
发布时间:2019-09-12 10:41:18

Module 4 Carnival


Many countries have a traditional carnival, which isnt a Christian festival. Today, carnival is an international multicultural experience. Most carnivals fall in February or March. The origins of carnivals are ancient. It dates back to Europe in the Middle Age. The most famous carnival in Europe is in Venice, where people can wear different costumes and masks, dressing themselves up as anyone, even ghost. They use masks and costumes to hide their real identities, pretend to be rich or poor men and do whatever they want in the confusion. At the beginning, carnival in Venice only lasted for one day, later it was extended. Because someone did bad things, carnival was banned and became just a memory for many people. Carnival wasnt revived until the late of 1970s by some students. Every year, large numbers of visitors come to Venice to take part in the great parade. If you want to go there, you must book the hotel in advance. Wandering through the crowded streets, you can enjoy the mystery of the mask and feel very relaxed. Its said that the masks have miraculous magic.,  


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All you will leave behind for the world to remember is your legacy (遗产), but what legacy will you leave? I had a philosophy (哲学) professor, whose untidy appearance was highlighted (突出) by a __1__ sport coat and poor­fitting thick glasses, which often __2__ on the tip of his nose. Every now and then, as most philosophy professors do, he would go off on one of those hard­to­understand Whats the meaning of __3__ discussions. Many of those discussions went __4__ but there were a few that really hit home (切中要害). This was one of them.

“__5__ to the following questions by a __6__ of hands” my professor instructed.

“How many of you can tell me something about your parents” everyones hand __7__.

“How many of you can tell me something about your grandparents” About three­fourths put up their hands.

“How many of you can tell me something about your great­grandparents” Two out of sixty students __8__ their hands.

“Look around the room” he said, In just two short generations __9__ any of us even know __10__ our own great­grandparents were. Oh sure, maybe we have an old photograph in a musty (发霉的) cigar box. __11__ maybe we know the classic family __12__ about how one of them walked five miles to school barefoot. But how many of us __13__ know who they were, what they thought, what they took pride in, what they were afraid of, or what they dreamed about? Think about that. Within three generations our ancestors are all but forgotten. Will this __14__ to you

“Heres a better question. Look __15__ three generations. You are long __16__. Instead of you sitting in this room, now its your great­grandchildren. What will they have to say __17__ you? Will they know about you? Or will you be __18__ too

“Is your life going to be a __19__ or an example? What legacy will you leave? The __20__ is yours. Class dismissed.

Nobody rose from their seats for five minutes.


1A.well­designed       Bwell­worn

Cwell­ironed Dwell­cut

解析:选B 他的不修边幅突出表现在穿着一件破旧的运动服,戴着非常不合适的厚眼镜。well­worn“穿旧了的

2A.ran Bstood

Crested Dlay

解析:选C 眼睛经常是搁在鼻尖上。rest意为使支撑在,使搁在……”

3A.life Bfamily

Cwork Dstudy

解析:选A 由下文可知,是开展关于生命的意义的讨论。

4A.somewhere Banywhere

Ceverywhere Dnowhere

解析:选D 很多这样的讨论都是走向了毫无结果

5A.Answer BRespond

CContribute DRelate

解析:选B 教授要求学生用举手来回答问题,respond to回答的意思,answer后面不需要用to,其他两个选项意义不相符。

6A.show Bclap

Ctouch Drub

解析:选A 根据下文,老师希望学生举手“show”回答老师提出的问题,而不是通过拍手“clap”回答问题。

7A.went down Bwent up

Cwent around Dwent forward

解析:选B 每个人的手都举了起来。go up(上升,提高)符合语境。

8A.rose Barose

Craised Daroused

解析:选C rise“升起,为不及物动词;raise“举起,为及物动词;arise“出现arouse“唤起C项符合语境。

9A.almost Bnearly

Cno Dhardly

解析:选D 仅仅隔了两代人,我们所有人都几乎不(hardly)知道我们的太祖父母是谁。

10A.what Bwhere

Cwhich Dwho

解析:选D 此处应填宾语从句的连接词。由上下文可知,选择who

11A.Or BAnd

CBut DSo

解析:选A 根据上下文,对祖父母的了解仅限于一张发霉的照片或者是一个经典的家人熟悉的故事。

12A.history Bstory

Ctree Dsong

解析:选B 根据下文,如何光着脚走五英里应该是关于太祖父母的一个故事。

13A.simply Broughly

Cgenerally Dreally

解析:选D 根据句意应选择really

14A.happen Bbelong

Crefer Dpass

解析:选A 句意这样的事情会发生在你的身上吗?”happen to发生。

15A.back Bahead

Cfor Daround

解析:选B 根据下文,哲学老师让大家想象三代后,大家的子孙想起自己时会说些什么,因此需要大家向前展望,因此选择ahead

16A.ready Balive

Cgone Dlost

解析:选C gone作形容词使用,表示消失了,不见了,这里指三代过后,人已经不在了。

17A.to Bfor

Cbehind Dabout

解析:选D 根据句意,此处应表示关于

18A.forgotten Bremembered

Crespected Dscolded

解析:选A 根据上文“Within three generations our ancestors are all but forgotten.”可知此处应为被忘记

