
发布时间:2018-11-04 07:48:37

Unit 5单元知识检测


1. Mike was so happy this morning. What (发生)last night ?

2. (突然),she shouted at me but I didnt know why.

3. The police are (搜寻)for the lost old man in the street.

4. About ten million people (回答)to this question on the Internet last week.

5. Jim (想知道)why the little dog was there .

6. -What do you learn in this class ?

-Fish can’t live w water .

7. -When did you get up this morning ?

-My mother woke me up at 5:40 as u .

8. -When did Ann l here ?

-At 8:00 . But she will come again tomorrow .

9. -I’m hungry . Can you give me some p of hamburgers ?

-Of course .

10. Look , he is running so q . Im sure he will win the match .

11. –Do you know any (令人惊奇的)things ?

12. The room is about 13 (倍)larger than that one .

13. Let’s talk about fun (事实).

14. There is a dog in the (灌木丛).

15. Lingling always listens to the teacher (认真地).


1. 一个星期日的早晨 2. 离开公园

3. 坐下 4. 听起来像

5. 听见一声低语 6. 那天晚些时候

7. 转身 8. 像往常一样

9. 告诉她一切 10. 仔细听

11. 不再 12. 一支粉笔

13. 同时 14. 日前,前几天

15. 骑车周游80多个国家


1. Mrs Wu (bring) us a lot of fun when she was our history teacher .

2. -Andy , Children’s Day is coming !

-Yes , my father says he (take) me to watch the new movie .

3. Wang Hong is always the first one (get) to school .

4. -Where we (meet) ?

-At the park gate tomorrow afternoon .

5. Millie , (not be) afraid ! It’s just a dog .

6. She (stay) at home last night .

7. My daughter practises (sing) every morning .

8. There (be) an English film yesterday evening .

9. Mike (join) my group a few weeks ago .

10. Look ! The children (skate) on the ice .

11. you (watch) the video film last night ?

12. He’s afraid of (go) out at night .

13. They decided (help) me wth my lessons .

14. It’s cold outside , so you should keep the door (close) .

15. We can’t live (they) a talk .


(   ) 1. There is time before the train leaves . Let’s have a drink first .

A. little         B. a little          C. few      D. a few

  ) 2. The bottle is milk ?

    A. full       B. full of    C. filled of    D. fill with

(   ) 3. -Isn’t the story interesting?

