability to comfort others.

35. What’s the main purpose of this passage?

A. To provide better protection for Apes.

B. To inform readers of a new study.

C. To uncover the mystery of Apes.

D. To compare human behaviors with Apes’.

第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)


If you are like most international students, you are probably comfortable reading and writing in English. 36 __ Below are some tips to help you to improve your conversational skills.

Make friends with American students. Many international students end up making friends with a lot of—or only—other international students. 37 __ Hanging out with natives not only naturally pushes you to improve your spoken English, but also helps you pick up cultural and social information.

Learn from American friends. Tell your American friends that you are trying to improve your listening and speaking skills, and would like them to help you. If you pronounce a word incorrectly, or misuse an idiom, you ask them to guide you. 38 __

Increase your knowledge. 39 __ If you are familiar with the topics that are likely to be discussed in conversation, you have a much better chance of understanding people when they talk, and of being able to express yourself well.

40 __ If you have to explain something to someone, you have a strong motivation to pronounce everything as well as you can, and find other ways to explain yourself. Finally, this becomes a good habit. Many people have asked me how I learned to speak English fluently, and I owe most of it to my years of being a math teacher in college for years.

A. It is bad for them to do that.

B. You will make progress this way.

C. Become a teacher at your school, if possible.

D. It's a winwin opportunity for international students.

E. Keep up with news and watch popular shows and movies.

F. Explaining everything in a different way matters.

G. However, you may have trouble in listening and speaking in the language.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分45分)

第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(ABC D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

On the first day of my school life in the USA, I showed a great interest in marketing class(营销课). My teacher, Mrs. Tolman, suggested I 41 a marketing club called DECA attracting students with talent and interest in 42 . So I did.
The first 43 was to collect money for the marketing competition by selling candles. Mrs. Tolman said the competition was due in a week and that 40 percent of the 44 would go into my personal account (个人账户).
At the beginning, I tried to sell candles to my host mom. She said that if I could 45 confidence and do a wonderful sales presentation, she would buy some. I started my presentation with a 46 handshake. Then I introduced the candles and the special sales I could offer and 47 her that our candles were perfect for gifts and home decorations. Finally she bought three. Greatly 48 I decided to sell them in the neighborhood. On Saturday morning, with great courage, I knocked at the door of my first potential 49 .

I’m a student and we are 50 money for DECA. I’m trying to sell...

Not today, sorry, the man stopped me and 51 the door. Embarrassed, I walked away and said to myself the 52 thing that might happen was being refused like that again. I couldn’t even count how many times I was 53 with reasons like Not today or I don’t have any 54 money. 55 , I had to continue. 56 , a woman kindly bought $60 worth of candles. I couldn’t even hide my 57 and said Thank you very much to her with a bow.

After a 58 hard work, I turned in my $408. I was 59 to find out I was the second highest seller in all classes.

It was the first time that I had worked as a salesperson. Now I look back on this experience with satisfaction, and I feel glad that I did not 60 in face of difficulties.

41. A. hold B. join C. build D. attend

42. A. business B. English C. math D. sports

43. A. chance B. way C. challenge D. choice

44. A. income B. candles C. business D. expense

45. A. express B. expect C. make D. show

46. A. firm B. sudden C. rude D. uncertain

47. A. commanded B. persuaded C. explained D. requested

48. A. satisfied B. disappointed C. shocked D. encouraged

49. A. businessman B. seller C. buyer D. shopkeeper

50. A. lending B. raising C. returning D. borrowing

51. A. opened B. knocked C. broke into D. shut

52. A. worst B. uneasy C. best D. tiring

53. A. forbidden B. allowed C. refused D. demanded

54. A. small B. extra C. little D. left

55. A. Therefore B. So C. However D. For

56. A. Besides B. Secondly C. Firstly D. Finally

57. A. concerns B. embarrassment C. excitement D. sadness

58. A. week’s B. hour’s C. day’s D. month’s

59. A. puzzled B. surprised C. calm D. lucky

60. A. give away B. give out C. give off D. give in


ABC D四个选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

61. Everything comes with ____ price; there is no such ____ thing as a free lunch in the world.

A. a; a B. the; / C. the; a D. a; /

62. It was when we were returning home _____ I realized what a good feeling it was to have

helped someone in trouble.

A. that B. which C. how D. where

63. —Is this the first time that you ______ Nanchang?

—No. But it has been 3 years since I last ____ here.

A. visit; come B. visited; came

C. have visited; came D. have visited; come

64. Have you __ your things? The train is leaving at 4 o’clock, so we don’t have too much time.

A. added up B. packed up C. set down D. hidden away

65. She pretended to be calm but _____she was very nervous when she was being questioned.

A. in actual B. as matter of fact C. actually D. in a fact




66. The old lady is r_____ from loss of memory with the new medicine.

67. Because of his accent, it’s easy to tell he is a n____ instead of a tourists.

68. The new words will soon be forgotten unless f______ used in everyday life.

69. If you have a good c______ of English, you can get used to the life in Britain quickly.

70. Things have ________ (逐渐地) improved.

71. We’ve had some quarrels and _______ (分歧), but we are still good friends.

72. He was too drunk to walk _______(笔直地).

73. —Can you r_______ Jennifer’s mother in the crowd?

—Yes, she is tall and has red hair.
74. After the terrible earthquake, the whole city was destroyed __________.(整个地).