19A.learning Bmeaning

Cwarning Dturning

解析:选C 根据上下文,你的生活对后人来说是一个警醒还是一个榜样。or连接意义相反的两个词,此处应该选择warning,意思上与example相呼应。

20A.way Breason

Cexplanation Dchoice

解析:选D 根据上下文,此处的意思是选择的权利在你自己的手中


The custom of celebrating from the end of January until mid­February has long been popular in Quebec City, Canada. The first large Winter Carnival here, in the worlds snow capital, took place in 1894. Faced with winters hardships, the citys population made this popular tradition into a winter celebration that warmed the hearts of all people.

Interrupted by two wars and then the economic crisis of 1929, the Carnival was held from time to time until the second half of the 20th century. In 1954, a group of business people restarted the festivities. That year, Bonhomme was born and was elected the events representative.

The next year, the first official Quebec Winter Carnival took place. The Carnival snowballed into a big event and was important for tourism and economic activity in the city.

From one winter to the next, the Carnival enriched its activity programme. They have since added even more popular activities, such as winter sports, snow sculptures (雕塑), and activities based on the traditional Quebec lifestyle, such as dogsled (狗拉雪橇) races. The Quebec Winter Carnival is the largest winter carnival in the world today, and is third on the list of Top Carnivals after the famous carnivals in Rio and New Orleans.


The people living along Rue Sainte­Therese created many snow or ice sculptures, and this location became known as Carnival Street.


The name of Bonhomme Carnival and his image became registered trademarks.


A new tradition was born: closing the event with a firework display.


A new activity, called The Break, was created, on Friday from noon till midnight. Many employers gave their employees time off so they could go dancing at the Quebec City Convention Centre. The event continued to be held until 1986, sometimes late into the night.


Until 1991, the Carnival offered a childrens sculpture competition.


The snow bath became part of the programme.


Because of the importance of volunteers, the human resources department was created to improve organisation.


1We can know from the passage that Quebec City ________.

Ais very cold all year round

Bis known as the worlds snow capital

Chas the largest population in Canada

Dholds several carnivals each year

解析:选B 细节理解题。从第一段的第一、二句可知B项正确。

2The first official Quebec Winter Carnival was held in ________.

A1894 B1895

C1954 D1955

解析:选D 细节理解题。从第二段的第二句和第三段第一句可知答案为D项。

3In 1976, which of the following activities were held during the Quebec Winter Carnival?

①The snow bath.

②The Break.

③A childrens sculpture competition.

④A firework display at the end of the event.

A①② B①③

C②④ D①④

解析:选C 细节理解题。从19701975两段的描述中可知“The Break”和活动结束时放烟花的活动在1976年举行了。

4What is the best title for the passage?

AHistory of the Quebec Winter Carnival

BWelcome to the Quebec Winter Carnival

CActivities During the Quebec Winter Carnival

DImportance of the Quebec Winter Carnival

解析:选A 标题归纳题。文章前四段讲述了魁北克冬季嘉年华发展到现在的历程和现状,后面的部分重点介绍了历史上的重要事件,文章以“History of the Quebec Winter Carnival”为题最合适。

加餐练() 主观题规范增分练


Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asias biggest building and fancy new hotels. But for tourists like me, pandas are its top __1__ (attract)

So it was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not­for­profit Panda Base, where ticket money helps pay for research. I __2__ (allow) to get up close to these cute animals at the 600­acre centre. From tomorrow, I will be their UK ambassador. The title will be __3__ (official) given to me at a ceremony in London. But my connection with pandas goes back __4__ my days on a TV show in the mid­1980s, __5__ I was the first Western TV reporter __6__ (permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild. My ambassadorial duties will include __7__ (introduce) British visitors to the 120­plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research centre in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.

On my recent visit, I held a lively three­month­old twin that had been rejected by __8__ (it) mother.The nursery team switches him every few __9__ (day) with his sister so that while one is being bottle­fed, __10__ other is with mum she never suspects.

1________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________

5________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________

9________ 10.________

答案:1.attraction 2.was allowed 3.officially 4.to 5.then 6.permitted 7.introducing 8.its 9.days 10.the


Im gladly to receive your novel. Thank you for such lovely a gift, for I had been expecting it for a long time. This novel offers to me more understanding of American society and daily life. I know youre interesting in Chinese festivals, therefore I have chosen an album of paper­cutting for you. Paper­cutting is unique form of Chinese cultural relics, that is often used as a decoration for a joyful atmosphere. I hope it will bring happiness and lucks to your family as it always did in China.

