
发布时间:2014-01-17 18:45:28



My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling 1 , but I always knew he was 2 . He never criticized us, but used 3 to bring out our best. He’d say, If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t give them water, they die. I 4 as a child I said something 5 about somebody, and my father said, 6 time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you. He explained that if I looked for the best 7 people, I would get the best 8 . From then on I’ve always tried to 9 the principle in my life and later in running my company.

Dad’s also always been very 10 . At 15, I started a magazine. It was 11 a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a 12 stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.

I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision, 13 any good father would. When he realized I had made up my mind, he said, Richard, when I was 23, my dad 14 me to go into law. And I’ve 15 regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist, 16 I didn’t pursue my 17 . You know what you want. Go fulfill it.

As 18 turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national 19 for young people in the U.K. My wife and I have two children, and I’d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad 20 me.

1. A. biologist B. manager C. lawyer D. gardener

2. A. strict B. honest C. special D. learned

3. A. praise B. courage C. power D. warmth

4. A. think B. imagine C. remember D. guess

5. A. unnecessary B. unkind C. unimportant D. unusual

6. A. Another B. Some C. Any D. Other

7. A. on B. in C. at D. about

8. A. in case B. by turns C. by chance D. in return

9. A. revise B. set C. review D. follow

10. A. understanding B. experienced C. serious D. demanding

11. A. taking up B. making up C. picking up D. keeping up

12. A. suggestion B. decision C. notice D. choice

13. A. and B. as C. even if D. as if

14. A. helped B. allowed C. persuaded D. suggested

15. A. always B. never C. seldom D. almost

16. A. rather B. but C. for D. therefore

17. A. promise B. task C. belief D. dream

18. A. this B. he C. it D. that

19. A. newspaper B. magazine C. program D. project

20. A. controlled B. comforted C. reminded D. raise


1~5 CCACB 6~10 CBDDA 11~15 ADBCA 16~20 BDCBD


Every day on Amelia’s way to work she had to pass a slum. But despite being a 1 worker, she had never paid much attention to it. 

This 2 when she met a ragged boy named Jack. Jack knew that 3 was the head of social services, and was sure she could help. 

He reached out his hand to 4 her, and said, Can you 5 me? I’m looking hard for my dad.

His hands were 6 cold that Amelia could not help 7 them. She said, What’s up? My mom is sick and too 8 to get up. Her birthday is coming. I know my father’s coming back would be the best 9 . We really love him, and need him.

So what’s his name? What does he do? Amelia 10 . 

He said, I’ve no idea. My mama said he had 11 us before I was two years old.

Amelia was 12 moved and said, Take me to your home, son.

He 13 her to a small hut where Amelia 14 a woman who knew her life was near its 15 . She said to Amelia, Please find a 16 for my son. Please don’t leave him alone in the 17 .

Amelia took her hand and nodded, with 18 running from her eyes. God had an answer to her prayer as well, since her husband and she had no 19 , and had been wanting a child for a long time. Ever since Amelia 20 Jack into her home they have felt full of joy and laughter. 

1. A. nationalB. social C. medical D. official

2. A. promotedB. changed C. happened D. began

3. A. whoB. he C. she D. it

4. A. feel B. move C. make D. touch

5. A. helpB. hearC. follow D. recall

6. A. soB. suchC. too D. quite

7. A. buryingB. holding C. robbing D. hugging

8. A. terribleB. thin C. weakD. painful

9. A. freedomB. reliefC. comfort D. present

10. A. askedB. wondered C. doubted D. witnessed

11. A. leftB. threw C. stole D. lost

12. A. closelyB. deeply C. widely D. carefully

13. A. explainedB. introduced C. led D. apologised

14. A. watched B. observed C. found D. saw

15. A. top B. bottomC. tip D. end

16. A. relativeB. houseC. home D. friend

17. A. earthB. open C. world D. air

18. A. waterB. tears C. laughter D. sweat

19. A. childrenB. money C. roomD. place

20. A. tookB. changedC. turned D. sent


. 完形填空(记叙文)

When 11-year-old Aubyn Burnside heard about how many children in foster care programs are forced to carry their belongings in garbage bags because they cannot afford suitcases, she was shocked and saddened. I thought they must feel like 1 themselves, she said. So, Aubyn 2 Suitcases for Kids, dedicating herself 3 ensuring that every child in foster care would have a bag of his or her own. 

In the beginning, Aubyn spent her time 4 posters and local speeches in her community of Hickory, North Carolina. I expected to start seeing some donations of 5 . I figured people would be getting 6 luggage as Christmas gifts, and in turn would get rid of their old luggage.

But for three weeks, she 7 nothing. Determined not to give up, Aubyn and her mother visited the Salvation Army, and 8 31 suitcases for $15. This helped launch her 9 and eventually donor suitcases started 10  in mass quantities. 

Six years later, Aubyn has 11 over 25, 000 suitcases, and her charity has chapters in every state and in over ten foreign countries. She has been 12 in the National Geographic Hall of Fame, inducted into(入选) the National Caring Institute in Washington, D. C. , and received an award 13 Prudential for spirit in her community. 

But, Aubyn is modest about her organization’s overwhelming 14 . It has to be a shocking 15 for these kids, she says, and I just wanted to 16 .

