
发布时间:2018-05-21 10:18:22


班级 姓名 成绩



1We should’t cut down

2Tina the museum on her holiday.

3Alice a cake by herself yesterday.

4Su Nan skating twice a week.

5It’s ten o’clock . It’s time to English.


1Kevin played the violin at the New Year’s Party.

2Kitty was at school this morning.

3The book was really funny.

4Wu Chen went to the zoo yesterday afternoon.

5The rain boots are behind the door.


1AI did my homework. BI went with my parents.

CI went to Beijing.

2AYes, I did. BNo, she did.

CYes, she did.

3AIt was great. BIt doesn’t matter.

CSounds great.

4AYes, there is. BYes, there was.

CNo, there isn’t.

5AI often play tennis.

BI played football with my friends.

CYes, I did.



1train play day

2call talk walk

3right night light

4loud house coat

5please ready clean


1It’s time for English class. Please t out your English book.

2There is nothing in my w .

3Kevin likes sports and he eats well. So he is h .

4Kitty plays ping-pong with her father t a week.

5The joke is so funny. It made everyone l .


1We’ll get to Beijing 8 o’clock Sunday morning.

Ain;in Bat;in Cat;on

2It’s rainy today. You must put on your .

Aglasses Braincoat CT-shirt

3Li Shan often bread and milk for breakfast.

Ahas Bhave Chad

4Shall we tomorrow? ----All right.

Ago shop Bgo shopping Cto go shopping

5 you English yesterday?

ADo;learn BDid;learned CDid;learn

6My bike in front of the house yesterday.But now it under the tree.

Ais;is Bwas;is Cis;was

7----How often do you play sports?

---- .

AThere are seven BYes,I do CEvery day

8Don’t drink Coke.It’s bad for your teeth.

Atoo much Btoo many Cmany

9---Why not with them? ---I have to do my homework.

Ato play Bplaying Cplay

10When she 8 years old. She all the housework by herself.

Awas;did Bis;did Cis;does


1My sunglasses here just now.(be)

2It’s time English class.(have)

3We went to the zoo and some animals.(see)

4Li Shan often the clothes on Sunday.(wash)

5Did you the bed this morning?(make)


1--Can I go out to ?(打乒乓球)

--Of course, you can.

2There are so many cars in the sky.

They .(污染空气)

3--Let’s in the park next Saturday.(去野餐)

--Good idea.

4--Did you play the guitar at the party?

--No,I .(拉小提琴)

5--What did you do on your holiday?

--I .(去滑冰)


1I sang and danced at the party.(变为一般疑问句)

2I often play football on the weekend.(用last weekend改写句子)

3Kevin goes skating twice a week.(对划线部分提问)

4I was at school yesterday.(对划线部分提问)

5I watched a nice show last weekend.(对划线部分提问)


Last Sunday,I had a wonderful day. I did my homework at first.Then I played basketball with my friends from ten o’clock to eleven thirty. It’s my favourite sport. I play it three or four times a week. After lunch, I had a rest.Then I washed the clothes and cleaned the rooms. At four o’clock, I went to visit my grandparents with my parents. We had a big dinner together. We watched a nice TV show in the evening. We went home at half past eight.

1I played football last Sunday.

2I did my homework on Sunday morning.

3I did housework on Sunday afternoon.

4I didn’t visit my grandparents last Sunday.

5I had a big dinner last Saturday evening.