Im expecting you to come to China and experience the rich culture on person.


第二句:suchso; hadhave



第五句:unique前加a; thatwhich

第六句:lucksluck; diddoes










Hi, Julia

Yours truly

Li Hua


Hi, Julia

As you know, the Mid­Autumn Festival is just around the corner. Our class plans to hold a Mid­Autumn Festival party. Id like to invite you to join us.

The party will begin at 730 pm on the school playground, during which we will enjoy some performances, like cross talk and dance. Theres no doubt that we will taste various mooncakes with different kinds of fillings while admiring the full moon and watching the wonderful performances. As a foreign guest, I think you may be invited to give performances, so youd better prepare ahead of time.

Looking forward to your coming.

Yours truly

Li Hua

              (Modules 34)

第一部分 听力 (满分30分,限时20分钟)



1What does the womans son do most probably?

AA postman.  BA policeman.  CA guard.

2Why is the woman late?

AThe traffic was heavy.

BThe bus broke down.

CShe took the wrong bus.

3What do we know from the conversation?

AThe woman lost her new book.

BThe man will buy a new book.

CThe man doesnt care about the book.

4How long does the man work every week?

AFor 50 hours. BFor 55 hours. CFor 66 hours.

5Who travelled with the man last month?

AJeff and Richard.

BThe mans dog.

CNo one.




6Where does this conversation probably take place?

AIn a store. BIn a restaurant. CIn a museum.

7How much does the woman pay for the bowl?

A60 dollars. B80 dollars. C90 dollars.


8Why didnt the father follow the old family recipe?

AOne page is missing.

BHe has his own recipe.

CHe cant find the recipe.

9What does the girl think of the pizza?

ATerrible. BTasty. CUnusual.


10How much did Laura earn a day for her first job?

A8 pounds. B12 pounds. C40 pounds.

11Why did Laura leave her first job?

AThe shoe shop closed down.

BShe had to study for her exams.

CA new shoe shop was short of hands.

12How long did Laura work in the shoe shops all together?

AFor 18 months.

BFor 21 months.

CFor two years.


13What do we know about the house?

AIt is large.

BIt has one bedroom.

CIt needs fixing.

14What is the man planning to buy?

AA garden. BA house. CA farm.

15What does the man suggest the woman growing?

ACorn. BRice. CPotatoes.

16How do they get the money?

AThey will get a bank loan.

BThey have saved enough.

CThey will borrow from friends.


17Which competition was held last year?

ASinging Competition.

BReading Competition.

CDancing Competition.

18What is the purpose of the Pet Competition?

ATo help students select suitable pets.

BTo teach students how to look after pets.

CTo tell students loving animals is important.

19What will be at the Pet Competition?

AA lesson on dogs.

BA dog beauty contest.

CA dogs ability test.

20What do we know about the Pet Competition?

AStudents will bring their pets.

BStudents can vote for the dogs.

CStudents need to pay for the competition.

答案:15 ACCCB 610 ABAAB

1115 ABCCC 1620 BBCBB


(Text 1)

WHello, this is Susan Howard. May I speak to my son, please?

MIm sorry. Hes still out on his duty delivering letters. Shall I take a message?

(Text 2)

WIm sorry Im late.

MOh, thats all right. I just wondered what was keeping you. The traffic?

WNo, it was the bus I took. I took the wrong one. That was a disaster for me.

(Text 3)

WIm sorry, but I cant find the book you lent to me.

MOh, thats all right.

WI must apologize. Ill buy you a new one tomorrow.

MNo, please dont. I couldnt let you do that. Its an old book. Just let it go.

(Text 4)

WWhat time do you start working?

MI work from 9 to 3. Then I start again at 530 and work until 1030, six days a week.

WAnd do you have to work at the weekend?

MOh, yes, thats our busiest time.

(Text 5)

WDid you go on a trip alone or with your friends last month?

MI was planning to go with Jeff and Richard, but they both couldnt spare the time.

WWhat did you do with your dog while you were away?

MOh, Tom is a good traveler, as long as he gets a chance to play.

(Text 6)

WExcuse me. How much do you want for this bowl?

MDont move it. Its easy to break. Thats one piece of outstanding glass in perfect shape. Its worth 150 dollars.

WOh, I couldnt possibly pay that much.

MHold on, lady. I said it was worth 150 dollars but I can give it to you for only 120 dollars.

WIll give you 60 dollars.

M60! Come on, lady. Youve got to be kidding. I paid more than that for it myself. Take it for 90 dollars. I cant go any lower than that.