75. The English spoken in the news is believed to be __________(标准的).


第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Mr. Smith had a 8-year-old son named Tony, who enjoyed listen to music very much. So he bought a piano to Tony, hoping that he could become a famous pianist one day. The little boy put her heart into practising the piano day after day and seems to enjoy every minute of it. Therefore, half a year later, he told his father that he was tired practising the piano. Hear this, Mr. Smith said, Tony, it is one thing to be fond of listening to music, but it is another thing to perform good by yourself. You can never play the piano well even if you don’t practise more.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假设你是李华,你在美国夏令营认识的朋友Mike给你来信说他最近沉迷于电脑(Internet addiction)难以控制。请你给他回一封信,告诉他网瘾可能会导致成绩下降、健康状况恶化、与家人产生矛盾等问题,并提出一些建议。

注意: 1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mike,

I am glad to hear from you.________________________________________________



Li Hua



一、听力部分 1-5 ABBCA 6-10 CBBCC 11-15 BAABA 16-20 CACCB

二、阅读理解 21-23 DDC 24-27 ACAB 28-31DBBC 32-35 ADCB 36-40.GABEC

三、完型填空 41-45 BACAD 46-50 ABDCB 51-55DACBC 56-60 DCABD

四、单项填空 61-65 DACBC
五、单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

66. recovering 67. native 68.frequently 69.command 70. gradually

71. disagreements 72.straight 73.recognize 74. entirely 75. standard


1.a----an 2.listen----listening; 3.to----for; 4. her---his

5.seems-seemed 6.Therefore---However7.tired后面加of 8. Hear----Hearing9.good-well 10.去掉even

七、书面表达 (满分25分)

Dear Jack,

I am glad to hear from you. As your close friend, I’d like to talk about the harm of Internet addiction to you as I feel worried to know that you have wasted lots of valuable time playing the Internet games.

As we know, the Internet is a convenient tool to improve our knowledge and skills. However, our life will be greatly affected if we are addicted to it. For example your grades may go down and your health will be going from bad to worse. To make things worse, it can also damage the relationship with your family. So I think it is high time that you got rid of the bad habit. It is a good idea for you to read some meaningful books and do some physical exercise.

I am looking forward to hearing your good news soon


Li Hua




1倘若把砥砺奋进的人生比作一把刀,那么信念就是一块磨刀石。用好这块磨刀石,能 让人的思想刀锋遇风雨而不锈蚀,让人在迷茫中看到希望,让人于困境中逆势而上。

2信念能磨出追求的执着。人生之路坎坷不平,往往机会与暗礁并存,光明与黯淡同 在。心灯不灭,才能“不畏浮云遮望眼”;坚定信心,才能“咬定青山不放松”。当年,闽东苏区失陷后,革命队伍失散,曾志尝尽了失群孤雁的辛酸苦辣。凭着对党和革命事业的忠贞信 念,她历时20 个月艰辛寻党,终于重新投进了党的温暖怀抱。回溯历史,正是葆有对信念的 执着,无数共产党人面对刀山火海而不畏惧,遭遇坎坷险境而不退缩,最终实现了革命理想。

3 做事情,难免遭遇挫折与失意。面对逆境,如果失去信心与希望,必然意志颓丧、一蹶不振;倘若信念如磐,就会不畏山高路远,在困境中磨砺出直面打击而不退却的坚忍,拥有前行受阻而不言弃的笃定,最终“一览众山小”。信念磨砺意志,意志支撑坚忍,坚忍助力成长,这何尝不是一条成功之道?



22.阅读文章,你懂得了什么道理? (2 )


23.结合上下文,为第3段横线处补写恰当的内容。(2 )

24.人生路上难免会遇到绊脚石。结合文章内容及生活实际,说说你怎样把绊脚石变成垫 脚石。(3 )














其实我们平时可能都在读书,但是有不同的目的,我分析了 一下,大约有三种目的。第一种是为了实用的目的,譬如说你的专业,你的职业需要你读一些书,或者你读一些炒股的书、养生的书,如果你光有这样的读书,我不认为你是一个有阅读习惯的人。第二种目的是消遣,工作累了,业余的时间翻翻报纸,上上网,看看八卦新闻,或者拿一本书在手里,纯粹是为了放松一下,这也不属于我说的阅读。那么在我看来,第三种阅读才是真正的阅读,就是作为精神生活的阅读,通过阅读,你感到精神上的餘悦,得到精神上的提升,从书籍中汲取精神营养,让自己在精神上成长,内心变得丰富、充实,只有这样才是我们所提倡的阅读。




阅读能 【甲】 ,能养生,我还要加上能 【乙】 。一个人读不读书,



24. 根据文意,将文章【甲】【乙】两处的内容补充完整。(每空限填两个字)(2分)


25. 阅读第段,简要分析作者是如何就阅读能够养生展开论证的。(3分)


26. 读了这篇文章,你会有怎样的收获,请结合你的生活和阅读体验做简要说明。(3分)


24. 答案示例:养心 养颜(2分)

25. 答案示例:首先提出本段的观点阅读能够养生;然后论述了心态好是最重要的养生,读书可以调整心态;最后以大学者中寿星多和自己的养生之道为例,证明了读书能养生。(3分)

26. 答案示例:读书可以养心。初三学习压力大,我感到疲惫时,曾想过放弃。但当我读到《论语》中的学而不厌时,我端正了学习态度,内心安静下来,继续专心致志去读书。(3分)

2019学年高一英语上学期第一次月考试题新人教版 新 版
