

作者:E. Louise Thomas PhD, Jimmy D Bell PhD, Aidan Makwana M. Eng, Rexford Newbould PhD, Anil W. Rao PhD, Giulio Gambarota PhD, Paul M. Matthews MD, John D. Beaver PhD, Gary Frost PhD, Bruno Delafont MS, Rajesh G. Mishra MD, ,Evan S. Berk PhD, Susan M. Schwartz PhD 作者单位:
E. Louise Thomas 博士、Jimmy D Bell博士:英国伦敦帝国理工学院代谢分子临床科学中心;
Aidan Makwana M.工程师、Rexford Newbould博士、Anil W. Rao博士、Giulio Gambarota博士、Paul M.Matthews医学博士、John D. Beaver 博士:英国伦敦葛兰素史克临床成像中心;
Gary Forst博士:英国伦敦理工学院哈默史密斯医院营养和营养学研究小组;
Bruno Delafont硕士:英国伦敦葛兰素史克公司生物识别部; Rajesh G. Mishra 医学博士、Evan S. Berk博士、Susan M. Schwartz博士:美国新泽西葛兰素史克公司消费者保健部;
【摘自】欧洲临床营养杂志, 201111月第651256-1262 【文献摘要】

方法:通过核磁共振成像和核磁波普分析检测仪器分别测量27个受试者的脂肪组织和脂肪率,且在接下来的3个月通过60mg减肥产品排行榜首位来利奥利司他并结合低热量低脂的饮食来进行治疗。 结果:观察到受试者的腹内脂肪组织减少了10.6%,皮下脂肪减少了11.7%,心包肥胖体积减少了9.8%,肝内脂肪减少了43.3%。这些身体脂肪含量分布变化的同时,也伴随着着血脂水平的改善和血压、率的降低。
结论:减肥产品排行榜首位来利奥利司他60mg可有效降低体重、全身脂肪量、内脏脂肪量,并有降低肌间脂肪和肝脏脂肪的趋势。 【文献原文】
Pragmatic study of orlistat 60mg on abdominal
obesity Author: E. Louise Thomas PhDa, Aidan Makwana M. Engb, Rexford NewbouldPhDb, Anil W. Rao
PhDb, Giulio
GambarotaPhDb, Gary Frost PhDc, Bruno DelafontMSe, Rajesh G.
Mishra MD PhDf, Paul M. Matthews MD DPhilb,d, Evan S. BerkPhDf, Susan M. Schwartz PhDf, Jimmy D Bell PhDa, John D. Beaver PhDb Author information
G. Derosa MD PhDDepartment of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; A.F.G. Cicero MD PhD; A.DAngelo BD PhD; E. Fogari MD and P. MaffioliMD : Department of Internal Medicine, Aging and Kidney diseases, G. Descovich Atherosclerosis study Center, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Quote From: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 65, 1256-1262(November 2011 ABSTRACT
Background and Aims: It is well established combining a reduced calorie, low fat diet with the lipase inhibitor orlistat, results in significantly greater weight loss than placebo plus diet. This weight loss is accompanied by changes in adipose tissue (AT distribution. Since 60mg orlistat is now available as an over-the-counter medication, the primary objective of this study was to determine whether 60mg orlistat is as effective a weight loss option in a free living community population with minimal professional input.
Methods: Adipose tissue and ectopic lipid content were measured using MRI and 1H MR Spectroscopy (MRS, respectively, in 27 subjects following 3 months treatment with orlistat 60mg and a reduced calorie, low-fat diet. Results: Significant reductions in intra-abdominal AT (-10.6%, p=0.023 subcutaneous (-11.7% p<0.0001 and pericardial fat (-9.8%, p=0.034 volumes and intra-hepatocellular lipids (IHCL (-43.3%, p=0.0003 were observed. These changes in body fat content and distribution were accompanied by improvements in plasma lipids and decreases in blood pressure and heart rate. Conclusion: These findings suggest that over-the-counter 60 mg orlistat, in combination with the type of advice a subject could expect to be given when obtaining 60 mg orlistat in a community setting does indeed result in potentially clinically beneficial changes in body composition and risk factors for metabolic diseases.

