
发布时间:2017-02-26 12:37:14

(可作为开头部分)I'm writing this letter to you for the purpose of expressing my views and opinions with regard to....... (可作为中间部分或结尾部分)To solve the problem,I think...... (可作为结尾部分)I hope you find these suggestions helpful.If you would like any further information or have any queries please contact me. (可作为开头部分)The cartoon,simple yet carring rich meaning,shows that...... (可作为中间部分)通过对图画的描写我们很容易想到日常生活中一个充满争议的问题,...对...的影响。 Through the artistic presentation,we can be easily reminded of a controversial issue in our daily life—the effect of the ... on ... (可作为中间部分)和每个重大的社会...一样,...也会产生我们想要的积极影响和不想要的消极影响。 Just like every major social ... ,there are both positive consequences intended and negative consequences unintended...... (可作为中间部分)the more...the more...... (可作为中间部分)I do deam——我的确认为 (可作为结尾部分)In my case,the internet has become a integral part of our lives——不管怎样,XX已成为了我们日常生活中不可或缺的 (可作为中间部分或结尾部分)While enjoying the benefits of... (可作为结尾部分)Let the internet bring conveniences to our life rather than...——兴利除弊 (可作为开头部分或中间部分)many people,old and young,men and women... (可作为开头部分或中间部分)We don't realize that... (可作为中间部分)On the one hand...on the other hand (可作为开头部分或中间部分)An (angry) feeling arises in my mind... (angry可替换为uneasy、bad、sad、suffering、pleasant、pride等等) (可作为开头部分)As illustrated in the picture... (可作为开头部分)The picture is used mainly to (show)... (show可替换为praise、criticize、satirize(讽刺)) (可作为中间部分)I find it (adj) that... (可作为中间部分或结尾部分)it is essential that...重要的是... (可作为结尾部分)In changing ourselves we change the world (可作为开头部分或中间部分)The picture is based on the realities of society... (可作为中间部分或结尾部分)The problem can be solved in several ways. (可作为中间部分)I want to do whatever I can do to help them. (可作为中间部分)I would particularly(特别、尤其) like to donate(捐赠、捐献) (可作为开头部分)To whom it may concern, ... (可作为中间部分)To tell the tryth, ... (可作为结尾部分)I hope that you find my suggestions helpful in your decision making concerning... (可作为结尾部分)Yours Sincerely, (可作为中间部分)In my opinion, ... (可作为中间部分)What's more, ...