WWell, maybe I could give you 80 dollars.

MOK. Let me wrap it up for you. There you are, lady, a real bargain.

(Text 7)

MTime to eat!

WIm starving. Oh, whats that? Where is Mom?

MNow, Mom put me in charge of dinner tonight.

WBut what is it? Whats the smell?

MIts pizza. I just followed an old family recipe here.

WLet me see. Oh, Dad. Youre missing a page!

MWell, I couldnt find the second page of the recipe, but dont worry. I have plenty of experience around the house.

WThats not what Mom said.

MHere let us try a piece first. This is great.

WDad, you put a little too much salt in it. Besides, its burned. And whats that?

MThats just part of my own recipe. I added some pumpkin.

WOh, not another one of your surprises. Pumpkin doesnt go with pizza!

(Text 8)

MLaura, what was your first job?

WThe first job I had was a sales assistant in a shoe shop. When I was fifteen, I got my first job and I used to work every Saturday for 8 hours a day and I used to earn 1.5 pounds per hour.

MIt doesnt sound like very much.

WNo, so in England now, the minimum may be 5 pounds.

MOh, wow! So how long did you work at this job?

WI worked all together in three different shoe shops. In the first one I worked for a year and then it closed down. After that they moved me to another one, the same company. Three months later they moved me to a new shoe shop because they were short of hands. But half a year later I left my job when I had to study for my exams at school.

(Text 9)

WOh, where are we going?

MI want to show you something.

WI know, but what is it?

MA farm. Its just down this road. Its a small place, but at least it would be our own.

WA farm? How can we afford to buy a farm?

MIt isnt large, only 1 acre. We wouldnt have to pay very much right now.

WIs there a house on the farm?

MA small one, two bedrooms, but it needs to be fixed up a little. I can do the job myself.

WOK. Is there enough space for a kitchen garden?

MThere is about half an acre behind the house. Thats plenty of space. We can probably grow a lot of our own food.

WWhat are you thinking about growing?

MWell, it really isnt big enough for corn. I thought we might try to raise a crop of potatoes.

WDo we have enough money to get all of these?

MI think weve saved enough. We can also ask John about the money he borrowed from us.

(Text 10)

(W) Good morning, boys and girls. As we know, in the past years our school held many competitions successfully every year, like Singing Competition and Dancing Competition. In fact I do know most of the students will want to have the Reading Competition as was held last year. But, now well have something that may be much more fun. Its the Pet Competition! Well, in fact, it aims at letting all students know the importance of loving animals. Nowadays, too many people cant treat animals so well. They do not think carefully before getting a pet.

At the competition, you will not be disappointed because our teachers will not give you boring lessons to ask you to love animals. Instead, we can all learn something from a relaxing environment. Theres a dog beauty contest and we will choose the best dog. The competition will be based on the dogs ability. Unfortunately this competition is not open to your pets this year. Our school has selected five dogs for this competition. That means, we can just sit back and enjoy. So please come to join this event and vote for your favorite dogs! How can you afford to miss such an educational and fun event of the year?

第二部分 阅读理解 (满分40分,限时35分钟)




Are you planning for your first ever international trip? No worries! We have a list of places that are perfect for first­time getaways.


Bali is ever charming. Photographs cannot describe the beauty of its beaches, coral reefs, temples and forest areas. The temples, especially Tanah Lot, are quite a sight. The Mt. Batur is another amazing experience.

Top attractions: Tanah Lot, Kuta Beach, Nusa Dua and Jimbaran Beach.


Maldives is an amazing beach destination. Here you can spend quality time away from the city life. Its bright blue shoreline, clean air and white sand can make you start feeling as if you had landed in heaven. Then you get on a seaplane to the hotel that you have booked. The seaplane journey is an adventure that helps you see some of the most beautiful islands.

Top attractions: water sports, beach and outdoor activities, local markets and more.


Whether you are into scenic beauty, adventure, or food, this island will not disappoint you. Mark Twain said, Mauritius was made first and then heaven. You can spend an evening in Port Louis and have dinner in Namaste Restaurant. Spend all the other days visiting only the beaches. If you are visiting Ile Aux Cerfs, ensure you reach the island as early as possible as it closes at 4 pm.

Top attractions: Grand Bay, Blue Bay, skydiving and bird watching.


Classical buildings stand tall with elegant skyscrapers (摩天大楼) all around the island­city, mixing perfectly with fancy shopping malls. This small country has good enough places for your 56 days stay.

Top attractions: shopping, street foods, museums and theme parks.


21If you are interested in water skiing, which place is the best choice?

ABali.          BMaldives.

CMauritius. DSingapore.