Aubyn and her mother hit the road at least once a week, speaking at churches, schools, and 17 community groups. Each time they leave behind a starter kit(振动器) 18 other kids can get involved—and a message of hope. Aubyn says, Age is no limit.  19  can do whatever they set their mind on doing. And one kid can 20 a difference.

1. A. paperB. letters C. goods D. garbage

2. A. createdB. organized C. founded D. launched

3. A. forB. to C. at D. into

4. A. makingB. using C. helping D. protecting

5. A. moneyB. suitcases C. cars D. boxes

6. A. newB. niceC. ripe D. rapid

7. A. acceptedB. received C. reached D. bought

8. A. concentratedB. mixingC. purchased D. chose

9. A. newspaperB. permissionC. preparationD. organization

10. A. arrivingB. booking C. appearing D. operating

11. A. mendedB. collected C. listed D. parked

12. A. understoodB. realizedC. recognized D. felt

13. A. withinB. on C. about D. from

14. A. successB. encouragement C. comfort D. profit

15. A. knock B. experience C. change D. product

16. A. helpB. realizeC. quitD. live

17. A. realB. rare C. local D. kind

18. A. beforeB. and C. although D. so

19. A. FriendsB. Helpers C. AdultsD. Kids

20. A. buildB. developC. make D. leave



It was 11:30 in the evening. A 1 American lady of about seventy was standing on the side of an Alabama 2 trying to bear a pouring rainstorm. Her car had 3 and at the moment she 4 needed a ride. Wet to the skin, she decided to flag down the next 5 . A young white man stopped to help her—generally unheard 6 in those conflict-filled (矛盾冲突) 1960s. The man 6 her to safety in his car, and 8 a taxicab (a kind of car) for her. She seemed to be in a great 9 . She wrote down his 10 , thanked him and drove away. Several days went by and a 11 came on the man’s door. To his 12 , a very big color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was 13 to it. It read: Dear sir, thank you so much for assisting a(an) 14 coloured woman on the freeway 15 night. The rain 16 wet all over not only my clothes 17 my spirits. Then you 18 along. Because of you, I was 19 to make it my dying husband’s bedside just 20 he passed away. God bless you for helping me and kindly serving others. Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Dole.

1. A. black B. white C. poor D. sick

2. A. railway B. freeway C. street D. avenue

3. A. broken up B. speeded up C. broken down D. slowed down

4. A. seriously B. badly C. fairly D. probably

5. A. bus B. truck C. taxi D. car

6. A. from B. by C. before D. of

7. A. put B. led C. fetched D. took

8. A. hired B. took C. sent D. asked

9. A. need B. help C. hurry D. trouble

10. A. address B. number C. name D. words

11. A. lady B. salesman C. letter D. knock

12. A. surprise B. delight C. joy D. satisfaction

13. A. offered B. given C. stuck D. written

14. A. aged B. dark C. lucky D. unhappy

15. A. another B. the other C. other D. any

16. A. let B. made C. had D. turned

17. A. and B. but C. or D. otherwise

18. A. got B. went C. ran D. came

19. A. able B. ready C. likely D. willing

20. A. after B. before C. until D. since


1~5 ABCBD 6~10 DDACA 11~15 BACAB 16~20 BBDAB



A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a hole. All the other frogs 1 . When they saw how 2 the hole was, they told the two frogs that they would 3 soon.

At first, both of the two frogs didn’t 4 their words and tried their best to jump out of the hole. The other frogs 5 telling them to stop, because they thought there was no 6 to jump out of such a deep hole. Finally, one of the two frogs believed these words and 7 . He fell down and 8 .

The other frog 9 to jump as hard as he could. 10 , the crowd of frogs shouted at him to stop the 11 and just die. He jumped even harder and finally 12 . When he got out, the other frogs asked, Didn’t you hear us? To their great 13 , the frog turned out to be 14 . He thought they were 15 him all the time, not stopping him.

This story teaches two lessons: There is power of life and death in the 16 . Well-meant words can help people in trouble. But, evil words sometimes can 17 them. Be careful of what you 18 .

Remember the 19 of words. Anyone can speak words that are likely to make people give up in 20 times.

1. A. looked around B. looked up C. looked down D. looked back

2. A. big B. dangerous C. dark D. deep

3. A. get out B. die C. escape D. jump out

4. A. support B. take C. care D. understand

5. A. began B. kept C. regretted D. considered

6. A. need B. use C. chance D. time

7. A. gave out B. gave up C. gave in D. gave off

8. A. died B. cried C. slept D. lay

9. A. started B. had C. continued D. decided

10. A., Once again B. In time C. At last D. Sooner or later

11. A. movement B. practice C. pain D. exercise

12. A. died B. succeeded C. fell D. failed

13. A. joy B. sadness C. anger D. surprise

14. A. angry B. blind C. sad D. deaf

15. A. stopping B. helping C. laughing at D. worrying about

16. A. way B. mind C. tongue D. sentence

17. A. kill B. control C. save D. cheat

18. A. say B. do C. think D. hear

19. A. meaning B. secret C. power D. choice

20. A. happy B. urgent C. interesting D. difficult


1~5 CDBCB 6~10 CBACA 11~15 CBDDB 16~20 CAACD

