
发布时间:2016-10-07 14:29:44

PEP小学英语五(下)Unit5 Look At The Monkeys

第二课时Part B Lets talk教学设计

南昌市松柏小学 付静


本课是PEP英语五年级下册第五单元Part A Lets talk 教材以主人公Chen JieAmy在自然公园的历程,学习和运用现在进行时这一时态,学会如何用现在进行时的特殊疑问句形式进行提问。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关且有一定的教育意义,易于引发学生的思考和模仿交流。






What is she / it doing ?

She’s / It’s …ing.

2)完成书面练习Lets try






2)学习策略:学习过程中注意培养学生合作学习的态度和方法,多观察,多思考。利用Pair work, Group work以及Task time ,培养学生合作学习的意识。



What is she / it doing ?

She’s / It’s …ing.







六、教学步骤:(Teaching steps) 

1.Warming- up(热身)

Hello, children. I’m very happy to be here. I’m your new teacher Miss Fu. Nice to meet you!

T: let’s stand up and do actions.

(1) Chant and do

Walking walking jumping jumping, running running, now let’s stop.

讲解歌词中的内容TThis is (walking,老师做动作,学生复述)

2Free talk

T: Well done. Do you like animals? I like animals very much. I like dogs very much ,they are very cute. What’s your favorite animal?

S1:I like …

T: Yes, they are very cute/lovely/clever. But where are the animals?

S1: They’re at the zoo/in the nature park/forest.

(3) 揭示主题: Today we are going to the nature park and have a look. What are the animals doing? Unit 5 Look at the monkeys (入板书,帖标题)Part A Lets talk. Lets go on our trip. Are you ready? Let’s go!

设计意图:通过歌曲复习存在结构创设一种轻松、和谐的学习氛围。一方面,在Free talk的讨论中揭示本课的学习目标,让学生在接触新课的过程中不会太陌生,另一方面通过自由讨论,拉近了师生距离。

2. Preview(预习)

(1) Ill show you some pictures of animals, Look at the picture and speak it out as quickly as you can (看图抢答) T: Onetwo ,three, go! Ss:读图。

TNowdo you remember What is the doing?”然学生通过回忆复述图片内容,巩固句型结构。


2Great! Next, we are going to listen to a dialogue. Open your books and turn to page 59.Lets try, listen and match. 完成书面上的听力练习,为新授课程进行必要铺垫。

3)情感教育:Wow, these animals are so cute and happy. Let see more pictures about animals.PPT 上出现动物受伤的图片

T What are they doing ?

S: They are crying/dying.

T: So Animals are our good friends, so we should protect animals


3. Presentation(新课呈现)

Next, we are going to visit a nature park with Amy and Chen Jie. We are going to read a new dialogue.

(1) Task 1. Watch the flash and tell me what they can see (in the nature park)?

There are some tips for you.

Learning tip1: Read quickly and get the key information.

(2) Task 2. Under the key words and answer the questions(完成学生任务纸上的练习)

Learning tip2 :Slow down your reading speed and underline the key words.核对关键词。Can you find the key words according to the key words?

解释为什么mother elephant 要用she

(3) Task 3: Read after the tape

4Task 4: Read on role


5Pair workWhat can you see? What is it/she doing?

Lets talk about the animals with your partners. For example(老师示范)

What can you see? I can see a …

What is it doing? It’s …


4. Extension(拓展)

1All the animals are in the forest. They are having a party. What are they doing? Now ,lets design the party.

You can use the beginning with “It’s a sunny day. All the animals are in the forest. They are having a party. Look! …


2Lets chant (chant 改编)

Mother elephant mother elephant, What is she doing?

She’s walking, walking, walking.

Baby elephant baby elephant, What is it doing?

It’s running, running, running

Can you change the chant like this? Monkey , monkey ,what is it doing?

It’s eating, eating bananas.

设计意图:Chant改编以一种轻松活泼的方式总结本课的学习内容,和课程开头的Lets do设计相互呼应。

5总结:Today we went to the nature park. We saw many animals. How do we ask questions? (带着学生根据板书的内容复述句型)


Make a funny book and share the book with your friends.



Unit 5 Look at the Monkeys Part A Let’s talk

What is she doing?

Shes walking.

What is it doing?

Its running.


Answer the questions.

1What is the mother elephant doing?


2What is the baby elephant doing?


Let’s design(设计) the party.

It’s a sunny day. All the animals are in the forest. They’re

having a party. Look! The __________ is _________________ .

The __________ is _____________________. The ___________

is ___________________. I can see a/an _____________.

It’s ____________________. They are very happy.

可供选择的动物有:cat, dog , monkey, tiger, pig , kangaroo, rabbit,

bird, fish, bear, panda, elephant, snake, wolf, lion….

可供选择的动作有:walking, running, jumping, swimming,

flying, eating, drinking water, sleeping,

climbing, singing, dancing….