解析:选B 推理判断题。根据Maldives部分的“Top attractions: water sports ...”可知,水上运动最适合在马尔代夫玩,滑水属于水上运动,故选B

22What do we know about Mauritius?

AMark Twain loved Mauritius more than his country.

BPort Louis is not open at daytime.

COnly beaches are worth visiting in Mauritius.

DYou cant visit Ile Aux Cerfs at night.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据Mauritius部分的“If you are visiting Ile Aux Cerfs, ensure you reach the island as early as possible as it closes at 4 pm.”可知,Ile Aux Cerfs在下午四点关门,由此可知在晚上不能参观Ile Aux Cerfs

23What can we learn from this text?

AYoure not allowed to take pictures in Bali.

BPeople take seaplanes rather than ships in Maldives.

CSingapore combines the classical and modern culture.

DSummer is the best time to visit the four places.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据Singapore部分“Classical buildings stand tall with elegant skyscrapers (摩天大楼) all around the island­city ...”可知新加坡融合了古典与现代文化。


People in the United States honour their parents with two special days: Mothers Day, on the second Sunday in May, and Fathers Day, on the third Sunday in June.

Mothers Day was proclaimed a day for national observance by President Woodrow Wilson in 1914. Anna Jarvis from Grafton, West Virginia, had started the idea to have a day to honour mothers. She was the one who chose the second Sunday in May and also began the custom of wearing a carnation.

In 1909, Mrs Dodd from Spokane, Washington, thought of the idea of a day to honour fathers. She wanted to honour her own father, William Smart. After her mother died, he had the responsibility of raising a family of five sons and a daughter. In 1910, the first Fathers Day was observed in Spokane. Senator Margaret Chase Smith helped to establish Fathers Day as a national commemorative day in 1972.

These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents. They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens. They give love and care.

These two special days are celebrated in many different ways. On Mothers Day people wear carnations. A red one symbolizes a living mother. A white one shows that the mother is dead. Many people attend religious services to honour parents. It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit the cemetery. On these days families get together at home, as well as in restaurants. They often have outdoor barbecues for Fathers Day. These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.


24According to the passage, which of the following about the second Sunday in May is NOT true?

AIt is a day to show love to mothers.

BIt is a day to wear carnations.

CIt is a day for people to visit the cemetery.

DIt is a day for many people to attend religious services.

解析:选C 细节理解题。C选项的说法不够准确。五月的第二个周日是母亲节,在这一天有些父母去世的人会去墓地祭拜父母。故选C项。

25Choose the right time order of the following events.

aThe first Fathers Day was observed.

bMothers Day was proclaimed a day for national observance.

cFathers Day became a day for national observance.

dThe idea of honouring fathers was brought up.

Aa, b, c, d Bd, a, b, c

Cb, a, c, d Dd, a, c, b

解析:选B 逻辑排序题。可根据第二段及第三段关于母亲节及父亲节形成的先后顺序来判断。

26From the passage, we know in the US.________.

Aone should wear a red carnation if ones mother passed away

Bon Mothers Day, families often go out to have barbecues

Con Fathers Day, people often stay at home to celebrate the special day

Dthe purpose to have these two special days is to show love to parents

解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第一段内容知,美国人以两个特殊的日子向父母表示敬意,这便是每年五月第二个星期日的母亲节和六月第三个星期日的父亲节。

27The authors purpose of writing this passage is to ________.

Acall on people to love and respect their parents

Bintroduce Mothers Day and Fathers Day

Ctell the difference between Mothers Day and Fathers Day

Dshow how important fathers and mothers are

解析:选B 写作意图题。写这篇文章的目的是介绍母亲节和父亲节。


Oriana Fallaci, born on June 29, 1929, was an Italian journalist, author, and political interviewer. She created a new method of interviewing. In her view, the best way of reporting is putting yourself in your report. The reporter is also a center and an actor” she once said. This original view helped her get the name of the queen of news interviews”.

During World War she had a long and successful journalistic career. Fallaci became famous worldwide for her reporting of war and revolution, and her interviews with many world leaders during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Her book Interview with History contains lots of natural, long and penetrating (犀利的) interviews with many leaders from all over the world. One of the leaders once described the interview with Fallaci asthe_single_most_unfortunate conversation I have ever had with any member of the press.

Fallaci began her career in journalism during her teens, becoming a special reporter for an Italian paper in 1946. In 1967, she worked as a war reporter, covering many famous wars. It is really an awful period for me. For many times, I thought my life would end in smoke and fires. At that moment, I just hoped those pictures and letters could be found by those who would find my body and make them known to the world. Fallaci said.

Fallaci had received many awards in her life. On November 30, 2005, in New York City, Fallaci received the Annie Taylor Award for courage from the Center for the Study of Popular Culture. The Annie Taylor Award is annually awarded to people who have shown unusual courage in adverse (不利的) conditions and great danger. David Horowitz, the founder of the center, described Fallaci as a General in the fight for freedom”.

