第四册第一单元passage A

发布时间:2012-12-10 09:22:24

1. prejudice: n.偏见、成见、歧视

Women still have to face a great deal of prejudice in the workplace.

Prejudice against black people is common in many parts of America.

to the prejudice of…[正式用法]不利、有损于

Harry continued to smoke, to the prejudice of his health.


Johnson’s pleasant manner prejudiced the jury in his favor.


2. stereotype: n.模式化的思想(形象),老一套

the stereotype of a woman who stays at home with children

v. 常用被动,对产生成见,把模式化

Homeless people are often stereotyped as a bunch of alcoholics.

3. gloomy:阴郁的、沮丧的、令人沮丧的、幽暗的

a gloomy face

a gloomy study

a gloomy economic forecast

4. cheerful:快乐的、兴高采烈的、令人愉快的、令人振奋的

a cheerful smile/face

a cheerful kitchen

a cheerful letter

5. unsung hero:?

6. petty vs. pretty

7. glaring: 引人注目的、十分显眼的 glaring mistake / error:明显的错误

8. omission: 省略、遗漏 The omission of her name was not a deliberate act.

a glaring omission:显而易见的严重疏忽

9. despite the fact that…尽管

10. presence vs. absence

11. minor vs. major

12. marginalize:使边缘化,使处于不重要并且无权势的地位


Unemployed youths living on the margins of society生活在社会边缘的失业青年

13. as opposed to:形成对照 = in contrast with (to)

14. abusive:骂人的、谩骂的 drug abuse, child abuse

15. deadbeat: AmE informal:懒鬼、二流子、赖账的人

16. merit: v.值得,应得到 =deserve

Your suggestion merits serious consideration.


17. dubious:不太可靠的、令人生疑的

This deal sounds highly dubious to me.这笔交易在我看来十分靠不住。

18. gutter:屋檐边的雨水槽,路边的排水沟

19. respond:回答、响应、反响

I inivited her to dinner but she didn't respond.

n. response

20. syndrome:综合症

21. glowing:热情赞扬的 v.发出柔和稳定的光,由于运动或强烈情感面部发红、容光焕发 n.光亮、光辉; 运动后或兴奋时脸上的红润光泽 a healthy rosy glow in her cheeks

22. commitment: n.承诺,保证,献身

23. flexibility:灵活性、弹性 flexible:灵活的、可变通的;易弯曲的、有弹性的

We can be flexible about where you work.


24. insulting:侮辱的、无礼的 v.insult 区分:insulate:使绝缘、使隔音、使隔热

25. status:法律地位、身份、状况

marital status婚姻状况

社会地位 high/low status

status symbol:社会地位的象征

26. flaunt:夸耀、炫耀 In New York, the rich flount their wealth while the poor starve on the streets.

27. implication:含义、暗示 imply

28. by the same token:出于同样原因、同样地

29. entail:使……成为必要、需要、使蒙受、使承担

30. the society at large 全社会 the world/country/public at large 全世界/全国/全体民众

31. throw up one's hand:认输、放弃

32. obsolete:废弃的、淘汰的、过时的

33. reactionary:反动的、保守的

34. discipline:纪律、训练

35. acknowledge:承认、公认

He is unwilling to acknowledge defeat.


I have to acknowledge the force of his argument.


She is acknowledged as the best tennis-player in the world.


36. strive to do:努力做某事

The film stutio is striving to improve its public image.

strive for / after:而努力、奋斗

strive for a better life

Passage B A Manifesto for Men

1. manifesto:宣言、声明

2. a better deal: 更好的待遇

a fair deal vs. a rough/raw deal=unfiar treatment

Women tend to get a raw deal from employers.女性往往受到雇主的不公平对待。

3. modernity:现代性

4. expansive:面积广阔的、辽阔的


5. conquer:征服、攻克、得胜

6. go places:获得成功

7. get in one’s way :挡住...的路

8. There is no point (in) doing sth.做某事无意义

9. stoke up:放燃料于火或炉中

10. enact:制定法律、通过法案

11. clue:线索

12. enduring:持久的、不朽的

13. collapse:倒塌、崩溃、瓦解

14. division of labor:劳动力分工

15. serve one’s need:满足某人的需要

16. fall apart:崩溃、瓦解、破碎

17. sack:解雇

18. subcontract:转包、分包(工程)

19. mediate:调停、调解、斡旋

20. demonstrate:示范、展示、游行

21. stuck in:困在、被卡在

22. soured:酸腐的、刻薄的

23. fair wind:顺风

24. liberationn. 解放, 解放运动(为获得平等权利和地位的行为

25. fertility:繁殖能力、生育能力、肥沃

26. conservative:保守的、守旧的

27. underpin:从下头支撑、支撑,(论据、主张等)打下基础;加强;巩固

28. rule out宣布不可能; 排除的可能性

29. sphere:  (兴趣或活动的)范围, 领域, 阶层;界

30. stifle: (使)窒息; (使)窒闷

31. paramount: 最高的, 至上的;首要的, 主要的

32. by implication: 含蓄地, 暗示地

33. domesticity:家庭生活

34. child-rearing养育子女, 抚养子女

35. drudgery苦工;贱役;单调沉闷的工作

36. fundamentally:根本上

37. passage of time:时间推移

38. dump: vt.倾倒, 抛弃, 倾销, 抛售

39. scrap heap:垃圾堆

40. sound: adj.有效的, 全面的, 健康的, 完好的, 酣睡的

41. put faith in:相信、信任

42. con:骗局

43. initiate:开始、创始

44. persist in:坚持、坚决做

45. prerogative:特权

46. largely:大部分、主要的

47. competent:足够的、有能力的、胜任的

48. hang on to:紧紧抓住、坚持下去

49. salvage:救助、打捞、抢救

50. inhabit:居住于、占据

51. inarticulate:不善言辞的

52. dilemma:困境、进退两难

第四册第一单元passage A
