2018届高考英语(译林版)总复习真题研练60 Word版含解析

发布时间:2019-04-19 04:06:12

Task 1:阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(ABCD)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

(2014·新课标全国)As a general ruleall forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine(常规)basis.As a matter of factwe can see this__1__at work in people of all__2__.For exampleon Christmas morningchildren are excited about__3__with their new toys.But their__4__soon wears off and by January those__5__toys can be found put away in the basement.The world is full of__6__stamp albums and unfinished modelseach standing as a monument to someone's__7__interest.When parents bring home a pettheir child__8__bathes it and brushes its fur.Within a short timehoweverthe__9__of caring for the animal is handed over to the parents.Adolescents enter high school with great__10__but are soon looking forward to__11__.The same is true of the young adults going to college.And thenhow many__12__who now complain(抱怨)about the long drives to work__13__drove for hours at a time when they first__14__their driver's licenses(执照)Before people retirethey usually__15__to do a lot of__16__thingswhich they never had__17__to do while working.But__18__after retirementthe golfingthe fishingthe reading and all of the other pastimes become as boring as the jobs they__19__.Andlike the child in Januarythey go searching for new__20__.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文,在人的一生中会有很多兴趣与爱好,但是当这些兴趣和爱好成为常规,即经常要做的事情时,人们很快就会对他们失去兴趣,转而寻找新的兴趣与爱好了。作者在本文中通过不同年龄的孩子、年轻人、成年人以及即将退休的老人的例子告诉了我们这个道理。

1A.principle Bhabit

Cway D.power

答案 A [名词词义辨析题。通常来说,当各种活动变成常规的时候都会让人厌倦。实际上这一定律在各个年龄段的人身上都有反映。本句中的principle定律,原则,指经常出现的情况。]

2A.parties B.races

C.countries D.ages

答案 D [名词词义辨析题。作者在下面列举了小孩子,年轻人,成年人以及将要退休的人的情况,说明各个年龄(ages)段的人都存在这样的情况。]

3A.working B.living

Cplaying D.going

答案 C [背景常识题。小孩当然是很高兴地摆弄玩耍自己的新玩具。play with玩耍,符合语境。]

4A.confidence B.interest

C.anxiety D.sorrow

答案 B [逻辑推理题。根据下文中那些曾经很喜欢的玩具都被放在了地下室里了可知,慢慢地他们对新玩具的兴趣(interest)就消失了。]

5A.same B.extra

C.funny D.expensive

答案 A [逻辑推理题。小孩通常应是对那些缺乏新意的玩具或相同的玩具容易失去兴趣而把它们放到地下室里。应选A]

6A.well­organized B.colorfully­printed

Cnewly­collected D.half­filled

答案 D [逻辑推理题。由下半句中的unfinished即可推测出应选half­filled。句意:世界上到处都是未装满的集邮册和未完成的模型。]

7A.broad B.passing

C.different D.main

答案 B [形容词词义辨析题。这些未装满的集邮册……和未完成的模型都是我们过去的兴趣的纪念物。这些材料能够说明过去(passing)感兴趣的东西最后都会让人厌倦。broad宽阔的;different不同的;main主要的。]

8A.silently B.impatiently

Cgladly D.worriedly

答案 C [逻辑推理题。当父母亲把宠物带回家,孩子们很高兴地(gladly)给宠物洗澡,梳理毛发。这说明在新鲜事物出现的时候,人们总是兴趣浓厚。]

9A.promise B.burden

C.right D.game

答案 B [名词词义辨析题。随着时间的推移,照顾宠物就成为了负担(burden)(成为负担的原因在于他们照顾宠物的兴趣已没有了),这个负担就由父母承担了。promise诺言;burden负担;right权利;game游戏。]

10A.courage B.calmness

Cconfusion D.excitement

答案 D [词汇复现题。根据上文中的excited以及语境可知,与孩子一样,进入高中的年轻人在开始的时候应该是非常兴奋(excitement)]

11A.graduation B.independence

Cresponsibility D.success

答案 A [逻辑推理题。这个例子仍然用来说明年轻人的兴趣也是很快就消失的,因此可知刚进入高中时年轻人很兴奋,但很快他们就厌倦了高中生活,期待着毕业(graduation)]

12A.children B.students

Cadults D.retirees

答案 C [背景常识题。结合空后说那些抱怨开车很长时间上班的人也可推断出是成年人。retirees退休的人一般是不会长时间开车去上班的,因此可排除。很明显应选C]

13A.carefully B.eagerly

C.nervously D.bravely

答案 B [逻辑推理题。刚刚拿到驾照的成年人非常兴奋,急切地(eagerly)连续开车好几个小时,慢慢地他们厌倦了开车。]

14A.required B.obtained

C.noticed D.discovered

答案 B [动词词义辨析题。本句是指成年人在刚刚得到(obtain)驾照的时候无比急切地要去开车。require要求,请求;notice注意到;discover发现。]

15A.need B.learn

Cstart D.plan

答案 D [逻辑推理题。句意:他们在退休之前,计划(plan)在退休之后要做很多事情。need需要;learn学习;start开始。]

16A.great B.strange

C.difficult D.correct

答案 A [形容词词义辨析题。计划要去做很多很棒的(great)事情。strange奇怪的;difficult困难的;correct正确的。]

17A.time B.money

Cskills D.knowledge

答案 A [逻辑推理题。人们在工作的时候从来没有太多的时间(time)去做别的事情。]

18A.only B.well

C.even D.soon

答案 D [副词词义辨析题。退休之前计划很多,但是退休之后这些计划要做的(如高尔夫,钓鱼等)很快都被他们放弃了。因为他们已经没有兴趣了。only仅仅;well好;even甚至。]

19A.lost B.chose

C.left D.quit

答案 C [动词词义辨析题。他们放弃高尔夫等是因为这些爱好和他们离开(left)的工作一样都变得很无聊乏味了。lose失去;choose选择;quit放弃。]

20A.pets B.toys

C.friends D.colleagues

答案 B [逻辑推理题。这些退休的老人和孩子们一样抛弃了以前的兴趣,去找新的玩具(toys)了,也就是说他们去寻找新的兴趣了。]

Task 2:词汇积累

1boredom n. 厌烦,厌倦;无聊

2monument n. 纪念碑

a monument to the dead 死者纪念碑

3adolescent n.青少年 adj.青春期的,青少年的

4retirement n.退休,退职,退役

5as a general rule一般说来

6lead to 导致

7as a matter of fact 事实上

8wear off 磨损,逐渐减弱,逐渐消失

Task 3:语法填空

As a general ruleall forms of activity lead to boredom when they __1__ (perform) on a routine basis.As __2__ matter of factwe can see this principle at work in people of all ages.__3__ exampleon Christmas morningchildren are excited about __4__ (play) with their new toys.But their interest soon wears off and by January those same __5__ (toy) can be found put away in the basement.

答案 1.are performed 2.a 3.For 4.playing 5toys

Task 4:短文改错(下面文字有五处错误,请改正)

When parents bring home a pettheir child bathes it and brushes its fur.Within a short timethe burden of caring for the animal handed over to the parents.Adolescents enter high school with great but are soon looking forward to graduation.The same is true of the young adults to college.

Task 5:攻克长难句(分析句子结构,尝试翻译成汉语)

Before people retirethey usually plan to do a lot of great thingswhich they never had time to do while working.

分析:这是一个主从复合句,Before people retire为时间状语从句,which they never had time to do为定语从句,while working为时间状语。


Task 6:经典句式背诵

The same is true of the young adults going to college.


2018届高考英语(译林版)总复习真题研练60 Word版含解析