Fallaci received much admiration as well as disapproval, but it cannot be denied that she is one of the most famous journalists, just like people honored her asThe female journalist of world No.1”.


28What can we infer from the the single most unfortunate conversation”?

AMost leaders interviewed hated Fallaci.

BFallaci always made interviewees feel bored.

CFallacis interview was difficult to deal with.

DFallacis methods of interviewing were very terrible.

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据句意可知,其中一位领导者认为法拉奇是唯一一个能让被采访者感到惊险的记者。可见,法拉奇的采访方式独特且犀利,很难应付。

29From Paragraph 3, we can see Fallaci was ________.

Acourageous and selfless

Bambitious and confident

Cproud and selfish

Ddetermined and easy­going

解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第三段中法拉奇的自述可以看出,她是一个为事业无私奉献且勇敢的女性。

30Why was Fallaci awarded the Annie Taylor Award?

ABecause of her selflessness to people.

BBecause of her interview with world leaders.

CBecause of the published book she had written.

DBecause of her courage to fight with difficulties and danger.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The Annie Taylor Award is annually awarded to people who have shown unusual courage in adverse (不利的) conditions and great danger.”可知,法拉奇获得这个奖的原因是她敢于与困难和危险作斗争。

31What is the authors attitude toward Fallaci?

AAdmired. BWorried.

CDissatisfied. DUninterested.

解析:选A 观点态度题。根据最后一段中的“but it cannot be denied that she is one of the most famous journalists, just like people honored her as The female journalist of world No.1可知作者对法拉奇持一种钦佩的态度。


The spirit of Thanksgiving is all about showing gratitude for your good fortune and giving to those who are less fortunate. Express your thanks this holiday season by involving the whole family in volunteering, donating, and spreading kindness. Try these great ideas to teach your children graciousness (仁慈) and goodwill. And dont forget — you can use these ideas all year round!

Visit a hospital.

The hospital can be a very lonely place for patients, especially during the holidays. Spend some of your time this holiday season with those who arent able to be at home. You might visit the childrens hospital and hand out stuffed animals or treats to children who need the extra cheer. Ask your kids to pick out a gift they think a kid like them would love.

Volunteer at an animal shelter.

Its important to keep your family and friends in mind during the holidays, but dont forget the animals! Hundreds of homeless animals need your time, love, and hugs, too. Take your son or daughter to an animal shelter to volunteer for a day, or sign up to volunteer once a week to spread the love throughout the year. And if your family is ready for a pet, adopt one of your own!

Donate money or volunteer at a womens shelter or an orphanage.

Give a Thanksgiving gift to one or more of the shelters or homes in your community. Your gift can be anything from a turkey to a homemade decoration or a toy. For an extra­special gift, take time out of your busy holiday schedule and help out by serving food at a homeless shelter. You undoubtedly will brighten many spirits, including your own.

Invite extra guests to join your family for dinner.

The holidays are a time for giving and togetherness. If you know someone who will be alone for the holidays, make them feel loved by inviting them to your familys holiday dinner this year. The more, the merrier!


32What does this passage mainly about?

AHow to give thanks this Thanksgiving.

BWhat to do when visiting a hospital.

CWays to care for your neighbors.

DWhat Thanksgiving is about.

解析:选A 主旨大意题。根据第一段第二、三句可知本文主要告诉读者如何在这个感恩节通过做善事来感恩,故选A项。

33Who might be interested in this passage?

AScientists. BArtists.

CManagers. DParents.

解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第一段第三句中的your children以及第二段最后一句中的your kids等可知本文的潜在读者群为父母,故选D项。

34Which of the following is RIGHT?

AWe can let our kids ask for gifts from others.

BWe can adopt one homeless animal if were ready.

CWe must donate a big sum of money to an orphanage.

DFor our safety, we cant invite strangers to our home.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知如果家里人想养宠物,就可以收养一只,故选B项。

35According to the author, helping homeless animals ________.

Aisnt as important as helping people

Bis a little silly and a waste of time

Cis also very important to us

Dcan help us become patient

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第三段第一、二句可知作者认为关爱无家可归的动物也很重要,故选C项。



Whats the biggest problem with memory skills? __36__ There are many memory skills that work well, but youll forget them when you need them most — unless you make using them a habit.So when you take the time to learn a technique, use it until it becomes automatic. Here are some for you to have a try.

Use a story­list. As a child, I went to a party. There was a game that involved looking at a table covered in fifteen various items. __37__ Finally, one boy won the prize by remembering all fifteen items. Later, I learned why he won. His father taught him a simple trick that none of us other kids knew. The skill is to tie the items together in an imaginative story.

__38__ When you learn a persons name, for example, tell yourself, Remember that. This signals your unconscious (潜意识的) mind to rank this input as more important.

Know why you want to remember something, and how youll remember it. To remember a person, for example, ask why theyll be important to you in the future, imagine where youll see them next, and connect that to anything you notice about them. Seeing the importance of remembering really helps. __39__

Do you ever forget where you put your keys? You have probably tried retracing (追溯) your steps, at least doing it in your imagination. __40__ When you set the keys on the chair, see yourself walking in and setting the keys on the chair. You wont forget where they are.

There are many more of these memory tricks. If you want them to be useful, though, dont just read about them. Make one or two memory skills a habit and start today.

ATell yourself to remember.

BWhere can you pick up these skills?

CThe answer is remembering to use them.

DIt is not easy for us to learn memory techniques.

EWe had to write down as many items as we could remember.

FAdditional connections can set the memory more firmly in your brain.

GThis can work well, but even better is to prevent the forgetting beforehand.

答案:3640 CEAFG

第三部分 语言知识运用 (满分45分,限时30分钟)


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

England was one of the first countries to set aside a day to recognize mothers. In the eighteenth century, __41__ many people worked as household servants for the __42__“Mothering Sunday was __43__ for them to return home to be with their mothers. Though this __44__ stopped when the Industrial Revolution altered the working and living patterns of people, one __45__ for mothers was established as a holiday in the twentieth century.

In the United States, Mothers Day did not become a(n) __46__ holiday until 1915. Its establishment was __47__ due to the perseverance and love of one __48__ Anna Jarvis. Annas mother had provided strength and support as the family __49__ their home in West Virginia and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania __50__ her father served as a minister.

When Mrs Jarvis died on May 5, 1905, Anna was determined to __51__ her. She asked a minister at the church in West Virginia to give a sermon (布道) __52__ memory of her mother. On the same Sunday in Philadelphia, ministers there honoured Mrs Jarvis and all mothers with a(n) __53__ Mothers Day service. Anna Jarvis began writing to congressmen, asking them to __54__ a day to honour mothers. In 1910, the governor of West Virginia proclaimed the second Sunday in May as Mothers Day and a year later every state __55__ it.

On Mothers Day morning some American children __56__ the tradition of serving their mothers breakfast in bed. Other children will give their mothers __57__ which they have made themselves or bought in __58__. Adults give their mothers red carnations, the official Mothers Day flower. If their mothers __59__ they may bring white carnations to their grave sites. This is the busiest day of the year for American __60__. On the special day, family members do not want Mom to cook dinner!


41A.before         Bsince

Cuntil Dwhen

解析:选D 句意:18世纪的时候,很多人的工作是当富人家里的佣人。分析句式可知,本句为定语从句,先行词为“the eighteenth century”,因定语从句中缺少时间状语成分,故应用 when 来引导。

42A.poor Brich

Cliving Dinjured

解析:选B 根据语境可知,应该是给富人(the rich)”家里当佣人。定冠词 the 与形容词连用,可表示一类人

43A.protected Bchanged

Creserved Dpersuaded

解析:选C 句意:“Mothering Sunday 被留作为她们回家探望母亲的日子。A项意为保护B项意为改变C项意为保留,预约D项意为劝服 be reserved for ... 意为……留出,保留,符合题意。

44A.custom Bform

Chabit Dplan

解析:选A 根据上文内容可知,如果“Mothering Sunday 一直被留作为回家探望母亲的日子而延续下来就会变为一种习俗。所以 custom “风俗,习俗最符合语境。

45A.Monday BWednesday

CFriday DSunday

解析:选D 根据上文Mothering Sunday was __43__ for them ... their mothers. 可知,星期天这一天是专门为母亲而设立的节日,所以应用 Sunday 一词。

46A.ordinary Bofficial

Cregular Dcommon

解析:选B 根据第四段倒数第四句中“the official Mothers Day flower”以及“official holiday”意为法定假日可知,答案选B

47A.nearly Bdeeply

Clargely Dhighly

解析:选C 根据下文内容可知,安娜·贾维斯对于母亲节的设立起了很大作用,largely 意为在很大程度上,因此应用 largely 一词。

48A.daughter Bsister

Cmother Dwaitress

解析:选A 根据下文中“Annas mother had provided ...”可知,安娜·贾维斯是这位母亲的女儿。

49A.destroyed Bfound

Cleft Dmade

解析:选D 句意:当他们一家在弗吉尼亚费城和宾夕法尼亚安家时,安娜的母亲提供了很大的帮助和支持。 make ones home 意为安家,安身,符合语意。

50A.when Bwhere

Cwhy Dhow

解析:选B 句意:安娜的父亲在宾夕法尼亚担任牧师一职。分析句式可知,本句为定语从句,where 在从句中作地点状语。

51A.reward ` Baward

Chonour Dinspire

解析:选C 根据文章第三段第三句中“ministers there honoured Mrs Jarvis ...”可知,答案选C

52A.in Bat

Con Dfor

解析:选A 句意:为了悼念她的母亲,安娜在弗吉尼亚的教堂里请了一位牧师来布道。此处表示为了悼念她的母亲in memory of 意为……的纪念,符合语意。

53A.easy Bexpensive

Csimple Dspecial

解析:选D 根据最后一段最后一句“On the special day, family ... cook dinner可知,答案选D

54A.put off Bgive up

Cset aside Dtake on

解析:选C 根据本文开头“England was one of ... to set aside a day to recognize mothers.”可知,答案选C

55A.understood Bcelebrated

Creceived Dprevented

解析:选B 联系语境可知,母亲节已被设定为一个节日,所以应为“celebrate”,故答案选B

56A.support Brefuse

Caccept Dfollow

解析:选D 句意:在母亲节的早晨,美国的孩子会遵循传统,将早饭端到母亲床边。follow the tradition 意为遵循传统,按照传统,符合语意。

57A.gifts Bletters

Ccalls Dtoys

解析:选A 句意:其他的孩子会给妈妈礼物,这些礼物或者是他们亲手制作的,或者是在商店里买的。A项意为礼物B项意为信件C项意为电话D项意为玩具。根据句意可知,答案选A

58A.schools Bchurches

Chospitals Dstores

解析:选D 根据上文中“bought”可知,礼物应该在商店中买到,而ABC三项均与题意不符。

59A.went ahead Bmoved on

Cpassed away Dstayed up

解析:选C 根据下文“they may bring white ... to their grave sites”可知,将康乃馨带去墓地可以推出,他们的母亲应该是去世了。

60A.departments Brestaurants

Coffices Dmarkets

解析:选B 根据下文“On the special day, family members do not want Mom to cook dinner可知,由于在这一天不想让母亲再去做饭,所以这一天对于饭店来说是最忙的一天。



What can keep your brain young and active? Marie Pasinski, __61__ doctor from Massachusetts General Hospitalsays, New experiences as well as a good snack.

The next time you feel __62__ (bore) at the pool, play a board game or cards. Exercising your mind with a challenging game that requires brainpower, like chess or bridge (桥牌)is more than just fun. These __63__(type) of games are so interesting __64__ they can build up working memory. Traveling, especially in the places where English isnt spoken, can make you __65__(smart) and more intelligent. There is a great deal of recent research proving its benefits.

On the other handeat more nuts! Not only are nuts the perfect snack for a summer road trip, they also keep your mind sharp. Some nuts are rich in magnesium (), __66__ can improve learning skills and memory of mice. The research __67__(publish) in the Journal Neuron last month. Another study at New York State Institute also proved the point, __68__ (show) that mice who ate nuts made __69__ (improve) in learningmemory, emotional regulation and movementscompared with __70__(that)who didnt eat nuts.

61________ 62.________ 63.________ 64.________

65________ 66.________ 67.________ 68.________

69________ 70.________

答案:61.a 62.bored 63.types 64.that 65.smarter 66.which 67.was published 68.showing 69.improvements 70.those

第四部分 写作 (满分35分,限时35分钟)








One day, our teacher told us that we could have an exam and asked us to go over our lessons careful. However, my friend Lisa spend too much time playing computer games. As the result, she had no time to prepare and wanted to copy my answers. I refused her and she became angry with them. In that exam, she got low scores by copying another students answers. She was happy but I advised her tell the teacher the truth. She was angrier. Later, she realized her fault and apologized to the teacher. From then on, I helped her a lot of with her studies and she made great progresses. Not until then did she understand that friendship was.

答案:第一句:couldwould; carefulcarefully 






第九句:去掉of; progressesprogress









参考词汇:节俭 thrift

All teachers, boys and girls

The topic of my speech today is A different and special spring festival in my hometown”.

Thats all. Thank you.


All teachers, boys and girls

The topic of my speech today is A different and special spring festival in my hometown”.

In the past, people and government used to spend lots of time and money making preparations for the Spring Festival. They decorated the houses, bought lots of delicious food and arranged many activities. People had holidays several days before the Eve of the Spring Festival. However, I think it is a waste of money and time.

In order to follow the new policy of thrift, people have changed the values of Spring Festival. People work at their position till the last day of the year. Instead of money­wasting activities, people choose to do meaningful and civilized activities, like square dances and slimming exercises. We will be still in a joyful atmosphere. Personally, I like this kind of Spring Festival better.

Thats all. Thank you.

